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<br /> —__-- 0. M�sirdous Mat�tfst�.Tivator oh�il k�ep M�Prnpsety ln eom f14nc�witti ell epplfoabla t�w�,oMin�ncaa ead ropuf�ti�.f
<br /> —.:�n� .
<br /> --_---=—�— r�fatlnp to InOustritl by�leno or amiranmenbl prat�tlon(celleativ�y ratsrrad to herein n�"Env�ronmentsl 4�w�"�,�Yuibr�it�ll
<br /> �—�—
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<br /> ---=��-�°— he�th�Pra�rty frer hom rtl6ubeaac�a A�er�d to P�Aesudous ot mxlo undorany Environmant�l I.iwa�coltectivaty rrt�rr�d io
<br /> ----�:•v fhb�v}Y__ _
<br /> °""`""" '� ��'� herMn aa"Nuardaus Mtterlats'�.Truator hareby wirnnb and roprsaonta to 4andor that thero are�o Haurdout A9at�ridr on a► �'-�' -- ---
<br /> T:�.���.:.�� �_
<br /> —_-- unduiMPraperty.'frustorhsnbyapnwtolnd�mnlyandhotdharml�ilsndor,lualrecwn.oflice►a,emal�y�s�and�nt�,an�
<br /> ^ '""'=�'°"�' any ruccsstora to Len�e�s IntaresL hom and s�tlntt any and all clttrtss,damaae�,lasae9 and tlnbflldss arte�np M conneo'Hon wltl� _
<br /> ... .
<br /> :. . . . ,. �.:..:_ :°.._.
<br /> i�1a pee�nca,use,d{aposol or tranapori a7 ar�y�i�rciouR Ma4a7J�is an. unoter,itOra Or 80aut f�le Pro�tiy.4NG F0:7C�O1+L'0 �
<br /> ;,...:-.� y..n... - - - -----
<br /> w�.a�
<br /> ^ � �.�� 10.Aatanmeat o!Ranta Truator hereby asatgns W tsndpr 3ha ronts,iasuas and proflta ot the Properyr;provided that 71ru�tar ="
<br /> -`'J__...;��'�,:;,,� ehall,untA the c�onurce»as ot an Event ot Defeutt herounder.have the r�phtto cotlect and retetn eucf►►ents,lssues and protfts a�thoy
<br /> �. � '�� bttcomo duo and payttbte.Upon the occunence o}an Event of�efaul�LenGer may.either in pereon or by egen4 with or without --
<br /> br�n�inp aay aatlon or procuodirtu,or by o mGelver appointed by a court a�d without�egard to the adequaay o4 ite seCUNty.enter _R__.
<br /> , upon�nd taka poasession oT tha Properry,or any part thereof,tn fta own oeme or in the nsme ot the Tiustea,and do any aats whlch it ;� _ _
<br /> . dooma eaaeasary ordeairabi�to preserve theva�ua,merketability or rentebi lityot the Properly,or any paR thereni or Int@roat thereln, _—
<br /> inorensa th�income therefrom or protect the seaudty her�o!artd,wtth or without mking pass�ssion oi the Pmperty.sue tor or �_—
<br /> otherwfse coSlsot the�oata,iseues and proflts thereof,Inct�inQ CRa�Raat due and unpatd,artd ap�iy the same,lesa caate artd R:-�
<br /> . - expenEes ot operatl�n and collecUon inoiuding aaomeys'Pe�,uy�n�rcg fendetr�edrtes�sac�ra!I.�oeseJay.aH{n euch order as Lender ��-.:—
<br /> may determina.The entering upo�and taking possesstoe�crf Gho P��rry�4�a�ot[¢�opn e1!�uctb�C�.tsaues aod protits and the !� o_�,._-
<br /> applicatlo�thereof ao atoresaid,sba�!not cure or waiYO cavty cCo4'�aM��rtaRiCS ol4io4auEII h�r¢ucr�r�r invalidate aoy aCt dooe In +
<br /> �esponaetoauehdetauitorpureuanttosuchnoticeofd�aut�e�ced6ceat"msa2C�s8a►dingthecon�e��c�ce�aof��osseaslonoftheProperiyor :�r'.;`°�- -
<br /> � • t_��_-._
<br /> the collection,�ecelpt and appttoaUon ot rents,isaues ar�POf14s.ar�4vu��ee and Lender shall�o cr�tiUed to ex�rctse every dght _...s.
<br /> provldedforinanyottheLoanDocumeMsorbylawupan�seurrenoso4mn�E�entolDetautt.inxlen�i�pjewlthoutllmltaUonthe�igh44o ��`. - _
<br /> , exen:iae the power of sate.Further,Lender's rtghts and remadtes un�er tb is paragraph shait be¢�evnno0ative with,and in no vamqr o :...�:�;�-^'
<br /> timitatlonon.lenderaNghtsandremedlesunderanyas��smentofleasesandrentsrecordedagairo�t4hePrcpezE�y.l,an�er.4rers2m� �• :',",:';;: __
<br /> '��r�`.:,�. . and the receiver shaii!se IE�!a to eccount oniy thosa u��c�e�axtua�y reoelred. �_`�,.::;,�`-
<br /> 11.Er�nb ot Otl�ulf.7'R�toilowing ahall consti4aet$a�Event of Oetault under thls Deed of T�ust '''.'f' Y-,�--
<br /> .�i s;v a
<br /> � �M�: rr.
<br /> • c��..
<br /> • (e)Failu�e to pay any installment ot principao or interost of any oUier sum secu�ed herebb ra�esn due; i':¢��.��'�.
<br /> � �• (b) Abreachofordefaultun�ta�eyprovisioncpntainedinlhe�dot�,lhisDeedofTnist,e�}�ns'theLoanDaaaments.ota�up ;��.," �._
<br /> other ifen or encumbra�ce upcn tha�og�r; :,..;.�,��"=
<br /> (c)A writ of execnat3om or at?�xhrae�nt or any�imi�ar proce�s shall Ree ereIIered agafnat Trus4cir whlch shaEV bacome a lien en . _=_;
<br /> ihe Properry or a�y par�i�n thareol mP interest th�roin; .. "=
<br /> ' (d) TPoere sha01�a 9ikad by or against TruslmP or Borrower an action�nndor any present a tuture federal.state or olher ',:y�� �
<br />