_ __ _ _ , .� .� ,
<br /> _ ��— • .�c. - _ �
<br /> y'tc've �:w.L�`'+{f{. cl� ^t'�rn} � 7,g`�{ r K t yf r•Pr 'h �.r' .�stb��`�,:.y)ri�'�,,jjT�,d��4ii r �1 {��. 1 d tii(.
<br /> �i.Ft✓ '��,+�..x17�4 hl�..,.i,r'.� �: k�:: �Y�irv�'+�'.����5 ��.t��� •y��.l•�..i^`�"7;7.;;��5}�„Y:., ,�i., �r��,e .n�N,C•.,'�.t ,�fw�'�t,�;y1J`���. � S�i +�:t SYSr.ys� �Y�.
<br /> � n;l �' .1 �7�r, r ,:�.:,��'�.�,( .. • ra'i :'�t•,� � .. i�� � ���p i'du '�'a 4'.'a:31�ri�:.�,: --
<br /> - " � ��.���` J .c�i, i•�Ci*j� �j t:I�Ei�';.'S•- w(tyj Y'}.,f{.)�.1� nn..�. ,.. F� t t�� P� t Y .ry•,,�.�.lr.a } �d.e..�i74�:.
<br /> J t �
<br /> • �f.M'+�Alirp. ' i�i�Y�LM+JNiN�rAMeAv�r- � .. ,_ _ �:i � __. .__
<br /> . _. �...._,-.-. .�. ..,__.-._ ,...o-_ - ---
<br /> _ , .�� _._�..._._:= _-..-.,,���_•`--
<br /> -.r .,.��aw-:w-•�+v. w�t.w�v
<br /> ..:�:. .su• . ' ���,Wq . -- -_-_:_ ,., �
<br /> �' i �' .... � . ,. . . ,� � .. . .. . . _ _. -_
<br /> .. �N li"�i1i�1�1 • --_:_:.�-
<br /> ��Y�
<br /> _.__����:�,�;.:�.:�.,��_.__.__._._.__ _� � .� ��. �, �eo .._..�....� -
<br /> . 94 � ---
<br /> "'•��'��'�H�{`'� ' � � 8ortefwM mty oun tuoh a dMauR �r►d nhAttb,as providrd In pa�e0reph 19� by atu�lnp th��otbn or proceid�{� to b�
<br /> � �'•��%`s'��'�� � dbmitad vdth a ruNnp thaf,ln tant�a poo9 hkh dslMmluttai,p�eolud�s toAotture of th�eorrowars htenst�Iho Propaty or
<br /> ... •�s�r,�_�A.�; OthK m�tar4!YnptM�nx of tha Ibn orabd br thb SoaurRy Instrumont or Wndn�e sequrtty�ntoroat. BOtto�ler 8h�i1 aqp bo ht ---- -
<br /> � � d�taull N Borrowsr,dur1�9 the b�n�ppuaatbn process,ave nuterkNy c�IS�or Imaaurste htormitton�r etatx�nte to t+a►dor(or _
<br /> � ��. 'fi• tnllod to provid� lrnd�r wkh any mtt�t hform�Non) In conn�otion wRh th� Io�n svlQenced by tho AtoU� holuahp, bu!not
<br /> -�------:.-.�.- es e prkra�ti� re3idenr,e. If thl� �Aeutlty — - - .—
<br /> IknitM to. npresentatbne aonaeminp Boraw�ts oc0upancy of th3 PropaAy = -
<br /> . ' �; InBtrumont b on a bat�hoid, Borrowar shtU eompy v�kh aq lh� provlalons of ths ie4se. If�orrowar aoqufres tsa tAie to ths -- ----
<br /> •,. . .
<br /> Prop�ty,the leu�hatd ind the i�s tk�sMlt not m�tW unNs�I.�nda epnef to ths msr0et fn wrltin0.
<br /> ..,. .
<br /> _ 7. Preteation at l�endeNa Rights in ti�e Froperty.i�eorrower rane to perform the eoveninte tnd epreemonta .,�;:.;.:.__ - _ _
<br /> . oonuhed fn Qhis Secudty inatrummt,or Men b a IeyRl proobdhp that nwy sl�nMbanty at(aot tan�s rlphta in M�ProP�f� `- "
<br /> (suoh as a proaeedb0 h bankruptay,probate,for oondemnatbn or forfsftua or to entoros kws or rqulttbns),thon L�nde►rnty ---����
<br /> do and pay tor whataver Is neaassary to proteot the vaWe ot tne PropeAy and lenders riphta b the PropeAy. Lsndefs uotbna y ;��,z.;:.,,�u,,�--
<br /> . tiwy �ioluds �ytnp nny aumss atxtsrCd by 8 !�n whlah hAS griorlty over this Seourily InBtrument� aPPe8rh0 M► oouR. paYhR —'==�"-'"`•—_�__ -�
<br /> � reasontbte atta�seys' tees and er►terhg on the Property to make ropel►s.Although Lender may take aoNon undor thls parapraph ��"-�•.-�
<br /> 7,lender does nct have to do sa ���-�-����.Yy
<br /> .,�r.,,�.,�;'r,
<br /> My ertwunts disbursed by Lender under paragraph 7 ehall beoome additfonai debt of BoROwer seaured by thla SeourNy -••:-�*<•.•� . '"
<br /> � . .,'.-YLM,',:,....'�W:-...:._
<br /> InswmenL Unlesa Borrower end Lende� agree to other tenne ot peyment,these amounta shan Ira�e tnterest Nom tha d.�to of _ ,...r�,;;::;�;,-;;,;,b,�a:�:
<br /> dbburse*r►ent 8t the Noto�ato and ahaQ ba R�reb��+aittrn interest, apan not�ce i rom Londar to Berrori�r ro�ueating�aym�� -�+v;�„ ""., '
<br /> S. Mortgege Ya�cuQ�re��. 14 Lendar requ4od enort��ga insurance as a eon�ttton of�Ectns th� bcsn sscur�d by thk� • � =�'- _
<br /> Security lastrumer►t,�o�rower sC�all p�y the premNms reuyutrsed to maintaEn the mortgaQa Ensuranea t�eqieot.If,4as o�Y+eason,ths ',',.:.:;s r;::;!i,:'..a;.:..:
<br /> d �
<br /> y,..,:.. ., .rt•'.;. . .-:
<br /> moRgage insurartce aovaraga reqieised by 4endar tapaes or ceases to tra in eNeot. 8a�rov�er shstl pag the pr�m�,ms requkud ta ,. �,;:•.. . ,. ,-, ;
<br /> �r`%.:
<br /> obtah c�ve*�aoa substantiatly equ�valant to ihe mettgepe tr�sutance Rf�vtausy in e4(ect,at a Coat substantMRy equNatant to tha ,. . _, �`�.�;Q�::.�
<br /> ' cost to aot�pwer of the moR980e Naurance prevlously h e118Ct. ltom an ak8mete moAgage insurer epproved by lender. If �'.�yr•„ �,�+�;,, Ww
<br /> �,._ .
<br /> :�.,i.� aubatantiely equNdienl mORgege Ineur8n�6 oatirera�a Is nol avallabEO, Botto�vs�sfisA pay to L9nder each moMh a sum equal to .;..,�i;,� :�+E''�.`
<br /> pnedwAtfth ot ihe yeady mortgage in8urance prem4�m baH pekl by Borrower when the Insurence coverage tapsed or ceased to •>,•r.l���'��;`•.." � �•���`�?�`�-�'
<br /> ::`,.t.� 9 l•:t•�,�._;1 . '�#SG�;a:'E:'L�u.,:
<br /> " '•_':i� be �+eHec:t Lender will accept, use snd reta�n thos0�ay�reents as a loss reserve+n Ueu of mortgaee insurance. Loss roserve i�,,;:=.c�.;. •,�.,;�sA==---�
<br /> •r,,,i.��ssrii:.::.
<br /> :,�y,�l�j�,,� paymonis may no bnger be requtred, at the optlon of Lender,R mortgege�nsurance coverega(�n the emount and for the�r1od ���r�;%;�+�;;•.�...:.:�.,,:..,�,-.,-
<br /> ,;, that Lender roqufes) provldad by an insurer approved by Lentle�egaln heCOmes Bvatlabie end�S obtehed. 9ortOwer shflli p8y u •; ,1 �{�r, ,i••����r,
<br /> �%'.��; f�:�;,�'�'� the premiums required to msintaln martgage insurence in etfect, or to provide a loss reserve, until t��requirement tor moitgage »�.t -
<br /> � � � insurance ends in acoordance wfth any wr(tten agreement between BoROwer and Lender or appilcabie law. *�;��`:-
<br /> 9. Inepection.Lender or ke agent may make reasonabte enuies upan and Inspeatlona ot the Property. Lvnder shatl ghre =�
<br /> 8orrower notice at the tlme of or prior to an inspection specNying reasonable cauae tor the(nspectbn. '=--
<br /> 10. Condemnetton.The proceeds ot any award or alalm for damages,dkeot or consequ0ntiel, in connectlon wRh any • --
<br /> ° oondemnadon or other taking of any part of the Property,or br oonveyance In Ifeu of condemnatbn,are hereby assi8ned end , • _
<br /> =��-
<br /> ° ehell lse peld t0 L9nder. • �* .�
<br /> In the event of a tota� tekfnp of the Property, tha proceeda shaA be epplbd to the sums seoured by this Seaurky
<br /> Inetrumsnt,whether or not tnen due,wnh any e�xesa paid to Sorrower. in ihe e�vveni ot a paRiat tak#+p at tha f'rap�ty !n wh�h - -
<br /> the taU maAcet value-ot the P�opeRy Immedlatey before the taking Is equal to or Sreater than the amount of the auma secured
<br /> by this Securlty InsWment fmmedlatey betore the taking, untesa Borrower and Lender othenvise apree N writinQ, the sums .,,y
<br /> seoured by thls 8eourRy Instrument 8hat1 be reduced by the emount ot the proeeeds muttlpUOd by the lolbwtnp fr8otlon: (a)the
<br /> totai amount of the sume aeoured immed�atety betore the takNg, dNlded by (b)the tair merket vatue of the Property Immediateb � �.��.��
<br /> before the takhg.My baianoe shall be pald to Bonower.In the event o}a partlai taking oi the Property In whbh the fak market �
<br /> vaNe of the Property immedlatey betore the taking is lesa then the amount of the sums secured Immedlatey betore the teking, ,
<br /> uniesa Borrower and Lender otherwlse agree In wrfting or unless appl�abla law otherwise provides, the praceeds shali be �.
<br /> epplled to the sums secured by this Securky Instrument whether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> If the Property is abandoned by Bortower,or if,atter notke by Lander to Borrower that trto condemnar ofters to make an . .--`
<br /> swerd or settle a cisim for damages, Bortower talls to respond to Lender wfthin 30 days attor the date the notbe is gNen, :• �E •:
<br /> Lender Is authori:ed to collect and appiy the proceeds,at its op2ion, either to rostacatiart oT repeir o} the Property or to the ".''�t,,. � '
<br /> sums secured by this SeCUrity Instrument,whether or not then due. `��',1z,J• [f:
<br /> Unless Lender and Bortower otheruvise agree h writin, an appl'�cation pt �raceeds to princlpal shaU not extend or :����?r�v...
<br /> 9 Y :.,.�.� y -�_
<br /> � postpone the due date of the monthry payrt�ents reterred ro in pacagruphs i and 2 or�Aange the amount of such payments. . ��°'f •,_��;
<br /> ;i•.,�-, 11. BQt'YOWBf 11�mt F4�1�85��; Forbeararo�e �y L��u�i�er N�t a 6"Jaever. Extensbn ot the time for payment or ' °'�'�a,�, '
<br /> • ?�t,•t modWCation ot amortaatton ot the sums secured by thcs SecurBy Instrar�ent grant�d by Lender to any successor In Interest of �, '%%��i���'� . �
<br /> , •, .,���; E:r�. . ;.;..��,.�...
<br /> • Bortower shall not oparate to retease the liability of the orginai Bortower or Bortower's successOrs In hterest. Lender shall not �,,,,,.. ; . ,,��;tirr•
<br /> be requtred to comrnence proceedings against any successor in int2rest or retuse to exlend tb'ne for payment or othervvise r �,;;,.;;- ' ,
<br /> •���� modKy amort�zatlon of the 5ums seccred by this Security InsUurrten:by reason of eny demand made by the o�Iginai Borrower Or ! '��.i`� . �
<br /> BortowePs suCCessors in interest. An y forbearanc�by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a walver of ar i �r` ' _
<br /> ' preolude the exercise of any right or rert�edY• i ..' ,
<br /> 12. Successars and Asaigns Boun�l; ,9oimt and Severel liabitity; Co-signers.rne covenants and
<br /> agre6ments of this SeCUrity Instrument shall bind an�'benetit the suCCessors and assigns ot Lender and Borrower,subjeCt to the � '.�
<br /> provlslons of paragraph t7. BoROwer's covenants and agreements shali be jolnt and several. Any Borrower who co•signs thls
<br /> Seourily �nstrument but doES not execute the Note: (a)is co•signhg this Securityr Instrument oniy to mortgflge,grant and convey
<br /> th8t Bortowers intermst in the Proparty undar the terms of this Security �nstrumenk (b) Is not personaAy obiigated to pay the
<br /> � sums seoured by tAis Security Instrument; and(c) agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to exte�d, modlly, {
<br /> forbear or make any accommodatbns with regerd to the terms of thts Securky Instrument or the Note wRhout that Borrowers �
<br /> consent. �
<br /> 13. Loen Charges. It the ban secured by this Security Instrumenl is subJect to a law whfch sets maximum loan �
<br /> charges, and that Iaw Is flnally Interpreted so that the Interest or other loan charges coliected or to be collected In connectbn �
<br /> wfth the ban exceed the permftted Ilmfts,then: (a) any such ban charge shaW be reduced by the amounl neCessary to reduce �
<br /> the charge to the pertnitted Iimft; and (b) any sums akeady colbcted hom Bortower which exceeded permRted limits will be .
<br /> � tefunded to Borcower. Lender may choose to make this retund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a
<br /> direct payment to Borcower. It a refund reduces princpai,the reductbn will be treated as a partial prepayment without any
<br /> prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> 14. NOtiC@8. My not�e to Borrower provided for in thls SBCUrity Instrumenl shail be gNen by delNering ft or by maliing it ;
<br /> by Nrst class maY unless appllcab�e taw requfres use of another method. The notice shatl be dhected to the Property Address
<br /> _��
<br /> ' or any OT116f BOOf888 t70ROW8f 088i8ftHt96 Dy �OIiCtl lU i.BnOtl�. i�ny npiicef iti i.atiue�i oi�ni� im yi:vi� iij �•>i �9ou p�� ��
<br /> Lenders addresa stated hereln or any other address lender designate8 by not�Ce to Borrower. My notke provided tor in this
<br /> SecurRy Instrument shall be de9med to have been gHen to Borrowe-or Lender when gNen as provided in this paragraph.
<br /> 15. Governing Law; Severabiiity. rn►s Security instrument shall be govemed by feder8l I&w end the �aW of the
<br /> � jurisdiCtion in wh�h the Property 1s located. In the event thet any provision or clause of thfs Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> . , r:" conflicts wdh applicable law, such contlict shau not affect other provisions o}this Security Instrument or the Note which can be
<br /> . gNen eNect without the conflicting provis�on. To tn,s end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are deciared to
<br /> be severable.
<br /> , 16. Borrower's Copy. 8orrower shaM be gN�n one conformed copy o� the Note and o}this Securtty Instrument.
<br /> . 1;' - ,.',; ''�1�— c
<br /> . ' F7319.LMO(t2/93) p7pe �o�5 ��,,
<br /> ' ��;�. • - �'�
<br /> � .. . ;ftI 11000d
<br /> � I I
<br /> -
<br /> � - -
<br /> .. _..t.
<br /> --
<br />