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, --- =—. , <br /> r+ri ti` ��� • ,}, <br /> .-,.� � i. , _ <br /> S1H� �� tY , i �v��:d• ,4"^�y +>ik�� 1� ^.� ;h'�T ���z l t�3 a �.�i�vc `'. 4.$�'� qy'i`x�.��,R"'C 1`k z' +�� ' <br /> � 1: 5,i�.� ZS er ,y'�'•,... .r4 iY ': t+1 R ��t '�i � e .i. �t,y '� ,� Sq�7 � �,14. � �'j/' r S71'h. . <br /> y.j:-•4 r� t�.dt;t�! :K�1 d ��� t�v\ � �i�7't�i����` ��P n��`1Q{1; +ksii�, _-,.�.y�`+..'fY,.��v „ ���-+f) )F. .f; i�rti�t31��:$, 1��,:. <br /> �(' t ��1�( ♦� y�Y '4l.'•. {' �'• 4 i%, <br /> � �� ��.: �i� t�'".x aA4�d �SJ'�� .�y�.` � r � E._ }��Vt„Y��`� ���_17'`� i����i�'a �"s . <br /> .�.. f,r�j., ' �W r�i- `i�rY ` c L}' �� �F !4.. � �y a s^,.'t��rX�,..�r s.A•__.—. <br /> n, '! , .:-« i.:, i�a�" �!i,�l. -�c:wr��� v.<<t:�_:��! . f.>t.. --- <br /> -ra��u:r�rty7�I,tt(�J � ti -.,_ . <br /> . .cl.�.•sA1sN,_i�S . . Jsa.< . sl c_: . �.r.--. . _..E1 <br /> _..ut .. <br /> � r1 ' � . . . -r'..?f.�''°..". . � , . <br /> _ ' '_ ._. .. <br /> �� <br /> i <br /> , . ..,�r-J�a•r�rr�r..�a.,:•_,.. . _ . _- _. <br /> � :..�1..��•L � � - - - <br /> ._..�Cai:�,'_ "�=..'.'MlbAle�Me���.....a..- . ' .__... � ._._'._.__'___.__ .. . <br /> __.,...s �e.�_.....m'� ��I�� �V�I I V I <br /> ��F <br /> ."'�'3'�rarfidM� . � <br /> _,_ .�,;{. 17.TransP�r ot tha Pr�ps�y or a Qenaficfwl Intera3 tn Boemwcr.It uil or nny p;�t of the Pmperty or nny interest in it <br /> -- •=_--� iR satd or tmnwferred(or it u beneticlal hsto�st in�arrower in sald or tr�nsfemed nnd Borrowcr ie not�t nntumt Qe�on)wltt►out <br /> �;;,��_ :� I.endcr'n prior writtcn cansent, Lender muy. nt ite nption. rcquire �mmaliute puyment i�full of Ati sums r+ocuted by tbis <br /> __- -_ -_ Stru�iry Instrument.Howcver.thig nptiun Fhull nnt bx excrcisod by I.endr.r if eaercise is prohfblted by�edorai lt�w as af the dute <br /> � ��as�r� uf thl;+S�cv�ity instnsntoet. -- <br /> .in.'^,,:at„��;�i:= i.�— <br /> --- _— If l.end�r exercists tl►is aptlon,i.endcr eh�ll pive Burcowcr noticc oP uccelerntlan.The noi�ce shnll provide s�SerIod of not <br /> :,_:;-�— tess thnn 30 duys lt�nm ttw dute the aotioe+iK deliverad or mailed withln which Barrawer must pay nll sums secured by thia <br /> Secudty Insttumont.If I3atrower fidla tn pay theso sums prlor ta thc expirutfon of this pedod,[,ender may inv�ke uny ��eme�ties <br /> -�����►t���:y" u p�rmitted by thin S$cudty Insttamo�t•withnut tliRher nntice ar demnnd an Bamower. L- <br /> '��%"��W=�:� 18. lbrro�rer'� RIgM te��Rdnstate. If 8arrower mcet� certuin cnnditians, Borrower eh�ll have the right to have <br /> '"�� � .�."� enforcement of this S�cudty Instcument discontinued nt any dme pr�or to the earlier af: (n)5 days (or such other periad ae <br /> «'�a':��� ,:•' uppticable iaw mny spocify for r�einstatement)before sale af the Property pursuant to eny power of sale contained in this _ <br /> `�'�'.`o��:f, " Securiry lnstrttment;or(b)entry of u judgment enforcing thes Secu�ity tnsttt►ment.?hose condttiunx uns thut Burmwer:(u)puys <br /> �"'�i .. -�"' ��� Lender nit sums which then would be due under this Secunty Insuument nnd the No2e sis if no acceleratian had occurred:(b) -- <br /> �' � '`r`� ' cu[es uny dafuult af uny other envenanu or agnxmenta;(c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Secudry Instrument, <br /> . • � �"�� '.��! including.but not limitod ta, reasanable attomeys' fees;snd(d)takes such uction as L.ender may rea�,onably reyuire w assure � <br /> r ' • that the lien of this Security Instrument,Lender's rights in the Property and Bomower's obligatlan to puy the sums secured 6y <br /> ' this Security Irustniment shall continue unchunged. Upon reinFtaterrtenl by Bflrrower, this Secudty lnstrurtteot s�nd the <br /> obligations secu�ed hereby shall remain fully effeclive as�f na acceteration t�!oscoeec�.However, this right to mein.�ta.te shall <br /> � • not npply in the cnse of acceleratian under parngraph 1�. _ <br /> �� . 19. Sal�of Plotei Change of I.oan Ssrvtcer. The Note or a paertial 'e¢�teeest in the Noze(eogetlTer with nhis Sec�rr�ay _� <br /> • Instcument)may be sold one ar more times wlthout pdor notice to Borrower.A sale may resalt in a c e in 2ice enrity(�wn ___. <br /> � , , , �� as ttee"I.oan Servicer")thut collects manthly ppyments due under the Note artd this Securityr Instwmeree. re alsn�y�e ortQ �,:--. _ <br /> op moee ehanges of the Loan Senricer unrelated to a sule of the Note.if them is a change of¢9re II.oan Ssrvicer. �vr�ower witl be M�=°� <br /> gnvere ��en rton: �of the ch�ge in accorabartce with pa�agraph I4 ahave and upplicable law.Th�notice�vill state the mame and �7i" <br /> address of thr r�w ;.,.oan Servicer art�the ad�cess to which payments should be made. The notfice wnll also crontain�ny other �. <br /> 0 <br /> information requireci by applicable law. �`" <br /> ' 20. Hazardous Su1�Rances. Borrower shali not caus� or Rern►it che pr+esence, use, disposat. storage, or of any -�- <br /> �>a�� Hazardous Substances on or in ¢�ee Properry. Borrower s�nall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, any�hmg affecting the �,-r <br /> �`',�v; ;;;,���� Froperty that is in violation of arny Environmental Law.The prececling two sentences shal! notapply to t h e pnsence.use. or �v` <br /> ��`��• storage on the Propecty of small a�uantities of Ha•rardous 5ubstances thac are generally recognized to be appropriate to narmal ��� <br /> "' „ residential uses and to maintenance of the Prc►pPrty. �1M <br /> " � Borrower shall promptly give Lende���ritten notice of any investi�ation,claim,demand, lawsuit or other action by any �'s-- <br /> governmental or regulatury agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental Law - <br /> � .� of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower leams,or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory authority. that <br /> am removal or other remediat8on of any Ha�ardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary.Borrower shall promptly take �?,_ <br /> ' all necessary reme�ial action�i�accordunce with Environmental Law. -"' <br /> , ,�: As used in this paragraph 20, "Harardovs Substances" ane rhose substances defined as toxic or hazardous substanc�s by ��"� <br /> .. Environmental I.av and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flamma6le or toxic �wtoleum products, toxic `_ <br /> ,+,:��f; pesticides and hrrbicides,valatile solvents, materiAls cantaining usbesa�ti.�r formaldehyde.and radicw�tie.e materials.As usud in <br /> , this paragraph 20. "�nvironmental Law" means feJeral law•s and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that ,;�:� <br /> ���',�.". • relac�to health, safety or environimental protection. <br /> �:�,,.,�}.,, '.LON-UNIFORM COVEN.'�:VTS.Rorrower and Lender(urther covenant and ugree as follows: � -,.; <br /> �• ll. Acceleratton;Remedtes.I.ender shall give notice to Borrower prior to acceleratton tolOuwIng Borrower s breach <br /> of any covenant or apreement in thts Sccurity Instrument (but not prior to aeceleration under paragraph 17 unless <br /> applicable Iaw provides othenrise).The notice shall specify: (a)the default; (b)the action required to cure the default; <br /> ,.,�+ (c)a date,not tess than 30 days from the date the notice is�iven to which the default must be cured:and <br /> �� (d) that failure to cure the aGutiauit on or before the date specified In the notice may result in acceleration of the sums <br /> ':��;,����! secured by this Security Iastrucnent and sale of thr Property. The notice shall further inform Borrow•er of the right to <br /> � ceinstate after acceleratton and the �ight ta bring a rnurt action to assert tl�e non-existence of a default or stny other <br /> defense of►3orroaer to acceleration and swle. If the defi�ult is nut cumd on or before the dat�,peciFed in the not[ce, <br /> I.ender. at its op'tunm,may nquire immediate payment in full of all sum�secured b�• th[s Sezmmi:y Instrument without <br /> . �� further deman�D un�D may invuke the pow•er of uile and anr•othcr remedi�permitted b�•applics��le la�v. Lender shall be <br /> .'�;�'.`;, "� enteAled to collect aU ecpences incurred in pur.:uin�the mmedicw pro�•ided in this paragraph 21,including.but nnt limited <br /> •�,i` '�5 � ' tao,rc�s�►nable attorneys'fee�:a�nd costs of title e�•idence. <br /> . . ';. �f the pnser of sate is ii�voked.Trustee shall rm►rd a notice of default in each county ia� which any part of the <br /> � ..;';; Propert�• is iocate:�a�nd tihall mail copirs of such notice in the munnec prescribed bc applirab9e�aH to Borro���er and t� <br /> •" '.`� the other persons prescribed h� appltcablc lae•. After thr time reyuirea8.`.�uj.N.::able la��•,Truseau sl�all give pubtic notire <br /> ;.1' .. <br /> ' of sale to the penon�and in the manner priscribed M applicable la��.Truster.e�ithout dernanaD un Barrow•er. shall sell <br /> r:��'� � the Pmpertv at pubiic auc�in�n ea�thr i�i�h�t biddrr at thr timc and placc and undcr the icrrns desiFnutcd in t6e nottce of �'. ':.. <br /> , •5:�: ��� sale in one�r rnure parcel� �aaa� in am� ��rdrr Trustcr deIICrto�inev. Trustee ma} {x►st�x►ne sale of�ll or an�� parcel of the `'� <br /> �'..•;�;��;" `;• � '�•) property by� pubitr unnounzdnoont at the time und place uf uro} �rrsiousl�� scheduled wle. lander or its desi�nee may � <br /> . .•�.> ;�';.� <br /> , � '•:;.;,�: purchase the Pro�Oarac at an� wtir. <br /> � <br /> i <br /> :;`'�,• <br /> � <br /> '�+;'':' , Ptram 3028 9/90 <br /> : �.�.\��,• ���..�,..�•b � <br /> .•t <br /> -`�'t���� . • {,,�;! <br /> ." .,�., .. . . ,.�,_ .... .. ...z rrrc"'n,, . � . ,. .. <br /> , i. <br /> . ;� . , . , � <br /> � . <br /> — -- <br /> � _ 1 <br />