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<br /> ___. .�9lAl�:�O.•1�•.�1.'i_����._ _— .�I�.I . . ..�........� _ _ _- - _"_.__- ._ ._
<br /> ' _ _— ="'�A • • _.
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<br /> -_ti�r����.�.a�-:� ��� �V�� —___
<br />..:-�gSv��vC•."a'/�.
<br /> ��A}+�.�11/.�C S V1,�.`/� ___
<br /> South Ha].f of iche Nor�h�ast Qua�rter (WSSS'E915�81/2NE1/4)
<br /> _°�'',�i1.�7:.;,:`s};��`:... -- — - _
<br /> �;; " ;�'' lying North of the exaepted property and from plaGfng �tare __
<br /> _:�.:�.�;;:;:,;;�.�,4 -
<br /> than 40 an�mals upon Che West 1,725 F�set of the South HalP __
<br /> ��:,>���9�r a...�-- --
<br /> �4' of the Northeast Quarter (W17 25�Si/2NE1/�1) at ariy one �ima i e„�:�,�:�.=�
<br /> +,_d-
<br /> ' ` 4. The dePendants are en�oined fxoxu p}1��Aaag an3l �'��'�'�:k`'y"�, —
<br /> `'��i('?�_'�`�---�
<br /> •-.•«.v_a__.
<br /> -- - - - animals upori the Eas� 360 k'�e� o�f the SautYl Ha1� tag �Ya� . f,,.,,�::—_�.��.,.
<br /> .,,� �.,�v_�
<br /> .�_�m��-
<br /> Northeast Quarter (E36o°S1/2�1/4) lying North of �Pe� t,: -;��:;,.=:,t.��_
<br /> .,:..�_.,:�_.
<br /> y ::�:,=;s.,�.�,�-=-==-
<br /> �jFr_r�l:fEMRi.:••"'--•
<br /> exaspted propertys "`�.�.,,;'�--- -_
<br /> :'� t�,�y_�,:.�-
<br /> � 5. For descriptive purposes a site survey is attachad ;,.� ,:. . ���;�;.___
<br /> ��8�:.�..,...
<br /> • hereta and �.ncarporated horein by referenoe as Exhibit "1" ��;"���,;
<br /> .-��*�'�r�::.
<br /> � and certain aonfined feeding areas upon said sit� survey ',• y,s��__--_ _
<br /> ,` �; have I�een denominated as Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4t :: :���:"__----
<br /> 6. It is the intent of this Order that Lot Four be �= -
<br /> ,,- �,;
<br /> limite8 to the bou�dariss oP the existinq welded pfpe shown � ; ��` __
<br /> ���:�
<br /> ' on exhibit "lnt . ,:�'�:'' �___`-.-
<br /> 9. It is the intent of tihis Order that Lot 3 shown on � " `�'°'�'_'��
<br /> �L.1'�'.�"y4...
<br /> Exhibit "1" start approximately 13 Feet North oF �he North . � �;�� •��,�
<br /> ..���,.
<br /> end of the exi.stinq bunk on the East boundary of Lot 3 and •� .: ,.f y,��,�.
<br /> be bounded on the North by a straight line from said point ,,,.. . :,:'',..1 `` ,
<br /> _�-- = to a poin� approximate3.y 133 Fa�t Narth af the s:ci�ti n� . , ;�,�r-
<br /> h�Torthwest corner of I,ot 2 and the defendants s�al]. put up a � ' " p�:�
<br /> ?3 ;3 y�;:
<br /> ftencw_ or barricade on the North boundary of said Lot 3 prior �V�y ''-
<br /> `� to placang any �nimals therein; • ;;.:�� '• .��';;
<br /> 8. It is expected by �his Order that Lots 1 and 2 stay . ' :;�:;3���
<br /> �.�� . the same as shown on E�:hibit 'rl"; . . � ;;;�.`�f�i.. �
<br /> , � ';,,;:�,f.�..,
<br /> '•,:n•. . ,;.-.�,,.rr
<br /> g. Further it is the intent of this Order that the � ,,�:i,^;. :.� '
<br /> � � defendants should be asnd are hereby enjoined from plac3ng � �. {�+
<br /> . .j11,'' �•,:��f�T4.
<br /> - ,;;i ,�ny animals upon the cd�s�sibed property East of Lot 3 and I /� ��
<br /> •� I .�% l` ...
<br /> .�".1.',f:'�....i:
<br /> ,,�.:.,�,��•�: North of the large bui].di�g shown on Exhibit "1", except in � , '
<br /> . ��•�!f�; ' � .
<br /> '�� that area shown as Lot 9; ' -
<br /> ��,-. i
<br /> r��`''°f:. 10. That with reference to Exhibit "1" this Order mean� '
<br /> ;,.. .:.ti.:,
<br /> that the defendants shall be enjoined from plLacirag no more � ��. ,
<br /> ';�/�r.cr`.f��: ' �. ,
<br /> • . than 400 animals tatal in Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 combined
<br /> between Octaber 1 and June 1 and no more than 300 animals •
<br /> ,�'•
<br /> for the balance oP the year;
<br /> 1i, �he defenda�.ts si,�u�u liC aiiu �l;ey ar� ze,:ebY � •
<br /> 2
<br /> � . ::��;� � � ,. ,. .
<br /> , � . .• ,;..
<br /> ..;,++,
<br /> . r
<br /> . ! �
<br /> � - --- ,.
<br />