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-,� �. . .,. <br /> �i��+,�i���.}�T±f'�Ir',��4 e`��!�� `'�+y.{i n<: Y. '^XTai'} a+r.,t5�`�7 ��t."r*--v. �U'rnlCJ- _ t j. r r� <br /> � `4�t i w •� � .ES .:r � �:� {y...�: ����•�_ ,� �� � i, ,.t � '} �,1 <br /> -���'� �'�r�+,��: i .,� ��'" 3 r., :;., l i ��r �{� �� ,, f � '¢i�i :'ii�• �!. ' � �j.t��t�f::: <br /> +�^w++��� {� -§Yyf� -? �'����' ld��{)�' d � .�� 5 � t{.. ' .��kt;.���'�.�i��-r r wi�r;� �.� E,y,;tcr....: <br /> , �h"Mt AI� ' ' '�� y, ''3';'�.e•i•_�:.o,..�...r . i�,,, ---- �_.- <br /> � �'- r!L"J `I �.f�r::;'.'�(��F- .;7_.�...�7'1�'�,ay. - _.... <br /> . : <br /> _w'f'�M.A+}w,� '"_'_ ' _ <br /> t••r�.,rrVa�. .,w.. -- —r`�`:r i--'.'-�-� -'---.. ...,— - <br /> �y�.�. __ <br /> �� <br /> . <br /> � <br /> • - . --�•-- �----.�n.�w��i..� <br /> � <br /> ur�.rk�.ierwa�...:. •�i� . <br /> .� ''"�(S!r '1�{� ?. T . ' ' - _" <br /> ' . �T''L�-.�'�.aSY__ . . ., - <br /> '�, • ' ' ' - � � . � . _.• -. <br /> } �l�¢'_�"_•.^�FAYF�tbIV.. _' <br /> • i � . , ."!' 'f>> _ � _ .._.�..:— — <br /> . - ..': �.� .. _,.-�-. � ' _ ,� ._ _. <br /> �". � <br /> .. . � wr�inm�-...."':._..::."".�. � ..._,.�._�.�•---_—.."'�___'__.. <br /> .._._..._�... �_...-.._..�...._._._��.._�rf__�. .�,.._....._'_. �� <br />- - ...........r.a.�.ry� . . <br /> -�-e�ti�:acR�t:� ";7 • � <br /> =R���'%•m7 . : <br /> ��Yd <br /> � =-x— <br /> y,:11l��,i."'�-.. ___ <br /> =�_�16�^�.!:'.)) ��_ q <br /> °�s�^•�rt,� :t 8eotion 10. E��e+±�ton o1 durlsdlctlmf� ji�•"��� <br /> '`�i.. <br /> .�'re1•_'i'•�� . <br /> -,•��z;�•� fR�Ht teg of�Nator D�ed t��attrg�Ca�do�lnlu�D�opt�ty R�i�on tots Fiv�t5)thra+pN Hltvm<t�), <br /> . , ... Slock tNO t2>. Brentwaod Seeonal6Lbdivisian, C1ty o4 6rend lstead, Hetl County, Ne4raak�� ahall autanntic�l ty <br /> :f"'�; ' ` �,,"; extan�f the JuMadtettan of thls Raeeo�r�e*e Asaocistian 4o ifleluda the r►�+ly crea4ssi Car�o.alni�a Pra�nty Rc�tt^1. �°"� �. <br /> . h., '. . ---_ <br /> - . Upon weh�xt�naian, ths fottoairg sAsll�pplye <br /> . � ���S p) The Acsxiettan's eost of rep�in ard naietemnce end ell othor expenses ehett 6e alloeated — <br /> :.���-�,..-:-•.�.r te�he�►r�Ncut�r Cada�iM�P�aperty R�pi�e�equlMrg or benefltin9 fran ehe ea�e. If�oro `.-- ------_- <br /> 4hen one benoflts, then the expense ahall be proroted batKSCn the beneHting CorKla�inia R__. <br /> , Repibes 1n proportian to the benef9ts of eaeh as reasonebty deeee�inrd by the Bosrd of �_i �___ <br /> � AdeiMstretora. The per�aes allaeeted to e pertleula� Properrtx ReQfine sAatt be peld ar =_ <br /> ` „ `'� allaeated auordi�y to�the Nas4er Deed for thet Regira. c' —� -- <br /> (b) The rrnber of votea for the expended Aaeoaietton shel l be the egg�4e r,na�rr o4 roRea Sn each �,`,r;m.-__-..---- <br /> •.�t:.�.;,•: sepa�ato Regte�e making up the Aasoetetior+ and at meetiRqa of tRo ¢�cpc+�x�l1 11ssx9mQiac�. �fio <br /> rutes for u Q�ccc�m, for determinieg uhmR�r en nction ahall ba e�c�n, 4or elec49on ef Cho �-�.�--'" <br /> mea�ers o�4R�13oacd of A�einistraiors,mrad m4L e4her pur�ooses shal! bE�s is provld�ci fre thcso *� <br /> .`:,r' .:.r.,:4�saYY'!-- <br /> I�jr-deys. cansC�an the expanded romb�r of e�regato votes. "' "�"' -•--=-- <br /> `.N��.±}vc�iwa <br /> (c) 47tr¢n a'eUY cra 6V>Re9im�e ie affeeted by e decieion of t[:Q enp4l�ded AseoClat9on. t�en thr Board � '=-,�;: <br /> . otr 4��cco�.cs_v,�r, but shaLL rrot rnKesserity 6e requi�eA ta, se�k tho ap�rovod of os+ly the ',:_--�-:.�a��'_°. <br /> ' �'�''s� �if;-' <br /> � winera in thz�t e4feet¢d Regfrtae. ,���S y ',;` :_ <br /> _ '['• AS:�..� 71`�_ l. l,.i.'::,.�, <br /> . � ��� �� .:'��5�. <br /> ..r. .�. i._ ♦ . . <br /> � �''`.�;';�,x,.��'� <br /> �'.'a�� ARTICLE IV. OFFICERS ���li_�=_— <br /> ,... �.r>� .Y' -- <br /> • `'`"`'" Section t. Oesianatioe. � <br /> .•,��R <br /> . , � �r_ ... `-- —__ <br /> � The oftieers of tha Aesociation shall canaist of a Preaident, Vice President, Secretary aM T�easurer <br /> • :;;�� end such additional officere es the At�ainistrators shall fram time to time deem�eeeasery. MY perea�meY hold . �;— <br /> �.'��•,; two or more offieea, but no one person shall hold the of4ices of President end See�etary simultar�eously. . " -- <br /> i„•:>:;{, Membera of the Board of A�ninistratora may eleo be officere. the P�eaident mey be elected fram the rtKrfiers of �—_ <br /> the Board of Aefi►inistrators. . ,, <br /> � :t. . .�r y! � _ <br /> !�:{:, .,. � . .. <br /> __ g�tion 2. Eleetion. '� ',: <br /> --- ;����;,;�� <br /> �" The officera of the Aasociation ahell be eeected annuelly by a majority vote of the Boatd oi ' . <br /> °� Administra:ors ef�the annuel Boerd meeting, and ahall hold office at the pteasure af the board. <br /> .�;,.:��� , � 'r.: <br /> �'��:�.�' �ction 3. Removal. �� ��j�f�'��� 1 <br /> �;;: <br /> � tipon the affirniative vote of a+re)o�ity of the Board in ettendenee at an annuel or apecial meeting, ar� : '�f <br /> � � officer may be removed, with or withwt cauae, and his successor shall be etected thereat. ,� .;r� � <br /> ' '�,�' Section 4. President. • • .�f�;`'.; <br /> ��:';+ . ,,`•`��,� <br /> ,. <br /> � The Presiden4 ahalt be the chief exeeutive officer of the Aseociation. He shall pres9de at all meetings �. ,-��::��•,r�l., • <br /> • • of the Assxiatfon and of the Board of Adninistrators. Ne ahall have all of the generai powers and duties wfi ieh •.:� :., �v. <br /> • � � are i�cident to the offiee of President of a norprofit corporation, includi�g but rtot itaiteA to, the powe� to � :, � , �% : <br /> � eppoiM cmmitteea f�an among the suite owners fran time to time as he may at his diacretion decide ie � ,��!�'�-�,� �r�'•' ��r <br /> - ; , appropriata to aseist in the conduct of the affairs of the Associetim. 'ti.` °•�T�1,,'.���' � <br /> �.i';': `;;� +,;,..., <br /> E �.J--�: <br /> .7;�•`� �t1on S. Vice President. :��;r;•��;., � <br /> ;�,�t;�:., • ,.,��:�-,.t;•�,•.: <br /> �•,� The Viee P�es{dent shall take the place of the Presidant end perform his or her dutiea whenever the , . ,:'"���,�;ti� '<.: <br /> «� President shatl be ebsent or �mable to aci. If neither the President nor the Viee Preaident is able io aet, . �• '�`- ° � <br /> � " the 8oard of Adninisirators ahalt appoint srn�e other tne�er of the Board ot A�inioistrators to act in plaee of , �� �,`��� <br /> ,�,�, •;i}�,t;, . <br /> i.�';,;-. the President, on an interimbasis. The Vice President shell also perform such other duties as shall from time . 'y�.;...(,.y, <br /> ;�. , to timo be imposed upon him on c�r by the eoard of Adminiatrators or by the President. I cyy � ,;�-� <br /> !. <br /> " . � • ',�i�;�.:;'. - <br /> '�' Seetion 6. Seeretarv. �?, ,�. <br /> � The Secretary shall takcs the minutes of all meetings ot the Assaiation arnf ot the Boarci of �,� � <br /> Admi�istretors, and shall keep smne at the prineipal office of the Assoeiatio�unless otherwiee instruoted 6y <br /> the BoeM of Adminiatrators;he or she shall have char8e of such books and papers as the Board of Adninietrators ;`� <br /> � mey direot; end he or she shall, in ge�eral, perform ell the duties incident to the oftice of secretary of a i <br /> , � nortprofit corporetion organized urxler the laws of the State of Nebraska. <br /> 1 Section 7. Tr¢�su-.- . : ' ::`' , <br /> .. ,i :,� c�:i,:t', <br /> The Teeasurer shall have the rQSponsibility for Association funds and securities e:�d sAall be �'�'�'` �• <br /> ' ''..+ ,; <br /> respnnsible for keeping futl artd accurate financial records and books of account sRp�ing atl receipts aed • • ' � ' , <br /> � df�Crstrxnis, ard for the p*¢,baration of all required fina�ial data. xe or she sha[; be responsibte for the <br /> de�os*e of elt aAnies end OCIRer vatuafole eftects in the rea:� of the eoerd of A���-strators, and he or she , <br /> shall, in general, perform atl the duties irtcident to the office of tr�asurer ef z rien-profit corporasion <br /> o�ganized tmder the laws of the State of Dlc�raska. , <br /> 4eetion 8. Cmnensation. <br /> � Ca�pensation of officers sAall De fixed by tRe Board of A�ninistrators end sAall be reasonable <br /> _ rn�ncnrinn cencidarina the �ties of the office. Mv Rdninistrator who is also 2n office� sRal! �ot have a <br /> vute i�� ti�e en�ting of cartpensation for the office or offfces held by said Adni�istraiar. <br /> Section 9. Aareeme�+ts. Contraet, Etc, <br /> All agreements, cheeks, contracts and otner Trtst�unents shall be signed by tuo offtcers of tAe <br /> Association or by sueh other persm or persons as may he�esi9nated by the Board of Administrators. <br /> ARt�CLE V. BUDGET ANO ASSESSpENTS. <br /> � Scetion t. Bud9etr <br /> { The 6oerd of Adninistrators sholl adopt a budget for each fiscal year, beginning on aay tst and ertd��A <br /> on the next April 30th, which shell include tho estimate of funds required to detray cannon expenses in the <br /> EXHIBIT "A" 4 of 10 <br /> �I <br /> 1 <br /> , - <br />