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S.U(r(.1t1:1,:�1,�� -�!���!� � � �:4'�♦ SS- '�1:f1. 7�.t��. 4J S Y S•"t� ,�i Ii. <br /> . .-� ' ....•.. 1'�1�rit -...-��wyM/4C•�r1>.i l,.�ir�k�w�+;'r-'r" ' V`�;.k' 'e' �+. 1`r� ��jt v �-E��d.rt�,ry,.,,,,,,y,,,.yif� i�,��5e � . <br /> � �'��. o,..q{�1� ' � •���tduv.yrt.-�� ���X �t y{ .a..t+"M�1tOMqyq►�� r� .w�!.e.e t -.. <br /> �ti �c�j�'�f' 4 <br /> .. �...p��� ��.yr...:..-. .. .. . . ... W�� � ��iM W'A«t U•. .. , ��(/'n�w ,y��1 <br /> � . ��Kf�}�'il�a. . .• .. . • . � ' .. . <br /> 5 ';� � r � <br /> /'% • - � �._�.. _ , �1;f� _ __ ' . <br /> � .,,a.��.....w..�w.__w...__.�..__�......... y� �-rTr-.:— 'rr,-:� ..__...._......_. - -'-'-. -__.. -�- _. <br /> � Inaurance prsm�ums,ground�e�rta,and alt other oherpes whatsoevcr JevJed upon o�assessad,pfaced or mad�age►nat the 7rust <br /> " . ' � Pipptify.Tivafo�lurthe�agrese,uprn w�itten request by Beaellc�ary,to promptfy dellver to BRneflolary a.'I receipte tar the payment of _ <br /> . , auah aharBea. Tnrsror!lkawlse sg�eos ta poy al!taxas,assosamenfs end othor ohargas�lev/ed upon o�asaessed,placed or rnade �__ <br /> e8aln�t,a maerure�by�tPNa Desd ol Fivat or tAe nK:o�detlon hereol. <br /> 8. Appfloatlon al Piyneents.A►I paymanfa roCatved by Bertellolary ea to any debf,Ileblll y u�obJlgaUon owed to Benaflolary by Tiesia <br /> �� irray be spl►l�Ad by Boneflctary to the payment o/the indebtednnss o�to any auch oUre�debt,llebillty or obffQetfon,!n any order a� <br /> '� ��' � manna�of appiloaUan whlah 8orteflclnry,In Ita absolute d/sotetlon.deems eppropdat�.Unlass olhenvlsa els�ted by Bon�llcJery.arry = -_ <br /> � � auch paymont shsQ ba danmed appllad llnsr ro the payment of any debL ItaDlllry or obl/ge�on atl�e�than rhe Note. ` <br /> 8. Chareos;Uono.Tiustor wl11 koep Iho Tiust Properry hee fiom ep Oens end enCUmb�ert�as whloh!n any way may,/n tho Judgmont o/ �. <br /> ' BonaflCfnry,heva prlo�lty ovor,o�lmpal�the eacu�Ny ol,thlo!)eed o/Yrust Dut Tiu9tor�ead no!dlsoi�arge any t�uch U�n so fong u3 �_J'_ <br /> lyuata ahat►ogreo.ln w�lUng,to pey the obpgadon secured by such Ilen!n a menner eccop tabfe ro BeneNclary end shall in good felth _ <br /> contest such ilon by app�opdate legal pmceedings oNecdve ro prevent tba enfacement of the Uan snd tha losa of any lnterest!n a �:_._, <br /> part of tha 7ruat Piope�ty. �� <br /> ------ <br /> _ - <br /> 7. HezerO InsmanCe. 7nrator ahali keep the bulldinga and ottrer lmprovements now exl8iing or h&raaftor orected on the Trusi roperty ==_. <br /> Insered by lnsurance carders sadsfactory to BeneBclary agalnst loss by Nre,hata►de lncluded in qie feim"extended cove�ege"and ^ �';." <br /> � such other hszerd�,casualdes and condngencles ea may be requlred by BeneAclsry,!n suoh amoums and lor such perlada ea may be ,.: ." <br /> �t requlred by Benel/clary.The podcy ot lnaurance shsll be!n form accepPeb)e to 8eneflclary.provlda that the samo may oat tta . <br /> cancelled or modTlled wllhout NNtt�een(1S)days pdor wdKen noilce b 9eneficJary,end shal!have losa payeble p�ovls/ons In lava o1 end <br /> !n form acceptable to Beneflcfery.All premiums on Insurance pollclea shafl be pald!rr the menner pmvlded under pareg►eph 4 bereof <br /> � or,H not pe!d Jn auch menner,by Tiustormaking peyment et leeat flJtaen(tb)days pdor to tha due date,dlrectly to the insurence :. <br /> � cenie�.Be»eficlary shall have the dght to hold the pollcles and renewels ihereol end Tiustor shell prompUy lumish to BeneNc�ary s1I � <br /> � renewa!noUcea snd a!I pald premlum recelpta iecelved bylt./n no event ahall 8eneficlary or Tiustee ba hetd reapoRalbfe for fallure to G. • <br /> pay/naurertce pre�m!urns or for any loss or dsmage adaing oul oi s delect ln eny pol�y or arlsing oui of eny�ellure of sny Insurance <br /> , cempany to pay f�any tass or damage lnsured ag�atrtst or lor fallure by Trostor to eHect the Insurence requ!►ed d►e event �� <br /> oP�ass,Tiustop shat/gir�Rr+vmpt aa�c�by ma61 fo pOre fn�sa�enCe Csrder end BenaflCiary.8oamlJclary may mske prool of loas H not <br /> � made�navnpti�r or Jn p�opar ta�m 0y Tvust�y AtJ pa.°fctes of fnsuramse and eny and all relunds of uneamed prer►�lums are hereby <br /> � ass/gned to BenaBctary as addifianal sacwrity Por th�payme»t of¢�i� the event of Benellclary's exercise of tha pawe� • <br /> � of saJe comslned herein,er in the ev�nf o9 breotosmre,all dght,d�t�and lnfer�st o1 Tiustor ln evrd to any Insu►ence pollcy then in M�ce <br /> . • shel!pass to the purc�taser at the t►ustee's sale or fcrm�ta�sur�sa.°o.In case aP�ar.y loss,the tnsurance proceeds the optlon of <br /> ' Bene�ciavy,be eppli�d by Beneflclary upon ttae Inv��mt���cr�,or amy�a�t t�ama�e�4,sond in svcfi order and�.�bnt as BeneNclary may <br /> •�:'.,`;`,.�r�1���``:';`.. det�racii�ne:a satd lnsu�arrce the opU��n a'��neflciavy,ma�r eldhmr���,s�d!n rap�m�ing o�restnnm��4�r9 7rust Properly <br /> '^t'�!'• �•:�: '�� pa�da/dy aar mtelty destroyed to a condfdon sa�sfaotory to Beneffcaary;ci eaJd le�seaaan�e p.QOCe��fs,a sny pwdon ihereoP�n��be ' •, <br /> ±.;�•�1:t. .. r,; ; <br /> : :�,�,•;�,• � refe€s��ta Tirrsto�Unless 8enafidaoy and Tiustor otherwlse agreA in wdtlng,are�soc�h ap�li�aibn ollnsurence proceads sfia.'!not <br /> � �';i;;:;.,;�� exten¢I ar postpo»e the due date of Une Note,o►any lnstallments aalfed for thereioa,er changa�.he amount of such Install�ramce;s.!l the <br /> '�'�l:,'r�t,�; Tiust Property!s acqufnad by Bena1lclary pu�sa�ant to the exercise o1 the power o?sale or other foreclosu�e,ell dgbt,title arrd imrerest of <br /> �'�• Tiusmr lae and to en insurance proceeds payable as a result af davnage to td�a Yr�rst Property pdor to the seto or acquisiiti�o»sGra[►Rass <br /> � '{�;•,:,�1.• Y , �• <br /> ;...,, . . to�em�fi�iary and shalf be apA�fed I�rst fo the cosls and expen�ses,inc/ndleg attomey fees,incurred in caJlssting such�e�scs��s,then : �:. <br /> ''� • _;;.�;,.�.,�,er end!n ihe er.rp.�,�,,::��,��p�pin �.�'•: <br /> �t,;� ,. ,•:�,.',, :;;: <br /> 8. Po�sevAtian and Malr+tenanc�aL Tcus�P���erdy.TaustC�►yi1�dcmap tdan 8u1ldings and mth�r im�c�vanrc9nts utoL�v�*Oco.r��?a*mractad on ,,';j;' <br /> �:�1";;,;, tdie 8iust?�operly Jn gaod repair anc�condi�on ansP wr!(,�ot commlY or permiY�rasfe,va�i11 rtot aPeer cha dasign ov sPouc?ursf�P;aracter ;;t:., <br /> coahsi�allm�eny buitd:.rr.�rrow or he�eafler erected�n a:�ad e�anis*2:t*crJ Lha Yr�st R�eo/�eRy withottt Gre pdor�rdt�en consent o/ �,;•�r <br /> Ber+eCciavy,will rr�t c'v a�y act or thing whlch warf�a��dury JmrQasr or dapreclate the velue of the Trust PrcpaRy end wAl aot abandon � <br /> the Tiust�roperty. Tiusta wil!not romove any Bxtures constitubng the Tnrst Properry unless the samo sre lmmedletety ieplaced w1tl► j <br /> pke proparty subJect to the/len and secu�itylnterest of this Deed ot Trust and of st least equal ve/uB end utllfry.Ti�rstor w!p comply wIM :•,._,y <br /> all present end/uture ordinances,reguleUons and requirements of s►ry goven+menta!body which sre appdcable to the Tiust Properry .•;T <br /> and to the xcapancy end use thereof.H thls Deed o/Tiust!s on a unK in a condominlum a a pfanned unit deveJopmenf,Tiustor shall <br /> perlorm all of Trustor's obilgadons ende►the declaratlons or covenants areatlng oi goveming the condominlum or the pfanned unit ,.. <br /> development the by(aws and regulaUons ol the condominlum or planned unii devefopmenb arr�the consGtuent documents. <br /> 9. InspecUon.Beneffclary o�its agents may,at all reasonable times,enter upon the Tiust Prope►ry lor the pmpose of InspeCtlon. <br /> Beneflclery shall have no duty to make such inspectlon and shall not be Ilable to Tiestor o►to any pe►son/n possesslo»H lt makes or � <br /> feils to make any sach/nspectlon. <br /> � 10. Protecdon of Secui(ty.lf Tiustor lails to pedorm any of the covenants snd agreements contslnsd In this Deed of Tiust,or H eny actlon <br /> 1 or proceeding!s commenced whlch does o►may adversely aftect the 7�ust Properry or the brterest ol Tiusror or Beaeflclary thereln or <br /> , the dde of Trustor thereto,lhen Benefrciary,af its opUon,may perlorm such convenants and eg�eements,make sach appeerances, <br /> � defend agalnst and invesGgate such acbon or proceeding and take such othe►acGOn as 8ene5clary deems necessary to protect fts <br /> i Interest including,b+�t not limited to,dis6ursemenf ot reasonabla attomey tees and enfry epon the Tiust Property to mske repalrs.My <br /> emounls d'ubu�sed by Benehclary pwsuant to this paragraph i0,with Interest thereon,shal!constitute Indebtedness o!Trusto► <br /> secured by this Deed o/7rust.Unless T►ustor and Benetrcisry agree to other terms ot payment,such emounts shaf!be peya�le upon <br /> i notice fiom 8enefrciery ro Tiustor�equesting payrrrent thereo%and shap bearinterest from the date of dlsbursemerK et the defeuR iate, <br /> � ' if any,set fo►th in ihe Note,or otherwise at the highest rate permitted by law.Nothing contafned!n this paragr8ph sha/l requlre <br /> - � Beneflclary to incur any expense or take eny acdon hereunder.Trustor J►revocab/y authorizes and empowers BeneBciary to eMe►upon ',: � <br /> 1 Ure Trust Frspsr,y as Trustor's agani ar,d,in Trus.w's r.�ma ar cth�^.vrse to pe�lc+rm any end a��r.evenants and agreements to be _^., <br /> perlonned by Trustor as herein provided. BeneSciary shall,at iis opdon,be subrogat�d to any encumbrance,lien,claJm or demand <br /> � . � and to all rights and securities foi the payment thereol paid or discharged by Bene�rciary unde�ihe provisions hereof and any such <br /> � subrogetion rights shall be addiGonal and cu�nulative securiry lor thls Deed o►Trust. <br /> ' ' f 1. Condemnadon.The proceeds ol any awa�d o�claim lor damages,direct or consequentla(,in connecUon with any condemnatlon a <br /> ! oiher taking of the Trust Property,or any part thereot,or fa conveyance in lieu o/orin snOcipetion of condemnatlon,sre hereby f <br /> j assigned to and shall be paid to 8enefiCiery. Trustor will ble and prasecute,in good faith end with due diligence,its clalm/o�any such I <br /> eward oi payment,and wil!cause the same to be collected and paid to Seneficisry,and,should it fail to do so.Trusto�iaevocaby � <br /> authorizes and empowers 8eneficiary,in the name o�Trusror or othernvrse,to 61e,prosecute,senle or compromise any such claim end i <br /> to colfecf,neceipt for and retain the proceeds. !f the Trust Property is abandoned by Tn,stor,or,after no6ce by Seneficfary to Tiustor <br /> that the condemnor oflers to meke an award or settfe a cfaim/or damages. T�ustor tails to►espond ro Seneficlary wfthin thirry(30)days ' <br /> aher the date such noUce is merled,Benef+ciary is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds in the manner indicated herein. The ' <br /> proceeds of any swerd or claim may,aker deducting all reasonab/e costs end expenses,including ettomey fees,whrch may have <br /> beert incuned 6y 8e►rehcrary�n thE collection thereo�et the sole drscret�on ol Beneficisry,be released to Trusror,applied to <br /> restorabon of Trust Properry,or appJred to the payment o�the lndebtedness.Unless Benehcrary end Trusro►othenvise ag�ae in wri6ng. <br /> any such appflcaeon o!proceeds to Indebtedness shal/not extend or postpone the due date o�the Noie o�the payment ol any <br /> Y installments called lor ther+eunCler. <br /> � J2. Trusror Not Released.Extensron of the nme lor payment or moditrcation ol any amortization of the lndebtedness granted by Senehcrary <br /> to eny successor in interest ol Trustor shall not operate to release,in any manne�,the lisbility of Trustor and Trustoi s successors in <br /> interest 8eneficiary shall not be requi�ed to commence proceedrngs aga�nst such successor or reiuse to extend nme lor payment or <br /> othenvlse modily amorozatrort ot the lndebtedness by reason ol any demand made by Trustor and Trusior's successors <br /> ' in ioterest. <br /> i3. Financisl lnformaaon Upon request ol 8eneficrary. Tn;stor wd1 prov�de to 8enet(c�ary.wdh�n rnnery(90)days of the close of each liscel <br /> yea�of Tiustor,the consolidated Dalance sheet artd statement o/earnings o/Trustor and any and alf guarantors of the Indebtedness <br /> I secured hereby,if any,and wd!provide and del�ver to Benefic�ary such other linancia!infcrmafion and in such manner as 8enefic�ary <br /> Imay rc3asonably request!rom eme t�hme. <br /> 14. Firtar.cial Covenants.fn addibon to any other hnanc�af covenants of Trustor made m any othe�agreement,instrument oJ document. <br /> 7rusror shall compty with and shal►cause any and all guarantors ol the Indebtedness secu►ed hereby to comply with,or be in <br /> complience vri►h, the lollow�ng 6nanc�al covenants:(Th►s paragraph sha�l not appty�1 covenants and requirements�►e not set <br /> lorth herem.) <br /> 15. Schedule o/Lesses.With�n ten(10)days aflei demand. Trustor shall lurn�sh ro Benet�ciary a schedule,cert�f�ed to by Trustor.sethng <br /> /orth eIl/eases ol Me Tiust Prope�ty.or any porhon thereo�.,ncludeng,n each case.the name of the tenants or occupants,a descnphon <br /> o/the space otcupred by such tenant or aCCUpant,the rental pgyable fo►s�ch space.8nd suCh othe►�nlormabon and documents wrth � <br /> respect to such/eases and tenanaes as Benehaary may reasonably request. <br />