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_ _ .. � �� <br /> -����uica -2-��q�-Y.�l�'�"i5: .:� , ...,i'�1� �a,'��1 �� i:_ �,�' �; y`� �-�r;f 1� ci. .4. :;t;•;;'�A;i'ua;r+'�"'�p .t.��'� --l`�"f'.� Yi� - --` <br /> :,� , .�:- :�!':,. .~'� ' ( �t` 1 c, � P , :'"�''~•'r �� ° , <br /> ?�lJi,CiA�i 7 r.}(�`::.�� :•�' <y:, ,S• 4 ^ { ,,'r•;i... �.�, , " � . ��,,," t <br /> .5 r �r�G'.A tc".i��• .'�1"i=Y� ls••�laf`• �11"-'�'-��� „j�:s+..;i}r��.;�,.f s �- aSiy� � 5 .l4•..r.y I ;�,�,�'yi'..'l,.�tl�:�.�11.'{SL�'v;S��c.:'.�STi��t),�;Y o�ir:: ,� 5ry" S�r'497f� V ��i i- <br /> �C�;i�tC' P'. pt.•. 1h �: -- �i:;r' :A '1 �.Z t '�. .i , t [ GI�'. s\ = i,:ii!�..�.._�<.- <br /> .,� i' c"E.r>ri^��r'4�5f.,y�g `�.-fir`,'�'' .`�Fa �"�t�1§�t�.;:�{ �. �7d�<-�iR.J.3 I I� � nh.- .. 'q,a}'s � (rur};�lt��il�5�'��r d„ ".;.1`�, � �x a G�rrr <br /> • , � <br /> 4.;;Si •n�k1.• - A4�` `d; i �.af -���G� Sta t� ,17i:-;,�,},:•_.a -y �.IS` � � __ ��__. <br /> �:+rr.,. �bl�,t.�� F��;�.-=' .� ``` ti , . _ , �—'— <br /> _ �+�k l- . ,MN�YM1y„ `� ,r�,v.. .. ----.r_° _ . -�� " - _---- <br /> _—r� _.�; - II -- <br /> ,:. . ... ..�s+.-��-:_ . . . <br /> . . � `f ..1 ..-"r.`t.. ••--_. f I. I . <br /> , �, . ! `�riwM�!'/MY1f�7F+s{a..� '... . - . ... , -___ <br /> / � •R'A <br /> . . � _ 1 ... . . . 4 _ <br /> —_ <br /> .. . — . <br /> . , . ....�. . . <br /> r I <br /> _-- ---��-�J , �Ea�coROEO 94v 1t��.3�5� ----- - <br /> �-.:������_� g�4� 10��� � <br /> -- --.-,� - l. Pa ment of Prtncipal,Interea!snd Lute CbAt1�e. Bairower shall pay when duo the principnt of,And inteR.xt on, <br /> Y`��J �� � the de�t ev denced by the Noto and tute ctiar�ea due under the Nota. <br /> z�.��'�k` <br /> _� .. �.{�a,�_ 2. ti9on3hly payments ot7lwxes�lnsur�►nce apd Oiher�:hurg�. Bnrrawcr Fhail fncludo in eas:h monthty puyment. '� <br /> "'?� ta ether with the dnci a�and intereRt ns set forth In the Note nnd any late ch es,un in�+tnlimcnt of an (u} tuxcs ard -- - <br /> �°`-�'-��`�?�a`.__ s g ial sssessments levled or to be levied e ainst the Pro rt .(b)lense old u � Y �:="...°- _--: _ <br /> �,; <br /> :_..��y,y:i.f� pec B Pe Y h P Ymentx ar ground centa on the PropRRy,and ---- <br />-�->� . (c)p�miums for 3naurance require by Purasraph 4. <br /> ����=r.�:�•;r• � Esch monthly installment far itcros tc►).(b)and(c) shuti equat one•t�velfth of the annuul amounts, as masonably • �'u'__- - - <br /> ,: ��r . '.:;.x,,= <br /> ,1.:•Y,���,,.�:;.� esdmated by Lender. plus an umount sufficient to maintain an addidonul bulunce of not moro than one•sixth of the ,�,j_ <br /> ' eadmuted amounu. The full a�ual amount for ench item ahnll be nccumuluted by Lender whhln u pedod ending one f '.:s..x.-=-,_,____ <br /> � month hefore an ltem would become delinquent. Lender shall hold the umoun�s cotlected in wst to puy items(a),(b)and "="�' - <br /> ,, � LL. ���•. <br /> , --;�:-; -, . tc)lxfore shcy become dclinqucnt. ,„°"` _..._,...___-- <br /> ' - y� If at any time the total of the puyments held by Lender for items(a).(b)und(c),tosether with the future monthly "��:�-'-��=-�- <br /> , � payments for such items payable ta Lender prior to the due dates af such itemG,exceeds by more than ane-sixth the � �•���`+-�-s:- <br /> .:,,,.�,.,,•._.. <br /> . - estimuted amount of payments required to pay stccn items when due,And if payments on the Note are current.then Lender _.-.�:���•=:� _ __ <br /> shaq etther refuttd the excess over one•snxch of trr.e esscctieated payments or credit the excess over one•sixth of the estimated . °`••;,r��;':�:�:: <br /> ' paymenEs to sabseq�¢mt�nyments by BQrrower,at the oDtion of Boirower. If the totat of the payments made by Borrower :t�` =�#,�p::_•: <br /> for item 4a).Q0),or(c)�s�nsufficicrst to�ay tAte icem w@ert duc,then$ormwer sQiall pay to I.endcr uny umount necesr.�uy bo � . _,., ,,:_;j,�'t�;;, <br /> make up ehe deficieazy om or before the�ate fl8te 6nem�scou�dae. �• . �- =m_'��;__ <br /> As asQd in this Security Instrunreent."Secretaey"rateans tite Secretary af Wiausing ae�d UuDran�2velopment�r his orhet ;r;.��:�!�'�;�, �'� - ,=--�- <br /> desigcree. ln any year iri which the Lender must pay a anortgage insurance premium to the Secretaay,eacb monthly payment � ''''?�` <br /> , ,•��--- <br /> �" shal�also irtclude either. (i) an installment of the annual r�eortga�e insurance premium to he puid by I.ender to the ;,'" :���-� <br /> Sectetar;r,or(It) a monthly charge iactead oi a mortgage insurance premium if this Security Da�suument is held by the • �=���:_. <br /> �1",;�`• Secnetary. Each monthly instnilment of tQee mortgage ensurance premium shaU be in an amount sufficient to accumulate the - <br /> " . full annual mortgage insurance premium with Q.endzr one month prior to the date the full annaal mortgage insurance = <br /> �''� :� premiam is due to the Secretury;or if this Security Instrument is held by the Srcretary.each manthly churge shall be in an �___ <br /> � emount equal to one-twelfth of one-half gercent of the outstanding principal balance due on the Noce. � r � �•,:- <br /> > If Borrower tenders to Lender the full payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument. Botrower's account '_�"� e <br /> shall be credited with the balance rerenLadciing for all instaUments for items(a),(b)and(c) and any mortgage insurance , "_���`._ <br /> . . premium installment that Lender has na�:�ecome obligated to pay to the Secretary,und Lender shall pmmptly refund arny �:�--- <br /> ; . excess funds to Borrower. Immediatel� psior to a foreclosure sale of the Property or iu acquisition by Lender.Bomowar� r'�-_ <br /> � account shall be credited with any balan:e remaining for all installments for items(a),(b)and(c). �,, <br /> � �� 3. Appltcatlon of Payments. All payments under Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied by Lender as foltows: •��;- <br /> �� � the mortgage insurance premium to be paid by Lender to the Secretary or to the monthly chazge by the , ��' <br /> Secmtary instead of the monthly martgage insurance premium; , d <br /> " SE2�OT�,to any taxes,special assessments,leasehold payments or ground renu,and fire,flood and other haxard �� , <br /> --=- ,: <br /> „ insurance premiums,asreqmred: ` � ^ .��'.�, <br /> THIRD,to interesa-.�ne under the Note; •� •', '��.�� <br /> FOURTH,to emortuzarion of the principal of the�ote; �:�� <br /> ;;:'.:.'': �,to late char�es due under the Note. . i.t�.,�t • , <br /> ;;t� :'�`.•;� 4. Fire,Flood an�Ot6ter Ha�a�a�Dnsurance. Borrower shaU insure all improvements on aCte Property.whether now , <br /> ��'.•`�:?>����i/i in existence or subsequent�y=rected,a�ainst any hazards,casualties,and contingencies,includia�g fire.for which Lender , �`�� <br /> requires insurance. 'Ihi�insu�ance sha�4 be maintamed in the amounts and for the periods that Lender requires. Borrower ^J'� � <br /> shall also insure all impro�eunenu on the Property,whethcr now in existcncc or suhsequently erei:ted,against loss by tToods r}�' <br /> �. ' to the extent required by the Secretary. All insurance�hall be carcied with comp:nies approved by Lender. The insuronce �•"•f <br /> . policies and any renewals shall be held by Lender and shutl include loss payable clauses in favor of, and in a form r• <br /> acceptable to,Lender. • ' <br /> In the event of loss,Bottower chaill�ivc Lender immediate nocice by mail. Lender may make proof of loss if not � <br /> • made promptly by Boaower. Each imurance company concerneu i�hemby authorized and directed to make payment for - <br /> such loss dicectly to Lender, instead of to Borrower and to Lender j��intiy. All or any part of the insurance prcxteds may be , • . . '.,` ��� <br /> , . applied by I.ender,at its option,eithar(a)to thc reduction of the indebtedness under the Note and this Secur6ey lnstrument, , �'� �y1j�� <br /> . first to any delinquent amountx applied in thc order in Parugnsph 3,and then ro prepayment of principal.��r tb) to the � �;/ �.__ <br /> � ''�°� restoration or re a�r of the dama ed ra rt An a lication of the roceeds to the rinci al xhall not extend or st ne �`� ' •_ <br /> • ''�:,,;... . P F p Pe Y• Y PP P P P W P� �. .' ',i::r . ,�_.. <br /> ' .:';• the due date of the monthl,y payments which are referred to in P.�ragraph 2,or change the arnount of such payments. Any i ,;`�''�S'"�%,�; .�-- <br /> �'"'� excess insurance proceeds over n,� amount required to pay all omstundme indebtedness under the Note and this Security .. •::��:?'4•`��::}•�� •�i'� <br /> �� � •. ,i'.itii,�.• , r,°:;t;r..,.,�,.:r��•>>s•-�- <br /> - ,�. ,• Instrument shall be paid to the entity legally entitled thereto. �;;�':'.;••••';'�;:it:�7tistt':- <br />''�,�;r;,,� In the event of foreclosure of this Security Instrument or other transfer oi utle to the Property that extin_uishes the � ,�, � <br /> � '�-. <br /> �,:,: ...,.'�,:ti.�y;.? ...;��, <br /> " indebtedness,all right,title and interest of Bortower in and to insurance policirti in force�hall p�tiy to the purifi::>er. � 3'' •�h:�k <br /> 5. Occupancy, Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Borrower's Loan :'ippifcattosu I �'i:1 S,`:.'`,`. '�'�'•'` <br /> . ,i�;:.�,..f • . <br /> � Leaseholds. Borrower shall occupy,establish, and use the Property as Borcower'x principal residence within sixty days ` ,';1�;.:;,;�.g;. , �; <br /> ..----. � 3�tC:L�:C.XC�tlt!^!!^f fh2c Crr��rt� �ncrr�mPnf�r1 cl�_�tl�pRryn{�p r.�nrpunv thC PfopCrtV 35 Borrower's pnncipal res�dence •-- � ._ �:;5;..':.j{'. ,. <br /> . � �� . �,r,.. <br /> � for at least one year after the date of occupancy,unless the Secmtaq determines thix reyuirement will cause undue hardship ,.�t�c,.,• . <br /> for Borrower, or unless extenuating circucristances rxist which are beyond $orrowers control. Borrowrr shall notify }+.. :,' �� <br /> Lenders of any exrenuating circumswnces. Borsu«::shal!not commit waste a�r destroy,damage or substantiatly change '; 'J�,.r <br /> � the Anperty or allow the Property to deteriorate,rdavonable wear and tear excepTcd. Lender may inspe:ct the Propetty if the ; <br /> '��� �. Property is vacant or abandoned or thr]��an is in default. Lender may take rea+nnable action to protect and prrserve such % ���y�, ', <br /> r� ' vacant or abandoned Ptoperty. Rorm.�..r shall ul�o be in default if'Born�u�r,during thc laar. applicution process,gave • <br /> .����`, materially fal�e or inaccurate infu�rm;�:ion ur staternent� to Lender (ur failed tn provid: Letxler with uny materiul � <br /> � ' information)in wnnect��r. with th�loun evidenced by the Nc>te,inrl�ding,but r.ot limited to.representationx conceming ��, ••, <br /> Borrower�ocwpancy ot th�P:a�7".y a+a principal rc�idcnce. If thi�Securiq 7n>rrumrnt i�<m:+leaxehold.LR:�rrow�er shall �:,. , <br /> comply with the prervi�iom of:hc ]r:ise. If BorroH•er aryture,fce title tu thr Pro�xm, th� Ie��ehuW:i�td h�c c�c[e shall not <br /> be merged unless Lender agree�ic she m�rgrr in writing. . � <br /> � , , 6. Charges to Borrower araa7 Pr�Yection of Lender ti[d'o��ac nn the Propert��. Borr��wrr,hall pay all g�•� ,`.'' <br /> or municipal charges,fines and ia*.�:�m:;�ons that:ue not included m Paragraph 2. Borrv�cer+haU Pag the.:o�rfigation.�rn � '� <br /> . , . time direcdy to the entcr.} c.�^�ich o�owed the pa}m_ht. If failure to pay wa��rld ad�•rncly uffect Lrnder'. :a^zre.t in the �; �: ,;,�'. <br /> Property,upon Lertder��e:��est E�Erower shaU�+r�.^�:ly furnitih ta Lrnder recc�pn e�•idrnring these paym•::��_.. rr�-: <br /> . , :` If �orrower fail,e��rnr�&� �ayment,or[he paymena reyuired b� P.iragraph 2, or fail, tcz p�rei�rm :uiy other . � � � <br /> �.l •.. . .�......: ..��......1.. ..,.�:...rf...�� nnifirr�ntiv•�ff+.•t � � <br /> _.-•-- .. . . <br /> -- - --.. _ . . ...• .. _._.__• __ ...... <br /> ,. COVeIII31'ILS NIU SgiCC[RCIIW(:VI[[alrr.0 r.� uu�ac�ui�ij �u�uun��.�...,. ...��. .:......t...Y..,��......�........._J`_.�....._�...� -°-_' .: � <br /> � Lender ti rights in the Property (su�l-as a prceecding in banlcra�c�y, for condemnat�<m or tu enforcc I:�a•ti or regulationcl, <br /> . ' then Lender may do and pay whatever is necessar�•to protect th��alue oE rhe Property anJ Lender:rights in the Pmperey. <br /> � �.. including payment of taxes,hazard insurance and other rtrm�mrnti��n�d�n P�ragraph 2. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under thi�Pnragraph tihall hernme an �dditional deht ut�Born�wer and he.erured 9 <br /> by this Security Instrument. These�unounts,hall bear interctit fmm thr dace uf di.hunemrnt,at thr Note rate,and at thc . <br /> � • option of Lender,shall be immediately due und payabie. <br /> 7. Condemnat[on. The proceeds of any award or rlaim for damage�.direct ur romeyuentiul,in ronnrction w ith an�• � <br /> condemnation or other taking of any pnrt of the Property,ur for com•ryance in plare uf amdemnation,am hercby a..ignrd <br /> . : and shall be paid to Lender to the extent of the fufl amount of thc indebtecine..that Rmainti unpaid undcr the Note anJ thi. � <br /> Securiry Instrument. Lender shall apply surh pruc�tds to the reduction of the indebtedne��under the Note anJ thi.Saunt} <br /> Instrufrtent, first ro any delinquent amounts applied in the urder provided in Para�raph ;. and thrn tv pnpa�mem of <br /> p�incipal. Any application of the proceeds to the principal +halt not extend or Ex�.tp�mr the dur datr ui the monthly <br /> „ � . <br /> � . � . � i�Xr?��/1�crv ;" � <br /> �� <br /> • J <br />