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<br /> qkrn ot d�nepod.L�ndm�h�11 hsvs the optlon in ho�ote end abaolute dtsar�+tlon,to�ppSy alJ su�Proceeds.�fta d�duotinp th�r�t�osn �c,��;:__..
<br /> .. �� ,,.u;� ` �B oosU�nd�x�ntes hour►�Q by It in eonn�olion wlth�udi Proaeed�.upon ony ind�btedne�s�eoursd hmby nd h�uab ettdu a ':•�,,;�?x�'-��<.� -
<br /> . � � c!i U:...__-
<br /> ._ - • -...- - tert�r mcir aetam�ia.ar to�PP�Y aA auoh Proasoda,atter cua!►dedeatloni.to th��estorattan of the Proputy upon euelt aandR�ons ae �i,.t',:�-,•;:' ---
<br /> Lmdar may dst�b�.Any apptiostlon of ProaNd�to ind�btednes�rhafl oot�xtend o►po�tpons the due d�t�af enY p�ymanS�undm � ,+.�i�:,'s's
<br /> ths Not�,ot aun my d�toult thereunder or here�ndn.My un�ppll�d tund�ah�Il bs psld to Tnntcr. 'r''� '--
<br /> *�•,�.;;.-,.,
<br /> ' 8. �dtermd►ce Aq 4endea. Upon the 000unenoe ot er�fivent of Oel�ult hmcundet, o� i!eny aot ts taken oe lepot ptoaeed{np „ --
<br /> ° oommertcsd whfoh ms4eda11y atfeote Lendar's inteteat tn th�PropeKy.�.ander m�y�{U own dlsorotbn,but wlthout obtfp�tion to do�a, .:._.;::�.�..
<br /> " md wfthout aotiae to or damend upon Twatot end wtthout�elessinp Tnrotor iror►�any obtlpstfaa,do�r►y�ot whbh Ttistor h�s sprNd �,--`,�.s;;;��_
<br /> but feiN to do md mey etso do er►y other aet k deem9 nnneeoary to proteot the�aourity hereof.Trustor ehd1,Immediately upon Aemend �� " '�;__
<br /> �• ''�:�.:
<br /> -• ' . thcr�tor by Lendw,pey to Lender ell aoete end mrpmses incuned and sums acpen4sd by l.ander In conneotloa wjth the exeroi�e by _ , �,
<br /> Lender of the torepoinp dphte,topothoT wkh tntoroat thereon et the defsuh�ete provlded In the Note,whtoh�fiefl be added to ths '� •�� ;�
<br /> i�0ebtednsae eeaured heraby.Lender ehell not inaur any tiebltlty beoeuae of anythinp it may do or omit to do heroundos. •�
<br /> • 9.A'iut�ot�oua OlRatmSeti�.Teustar ahell keep the Proporty in aomplience wkh all epptloeble Iswe,ordlnenaes and re�u�etione routlnp to
<br /> �• mdustria�P�Fana or ac►vicoaenno�+8at proteotion teolteotivefy rofetted to herein ee'Environmente!lswe"). T�uator sha41 keap!ho Property
<br /> iree trom a'9 aubatmeces doaqeee�Yo Oo Pvazardoua or toxio under eny Envlronme�tel Lewe leoUeotive►y retettod to hereh es'H�ardous
<br /> :<=''s';, Meteri�ts').Truetor�moby wc+rr�nte o�ea roprosente to Lende►that thero aro eo Haurdoue Moterial ar or under tbe Property.Truetor
<br /> ;r�,f::ti�` hereby sprees to indemmi4y� Qeo!d Rr�.wnnbese landm, ite Aireotoro, offfaere,emp�oyeas and�cw�to. �sre4 sny euoae��oro to Lenda'e
<br /> " htereet,trom end ep�inaQ rm+y ai►S o9 cLs'vna.daranpea. baees er�d liabflitlea erisine i�ccsutoc2fics+�eith the presencs,use,diapoaaf or , .
<br /> trr�opoR of any How�dous t�llotarisl�on.umder,4ocr�►w ebout the Property.TNE FORFf30iKC3 YYlaRRANTIES AND REPRESENT�ATIONS, .
<br /> .�•, ��': TRUST. •
<br /> �'�'c;.;" 10.A�ai�nmeM at Qi�nts.Ttuator P�eroay assigns to l�der tFr:m rr7nts,iasues end progiis o4 tha P�eg�rty:Omv�:�thaY Yeustor sfte!&,
<br /> ,<<�:'•'�� ' untll the occurrance o4 en Event of Oa4oult hereunder,hovo tho ri�ht Ho collaot and retaxe stoch crm�us,i�uc��ncB Droffita es thay Qecomo .
<br /> . ��.,.
<br /> � due md peyebto.Upon th�occurtanoe of an Event of I�oteuk,Lender msy,ekher 6�po7aon or b1P t�on8.aris.h er a.ithout brinpbp any .
<br /> ,,',`' . eotion or proceedEnfl.or by e receiver aypointed by e ccurt and without rc{�ard to the pde�pwc�cy of Rs sec�ore¢�y, eTter upon end take � . .
<br /> �f;'�f,S� poaaession ot the Ptoporty, or my patt thereof, ii its ow��ame or in the nema o4 tP�e Taus4oa,and do any aate whloh it deems . _
<br /> ti•,�;�'��;`�r'<i neeesnary or desireble to presarve the vatue,marketeb8ity or rentebility of the Property,or eny podt t�ereof or intueat therein,inaeaae ,
<br /> r�'��'�� the i�ooms themf►om or protect th0 security hareof end,with or without takinp posseseion of t7eo�operty,sue fot ot otfierwise eolteot
<br /> �F�`'.:.�� the ronts,issues end profits theroof,inxlud'mp thoae peat due and unpaid,end epply tQre eame,tese aoete md expenseaof opetetion md
<br /> oolleatio»inctudinp attotaoe�'fees,upon eny indebtednase eecurod hereby,ell in e�ch ordet as Lender mey determes_The entetinp upon
<br /> end tak)np poseeaeion o4 ths�roperty, the col�eotion of suoh renta,issues and p►o4i¢s end the epplication thmeof es �oreaetd,ehell not '
<br /> auro or waive eny detuuUa ar notice ot defauk hereundm or Invalidete any aot done in responae to auch defeult or pureuant to euoh notiae ' '� .��
<br /> ot defauk and,ootwitAs4andinp the continuance In possession of the Property or the co0eatlon,receipt and applioatlor9 of�e�ts,iasuea m ;"".�, _
<br /> profits,end Taustoe aeeA I.a�der ehall be entitted to ezerase every�i�ht provided tor in eny of the Loan tnetrumante or by taw upo� i :��i 1�,,
<br /> oacurraics a:ar.y f�tr:: cf OafauR,inc'�dinp�ri�.hout limitstion ttiw •ight to exeroise the power of sete.Furthm, Lender'e ri�hte and t i _
<br /> ranedlee undet Yhie paan9+eph shell be cumuletive with, and in no wey a timhation on, lendm's �iphte end remediea �nndor eny � . - �
<br /> eeaignment of leaeas end�ente�eeorded egainet the Prmyercy.Lender,Truatee and the recaiver ahell be tiabla t�oecmunt oely for those � ' �`�'�'�'�
<br /> � " .
<br /> ronts eotuelly receiva�{. � ."�r, :
<br /> � 1 t.Evu►te of O�tau7i.TO�e 3oi'ow:rn g ehetl co�atituto en Event of Oeteult under this Deed of Tnnst. • •�, � ��
<br /> ;i�`'•• � (e)Failuro to pey any insealtmm4 01 principal or interest of any other eum eeaured hereby w6+en due; � :�.�.`'f� �` �
<br /> lb)A breeoh of or datauh unsler any provision co�tainad in the Note,this Oeed of Truat,eny of the Loen Instrumente,or eny � � �"���.. ` "•
<br /> "
<br /> � othm lien or maumbrance upon the ProPerty: ' " ';f,;:.`i ti• -; :}
<br /> � (o)A writ of execution o� ettachmant or any eimi�ar procese shetl be entered apainat Truetor which shall beaome e lien on the :�ri:ti, ,t,•; •
<br /> Ptoperty or eny portion thareof or interest therein; . ',i,
<br /> (d1 There shell be filed by or epeinat Trustor or Borrower en action under eny prasent or future federel,etata or other etetue,lew ' ,:.�.;�-�A
<br /> or repuletbn retatinp to bankruptoy, c�solvenay or ather ro�ief fo� debtore;or there ehell be aDlooFnted eny ttuetee, receivx or ', � �'` �•`;" '�%
<br /> liquidetor of Truetor or Bortower or of atl or any part of the Porperty,or the rente,iasuea or prof�ise thereuf,or Tnistot ot Bacrovv�r • ''}', ', .
<br /> shall make eny yeneret aseignment for the benefk of creditora; '
<br /> (e)Tha sele,tranafer,lease,eesignment,convayance or furthar oncumbrance of elI or any part of or eny inter�st in the Property, ,'•�J;�:
<br /> eithar voluntarily or invofuntarily,without the ex�ress written consent of Lender;providad thet Truator ehell eeC��ed to exeaute ; . -,a�;•;-,
<br /> a Ieese of the Property thet does not contain an�r.uIDn to purchase and the term of which does not exceed oneyear, .%��t��
<br /> tf1 Abendomment of tfie Property;or
<br /> � (y)tf Trustor ia not en individual,the iseuance, aele,trenafer,eseignment, conveyence cr e�,cumbrence of more then a totel '
<br /> ,�'� ,�� of Y/A percant of i�f e corporatlon)ks iseued end outatanding etock or(ff e partnershiSl'a+:atal of M/A percent of ''1• .
<br /> ; , t
<br /> � • pertnemhip interesta durinp the period thie Oeed of Truet remaine a Iien on tha P�o,�ty. '!• �
<br /> t Y,R��s;Aca�laration Upon Ddwk.ln the event of eny Event of OefauR Zender may,wkhout�otice excep!ea required by lew, •
<br /> declaro all indabtedness secured hereby to be due ar��payable and the same sTa11 thereupon become due and payable without any ,
<br /> � presentmmt,demend,protest o��otice of eny kind.Thereafter Lendar may: � . , ���-�'1 r �
<br /> � te)Demand MM Trustee ezercise the POWE6i�Pr SALE g�anCad herein, end Trustee shalt thereeker ceusa Truator's �torest `' :
<br /> � u�tP�e P►operty to be so�d end the proceeds to be dGSlnhuted,aH�n tiro�nanner yrovided in ihe Nebtebke Trust Deads Aot; • ;j, ,
<br /> i (bl Exetcise eny end elI riphts provided for iA any of ihe loan Instrumenta or by law upo� occur� of any �v¢nt of , .
<br /> � Oefauk;end • ��
<br /> (c)Commence en eotion to forecbee this ��ed of Trust es e mortgege, eppoint e reoeiver,or spec�lnca::� enforce eny of the
<br /> , . aovenents heroof. .
<br /> ', � No remedy harou�confened upan or v¢sarved to T�uatee or Lender is intendod to be ezclusive o4 any other remedy herein,in the Loen
<br /> . Inatrumonte or by Iaw provided ot Qerr.c+Red,but eech shell be cumulative,shell be in addition to evary other remady yiven hereunder,in
<br /> ' the loan Inatrurs�enta or now or hereafter existing at law or in equdy or by statute,end may tre exercised concurrently,independently or
<br /> euccessively.
<br /> � 13. TNitN.Th��'vuetoe may resipn et eny tarom without ceuse,end Lender meh et any t�me end without ceuea eppoint a succesaor
<br /> or substitute 7ruatea.Scaostee shalt not be tiebla to mnb party,inch+diny wkhout Irr.itatior�Lender.Borrowe+,Trumor or eny purcheser of
<br /> � the Pra��+a2q, for m�y tose or damepe unless dua to �ack6ass suv ay�filul misconduct, end shmS]not be required to teke enq ection in
<br /> . c�rnreo�tuara aith the mforoemernt of tPnis Dsed o4 Twrt un'bss fnc7�nnr?ied,m writing.for eIl co�t�,compensation or expenses caRi�may
<br /> . � be assc+ciated theroariihh.In edQit�aa,�nnrt�matl beem�ma e pu�cfeasa et enY sale of the P�s�erty ijudiciel or under the�vsm d4 oelo
<br /> �� qrented hereinl:R���M►w s+a7a ot m;�ar anq�dmm Qf tfie Wo�*tq.es nrov.ded by tew:ar seSl ehe Properin ms e whole,or m separato
<br /> � parcets or lots M.L.�rta�a e'.::ct�sr..
<br /> 14.Fsas and Eu+ar�sss•M tlRO evsrrt Trustee seL's the Propertv by exerc�se a9 aovrer of saSn,Trc�stee sRnJ brs entptled to opply eny sa:a
<br /> • � procee�tirst to peyment a4 eD ccscs and expanaos of e�cerasu��poa+er of sale.mctuducti�x Trustea s toes.ene�e�+aer•s�+a T�ustee s
<br /> ettamcab e fees,aatuelly nairro�Eo eaeent permrtted by epplice��a taw.In tho event Baroawav ar Yn,ator exereisas eny ri�ht prov�dod by
<br /> I Isw to cure en Event of Oefaul2,lm�er shetl be entiNed to rocovm fram Trustor efl eost9 m�d oxpensos ectuelty ncurced ee e result of
<br /> � Truator'e defauh,e�cludinp without lenitetion nII Yrustee'o and ettomey's fep.to tNO entent Qermitted by app6cabb taw.
<br /> f• 15.Fuwn Adv�nas.Upor+roquest ot Borcower.Lender mar,et rt�opt�oa�. m3Sce additionel end futuro edvaners and readvanees to
<br /> gerro�rer,Such edvancee and readvences, wrth interest thereon,shnll be ee«+ced by this Daed of Truet.At no t�rna sfioll tAo pnnc�paJ
<br /> snc•snt of the indebtedne�s secured by thu Deed o!Trus►,not mWuAnp aume advenced to protect the aeourrty of this OssQ o4 Yn�sr.
<br /> ameara!N,re oripi+al pmeipel emount eteted hman,or 6 fO,dQ. whid�eva�s preater.
<br /> I
<br /> I
<br /> �
<br />