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� ;� � �� � �,r,.�,„..,,��...-..�.__ ... .,�.. ._._._. _.._ _ _ <br /> -_= �- }t j �{� ; �,it.�•�-.:,- �--� � t� .y: —�,R -- ,��•� o-� 'y,, <br /> � d�^�.( .(,S1 � t; �lf.����.�t��; ��'.v�� ��j'�y,�th1w�maH�i�� z c ��t �'�f? "4 yr� -- �; rr�UF' - _ �ct�0 �X <br /> —�L�._"�18�Aat 4 w't;{ y�9��Fx�`5w1.�fi��� ...�,. r�.��5t:-�.�f `k's �. ^;�� L��-J��t����� aVYR�6Y'�� ,�F�7�'�dli��� r� �.. �+ t`�3 i(? - <br /> ..a�%i 1N�9�- 9,,1�'h >\ a� � 1 d� J�.m � . � . , k�.. 1� S � i i <br /> � •.t.'- y � y' 7{x.: <br /> :C�p .� . .i . � .� �: !1 I :t�'�1�r:�� - <br /> • �` � - � ���r ,..t�-� . . . .i��.J. i. r �` � � �..,a,Kre�Fati. �3`�-:t' - , . _ . .. �.�f,/,`� k •sa�sa�zsc:��. — <br /> . . . . _ . � � �.� _ ..s-. .� . :,f,. . - . , *•T��� �r.��'�s- <br /> � �• . � _ - ... . .�� ... . ' , � _ ` ....�). ... .-_-__-_--_---._..__ <br /> .;J y*Jfc..� . 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' _ <br /> �1, GRANTOR'8 RIOMT TQ REtNBTATB. It lirenta moeta eertoin eontl�t!ons,Orantor eMU htve 1M rpht to fuw�ntoro�rt►tnt of thb Qeed of Yrus� � � : <br /> dlaco�ttm�d at eny dme Pda to the eidbr ot (1)Nva fe)E�l�s tor euon otlwr Rerfod as aAPNOabb kw rtuy 4P��N ta rNMttbmen!)b�tore faW of th� • <br /> Prop�ty Ptnswnt to any powar o}eab eonteined In tlus OoeO of Tnnt a (N)�ntry of�WWmam ontordnp!hK O�oO of Tnqt. Tho�eondtuons an ' � : , n� <br /> thal f�tantar: (s)pWa Lender�Q euma whbh would tnsn be due under thio Ossd of Trust�nd the CrodB I1�ro�rtaM htd tfo aoollKatlon 000urt�d; (b) � ,. <br /> eun�a�a�f�detaufte under thla Deed ot Truat and fhe Crodi!AprGamaM; ta!PnYs nN►�soneble oxper�aes Irasurt�A In�Mordng thb ONO Of Ttust, , <br /> InduQirq,bN not fimited to,ronaonable atlaneys'tees;and (d)takes suaA eoflon u Lentler may reaeontbiy ro4uiro to�sstx�lhit tM NM of thb Dad � <br /> o!Tn�sL LendePe dpMa in the Properfy and OrantoPa obngadon to pay tha sums seeurod by thls Ceed ot Tnist ehip ooMinu�urmhanped• Upon <br /> nir�rtNM by firaMa,thb Oeed ot Trust and the obtipadona secured horeby ahNl rert�in fuuy e}le¢tive se H rto aooebraqon hi0 000ured but 6end�► • <br /> thtA nOt b�oblipitb to mnk9 aMr mOre Cr6dn adv8t�ces. Tht9 rt�ht to relnEtete sheA nppry R t3rMntor haS not provf0u81y 6X9tOfs6d thY t�Qht to t6In8Wte , •• <br /> urtder Mb�rn�Oesd ot Tnist. ; <br /> ?�. POW�RB AK,�08Lt0ATi�9iS�F T6it�4�- �re totlowtng C�ovfslons retaUnp to tha powers and oblipadora o!Tn�tee aro perf oi thb Deed oi , <br /> Tt�tst. , � <br /> PeM►e►s ot TruslEe. In adt2:ton to a41 po�rars o!Teu3t�or�ins 8s a m34tar�'1 bw,Tn�stee sheU hflve the power to t8he tho teilOwing acrions with ' ' , <br /> fesp�ct to the PtopeAy tr�Os�1ha nquas4 ot londar nn0 GraMCr (e)!mn in prt�adn�1 and�linq a map o►plat of the fieal P�rp�OM.tndudinp the <br /> d�diatlon of streets a�oit�ar�hts to tn�,pubt:c; (b)Jo+n in yrannny any�omam a c�aUn�any resMCHon on the Real P�rc�a�yr.artd (e)�c�e�tn <br /> ar�y aubordlnadon nr o11�r�greemant eNeeting thts Oaed of Trust a the fnter�st of Lendar under this Oeed ot Trust. <br /> Tnlitee. Truste9 sh3t1 meai alt qualiBCations required fo�T�ustee undar appik8b181aw. In additloo to the�P�ls and t�madi�s S0t torth 8bore. �• <br /> with respeCt t0 81 cr any part ot the RpQeAy.1he Trustee shea nave the npht to foreciose by oo4lce 8nd sa►0,8nd lOruJar shatl n3v@ ttee n�ht t0 �` <br /> � farecloa8 by juttida►forectosure,�n euher xasa+n accordance wNh and to the fuU extent provrdad by�pplleable law. f, <br /> �t�;.�•• $�T�eslee. LendsT,at Lendar's oD��on,may hom time to dme apmamt a successar Trustee to anv Tr�stee eppamto�hereunder by an <br /> . iroWmerA o�ecu�ed 8nd eaknowledgod 6y Lender end recorded as requlr�fl bY apD�b��. �Instrumant ShaE1 Contain,in 8ddidan 40 8p ,'; <br /> other mapers c�qulrecl by state law.the names of the originai Lende►.Trus4es,and t�antor.lhe book and pa@e(�r computer system refaronae) � .:;�`. �'��' <br /> ; •!.�,r.,�i1 where 1Rb Qsed of Tnist ls recaded� 8nd the name end 8ddress of tt+e successa trustee� 8nd the t�trumeM shep be e�CUleO and . '�,:.,,�+;�.. ..r <br /> tcknowledded by flll the benei�ertes undet the Deed ot tru5!or fheir suocess�s In�Meresl. TAe suooessor hustea.witho�rt conv6YanCe ot the � •`�.,f;`.". <br /> � Propetty,shau suooeeC tm ali 1ne Nde,powar,and duties conterted upon the tnistee In thls Deed of Trust and by applica�le t�w. TNs prooadure - <br /> fOf aUbBdlUlion Ot hUSt98 SMII goVBtn to th@ 6l(C�USIOn of all othet proVlS�oflS 10t sub9tlttltion. ._ . , � <br /> � 2�. NOTICES TO GRANTOR AND OTHER PARTIES. Any nWke under th�s Doed o}Tns!shaA be In wririrq and shatt bA ettec!!ve whe�actuatty ; � �;,jy:`.�� ���.�= <br /> . ;';•'`'. deUvet�d meNed�ahall be deemed BflecU�rsi when deposited In the Unitetl States mall fhst clnss�replstered maB,PosteBe O�epatd�dlrected to the ,��-;��?�;r,. .. <br /> ('.,. ��, .•.. <br /> :,�.,�� ' •.,�.,�;:�: addrosses ahown ne�u the Deginning of th�Daod d tn�st. AnY PertY�Y���its adGress for notloes under thb Oeed of Tnat by pMnp forrna► i:,.;,� �. %• �.,�;' <br /> . ,,�.�e,���!��i�uar nArteae.w�adtyirx!mef the purpose of the notioe ts to chenge the Dartys address. AN coPies ot noUCes ot toret:iosuro hom �' f ' �n':i�`�'a� <br /> ��.{i ,.�� �?;' 'tna holder ot itny Yen whicA O�as�norlty over thts Oeed o1 Ttust shatl be sen!to lender's adtlre'�.s,as s�awn near tne beemrong or�ns Ueeo of i rust. �, �r�-��;• <br /> • "� '-`�;�' F�r aotbs purposes.GreMOt agro-�ss to keep Lender and Trustee intormed at aII dmes of(3rantor's curt�nt address. . �,, �s, `c��f<} <br /> . ;.,,..,,., .�. �:.s+, ,.,:�.�:; .�,����:�'�i±���'�� <br /> �„ � . ,� ;,• " If the Real Pr has a�en submitled to untl owoership�w a slmller law , r . �,, ,�;..1 <br /> aZ4. A.S.SmC0A41mi�i OF IDNIT OWNERS. The lotlowing provlsions apPy oPe�Y � E:r;r`P���•�. <br /> frn ttie aa4zbnshmen4 ot condominlums or cooperallve ownershfp of the Reat Properly: i �,,w <br /> �• pqrer oY A9torney. Grantor grants an trtevocable power of adorney to Lender to vote fn 1!s dtsaedon on any matter Mat may eome ke4ar�the �� �� <br /> aseedndon of unit owners. Lender SheII have the right to exerclse thls power of attomey only aRer defauft by Cirantor;howaver,Lender may �, <br /> dedlne to exer�lse thb power as It sees fit. j -1 <br /> Imurane6. The Insurance as requfred above may be cartied by Ihe assoc�etion of unft owners on Cirantors bBhaN,and the ptooeetls of such I ::��;"��., <br /> irauranoe may be peld to the assoCaaon of unB owners for the purpose of repamng or reconstrucnnp the PropeAy. It not So used by the i • <br /> assocfatbn,auch Proceeds shaN be pald to Lender. �{ <br /> Complmee wrih Repuladona ot Aasoetatloe. GreMp shell perform all of the obt�gerions tmposed on Orantot by the tledsreUO�Subm�tdn0 the � �� <br /> � Fieel Proparly to unR OwnBrahlp,by the byl8w8 of the essoC�ation ot unit owners,ar by a�y rules or r6pulatlOn3 thereunder. It CittMOt'S int8r85t fn <br /> th�RoN PropaAy is a Ieesehold interest and suCh propeRy hes been Subrtwtte0 to unit ownershlp,firentor ShaU perfo�811 Of t119 oblpetions ' �,� <br /> irt�posed on Cirantor by the lease of the Rea1 Property hom Ns owner. �=:� <br /> 26. M18C61ANEOUB PROVISfONB. The fotlovnnp mFSOetlaneous provis�ons are a part ot th�a Deed of Trust: . , � <br /> M�d�Cments. Thls Oeed ot Tnist,together wlth any Reteted OoCUmenis,consHtutes the enhre untlerafandlrg flnd eqreemer►t of the pnAfes as to � <br /> ths mRttetS set fath In thls Oeetl ot Trust. NO�IlerBdon of or amendment to this DeBO ot Trust shel be eilective unt0ss gtven In wAtlnp and 51pnBd <br /> by the party or pertles sought t0 i�e cherged w bound by the 81ter8uun or emendmeM. � - <br /> i <br /> Ap6111CeWQ LOw.ThiS�88d o}Tru,t Sh8t1 b@ govem6d by end CO�Shued�n aCCOrdenCe wdh the�ewS Of th9 StBte Ot N8brG5!ce. ' <br /> Gptbn Meadlnps. Cflp6on headmgs m M�s 09ed oi Trust ere tor convenlenCe purposes only and are not to be u580 ta m9prpret or dehne the �. <br /> provislons of this OeeO of Trust. <br /> Qtatlt0►'s COp�r of DOCUmente. LerMer 8gtee5 to prOVfdB f3r8MOr wRh a Conformecf Copy Of bOth thB IOAKLIKER�MCAfe EqUfly P41�Gc9dt <br /> ApregmgM and thts Oeed of Trust at tAe t�me they are ezeCUted or wdNn a reasona0le t�me after this Oeed o7 Trtst s reearQ80. <br /> MKper. There Shalt be no merger of the interest or estate Created by tMS Deed ot Tr�st with ctny other interest¢��SG3ta�n the Property at any <br /> tlme held by a ta the benefit of Lender m am capadty,wlthout the wrtlten conseM ot�mntler. <br /> Mutqple ParflES. Atl obflyabo�a ot Grenta under this Deed ot Trust shalt be jant and savarQt,and aII refere�es b Gra�".o�shetl mean each and <br /> evEry(irnntOt. ThfS m88nS th8t esch of the p6r60rf5 Sfpnirp b@�Ow f5 tespo�Kib10 fOt a!!aas;ga0ons In th•i3�d C1 Teust <br /> 8ereratNllry. It e court ot compefent�uristl�cti0n linds arry prov�on W thls 098�f ot Taust to be InveliG or uroentorceeplB 8s to arry person or <br /> dtCUmgtancg,suCh finding ShaN nOt renp8r th8t ptovfsfon imrahC or uneMOrCeebte 8s tC er�v ather persons or Ckcu�eL5S0PtpDS• 1i t8851b19,e�y suCh <br /> oHendmp provislon sha11 be deemed to be modfied to be wdhin the MmAS ot eMOrCeaD'i*i crr�i�d�ty:however,M the�fl9nQ:'tg provision C&nnot be <br /> � + So mOdifiBd,ft she�1 be stRCken and M othBr proviSlons of th�s Deed ot Trust�n stl olher ros�Sacts shatl remefn v8tid 8rttl 0�7drG�b18. <br /> Apu�pwfedpment. Prfor to the execu6on hereof Cuantor executed an sdcnowledpmenl stahng that Csrantor underst8nds that (a)tfNS Oeed of <br /> Trust�t a trust deed end not a mortgeg6 anG (b)the power o�L�d P�o�tL.iG tor In this Deed ot Ttust proNOes Substendely dtMerent ngrt15 and <br /> t�patio�s to Carenfa than e mortpepe in Ihe everd of defBWt or breach of obUpatlon. <br /> ${I�Ot6 efld A9SIQt1a. Sub)8Ct to the Itm�flho�K stBteC �� tM5 D8@O 01 Try)5t on h9rtS18r Of G�Hnta's m18�85t,M15 096tl Ot TtttSt shall be <br /> � <br /> , � I <br />