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200407599 <br />A troct of land comprising all of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW1 /4 SW1 /4) of Section <br />Eleven (11), Township Ten (10) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County. Nebraska. excepting <br />tt therefrom all�of 8ockmann BsfkSubdi icon and Butterfly Subdivision, sold tact,0lossee ceptlons, <br />excepting <br />Deir9 more porticularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the west line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1 /4 SW 1 /4), <br />avid point being the northwest corner of said Butterfly Sub-division; <br />thence running northerly, along and <br />upon the west line of sold Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW1 /4 SW1 /4). a distance of <br />Three Hundred Thirty and Seven Tenths (330.70) feet to a point, sold point' being Throe Hundred Thirty <br />One and Six Tenths (331.50) feet south of the northwest corner of sold Southwest Quarter of the Southwest <br />Oucrfer (SW1 /4 SW 1 /4); thence deflecting right 90'23'44" and running easterly, parallel with the <br />north line of sold Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW1 /4 SW1 /4), o dhdonce of One Thousand <br />Three Hundred Thirteen and Three Tenths (1,313.30) feet to a point on the east line of sold Southwest <br />Ouvrier of the Southwest Quarter (SW1 /4 SW1 /4). sold Qoint being Three Hundred Thirty One and Six <br />Tenths (331.60 feet south of the northeast corner of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest .Otto: c: <br />(Sw,, /4 Swi /4) sold point also being on the west line of sold Western Heights Fourth Subdlivislon; <br />deflecting right 89'30'58" and running soufheriy. along and upon � Southwobst <br />Ouorler of the Southwesi Quarter (SW1 /4 SW1 /4), and also being along upon if line os n <br />Heights Fourth Subdivision, a distance of Six Hundred Eighty rive and Eleven Hundredths (683.11) feet <br />to the northeosi corner of said Bockmann i st Subdlvislon; <br />thence deflecting right 90'27'05 and running <br />westerly, along and upon the north line of said Bockmann 1st Subdivision. o distance of Five Hundred <br />Eighty and Sixty Six Hundredths (5110.66) feet to the northwest corer of sold Bockmann 1st Subdivision: <br />thence deffecting left 90'32'19" and running southerly. along and upon the west tine of said <br />Bockmann 1st Subdivision, a distance of Two Hundred Ninety Nlne and Eighty Seven Hundredths (299.37) <br />feet to the southwest corn er of said Bockmann 1st Subdivision, sold point also being on the south <br />Tine to sold Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW1 /4 SW1 /4); thence deflecting left <br />line o23" and running westerly, along and upon the south line of sold Southwest Quarter of the feel <br />Southwest Quarter (S W1/4 4 s old /4). a fdistance 5ubdivialon� thence ddefl deflecting right i x9'38109 "(and �)nnl 4 <br />to the southeast corn <br />northerly. vlong and upon the cost line of. said Butterfly Subdivision. a distance of Six Hundred FNf�r <br />(655.0) feet to the northeast corner of sold Butterfly Subdivision; FWo <br />thence deflecting left 64'38'09 and <br />( 55,0) westerly, along and upon the north line of sold Butterfly Subdivision. a distance of Three Hundred <br />Thirty Three (333-0) 1041 Is the by public road containing <br />right.7of1 woy�• more or less, of which, <br />0.555 ocres, more <br />
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