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-- - ----,., r;,"""r,,.�.,.`' ,x° ��r.,i.• ,yy... .....=-t. __.... _--- - <br /> _ <br /> '�"*' ' ' — <br /> �.I.`A}M�'�` �_'�"+ ', v ��'�p;��C: 7^�� 1'"•S��'{,r �'d�+�;1g .'S'�i,�'{, ��..��� t trci'a �� ����..,_` �-.j;r.� a�t f S�fT2 �'�r . <br /> ,- .. ��i'c4,�, .��+ rs�,�a��... }k��''SG"�t�1 xi "�'l;��T,� :.Y����}��?"ur� ,'�%!t�'���i� ..nFxci,�`� a�.r._:. 4 ]' . ��at ; s�����+�.�.._. <br /> -,��v� F . 1• . ' � }..:: Y j.�.nt..i ' Y �1 <br /> ,i�1x:� i�'," a�.r,}, otc���u:�y. k Y,�y,• i��'.. ,ryS�,, �,(�_f �xs.t� 3d �, �Siy• 5 <br /> � �1 . � ..S �..jyS•a.h(S? , �y• -"�V. n' '/ `)� <br /> JQ� y�� 4�l. <br />. �NY�M�"Ji° -—-- - <br /> _ _.�_J � <br /> . =":T_,�:�r.• "' . <br /> �1�.r. . I .���.• . ` _ . <br /> � *'. $ �. ''Yi1l� _e. _.n. — <br /> '.. -.,:-.. . _: :e.. . ' _ <br /> ��_ `" . . .. _ _ <br /> �. � .' . . _ __ <br /> _.� .,. 1�i�`�� . . <br /> 9�" , : <br /> ~ appSicablo tuw mey rp�oify for reitt�tatement)beforo�ale aP tha tl�perty pureuent to any pawer of eala cant�lnod fn ihfs - <br /> ---� Secu�lry Instrument:or(b)oniry of a judgment enforcing thls�eciirity Instrun�ont. Thos�con�lidans aro thnt Hormwer: (a) <br /> ----_-_ — paXs 1.ertder nll suats wWch dten tvould bo due uader d�ie &ccprfty Inettument and titu Nnte eA if no aCCeleradan ht� <br /> _--��,�� occunre.�1;(b)cures any default of uny athcr covenunts ar aptreamnnts;(c)pays a!1 expenso�incurnd in enfarclag this Secudty <br /> Inst�n�ment,inctuding,but nat Iiwited to,c+�aFOnable auomays'fus:and(d) takes ss�ch acdon ae L.ender may reasonabiy - <br /> _,,,���;_;�� , requIre to assure thut tha tien of this 5ecurity Instrumant,i.andcr's dghts in the Aroperty and Bottnwer's abligatlun w pay tl�o � <br /> -- -- --=' epna eecari:d by tlus SccurIty [��st►wncnt sha31 cantl��ac tuachnAged. Ugnn ranstatcm�.nt by Bomotvcr. this �tctuity . <br /> — Iastrument and the obligadona seeumd heteby sha11 remata fu11y effecdve as If ao acceleradon had occu�rcd. Nuwever.this <br /> Y���,�.�,�� dght w reinswte shnq not apply in the cose of accetetatian under parngrapb 17. <br /> -- 19 Sale of Nole;Chnuge of LoAn&rvker. 11�o Notc or n pardal interest in the Note(together wlth this Security <br /> ---- s Instrument)may ixs eold one or more dmes wlthout prior notico to Borroaee. A riaale mny result in a chunge in the entiry � <br /> �:�;?^;,, � (Irnowrt aa tha"Lc�an Servlcer")that collects monthty payments due under the Note und this Security lnswmenG There uisa <br /> -:-:.:� ` ', raAy be ono or raore changes of tha Loan SeivIcer unrelated to a snle of the Note. If the�+e is s cbange of ihe Lonn Servicer. <br /> ==-=�,s;;�a*�r.� Boriower wit�bo given wriuea aoUce of the che��se in aocordance with Qar�b 14 abava and appiica6'rPe t�,�. '�ke�rodce --�- <br /> -:��;=;�:�4;�^�:;�.�;. wirl staoo ttce macRe ae�d address of the new Loan Servtccr Aud t�e address to w4u p�yy�aereas sRoutd�e ma,de. 'II'P�e cestic�wUl <br /> .!��';��M��'s:.�'::, atso oon¢ain oa► o¢ker imfomQadom uined 1� a I�cal�te law. <br /> .r••..:.!'_-:. Y �4 Y 1FF� <br /> =.-`�:• :���. . 24D. k�me+�ea�3onEosteu,e�¢s. �orrovrer shel!aat caus��a�em�ie t�ke Qnsence.use,�ora�e.vr eele�s�aff a�y <br /> �,.. .'�'' Hazacdmus Su�bssances mn nr iu @ee Ptopea�y. Boxrower sh�lIl �ot da Qor eltow enyone else to do.umqre[liug atffocting ihe <br /> ;:.wv...,�°.�M,�s' Pmperty that is ue violartieu o�'an�r�nvimnmenFal 'E'Rce pmecedIng two sentenoes shall not apply to the presemce.use.or <br /> - . .:`�..� storage on the Pt��eerty of smaU qaeanBties of Haza:dous Smbst�nces thnt are geaerally rerogaized w b�appmpxiate t�naamal -- <br /> �' . tesflden¢flal usQS an�w tntainteaance of the Property. _ <br /> ��.�.;,�, ` .+�.'� Bo�xower saeall promptly give I.ender wrIttea notice of amy investigatlon,claIcn,demand,lawsuit or other ecHon by any f <br /> . �;t �• govemmEntal or reg�latory agency or private party involving the Property and az►y Hazardous Substance or Envlronmental <br /> ° Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower learns. or is notlfeed by any govemmental or �eguluwry <br /> ' , su¢hoaty.that any removel or other remediation of any Harac-dous Substance affectit�g the Property ia necessary.Bon+ower <br /> � . � shall proraptly take all necessary i+emedIal actions in accoidanc¢wIth Environmeatal Law. <br /> • . a�,s used in this paragragi�20."Hazardous Substances"a�those substsnces defined as¢oxlc or hazardous substances by =-- <br /> ° Emavuv�nrnental Law and the foAowIng substances: gasoline,Ilcerosene,otker flammable or toxic petroleum products,to�cic <br /> •. • pestirides aad heemicides,volaale solvents.materials contaiaing asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioacdve materials. As <br /> '. used in this paragraph 20,"Environmental Law"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdtction where the Property is located � <br /> that relate to or environmental pmtecHon. --- <br /> NON-UIVIFORM COVENAIVTS. Bormwer and I.ender fe�rther covenant and agce as follows: — <br /> 21. Acceleration; Remro�l8es. Lender sha11 give noHce to Borrower pdm�Qo m�oeleratton following Borrower's — <br /> ' '- bt�Each of eay c��a�nt or Rg�mpnt in thtc Ceeurity IncMument(t�an4 a�mt�n�i��4�acceleration under par�graph 17 �.�r <br /> , unless appUcable�.�sr pmvides otherwisaD• �1tae notice shaU specit�q: Q�D Nlacr default;(b)the actton reqWred to c�re the _- <br /> , • default;(c)a da4�,aot less Wan 30 days A1c�a IIfie date t6e noHoe 6s�m�uo Qm Borrower,by w6iclh the detaWt must be �— <br /> cw�ed;and(d)tha4 tailure to cure the deffau0¢von or before Rlbr daQ�s�d49�c�in the notice may e+esWt in accelerstIl�n off <br /> ° . the sums secured by thts Security Instrument and eale mf ttl��Property. T6e notice sbaU tbrther inform Borrmas¢r of — <br /> the rigint to reinstate atter aoceleratian and We rtght W br6�g a conrt aMion to assert the Qon-eadstence of a defe�Yt or .� <br /> arey ott�er defense of Borrower to soceleratfon and sale. It'the default is not cured on or before the date spec[Red in ��= <br /> ' the nodce,I.ender at its opHon may require immediete payment in fuI!of all sums secured by tdts Sect►c3ty Instrumeut @,,,_ <br /> without further demand and may invoke tt� power of sale and any other remedies permitted by applicable Iaw �:" <br /> ° Lender shall be entitled to co�ect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedles provided in tLfs par�graph 21, � <br /> includtng,but noY Itmtted to,reasonabie attorneys'fces snd casts of Utle evidence. <br /> . IP the power of sale is Invmlked,l�ustee shall record a notice of defsult in each county in which any part oi the <br /> Property is located and shall mu�l coptes of such notice in the manner prnscribed by applicable law W Borrower and W =- <br /> the other persons prescr[bed by appiicable law. After the tlme requireil by applicabie law,llrustee xhaU give public �:" <br /> , , ' uotice of sele w the persons and in the manner prescri6ed by applicable law TYustee,w[thout demand on Borrower, — <br /> .. shalt seU the P.roperty at public auction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terras designated In � <br /> the notice of sale in one or more parcels and In any order Tl astee determSnes. 'Ilrustee may postpone sale of all oa�any <br /> parcel of the Property by public announcement at the time and ptace oF any prevtously schedaled sale. Lender or its � <br /> designee may purchase the Property at any sale. <br /> • Upon rece[pt of payment of the prlce bid,'IYustee shall deltver to the purchaser'IY�ustee's deed conveying the <br /> Property. The recitals in the'l�ustee's dced sha11 be prlma facie evidence of the truth of the statements made therefn. <br /> 1lrostee shall upply the proceeds of the sale In the following order: (a)to ull costs and expenses of exerctsin�the power <br /> I <br /> '. ' t <br /> . .�..�.�r�`�'c�';`•�„�..�;; .r'... , , . • ,, /`}:(r�k.j7�`,^rr;'+'L•.r• . � <br /> . ., ';�r. s'.,' , <br /> -. •,�... � , <br /> � <br />