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<br /> --..-_-�.� Af�iitiLNMENTt3P�iiEWTBi�IDEp �����'+�e� --
<br /> �Y�������'�� THiB ASSI(3NMENT QR RENT8 RIO�N te made and executed thls 5TH dgy a} APRIL ,yg 94 _,8nd Is
<br /> ��s�o;»kii�.��}:''••:
<br /> =y��K • inco�porated Into and eha�l be aaemed to amend and suppiement tAe MortgaQe or Deed of Truet.herelnaRer reter►ed ta as the �
<br /> ' � �• '''° "Soourity Inetrument",af the seme date given by the undersipned,6��retnafter referred to as tho"8orroe�er",to eeauie _�:_�--_.----- ---
<br /> r``'� �' 8onower's Indebtedneae�herelnafter tefer►ed to ae the"Note".to HOME FEQERAL SAVINtiB AN�LOAN A330CIATION OF ==�
<br /> :i,i���''r'C*:.;�r :.. -
<br /> � CiRAND ISLAND,herein3fter�eferred to e8 the"Lender",of fh9 eame date and covering the prapetty described In the 3eaurfty _
<br /> ��k----
<br /> ,_ ,,. .
<br /> � I�strument and located at: `���
<br /> --
<br /> ��� �-� "`� 410 W. 11TH. GRAND ISLAND� NE8i7ASKA 68801 =-,:.._ _
<br />� •�F'' o ' ��1T"��o,r1l..
<br /> :,��:::,.,.. • (Prope�ty Adtlresa) - --
<br /> .. . _. ... WiTNE&SETW: -
<br /> . ��',r�,.,----
<br /> � ..
<br /> ° WHERFAS. Borrower and �ender have agreed that any rents and protlta attributable to ihe property should conatitute ^_��-�.,°-
<br /> additlonal securtty to the l.ender for tho 8�9��on1 of the Note; •� -' --
<br /> ��t:=
<br /> /I ,yi:_..._.
<br /> � �t�Ylt,4MEREFORE,tt ta agre�QPr�4 4Ro Se�uefRy Instee�monc shatl be amended hereby and deemed to Uolude the toitowing :^�:�;'-.�
<br /> ,..���::.-
<br /> � . Rrortatons: ��y.,,�,-.�°--
<br /> `'•��� 1. �sianment of Rents ma�c�l��nder 6ienR�1 Callec�ton Riqhta.Borrocroor Proreby absotuteiy artd ur�conditionally assigna��I ,' �'����
<br /> ,;,,,._
<br /> � ..
<br /> rents, issues and profits o4 tho property to Beneficiary. Lender shatl P�ave the right, Ro�rer artd authority during 4he � ;��_
<br /> :: . . , :,...��;;�--
<br /> continuance of the Securify Bms4ea��ent to coitect the�ents.issues artd pro46ts ot 1Peo groger4y aR��F any personal pr0(D�vhl ��:`_�
<br /> located thereon with or with�u4 8atcirtg pesscassion of 4RO property a44¢et�d herobN.Lortdrar,Roaxorae,hereby consents Yo %/'.'�". �^:r��
<br /> 8otrower's eotieation and retentlom o4 such e�n4s,issu�s and peofits as BQ�ey aceruo artd�eeomo pag�Dle,so lort as�arcowoP {'�����+`-.•:;
<br /> 9 �:',F;�f:�..
<br /> �.� , is not,at such tl�rt�.In de4aanit+n6Yh respec2 40�raqmen4 oi any indob4cadrta�s secur¢d P�ovQDy,or trs the performartco ot any ,,c�;�,;. ___ _
<br /> agreement hereue�doe. ,�,�:Sh, —'�'��
<br /> � }�...�.�����''..
<br /> 2. Aonofntmen4 04 fffc3cefinor. DA any event of detaul4 ic� r�9Rect to*.ha Securlty instrument a1►alt have occc:rrod and ba rj�€� r5_,%--
<br /> • continuing,Lendor.as a m�44er of�ight and without no4ECe ao Borroar�r or anyone ciafming under Borrowe�, and withqut ;,,{:";';;%",.�k•�___- '
<br /> r• �tl:;r. _— --
<br /> ' regard to the vai�co 04 the trus4 estate or the interest of 4he Bonower theveln,shall have the right to appiy to any court having �,,;�,i,�,��f����___
<br /> juriadiotion to a��QFc�q a recetver ot the property. ��'`' T'�"�`� "'
<br /> f1.�� .�u��-
<br /> 3. @lght to PossassEon.le�case of default In the payment of the said prinoipai Note or intereat,or any part thereof,as it � :��:
<br /> ahall mature,or in tP�o caso of failure to keep or perform any of the covenants or agreements contained in the Seaurity instru- .,. r�
<br /> ,,� � '
<br /> --------. rnen4,tPeon tho Lc3rtder, its succeasors or assigns,shali be and is hereby authorized and empowered to take immediate .;{;ht!;;si:,.��;" .
<br /> � RossessEOn o4 tho said premises BP�erein descrlbed and to coliect the rents theretrom,and to appiy the p�oceeds i�ereoi io ihn =-R���,t:;,,;.°
<br /> . �aynrten4 of the Not�. • �• �.; �•.
<br /> � • 4. Anatioatfon of Rents Isauea and Ptotits.AII rents coltected by Lender or the recefver shai�be appiled fl�st to payment '";''� :},
<br /> of the costs ot management of the prope�ty and coliection of rents,including,but not Ilmited to,recelvar's fees,premiuma on " '�',�=-.,, r ;:;�,:;;
<br /> :.�<;;�.:•. � r.
<br /> receiver's bonds and reasonab�e attorney's fees,and then to the sums secured by the Security lnatrument.Lender and the ' . 2,;,� �}
<br /> receiver ahatt be Oable 2o accoun4 onty for those rents actualry received. �'`��'. y • •'�� '1'�!
<br /> .i;:':.;�,:�s t .
<br /> :�".�r;:�..;�'�. � �,
<br /> 5. Construction of Provisiona.Each of!he provisions contained in this Asstgnment of Rents Rfder and the Security�nstru• .,.,;�,,y,; � ��t;,�'
<br /> ment shail,unless otherwise apealficalty required,be construed in accordance with Nebraska law, and in the event any ';•�; ,: e j�� ��
<br /> • provislon herein or therein oontafned shail be determined by a court of competent Jurisdictfon to be unentorceable,the same , ': .;:;,, ,. �` .�
<br /> .,�....
<br /> • sha�t be construed as though such unenforceable provision were not a part hereof or thereof. l,'�.���':�j,'�••.
<br /> �•., . . •� .., ��, fr
<br /> , ;�;�;;;•'•;`.'�'�. �. 6. �ffect of Rider,Except as specificaity modffied by or inconsfstent with this Assignment of Rents Rlder or by any other :,,^,.,���.,�r`���,�;,
<br /> ' ' � applicab�e rider,all of the te�ma and provlsfons contained In the Securfty Instrument shall contf�ue in fuil force and effect. • . �
<br /> .����
<br /> , ;,,r.
<br /> . :.;� .:, �-�_
<br /> , �;c•,;
<br /> ''' IN WITNESS WHERHOF,Borrower has executed thfs Asslgnment of Rents ider on the te first noted above. ���� "k`°"
<br /> �: " �._��,�r'.
<br /> , �� . � -� .✓ • . � 1
<br /> i %/
<br /> mICHA A. FLE1��°�e�JR. •�
<br /> S/! ��� /���>��%f ' . � ,
<br /> rrower � • .•
<br /> ' R05R E. FLETCHE� I . , , •
<br /> . . , �
<br /> � STATE OF NEBRASKA) � • '� •�.�
<br /> . . (ss: � , �;;:';.
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) .•.+rf.•\,':�'_
<br /> On thia 5TH day of APRIL ,19 94 ,before me,the undersigned,a Notary Public duty commfasioned and ' .,
<br /> • . `. qualifled for sald county,personat►y came mICHAEL A FLETCHER JR AND ROSA E. FLETCHER, HLISBAND , .
<br /> �� AND WIFE ,to be the identicat person(s)whose nam slare s bscribed
<br /> : to the foregoing ins4�ument, and helshelthey achnow�edge the execution thereof to b slherlt�air v ntary act and deed. • ;
<br /> ,, :� . .
<br /> .,_,�;, ��..,j Witness my hand and Notarlal Seat at GFAND I SLAND, 8F�S�M� _
<br /> , .i'' ` ;n sai c,vlmt��at����saT�YY�^•,�') �.��� .
<br /> ' ,;'i ,, • ��i• ��;r� '�!%/� ,�� �,f ��-�.. ';�.:,
<br /> , • ,�� : • �, r f'<��'/ , �- ���. •
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<br /> t ���. /!i //, i tary PuO��c� -�
<br /> ' " '] �0 P�.� �' . /'`�//� /_ `
<br /> � Nly Commission
<br /> j �J' .
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