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<br /> . � 8. The Beneficiary. or its agents, are authodzed w enter at arry reasonable��upon or!n a�►y part of tho properiy Por tho "��,��;�.�'�;�-�,- _
<br /> ' ,, .,:,, . �.�.�,�;�
<br /> _ _._..__..�.__ nur�ose of inspectlnB the same and for tha purpose of parformin$atry of the acts theY arc authotl�.ad to perform undet Ihe tCnttg of .�'a� ��• a
<br /> .. � a�►y loan tnsauinenes execucea by Tn�scors. - . -� - ---�
<br /> 9. If a11 or any gart of the pmparty or any interest of Tcastors is sold, transfetmd or Porth�r encumbercd wlihout the wrltten
<br /> consent oP tbe HaneBciary.the Benefcciary may deciare ail sumx se�u'ed b9 thls Tnist Dc�d to be imnu�latety�ua ni►dµyynble un0
<br /> procecd to the remedies available to it under the default provisions contained hxein. `
<br /> �, 10. Any of the following events stiall be deemed an gvent of defautt hereunder: -
<br /> � a. Tn�swrs st�ell bave failed to make payment of any instaUment of princlpal or interest or arry other sums sccured hereby whon ?
<br /> • due:
<br /> b, There bas ocaured a brcach of or default undor any term, covenant, agrcemcnt, coadition, pmvieiott, represcntntion or
<br /> " warranty contained in this Dee�of Ttust,the note or any other loan instrument secured hercby; �
<br /> . ' s. There has been a default by the Tmstors in the payment of any prior or subsequent lien or encumbranccs in toap�ct to aU or any
<br /> part of the properiy; '� ' ��
<br /> d. Trustors shall f�le a voluntary petition in bankruptry or shall be adjudicated bankrupt or insolvent, or shall meke an , .
<br /> � assignment for the benefit of creditors in respecc to the property;ar an action to enforce any lien or encumbranco or Judgments . �
<br /> against the propetry is commenced. . -
<br /> l l. In the event of any default,the Beneficiary may declare ali indebtedncss scaued hcrcby to bc due and payable and the same ��• , ,
<br /> shall thercupon become due and payable without any presentment,demand,protest or notice of any kind. Thereaftor,th¢�enoflciary ..
<br /> may: . -
<br /> A. either in person or by agent, with or without bringing atry action or proceeding, or by receiver appointed by a court and
<br /> withaut regard ta the adequary of any security,enter upon and takc possession of the property,or nny part thercof,in ite own ;
<br /> name or in the name of the Tmstee, and do any acts which it deems necessary and desir�ble to preseive the value, ' . .
<br /> matketability or rentability of the properry, or part thereaf, or interest therein,increase the income therefrom or protect the ; . � , :
<br /> - •• security hereof and,without taking possession of the property, suc for or otherwise coltect the rents,issues and profits thereof,
<br /> including those past due and unpaid and apply the same, less costs and expenses of operation and collection, including , -
<br /> � atteraey fces,upon any indebtedness secured hereby,all in such order as the Heneficiary may detemtine. The entedng upon � _ ,
<br /> and raTdng possession of the trust estate,the collection of such rents.issues and profits and application thercof as aforesaid � �
<br /> sbaE!woa cure or�vaive any default or notice of default hereunder or invalidate any act and in response to such default ur i ;,..
<br /> pursu�n:to such notice of default and notwithstanding the continuance in possession of the propeny ot the callection,receipt I f,. : � _
<br /> at�d apIILcc2tion of rents,issues or profits.Trustee or the]Ben�ciary may be entitled to exercise every right provided for!n any � :��;+_d�-4
<br /> of the Qoan instruments or by law upon occurrence of a►m•e��ent of default,including the right to exercise the power of sale: �._, � __�
<br /> b. commence an action to foreclose this Deed of Trust as a mortgage, appoint a receiver, or�pcx:ificeSly enfarcc atty oi tltc �-
<br /> covenants hereof; , ;
<br /> c. deliver to Tnutee a written declaration of�lefault and demand for sale. and written notice of default and election to cause . . ,
<br /> Trustors'interest in the property to be so1d. �vhich natice Trustee sha]1 cause to be duly filed for record in the o�cial reoords � .' �
<br /> of the county in which the property is tocale�3. � ;�1
<br /> �;
<br /> 12. Should the Bene�ician-elect to foreclose b}�exercise of the po�ti�er of sale herein comtained tII�e Beneficiary shall notify Trustee i :� �
<br /> nnd shall deposit wilh Taaistee this Deed of Trusi and the note and such receipts and evidence of erpencditures made and secured i 1
<br /> heceby as Tnistex mag•aealuire,and upon request of the Benefician•, the Trustce shall cause to be recorded.pu�lished and delivered ; �
<br /> to Trustor such Notice�f�efa►�It and Notice of Sale as then required by law and by this Deed of Trust.TcusteE shall without demand ; •
<br /> on Trustor,after such ume as may then be required by law and after recordation of such Notice af Default and after Notice of Sale ; • i.
<br /> hnvtng bocn given as required by law,sell the property at the ume and place of sale fixcd by it in such Notice of Sale, either as a ; � �1�-
<br /> wholc. ar in separatc lots or parcels or items as Trustce shall dcem expedicnt, and in such order as it may determine,at public I J:�: •_
<br /> auction to the highest�sidder for cash and shall deli�-er to such purchaser or purchasers thereof a deed to th�pro�erty sold consistent �
<br /> �vtth ihe luw�then in e�if:st. Recitals in the Trustee's deed shall be pnma fac�e evidence of the uuih of the statemenis made therein. i
<br /> Truatet shall apply the pi�ceeds of tlie sale in the follon�ng order:(a)to ali reasonable costs and expenses o!the sale,including but , ,.:
<br /> not lim�tcd ta Tnistee's fees of nat morc than 2%of thc gross sale price. rcasonablc anorney fees and rnsts of title evidence:(b)to all ;
<br /> sums sccurcd by this Dced of Trust: and (c)thc e�cess. if an}•, to thc person or persons legally entided thereto. Any person.
<br /> tnnludtng ihe Beneficiary.ma�•pwchase said propem at said sale. 'Trustec ma}�m the manner provided by law.postpone sale of all
<br /> or any pomon of thc propert�'.
<br /> 13 Trusiee:tnd the Bcnefician•,and each of�hcm, shall be cniitled to enforcc payment and performance of any indebtedness or
<br /> obltgaltoa sccurcd hcrcby and to ex�rc�se ali nghts and po�ti•crs under this Dced of Trust o:under any loan instniment or other
<br /> s�gceemem ar:my Imvs nor at hereafier enforeed not��ithstanding some or all of the indebtedness and obligations secured hereb�• '
<br /> afi�ch msiy no�� or hereafier be othon3•ise secured. ��hether by mortgage. decd of tnist, pledge. licn. assignment or otherwise.
<br /> INetihet the:tcccptance of this Deed of Trust nor its entorcement.whether t»•coun action or pursuant to the po�•er of sale or other
<br /> po��err�herstt►coutatned. shall prejudice or in am�manner affect Trustee's or the Benefician•'s right to realire upon or enforce any
<br /> othcr�ccunt} no�� on c�rcaflcn c�ld b� "Trostec or thc Bcnefician�. it bcing agrced that Trustec and thc Bencfic�an�, and cach of
<br /> tltem,sl�ull lx cnlUled ro enforce th�s Dced of Trust and am�othcr secunn�no���on c�rcafien c�ld bp the Benetician•or Trustce in •
<br /> such ardcr�md autuncr as thc� ma�•m ihcu absoimc discrction dctcrminc No remcdy hercin rnnfcrred upon or resenred to Trustec
<br /> ot petteitcu�e� ���ntcpded to bc excinsrvc of am ather rcmed}� hcrcin or b��1a�ti�pro��idcd or pcmuttal,but cach shall be cumulative '
<br /> uttd eltall bs: u���dd�t�an to crcn�othcr remed} gi��cn hcrcundcr or no�+on c�rcaf9cr cxisting at la�y or cquit�� or by statute. Et�eq•
<br /> poaet ot remcdy µn•cn b� .�m•oC the loan�nsiruments to Trustcc or the Bencfician•or to�ch�ch cithcr of them may bc othen►•ise
<br /> emulcd m��� tn c�crctscd.concurrenth�or�ndcpendentlr. from umc to time and as oftcn�s may bc deemed cxpedient by Tcustee or
<br /> Nenetic�s�n. �md u�ther of ihem ma�� pursue�ncons�sicn�remed�es. Nothmg herein shall be construed as prohalbmng the Benefictan•
<br /> fro,n.eckinu u dcGcicnc� tud�mcnt aga�nst;rustors ta ihc extent such act�on is permittcd b} la«
<br /> 1� '1'rustors hcrchy rccpicst a cop}•of am noie:c of dcfaul� and that an} not�cc o1 salc ncreunacr oc maiicd co i ruswrs ai ii►e
<br /> addre&s�c�fanl��n U�r firs�par;�graph of this Dee.�at Tros:
<br /> l� 'Che ti�ncliccin ma>. b� n��ntten�nstrument executed and ackno�vledged b��Benefic�an. mailed to Trustors and tecorded �n
<br /> ihe Cottnt> ut ahtch itie propem �s loc.�ted and by othen�ise compl�•mg��ith the pro��is�ons of the applicable la��•of the State of
<br /> Ncbu�xku.eub+tuutc.�wccc+sor to Ihc Trustcc named hctc�n or acting hcrcundcr.
<br /> t6 '1'Inn Uc�d ut f t���t��ppltc+to:ind tnurcs to thc bencfit of and bmds all partics hcreto,thein c�us. personal rcprescntau�•es.
<br /> succcssor��md ati�t�tu, 1'hc tcrm"Bcncfic�an"shall mcan thc oe•ncr and hotdcr of the note,whether or not named as Bcncfic�an
<br /> hcrcm
<br /> � �
<br /> . .
<br /> �
<br />