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<br /> a.���:.-� , • g4.� 1��`�r1
<br /> _�,�-�':.;:F;r'ti�;,� 8, 'fGe BeneActary.or its ageats,are authorized to�ntcr et any reasonuble dmo upon o:!n any part oP Q�e pmperty for tho
<br /> - -; pucpose of inspaW�g tho san►e und for the parposa of pedorminB any of thc ncts thcy are uutha�ed to parfarm i�nder the terms of
<br /> 'T` . any laan insmiments enecvted by Tn�sto�s. ��
<br /> . .,,
<br /> `��_;�,_:;.;�__� g. If a1!o:any part of tke property or am+iaterest of Trnstore ie sald,tras�sfened or ti�rther encwabered witheut d�e w�itten
<br /> . consent of the HeueSciary.the Beneflciary may declare all sume socuretl by this Trust AeEd to tra immcQ#ate4y dus end�ynblo nnd _..---..
<br /> . . � .. ',. piooeed w the remedies availablo to it under the default provlsions wntained herein. °==
<br /> �� 10. Aay of the following events shall be deemed an event oi default hercunder:
<br /> : ° � �� �. Tn�ors sball have failed to make payment of azry iastaliment of principal or intcrest or aay uilier sums secured Itereby when �^��
<br /> -..:�,_..:= due; _�:
<br /> b. There t�as oocuaed a breach of or default under any tern►. c�+enant, agr�mant, oondidon, pravision, mptesontetioa or ���,-
<br /> �V-...
<br /> warranty oontained ia tbts Deed of Tmst,the note oren of aner loan o��n�n��or encumbrance in respoct to ali oi any ��, ;.
<br /> ' �. '1'here has hcen a default by the Trus¢�rs�n t4�x 9�Y� Y P
<br /> Paat c�ff th�e pr°petty; .� -
<br /> d. 'Q'nastors shall fde a vo9untaay g�etnuio� in 0ac�u�PuY or shalt be a�ju�cated hanll�ugOB Qx emsolvent, or shail make an •
<br /> - assigawaegnt for 9he hem�e9'i¢of creAntoas ian respect to the pmperty;or an actiom�ec�otoe any lee�n oY encumbraaoe or judgmente r`_'=.
<br /> : apaimst ths�mpxfty is ooa�mentoe�. ° � _
<br /> il. In the�•�nc of�de.fault,the�emzfictary may declare aAI i��tcc�ess s�cured herc�jr tw b��e and payable sud AQ�sau�x ,;.;,;
<br /> sball theaeu�pon becomza due and payable�vn3hout any presentment,deau�n�,Protest or notice o1't��nx&nnd. Thereaft�s,t�.21�¢me�ci�cy -_
<br /> .. :}. ��. ` ��:.
<br /> ' a. either in gerson or by agent, wltl►or withou4�Tan�ing azty action or pmc�edln�,or by mceiver ap�inued by a�uat aa�d ,,;:_.�
<br /> ° withaut regard to the adequacy of airy scxurity,enter upon and take possession of the PropertY.or aay�e a�nea�nm iES o�m �,,;._.
<br /> .�...-
<br /> name or in the name of the Tmstee, and do a�ry acts wdich it decros aecessary amm%��Sica�le ¢o Presr�e t1hE value, �1.
<br /> . mazketability or rentability of the propercy,or part thereof,or iaterest therein,increase¢itox i�ccome t?�erefrom a�r�n:ot�t ihe
<br />->l; . security hereof and,without taking possession of the pmpsrty,sue for or othemise wllect the rents,issues and pmfits t�ereof, --
<br /> rn�>,' including those pasc due and unpaid and appiy the same, leas oosts and expenses of ope:ation and coltection, inclading _
<br /> • ,. � .3... . attomey fces,Wwn any indebtedness secured hereby,all in such otder as the Beneficiary may detertniue. T'he eateriag upon
<br /> �.. ;_,,:
<br /> �;�.�:•;;?l;. and taking possession of the tr�st estate,the coAection of such rents,issues and profits and appllcation thereaf as afotrsaid ---
<br /> �'�'''� shall not cure or waive any default or nodce of default hereunder or invalidate any act and in response to such default or _
<br /> • pursuant to such nodce of default and nonvithstanding d►e continuance in Possession of the praperty or the oollection,teceiPt
<br /> ' and applicadon of rents,issues or profits,Tn�stee or the Bene,ficiary maY be enritled to exercise every right pmvided for in any —
<br /> af ihe losn instniments os by law upon acct�rrence of anY event of defaut�including the right to exercise the power of sale;
<br /> b. commence an action to foreclose this Dced of Tnist as a mortgage, appoint a reoeiver, or spec�Ficaity enfaroe anY of tlu
<br /> cavenants hereof;
<br /> c. deliver to Tn�stee a w�ritten dectarauon of ddauli and demand for sale,and written notice of default and election to cause
<br /> � '�' , � Tcustors'interest ir►the property to be sold w�hich notice Trustee shall cause to be duly filed for reoord in the officlal reoords _.
<br /> � of the county in�vhich the property is located.
<br /> 12. Should the Beneficiary elect to foreclase by exercise of the poH�er of sale herein contained,the Seneficiary shall notlty T':ustee -•
<br /> •'�•;''��,y"' and shall deposit with Tnutee chis De�d of Tcust and the note and such receipts and evidence of expenditures made and serured F�,::
<br /> �•,.�1� hereby as Tcnstee may require,and upon rcquest of the Beneficiary, the Trustee shall cause to be recorded published aad deIlivered ,�
<br /> to Tcustor such Noticc of Default and Notice of Sale as then required by law and by this Dced of Trust.Trnstee sh$ll without d�anand ',fi w,_
<br /> on Ttuscor,after such time as may then be required b}• lae•and after recordation of such Notice of Default and after Notice of Sale
<br /> having been given as required by law.ssll the propertp at the time and place of sale fixed by it in such Notice of Sale, eithet as a
<br /> whole, or in separate lots ar parcels or�tems as Trustce shall decm expedienL and in su.ch order as it may cletermine, at public
<br /> auMion to the highest bidder for cash and shall deli�•er to such purchaser or purchasers thereof a deed to the pmperey sold,conslstent
<br /> �vith the law then in effect. Recitals in the Tn�stee's deed shall be prima facie cvidence of the truth of the statements made t➢►erein.
<br /> ''. Tn�stee shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the fallo�s•ing order:(a)to all reasonable wsts and expenses of the sale,including but
<br /> � not limited to Trustee's fecs of not morc than 2%of thc gross salc pricc.reasonablc attornc��fecs and costs of title evidence:(b)to all
<br /> sums secured by this Deed of Trust: and(e) the e�cess. if an�•, to tlie person or persons legally entitled thereto. Any person.
<br /> including the Beneficiar�•.ma)'purchasc said properi��at said salc. Trustce may�in ihe manncr pro�•ided by law.postpone sale of ail
<br /> or any portion of thc propert}�.
<br /> 13. 1'rustee and the Be�icficia�.und each of them.shal!be entitled to enforce pa�•menl and performance of an}•indebtedness or
<br /> obligation sccured hercb}•and to excrcisc all rights and poa�crs under this flad of Tnut or under am� loan e�s�ment or other
<br /> agreement or an�•la��•s nor or hereattet cnforccd not�►•ithstanding some or all of thc indcbtcdness and obliga¢aons secaared hereby
<br /> which ma�• now� or hercatter bc othern•isc sccurcd. w'hciher b�• mortgage. dccd oi trust. plcdgc. licn.assignment oe at�erwise. �
<br /> Neither the acceptance of this Deed of Trust nor its enforccment.��•hcther b}•court action or piirsuant to the po�cer of sa9e ot other �
<br /> ' po�ti•ers herein contained.shall pre�udice or in am•manner af'Fect Trustee's or the Benefic�an's nght to realixe upon or enforce any
<br /> ` other secunn� now�or h�rcaRcr he(d b��Trustec or the Henefician�. n being agrccd that Trustee and the Beneftcian•,and each of
<br /> i them,shaDl be entrttc�d to enforce th�s Deed of Trust a�id atr�other secunn no�a ar hereafter held b}•the Benefician•or Ttn�.ctee in :i
<br /> � � such ordcr and manncr as thc� ma� �n thcu absolutc d�scrct�an dctcrminc No rcmcfi•hcrc�n confened upon or rescn•ed to'fcustee
<br /> • ' � or Benefician�is�ntended to be c�dusne of am othtr rcmcd�•hercin or b� la�� pto��ided or perm�ited.but each shall be c��rruniau�•e ,
<br /> and shaU be in addiuon to c�•en�othcr rcmcdc gncn hercundcr or no«�on c�rcaiter cxisting at ia«�or cqiair or b•statute. E��en�
<br /> power or remed}•gi�'en b�•am•of the 1a�n insinimen��s to Tnistee or the Bencfi�i:�n or to��•hich either of them ma}�be oiD�ern�se
<br /> entiticd m:n•be exercised.concunentl� or independenlh•,from t�me to time and as often as ma}•be deemed expedient ln�Tr�stee or
<br /> E3enefician.and e►ther oI them ma� pursuc �nconsistent remedies tiothing herem shall be consttued as prohibiteng the�Ber�efician•
<br /> � --- -
<br /> __�.:_...,a..c.....�... :.�dnmrnt aoa�ntl TntctOic!O(hC C\1CI11 SllCII acuon�s permutcd bc la��
<br /> Ilutu�t:tnu.g u w.........�;�.._a..._-•-•-o--..
<br /> li. Tn�stors hcreb�� requcst a cop�•of an�• not�cc of dcfnult and that am not�ce of salc hcrcunder bc ima�led to 7'rustors at the '
<br /> address set forth in thc first paragraph of this Dccd ot Trust
<br /> iS The Benefician•ma}.b��a�vntten�nstniment executed and ackno�ciedged b�•BeneCic�ar�.mailed to "frustors and recorded in
<br /> the Counh• in a•hieh the propem is located and b��other��ise complcmg a�tth the pro�►s�ons of ihe applicable laa�of the State of
<br /> Nebraska.substitute a succcssor to thc Trustec r+amed hcrcin or acting hereunder
<br /> 16. This Dced of Trust appl�es to and mures to thc bencfit of and btnds all panics hcrcto. thcin c�us. personal representatn•cs.
<br /> successors and ass�gns. The term"Benefician"shall mcan thc o��ner and holder of thc note. ��hethsr or aact reamed as Beneficiar��
<br /> hcrein.
<br /> 'I
<br /> i
<br /> � �
<br /> �
<br />