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K�.,k�:ri�41c�: ��:�.P. <br /> - .• ' ' `' _ __ <br /> . ..y � , a«.. ._ .. ,. ,�....teb� a....,, ..`�-,... - ..i.......,._.i...:.�_...a�tlru� .� .:�m+-�r--�----�.+� — <br /> .....r, C�.,Rry�Ytr.GMN- ��:d'}��T��0.Y':•.cdu I � . .. . ' <br /> � r .�1 � I I _- '�. <br /> _ ��;' , ; S�sFHV _ • "' '•� � '_ -`'_�3� . <br /> . . . <br /> .. . " <br /> : .. ' ' <br /> .. . i� . ._f.._.�.`..._""' . .....a.�....�:..l+wsv......:....-..� <br /> �..��.�•' �'Ji.u.r4�.�...� . ....�__ " . ....-• ' � � <br /> ..... . -....�..�.�_.�...._ ,�....................+�l�wu�.�'.�.. � --__ - <br /> + - — <br /> , ' , . •' . '�(I �� ���1II v �_I� <br /> , D�D O�TAU�4 9�'• P�3 --- <br /> . (Conll�wd) <br /> � whatMr t�o CW to tM Mts�t►ol�Pnmises�ttN I�ho10�ttJ�,a tn1r wbi�ts�hnld�titt�w�1 n�Qo withoul L�nd���xp��1A�wrftwn oorM�rik ntner —_—--- <br /> ., Ihw�qeUs wU rKnnlnt�paraM Rnd dlWnot,�v�n k lha�a�uniofl of thN��tt�SOt In the kneNarA�Oantor�or�thk0 p�ry►who ptrCtafw a —�= <br /> � ° olA�rmke tet4uha tt��tt1N. tirantnr lurll��prM�ltr�t N�3nMa uYM�11 a a pafien o!!h�ke WmpM w�r,a an�r atMr IM��hoid a --- <br /> . • .� � .. aeb'-�,.�ha'd�"�to 1h�Preg�rly.Ih�t Ht!�r�1,n!I.eee!!Me eal�x�,ImttNd��beeom�wbJret to IM te�mt ot fhli�aod of Trust,s�d f3rAnta wIN ----------- <br /> uweub.dWwr and nCOrd�N dao��mtrds rNO�sit�Y a►�PP�oPrItN to aaun th�t sucA Ntl�b f�curo0 by Usb Oa�tl of Tn�st. `�-=_ --- <br /> •. R£HABq.iTATiON LOAN AGiiEEMENT. Granta ttW�it�f�l W o�(it�tntors o�Jlq�riora und��ny�9m�nhtbYrtatlon,1111j►fbVMfNM�trOtk•a►ot►Nr <br /> taon t�-.�r�t►t wkch t3rn�ar rray c�r�ata wIm i.cnd:r. l.cntl�'a eOUon.+n�y req���re(arentor to�noub and dNtwr lo LenclK.In a tam �_---_.�.__.._. <br /> �oapttbM to und�r,an wqnrtwn!ot an�r dnAb�ms a det�nsa wtdch Orantor rtwy tyw�gtir�st parlla who supPh�a���a�� —_ <br /> tn eonn�eUOn wlth ImprowrtNnb made to €�� �.�.�-_—_-- <br /> 7. OIR ON SALE-COHBEIJT BY L�#IDER. Lender m� Its oprion�havs the dDht to aoaNnta.that b,dedcro Imrtwdiaqy dw and WYibt�tV ;,f,!i,y,i�.'�F;,, <br /> surt�esotr�d by thb D�ed of Tnttt upon the eate a traratK.wtthout th�taa�pdor wrHfen consonL ot tN or trry psrt of tfw iiW Propwh► or anIr �s',=--_,-.---� <br /> iMer�at ir►tIM Real ikopHrly. It Orentor aslb a trYnabrs the Rat Pr wlthout tho writlen conseM of Lsnder•thn►prfa!o aeooi�ratbn LCnaa ahaN .,':••-'�'-�^"`�- <br /> ptvo npbo�to t;rantor. The rtorioe ahatl provme a perlod ot not less�t h�en ten(10)d4ya kom�1es dete oi the notio�within wlNeh Ontnta rr�Yp{Y tt� '��'``��•n�;i`^�-= <br /> tiurt►e dOGitt�dlu0. �Ca�eut��ar!a(13 to pay those sums pdor to the expiratloe Ot suoh pedod.lArtdar miy.w{thout tu�thN oodo�a dNnand on GttTitCt. •�, �t�`'".-�•��:�;�;, <br /> 3'.°��- :�"r.�-ii,�j_�:usi.•. <br /> Invoke anp ca,�e�R��►:t�od tn th�Deed ot Trust. A"sale or trans(ef rtraartS the conveyaneo of Roal PropeAy or ury rfpAt.lNti or In1M�st therMn� ;�'r�v�: ----• <br /> whetlw le�at a oquik�07�:rche9Aer voluMc�ry ar invoiuntary;whet►wr bY Q�'�4 sai��de�0.ia34aNment sate contrtct�Innd coMna�ConVat.i 1ar dMd, ';,:.,; ;�%;::ws-- <br /> A�1hIIi�6n;lrnp,4�'Ybt►�i�rm�mtot than��o Q3)yee�s��eese-0011or►Csn�r,lq.0r by s�.�nsteaM.Cr tmrts'J¢r o!an�ans�►in�m�ro am f...� i��i�;: <br /> ' iind fi�t h30�lnfg fifla t0 thB Real by r7lny other ma9te�d ot co�►v0ye,rtoa o f R e i t P r o p e fl Y Ea Y A r e s 9. H o�n t O�r�r.1 O p 1 1�n f h t M n e i��t e r d e e d 'p.;�?=�,;_:,�:.'--- <br /> a <br /> ' by Lon�er it siect+exardso is prohibRed by 98�arat�w nr by t3emxasslcn taw. ' �€.+�, <br /> 4. TiiAW�FE6i�f PAmP�TY. The fatowiag�rovtslons�sh4k�ta Ih�tmro?or o!ths Rsel P�ropeAY e►e a�ad a�►t�OaeO o�4c� ��'-°�3_� <br /> ��:.K_n._ <br /> Notlee m4 Tu�nsfar. Grentor shau gt�a nolice to Lender,as provlcbd in this Deed of Trust,pdor to any sala a hc��r Cl mAl a RsR o?the PropertY ,�_ <br /> us <br /> a eoy��ts in the Reat Pro�eAy. Any Qarson to whom atl u paA o1 tho R88I Properly b satd or transtamad also Shal1�oDUpetBd to�e notke <br /> to Lendar,as pronlded in thls Deed ot Teust,prOmptly efter such ka��r. --.---- <br /> � Ad�r�i ARer Tr�n�Per. Aii amounts advanoed under ihe LOAl�1.iNER�Home EqWry P1nn Credft Apreemst►t,u�to th�C�dlt u^�t.are ` _- <br /> seCUrgd bY Ihls 088d of Trust.wh0ther edv8rxed bafote ot afler ssla Cr tr8nster ot th9 ReBi Ptoperty.exCept any�mouMS wMOh maY bo t�, "' '.: <br /> � advanoed by Lender more thsn flva(b)days afler notioe to provided in ths fteed of Trust,ihat such trens4sr a eW hes ooaurred. ;�— <br /> Even If t3rantor lransfers!he Real PropeAy.(irantor witl continue to be obligaled undar tha Credit Ayreement and thts G�o!Trust uNess Lander „',Yr�•yJ4, <br /> releQSes tirantor in wrftinp. As a conditlon to Lender's coruent to an��rc�ed transfer or as a condilbn to the rebase of tirardor.Lender maY .':'4.,',-- <br /> �mptiont 1ee. T�he assumptlont preement�o entlUe �per�so�^signi�ngmpoan�dvatr�s�de�fhe Ge�en�0��^��imPoss�^ • . -_ <br /> o. TAXES AND LIENS. The fottowinp provislons retedng to irre taxes and Iians on the Property are a part ot thls Deed of Tas� „ —.e.. <br /> PeymerH. tirnntor Shel1 pay when due(8nd In all evants pNOr to delinquencyl 811 teues�sPeolat texes.assessments,Char,�as(Inotudirq water snd ;'� :>�.�"_ <br /> s8ts'8sa�!;�Lnd lmQxltlon3 lsMSd sp9ltsst 0�4n�cceuM N fM Pre�+arty,and shall pey when due fl1 C18ims tOr wo7h done on ot fOt serviaes — - <br /> f�""•;: rgptlpzarcl pr materiat fumished to the Prcp�ly. Oranta sh811 malnialn ihe Properly free of ail Iiens having pdo�ity over or o4ut�to mO 1Me�t m ' <br /> Lsnder�,nde�this Deed:of Trust,except for the Ilen ot texes and assassments not due,except for the existing Indebtedness relerted to balaw,nnd , ;;L',_;_ <br /> • �;� f� oxoep t as otherwise provided in this Deed ot Trust. `�'•::�i!�'`:�j=-` <br /> ,.,_�._.�- <br /> RIQtIt T�CafltESt. C,ranlot may w@hhdd payment of 8ny tex,8ssessment,or claim in conneCtion witA a good felth dispute ovet fhB abl�pAtion to `•�.;a �"��;, <br /> paY.s0 tong�s Lendar�s 1Merest in the Property IS not jeopardized. if a lien arises a�s Tuad as a resutt of�onpayment,Grintot ahaN wqhtn t►tteen ' � <br /> (16)d8ps 811er the Ilen arises or,M a Ilen is filed,within 8fteen(15)d8ys 8fter Qrentor has notice of the fiNng,6eCUre the disChorp9 of th9 Yen,or N k � ,. _ <br /> requ6gted by Lender,depos�t wifh Lender cesh a s SufBC�ent corporate surely bond or olher securHy satlsfactory to LeMler In an amouM auf�dent , <br /> to discharpe tha Ilen ptus any costs and attorneys'fees or otAer charpas that coutd eaYUe as a result of a foreCiosure or ee�e under the Ilen. In ,__ <br /> eny ConZast,OrBntOr shall detend HseM 8nd Lender and shalt set�sly any adverse Judpment befure enforcement agafnsf tha Roperly Grantar shrJl ., �,- <br /> name Lenrter es 8n addidonat oblpee under any surety Dond fu�roshed in 1he contest proeeedmgs. ' =_ <br /> £videnCe ot Payment. t3rantor Shall upon demand(umish to Lender sat�sfactory eWdence of payment of the taxes or as�s�nts an0 shali • •� _ <br /> authorine the approprlete governmenlal oificia�to del�ver to Lender et any fime a wntten Stetement of the tazes and assassmertts apafnst the _ <br /> ��y ;-_— <br /> ' . � 1101ltm oi CMSh4Ction. G�entor Shall notlty Lender 8t teast fiNeen(151 days before eny work is commenCed.8ny Servf�es ere(u►N9hetl�Or a�Y �;�... — <br /> � matedafs are aupplfed to the Prape�ty,It any mechenic's lien,matenaiman's I�en.or other Ilen could be asserted oo aocount of 1Na worbc.savb�s. '���:��r ' <br /> •1� .� - a metonaLa and the cost excoeds i�0,OQ0.00. Grentor wfll upon request ot lender fumish to Lender advance assura�satishdory�o Lender ' `�`" <br /> !;ji�/�'"� <br /> � • , . Ihst(3nntor can and wlll pay the cost of such Improvements. � • -- <br /> 10. PROPefiTY INSURAW�E The f0lbwing provfsfons relahng to insurirg the Property are a pari of this D68d ot Trust. <br /> Maintenence of in8urance. CiraMOr shaA procure antl maintafn policies ot flre insurartce wfth standerd extended coverape 9ndorsemants on a � � <br /> repla�ameM basis for the fuN Insurable value covenng all Improvements on the Reai Proporty in an amount sufficleM to avdd applbsHo�of any � • <br /> cansuranCe C�8uS6,8nd w�th a stenderd matgages CIeu58 in favor of Lender,together with SuCh other hemrd and NabiUly lnStuanCe as L9nder • <br /> mey resspnebly require. If the ReBi Property�s loCSted in 8n erea des�gnated by the DireCtor of the Federai ErttetgenCy MBneqement Agency es a i � <br /> speC181 11ood hat8rd 8te8,�ranta agrees to obtein Fetlerat Flood Insurence to the exlent such insurance a required and Is ave�eble• Pdiaes j � <br /> shafi be wntlen in fOrm,amounts,coverages antl bas�s reasOneb�y acoeptable to Lender an0�SSUed by a compeny ot comp9n8s ree°An9WY ; <br /> acceplabl9 to lender. (irentor,upon request ot Lender,wfll deuver to Lender hom Ume to time the poUaes a oerGficates d ir�8noe in to�+ � <br /> setlsfactay to lender,tnCtudinp stiputeUO�s thet Coverages will not be cancelled or diminished without at Ieast ten(10)tlays'prior w�1fla��otice to <br /> lsrttlet. <br /> � Apmticatloe of Proceeds. Granta� snau p►omDny ootiy Lender of 8ny loss or tlamage to the Properry it the estlmeted Coet o1 tepea or .•;; . <br /> replaoemanl exceeds Et0.000.00. Lentler may make proof o�Ioss d Grantor fails to do so wdh�n fiHeen(15)deys o�the Cesu8llp• M,in lenders <br /> Judpment, Ihe restor8lion a repah is economkany feasfble a�d lendePS secunty 5 not Iessened,�nsurance proCeeds shell be apP�ed 10 <br /> restot8tlon or rep8lr ot the dameged PropeM• It tne restor8fion or tepav�s not econom�Cauy feasible or LondePS seCUrity would b0�e <br /> inslaAroCB prOC68dS Sh611 b8 8pp��ed 10 the SumS setured by thM Deetl o�Trust whether or not then due,wfth 8ny 6XOess p8fd t0 GrBntOr. �f <br /> GrentOr eb9ndOns thg Ptoperty,or does not answer wdhin tlurty(30�s�a�ls a notice hom Lender Ihat the�nSUrenCe Cemer has olte�ed to settle a <br /> da,m,thon Lender may cdlect the msuranee proeeeds. lentler mar use tne proceeds to repav w restae the Property or to pay sums soeured bY <br /> th�DoeO o�Trust,whether or not then du9. �f lBr.Car Rdds any procee05 aHer peyment m full o�the Indebtedness,SuCh prooeBdS Sh011 be paid <br /> 1 to GraMOr aS Grentor's fnterests may 8ppeer. <br /> tJnexplred Insurance et Sele, Any�nexpugd msurante shan mure to Ihe Oe�eht 0�,entl pess to,the purchaser ot the Property cove�ed by tn�s <br /> Deed Ot YruSt 8t a�y tr�t6B'S S81e pr oth8r 581e h@IC under the provisions o}this 089tl 0�T�ust.Or et any 1oreClosure Sgle ot such�opBtty <br /> I <br /> _.�1 - - <br />