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Y,"1h�q�4y�E.S�YiS( .�-.-s,.__—. <br /> �, � ! <br /> . , . . � ..,'��.�'. �; i - <br /> . <br /> ����,' � ' ;.�• ����,. y�.�� s �— _ <br /> r� -�_ <br /> �<.er�4 NI, �n�!MP.•;� •'jr =. �..r..r�-�.M� „sz. -.... <br /> -, .,e!y��ril'`, ..•.ti.,:- �' . _ • ` ' . <br /> � � j.. <br /> . 'y- ',i ��(!{�M�,......;' .. <br /> � F,�• . 1 � . . ... �.tM1-.n....ial[clhf��.. ir <br /> � • 1 <br /> � . . . .-��,�'AiW�Wty4"I�AS.�i•-.c„�..-.. , ....�. . <br /> , � <br /> .,) ' a �......r.�..`...._...,.. . ,�-�. " . . � __.- - <br /> . ... -�I�Q' ' 6:..•'�.. .. . ___._ ....�... --_____ <br /> _� <br /> ��-.��Y�� applicuble law may specify for reinetatement)befor�e ealo ot ths Propetty pur�uant to�y�ower of�le conli�ad in t3�{e <br /> ----_= -- Secudty Inswment;or(b)entry of e f�cdgmeat enforcFng th�e Stcutity Instrument. Thosa sonditiosia arc:thot Borrowr,r. (e) <br /> —~��� paya Lender al! suma which thtn would be due under thls Strar�ty [ns4r�►mcat and �ho Mato �a it na�ecelu�tton hrd �___ <br /> -'=•�'�rs...°� occumed;(b)cujes�-►y dzfault of any other covonanta ar ngre�mentA;(c)pnya ull oxpensts incurrcd in enforcing tt�te Sccurity <br /> -- --- Insuument,including.but not tlmited to�reason�ble attomeys'fees;und(d)talcea such actlon ay Lcndcr m�y n�sonably <br /> ��:_�'�"'��'Y�, � require to aasure thnt tha Uen of this Secudty Instrument�L�nder�dghts in the Pcoperty and borrowor�obligatlon to ay the <br /> � sums secured by thts 5ecue�ty IaRuut�zent ahal! continuo unchangcd. URas� w,;is�stctement by �amm���r. thfla �ec�+rity <br /> �-��,x� Inswment and the obligationa caurcd hereby shall nemaln fuUy effective as If no acccicratlon hed occumd. Howevcr.thts r <br /> ""�°����:"''''• r�ght to r�Instau shall not apply in the case of accalerntion under puragraph l7. <br /> _...6.,. :r;::r,..^;�, <br /> -s;;�a�,,,,;�,�_ 19. Sale ot Note;Change ot Loan Serwtcer. Tho Note or u partial intereat in the Note(toguher wtth thie Secudty <br /> �•` :` "�'"'� Instrument)may be sold orte or more times without prlor nottce to Borrower. A eale may resuit in a chun�o in the etulty - <br /> ' (known as the Loan Servicer")that collects mon[hly payments due under the Not�e und tMs Se�urity Instrument There also <br /> �� <br /> may be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Noie. If thet+e is a change of the Loan Servlcer, <br /> . Borrower wil!be given written notice of the change in accordance wIth paragraph 14 above and applicabla law. '!]�e natice - <br /> � w�li sta�e the name and address of ttie new Loan Servicer aa►d the u�dress w which payments sC�auld be made.The notIce wUl <br /> " Also aontain any other Informatla�raymired by appiirmblc daw. — <br /> ,9A. �iaznPdous Sulnstaa�¢s. �arrower shalt noi caus�or psrnde the presence,usa.dlispasa➢�stor� release of eny <br /> ' ' Haza�daus Substanees om or in th�Pmgerty. �Sor,c+�.ver sh�li not do.nor�Ilm�v anyona else to da.�n3r�+an�affecting the <br /> ,:, Propeaty that is in vdofation of any EnvironmentaG Law. 'dlie prece�iog two sentences shalfl aot apply to tine pt��.or <br /> - ° storage on the Propxrty of sanall qaanrities of Hazardous Substances that are generally recogniaed W be appropalate to normal <br /> ' �.' �� residential uses and to maintenance of the Property. __ <br /> ;, �, ' Bomower shall prora�ptly give L.ender wrftten notice of any investigation.claim.demand.lawauit or othcr action by any — <br /> - ��• govemmental or reguiatory agency or prlvate paity involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Envlronmental - <br /> �� " Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower leams, or is notified by any governmental or regulutory <br /> , ••,!�''f(�%t� . hal0�ic4ir�n tlt take all neces r ot(�em dial actions m accordance��th Envlrontnental La�vthe Propetty is necessary,Borrower =-- <br /> '(;l�`�ili�:' �S�,�a n this paragraph�, "Nazerdous Substances"aue[hose substanccs defined As cc+vic or hazardous sumsta�c�e�by =�.-- <br /> •"•: � . ` Environrnental Law and the fallo��•ing substances: gasofine,H�erosene.other fIlarnmable os t�oxic petroleum pmducYS,toxic <br /> - „ . . pesWCides and herbicides,volatile solvenu, materiffis containing asbestos or fmrmaldehyde,and radiaa�rtive maRenals. As ---- <br /> - �` used in this paragraph 2m,"Environmental Law"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the IP�r�erty is located — <br /> .. „�,+4�,`'.?;�''`� 1 that relate to health,safet:r or environmental pmtecdon. <br /> � i;.•t`�`:' � 1�ON-UNIFO�tM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender funher covenant and agree as follows: <br /> . .,.: <br /> .%L. Accelerasaon; Remedies. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior to a�celeruQBam ffo90m�vlr�g�ora�ow�r'a _ <br /> _ ____ b;rar7�of any zflvEnant or agreement tn thl�Sec�rlty Tac�*��ment(but nat grior to accelerat3�un un�ar Qan-s�raph 17 __ <br /> unfess appliceble la�;provtdes atherwise). The notice ahall specify: (a)the default;(tnl¢9�e action r�a��ire8 IIo care the �„ <br /> default;(c)a date,not less than 30 days from the clate the notice is given to Borrowec,my whic@�tQae dPfa�lt�ust 6e — <br /> • cured;and(d)that failure to cure the default on or before the date spectfied in the noeaoe aeay resuU¢in aaeleraQiom of <br /> the saam�s secured by this Securlsy Instrument and sale of the Property. The notice sfiu9�further inform Borrowea�of �_ <br /> • the right to reinstate aflter acceteraUon and the right to brtn$a court aMion to assert¢U�e non-existence of a defauYg or <br /> any other defense of Borrower to acceleratton and sale. If the default is not cured on or before the date speriRed[n �._ <br /> the nottce,Lender at its option may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument <br /> without further demand and may invoke the powe� of sale and any other remedies permitted by applicable law. <br /> Lender shatl be entitled to collect al� expenses incurred in pursuing the remedtes provtded in this paragraph 21, <br /> �� including,but not limited to,reasonabte attorneys'Pees and costs ot title evidence. <br /> If the power of sale is invoked,7Yustee shall record a notice of default in each rnunty in which any part of the <br /> Prnperty is lucated and shall mail copies of such nottce in the manner prescribed by appitcabte Iaw to Borrower and to `'' <br /> , the other persons prescribed by applicable law. After the time required by applicable law,l�rustee shall give pubiic <br /> notice of sate to the per.�ons nnd in the manner prescribed by applicable law 'lirustee.without demand on Bonower, <br /> shall sell the Property at pubiic auction to the highest bidder at the ttme and ptace s►nd under the terms des(gnated in <br /> the temuuce of sale in one or more paecels and[n any order'Ilrustee determines. Trustee eonay postpone sale of all or any <br /> � . parce0 uf the Property by public announcement at the time and place of any previous8s sc7�eduled sale. Lender or its <br /> deslgnee may purchase the Property at any sale. <br /> Upon receipt of payment of the price bid.lYustee shall deliver to the purchaser�'pustee's deed comveying the <br /> P�operty. 'I'he recitals in the 7Yustee's deed shali be prima facie evidence of the truth oY the s¢at�rrnea�ts made theretn. <br /> 'U�a�stee shall appl�the proceeds of the sale in the follo�+•fng order: ta)to all costs and�ttaeeaos2�s oGex�rcising the poever <br /> Form�1D'r!i �vlt •p,�i�.<,�1 hP��e��� <br /> f <br /> ' <br /> . <br /> Y <br /> . .�J _ <br />