Laserfiche WebLink�i�--�:�. c+c �:�.(r`ac-�.ti�=.�'.." .�.�w�Llfl� ,. � ti,:?« .�";�'•�E _- . +�:— � a ��-�" k�'_,.:'?l'+ ..a. :;r� ..4",'�_`pa^�,^t, ^:i�ct. � • `�� 3�m,} <br /> y!�',�<�y�. � �t4�i,� .xt�.�a 6.{. t�y!:r,�;��.� ._��. ,,, , .� �..4, �,t v" t.�;^r"`"> ).•, 'r� <br /> ��--� -u,�g .t�,. ..��i'�.' �.."; l�. ��+7 �yt,:.(:�! .Si j��w�',...5�.:�':t;..I;..lf .��!� ?�� lr�j� . �s�Y 1.r ��Gt��•�:t� �_ rti:. <br /> .-i-�.` .�� i.� - ��:�n:., i < �d�:.� 4����Sk�. •�:,•4 f�l t��aL ki ,,�4, . -t�n,�t ��'h�: �u£,���{�F i�s:.��i'1 ti� t'. ��.,]�� �u�'r+� <br /> 1+7f�9p ,1,� , ( �`i � .. fi� � k P l} �,Z*3..�> >4��..>��� �1 ttr'w � , � ;,,�3 3 Y�5 `.'� a�����p <br /> 7/. . l/t�. l�f�t ri�� .� � �:.i�t�+;r'.�'t '�lic:�t 1�{Ld ��:• �� �1`'r{Y�,i� -�.ty��rte"i��3i $� ��i�4tY� b�i <br /> ' � .�+y�}��V .ti � }T3�1 :?��4 . +Ii�L� Y ��I�ti�ifiK,ii:9�^9!¢xsri�: <br /> � L•,ss. t�,;?:.,n.:�: . . <br /> ..�is.�w� ' "`—',- •. . � <br /> - rfe.�,�4�Pr"�✓'�YM�,xrr . . <br /> ,• � ,r, � _._'� ., <br /> s t <br /> � d'). _ . { .. �ef'•.. . <br /> s <br /> • . _.d.�._:�-=��:�.w... . <br /> ., �: o _ <br /> , _ ,. :,.:., ,,.:�.�.:_..__._.__.._._------• - <br /> ..__�...,.�,�::x..�aa� �---� <br /> --=_=>°=- i7�� ��J/��yJ . <br /> `- `''j'`'W'°"�" � perir�ds tll�at Len�es rcyulres. The inRUranc�co�[er provIding the insurunce ehall be chosen by Hofrawer subjtxt to Lendorh <br /> _---��r„� ap�val�vh��.1a slaall reot�e varrcasonably wirhheld. If Banower fails w mnintain covet�so descclbed abova,I.ender anuy�at <br /> --= I,:ender�optia�,obtatn coverage t�pratect Lender§rtghts ia the Property 3n accordnnce wtth paragraph 7. <br /> ' — �� All Insurannce poficies aead renewnls shall be aocxptable tc►l.ender nnd�atl Include n standard moitgage clausa. I.endet _-- <br /> -_ --°°'="�� . shald have tho rigi�t W 1�.��r.t t��pollcles and�+enewals. If Lender t+�quina,Borrower shall promptly give to I.ender ull mcetpts <br /> ___�rr _ of pz�Id premiums and i�ew�t�touccs. In the evcnx af loss.Buirower shall g[vo prnmpt no8co to the insuranco curtler and <br /> ':_,.���=�•��-�a�^� r Lender. Lend�r may meke proof of loss if nAt made pmmptly by�3orrower. �-__ <br /> —`�'�'� Unless Leader and Boirower otberwise agrea in wriNng,lnsora�ce pmceeda shall be applttd w restoration or rept+ir of <br /> :�:�;t,,_y� the Property damaged, if the �eswration os re�afr ia ecortomicnlly feasiblz and I.cnder�s security is nat lessened. It'ihc <br /> �-^.�: •s� restoratilone or npair is not ecanomIcaUy feaslbte or�der�securlty woutd be lexsened,the insurance proceeds sha�l be� <br /> '�^--��- _ ' ayplied w the sums secured by this Secwity T�p,smeanerat,whether or not then due,with any excesa paid to Borrower. If <br /> -"�� ����k�"��� I Horrower abandons the Property.or does reet answer�vithi,n 30 days a notice from L.ender that the insuranoc carrier hea <br /> rr�>;��t .., . <br /> -w.s;"f-"-T••. offered w settte a claim,then l.ender may colt�ct the inaurance pmc�eds. Lender may use the proceeds to i+epair or restore <br /> ;����.•. <br /> �' "��% the Pmperty or to pay sums secured by this Securiry Insttument,whether or not then due. The 30-day pedod wiU begin whe.� `_ <br /> ;°'�,;• '�y the natiae is given. <br /> "';°�.�'�;� lJnless Lender end Borrower othetwise agree in wdting,any applicurion of praceeds to princIpal shall nai extcred or <br /> �. ,t?aF�c�-.`�.i,. .,�. <br /> :..:a-.,�,,..;r . ..� postpone the due date of the monthly paymencs referred to ini para$raphs 1 and 2 or c hange t he amo u n t o f t h e p aym e n t s. I f __ <br />_.:;n.�;,�;••�«�;�� under paragraph 21 the Property is acqaie+ed iry I,ender. Bormwer� right ta eny insurance policies and proceeds resu!¢ing <br /> �;�,'�:., '; ,.;�:� from damege to the Property prIor W tbc ucquisiaon shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security — <br /> '�., �;-;' �1;_" Instrument immadiately prior to the acqu;sition. -- <br /> w= � � .`.^. 6. Occupency, Preservation, Maimtenance and Proteciion of the Property; Borrower's I.oan Applacallon; <br /> - � Leasehotds. Borrower shail occupy,rstabiish;and use the Froperty as Borrower�s principal residence within sixry days atier �- <br /> - � ttie exeruliun of this Security Instrument arad shall continue W occupy the Property as Hoirower's principal restdence for at <br /> = lea.ct one year after the date of occupancy, unless C.ender otherwisa agrees in wridng. which consent shall not be <br /> - '!�� unreasonabiy withheld.or unless extennating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower s control. Borrower shall not <br /> . ,.,l'�';; destroy,damage or impair the Property,allow the Property to deteriorate.or commit waste on the Property. Borrower sha11 <br /> ' be in default if any forfeiture action or proceeding,whether civli or ctiminel,is begun that in Lender's good fa�th judgment __ <br /> �� could rssult in forfeiture of the PropeRy or otherwise materiatty impair the lien created by this Securiry Instrument or <br /> ' L.enders security interest. Borrower may cure such a default and provided in paragraph 18,by causing the act�on ,�,. <br /> - • or p�nceeding to be dismissed with a tuling that,in Lender§good faith determinetion,ptecludes forfeiture of the Borrower's �`'=` <br /> , inter+est in the Property or other material irnpairment of the llen created by this Security Insm�ment or Lender�s securiry __ <br /> : ' interest. Borrower shall also be in default if Borrower, during the loa., appltcation pracess, gave materially false or =:. <br /> . inaccurate infortnation or statements to Lender(or failed to provide Lender with eny material information)in connexrion with � <br /> � ` the loan evidenced by the Note, including,bul not iimited to. representatians conceming Bosrower's occupancy of the �`= <br /> •• `' ;; Property ac a prineipal r+esidence. If this Secunty Instrument ls on a leacehotd,borrower shaii compiy with ait the provi�ien�� -- <br /> „ of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee title to ihe Property,the teasehofd and the fee title shall not merge unlecs Lender agnees <br /> ' tothe merger in writing. �— <br /> 7. ProtecUon of I.ender's Rights in the Property. If Borrower fails to perfoan the rnvenan[s and agreements <br /> � �� contained in this Security Inswmant,or there is c�legaf praceeding that may significantly affect I.ender's rights in the �' <br /> � PropeRy(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy,probate,for condemnation or farfeitune or to enforce laws or regulations).then �: <br /> Lender may do and pay for whatever is necexsnry to protect the value of the Propetty and Lender's dghts in the Property. — _, <br /> Lender's actions may include paying uny sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrument.appearing _- <br /> . in court, paying reasonable attomeys'fees and emering on thc Property to make repairs. Atthough Lender may take action <br /> unc3er utiis paragraph 7,Lender dces not have to do so. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrowet�ecured by this <br /> Stcurity Instrumeaet. Unless Borcower and Lender;►gree to oiher tcrtnx of payment,these amounts shall beaz interest from the �� . <br /> date of disburserttent at zhe Note rate and�:hall bc payable, with interc,t, upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting '`" ` <br /> � , ' payment_ , <br /> ,��..•:'�t �. Mortgaffie fl�surance. Et Lendrr rcquired mortgage insurunce ati a condition of m�ing the loan secured by this , <br /> ., . ;".�:�;1{ Securit} 3nstaumene.�a�nower.l4aii p:n t!m�premiums required to maintain the mortgage insur•u►ce in effect. If, for any , <br /> \;:";�,•.'. . mason, ihe mortgage insuranm rmrra�e ce.aaiired by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shall pay ihe <br /> premiums required to obtain co�rrage suhns�aT�iall.•eyuivalent to the mortg.��;e in�urance previously in effect,at a cost <br /> substantially equivalent to the co.t tcr Bc�rrQ�H•<<of the mortgage insuranre previously in effect, from an alternate mortgage <br /> . insuc+er approved by Lender. (f suh.tantiaily equi�a�ent mortgage insurance cuverage is not available,Bonower shall pay to <br /> Lender each month a sum cyual ta onc•twe Ifth of thc ycarly mortga�e insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the <br /> � insurance covernge lapsed or ceased io be in effect. Lender H zt1 arrept,use and retain thexe paymentti us a loss reserve in lieu <br /> of mortgage insurance. Loxs rc.rrve payment�may nn 1ong,r tye rcyuimd,at thc option of'Lrnder, if rtortgage insurance <br /> _. coi•er;e(in th:amoant and t'or ihr periex! ihat:.:nd.r rcquirc�l providcd by an insurcr approved hy Lender agaen becomes i <br /> availpble and is obtained.Bormwcr xhall pa�ihe pr�•miums reyuired to maintuin mortgage in,urance in effect,or to provide a u <br /> loss reserve,until the reyuirement Sor mon�age in.u*:mcr end�in xcorJance with any writtrn agmement between Borrc�Wer i <br /> and Lender or applicable law. <br /> 9. Inspection. Lender or it,agent may m.�kr reasonaFle en;rie.uExm and in.pectio�n. of the Proprrty. Lenctrr .aali <br /> ' ' give Borrower notice ut the time of or prior to an in��xrtian�F�rif}•in�rea�unablc ruux tur the imExrtion. <br /> .�� 10. CondetQOna¢6�n. 1'he pnxred.i�f an� ;n�ard or rlaia:f��r damage�.�lircct or cunxyuential_in�•��znrc:tion with:uiy <br /> ,�, <br /> ,;;t. timfde Famdy..Fanntr�iae Frrddir\lac l�Ot��Olt�i l\tiTRI'�1F:\T��l'ndomi(ln�•nann 9%0 �ry{te�J,q n p,t¢�u �` <br /> 1-` .' �.(' � ',' <br /> i;rca�wR�x s�y�nec+Fama tac ;j�.�: <br /> :�_' n�nn�ran SSh4:li0�97H3 7 M���;in.;��i iut <br /> ',�� _ <br /> :��' <br /> . , , __..... ._ . .. . , . . ' • " ':\ . , . . . r <br /> ' ' <br /> � <br />