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<br /> �! _ Y i�����f,'F��p t aS�> !�}��:;^:_�. ��ti`r�{� <'�' .�.. �. S,'Y, ('�%i_.'..l^� lt-.i�..L�-��- . -1 4� 1 1u� �5 -ti 1�,,,.� k!e N�s�k-
<br /> �t_ -'S�N� �f n�'1��y ���i �;gi.E`?; "r (c.1;�� qt,:.i }!;r��:5, �� . i:'�4e 1 � ti�.f �'�S<� t - .i_ r' ..;$.:.Se� Yt 4�-
<br /> . ^j.�.F,t��,E:� ,.�;i•• -,'4'�i f{"� �'7 n3t� .� b,;����gl�t�F,�Ui'r)' � �t' fi3t: r�,����I..4 �� ��. r.�f: }� � �����.p�4t�i � i ,�+ C' �'�lwi�?.i';�n• -�
<br /> " ��h S'V;F,������• `�'.��3 � N��f'.s �y�:,..irl�fL:y�`�tiY �i�c�"�9'r`.Y h";' i.iP L^..rir�sv` t f'a •�t'1�� �..^r..��. ., ;•��kt •i:�. � itu:r�
<br /> ,�i iu;�' '1� ` � r Iy���u ��-1:,:. L,�,kir,''+�� ..,. lrc,q .tR�wNeqrMy .i"'`�.
<br /> r „ �, .
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<br /> -�,�,,!�,�:,ctacGbw�at•.av1�1`�'�"'t+ ��l tiTS,ei�{kr ��lt�t��)��. � ::: , o _ 'i:' � ...._ -- —
<br /> . . .�leM+,r��.sru-- ��.'vlt� �� -��F; .... ,. �}.�{t„?„� rAvMS. ��tPt•. . .. . . � _ -,_- _.
<br /> �_ ._. .,�;�..:.�s_ '? ���c,a:usr. ,.il,�y.��i� `•:E�, - . . ,_ .. �--�
<br /> � I, vt_�rj.. ... . • .. ' S n .r,.--
<br /> �1.1t. .I . - n -`�b��� . _._.W =. �
<br /> ,
<br /> �rn � _
<br /> ,. .
<br /> .__ ' "__"'_ _ _" � - .._... _ —_ - _- .
<br /> - ,�'__ __......_.�. s_.�....«.� '- -.�...�_..._� -.i .�.��.........
<br /> ..� • / ��.."".."____" --
<br /> ..��Y711tG�Mf • � ,�p �
<br /> ;,�1'�4�°.ra,. • �'� �O�O m�u. -
<br /> . ..i——''__: � -_.__—
<br /> 15. Mieaellan��ue F�oniaians. ��,,..,:�____---_.
<br /> , � - ----�--- �n".±�::�.Ta;;..._�
<br /> �.y.-.,�..,_.
<br /> `�`� '" '-'` Extension oE �he time for °�
<br /> . � � (a) Borrawer Not Released. �U,f,s._----._-- �„_
<br /> � payment orc tuoAi �at on o suaort �a ion of �he sums seauzed bX ����<' � °��`�—�--
<br /> this Deed of Trust granted by Lender to an sucaeesor fn interes� �`��`��'»��°'` -"I�
<br /> x ��--T--
<br /> , of Horrower shall not operate to releaee, in any manner, the ; ;;,�,� ���_�=.-_..
<br /> � ...���E.�-..��_--
<br /> � - -- - - - liability of the origlnat Barrower and Borrower s eucaessors in �.:.�,rF,t�n�
<br /> • . ° intereet. Lender ahall not be required to commenae proceediaqs "!.`���-��
<br /> , � ' against such suceessor or refuse to extend time for payment oz , � ^'�;��b�r`"+A�=-
<br /> - otherwise modify amurtization o� �he sums secured by thie Aeed of � - ���'�; '�� "
<br /> ` v . - , :�•n...a.x.!.��r".
<br /> � . �' Trust by reason of any clemands made by the original Borrower and S � `����;'�:-•-L
<br /> ; :.: : ��±;;..�r>,:
<br /> ' �> IDorrower's aucc�eroso fua interest. L. . .. - •��� ._
<br /> . .';:i�!��r"..�:',.
<br /> 6bn b�a�nd�s'� �owers. Withom� �,f��c4iraq th� liability - . � -M�f�-,.° -
<br /> � of aaa�p mthes gexeon 1 e for ttae pag¢m�m� of aa►y oknb3.gation .. ,�;��:��'
<br /> •' 9�eseia� me�ntaa�n��, attnd without affectin¢,�t ��e lien os c&�agqe off _ �'��??±�.
<br /> . :�: � ortian of �3a� P�o ert n�� $hem mx .. �'�°=� -.....�
<br /> �his Deed of isast nnpon any p lg Y `.,�._:
<br /> thereto€oae xeJle�sec� �ars security fos �h� feal]l amioinnt og �11 ;-:;_;--
<br /> � � unpaic� �bligatb�ns, &�ander iaay. froma �.arm� �.o �ivaae an�i �aattao�u� �._�,:�,;;�,,�,_
<br /> notice Qi) release aa�{� m��son so Lia}:�1�o QaiD �xtend tIl�ne m�ata�r�I�x . � �'� ,
<br /> .G IC ' � ��-i/�.^' .B.+A �
<br /> � or alter any of the tesms of any aucP� �laliga$�oras, (iiiD �s�a�� :=y�,t,.,,.,�,�.�
<br /> other indulgences, (iv) releas� or reconvey, or caus�e to b� ,;�.:.�- s.-�r.a
<br /> released or reconveyed at any time, a� Lendex's option, any �..;'.;�:�°�--�
<br /> parcel, portion or all of the Property, (v) take or release any . ��`��'" �-
<br /> y�,.
<br /> • other az additional security for any obligation herein mentioned, , �, --
<br /> or (vi) make compositions or other arrangetaents with debtors in � � ��.
<br /> relation thereto. "
<br /> - ���
<br /> ; (c) Forbearance b I�ender Not a Waiver. Any forbear-- �'"°u
<br /> ___ __ _ :•. *I"> ` .�r .
<br /> ance by Lender n exere s ng any r g t or rerae y hereunder, or ;.:��,;� ,:,,�,,;,. �,.:�.
<br /> otherwise afforded by applicable law, shall not be a w�iv�r of or �:'���;°:,�:�� '�!.{,
<br /> �,'�• ' <: ., . '.'•ic �
<br /> preclude the exercise of any such riqht or remedy. The procure- ;.<<;��;: k, '+.
<br /> ment of insurance or the payment of taxes or other liens or �'����:�''��� � �
<br /> ,.. ..�,.r;/.�� :
<br /> charges by Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender's xigh� to •��•`����, .
<br /> accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this D�ed � ' ::�' i���
<br /> f-/`'"}'
<br /> of Trus�. °�s �
<br /> . (d) Successors and Assi ns Houndj Joint and Several I , �,�i,
<br /> Liabilit f Ca �ions. The covenants and agreements here n con- �� �s�
<br /> � ta ned s all nd, and the rights hereunder shall inure to, t�e � �
<br /> respective successors and assigns of Lender and Borrow�r, subject . �">,��,;".
<br /> . �� to the provisions of paragraph lOte) hereof. All cov�nants and .
<br /> agreements of Borrower shall be joint and several. The capti.ans " �.;.;i�;':';s.;:•.
<br /> ` ' � � and headings of the paragraphs of this beed of Trust are for �', ���`� �,� �
<br /> , .;..,,;. ;:� :�';. ...
<br /> � . , convenience only and are not to be used �o interpret or define I . - ,:�,;.;s.;-
<br /> the provisions hereof. f ,_ . ;��f'".
<br /> �
<br /> ..�.:� ,•, ie} �C uzst f�r Naticc�. The gart�ea hAret,y rPquP�r . ..__.-
<br /> `�, that a copy of any not ce of default hereunder and a copy of any
<br /> � notice of sale hereunder be mailed to each party to this Deed of
<br /> Trust at the address set forth above in the manner prescribed by '
<br /> applicable Iaw. Except for any other notice required under
<br /> applicabl.e law to be given in another manner, any notice provided . .
<br /> for i.n this Deed of Trust sII'iall be given by mailing such notice I
<br /> . ��� by certified mail addressed to th� other parties, at the address
<br /> . set forth above. .
<br /> �� Any notice provided for in this Deed of Trust •
<br /> . '� . '� shall be effec�ive upon mai�ing in the manner designated herein.
<br /> `•'��� •�`� , �� I f B o r r o w e r i s m o r e t h a n o n�� p�r s o n an d/o r �n�it y, notice sen� to
<br /> .�' �! the address set fortll above shall b� n.otice to all s�ch persans
<br /> � .i a„ai�,� P�r;riPS_
<br /> . (f? Ins ection. Lender may mak� ar cause to be m�de
<br /> . � r�agonable �n�r es upon and inspect�.ons of �Yce Property, provided
<br /> that Lend�r shall give Sorrowex notice �rior to any such inspec-
<br /> � ' ., tion specifying reasonable cause ther�gor related to Lender's
<br /> � . interest in Phe Property.
<br /> � � (g) Reconveyance. Upon payment of all swns secure8 by
<br /> � this Deed of Trust, Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey the
<br /> ' Property and shall surrende r thi s Deed of Trust and al l notes
<br /> � evidencing indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust to Trustee.
<br /> � -6- {
<br /> . �
<br />