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<br /> � .•�� ii%iX�! {�` .�r ,yL T:_ �iit ���. k}��`��i,;.�4� .�.��G,�"i�c.��k::;{4. I� t`��. ��Ic�� � .[.�,�7c'Yy ��>��� `:%'�`:j.� c r1�r[T�'S ��5 �i�Qsit�y AIPFT�i �;-
<br /> '!• � �{�(,,rl�t'*'e ,t � ���j' iF u ��. :+sC � , t ',iw q a 'r�.:.�,irr. ?'��V b �L i. ..� t,,.1. 'y �rn
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<br /> ..... .
<br /> _. , ., ... __�_ T
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<br /> . . . . -i;...p� .�Mk'.rY.'n►t&:.,. . - . ..r�i�»aiRb ' �i � - � . .. . ,
<br /> � .. .�W H�+. - . . � .....�MlR . . ..� - .. - .��.
<br /> � . .�',. , ` �'tl:. . ?����Y�� _(_.L_'
<br /> �� 1 �+' �. .. � . .....a.a-�wy�y����.c•J. 777 .
<br /> ±'-A ii.:� :":�_'Y� �� '�6...�
<br /> . i . �. _ . . . .. ' ' . . ... - --r,-___-
<br /> . . .� . . .......+.w.�.- __._ '__ _. ..... ......
<br /> , .�.�.. -....+....:..:.u.:.�a�as:.:..... .�.,.-..
<br /> '1 .�..��........�..�.�_.,.....s.�..... �. .-_-.�._.���
<br /> . ...._'__ '�.�.��__. _ ......_...�_..._ ���I•ln_:=.::
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<br /> . ,{ , ,�,, ,. : 9 �--�`==
<br /> r ._ ,h Si �r 10�"!4B � +. �����
<br /> .. ,. -
<br /> ' � ` j:. 4. Tho Borrower ehntt kaep the Prop�fty in pooA tepsir end�hali not oatemit waas or psrmlt impalertent or dateriorntion ot tho Propeny. �_�.'_'_�:.''`.�::_
<br /> � �-°: '' `: .sea�^�.
<br /> '�'� 6. If the Barrowee foits to: (e1 msintein or pey the prefniumt to�the rovulred insurenos ot ths Propeny,or(bi p�y te�Q•tiotzts ds1ls�+mnt,ar < —
<br /> ' ' fal pey any�mount due undet�prior moKpepa or eru�t deed b�tor�delinpv�nt,ot(dl m�int�n the Prop�tty in pood rop�tr,or ta1 parlarm �''x
<br /> --- ; - -��„� nny ol the oovesanis or apreAmson ot tN�Tniat Dead,thsn th�l.�ndn msy,�t h�opUon,p�y suoh insunna�prsmiums,toxes,mortpop� '4�F----—
<br /> rotaot us interest withaui �-"- , !' r'���4.�
<br /> � or truat doed poymente,or maks ropoiro and dlaburse euah oumf�nd take euoh sotton es ft doemo neo�aury to p ' „ , . ::•.-,_'
<br /> � - wofNng at affeoNnp ita rlpht to aeclero o�detauit end eooeterate the Aobt tecurod h�reby beo�use ef any suoh fe�lure of the Bo�rower. Any � � ,�„�,,;_,
<br /> • t amuunto so diabureed by the Lander ehAll eonstitute eddidonel mdebtednes�ot tM Bonowet seeured by tM�7tuet Oeed end shsll ba��nten�t • ° ••.rti„A�?�=,�,,
<br /> from tha dete et dlebureement et tho rete peyeble u�fde�the Note. Nnthfnp oonteined In ehle perepraph eha��requlre the Londor to moko eny
<br /> " • . RuoA dlaburoement9 or teke any eotion whetooever. .
<br /> 8. The Londor moy mnAe or oeuoe to be mede reesonabie entrie�upon and inepeotion of tMe P�operty. .,
<br /> :.� ,,,
<br /> 7. The prooeeds of eny ewerd or ciaim for damaeeo,direot or oorioe4ueetlet.In oonneoUon with any coRdemnadon�r�ther tnkfng af the , . _ _. -
<br /> Proporty,or pert thereof,or tor eanveyanoe in Uou of aonAemneUon,are heteby easipned end ehail be peid to tho lender to thn extant of the
<br /> tuli amount of the remaininp unpaid I�debtednesa aeoured by thls Tr�et Oeed. ', .
<br /> if the Propeny is ebendoned by the Borrower,or,if atter oodoe by the Lender to the Bortower that tho oondomnor ofters to moko an award ;
<br /> or settte e oleim tor ammmgoe,tho Bo►rowor fniEo ao�of8ond to the lsnder within 30 deye aftor tho dete euoh nutloo is mailad,tha Londer
<br /> ' " ie euthori:od tu oo:locc a�a.sphv ePeo�r0000da eo cQeo auma eaourod by eNe Truet Geed. • •
<br /> Condomnat[on procmoQe or a�trec6s sPeet Qno crod+tod Co tho leat matarinp Ineteilmonta of the indobROdrwSCt oocuved oerd shuil mot ontunA or � ��
<br /> postporto 4P�o duo doto of the instal:mente rofoe�ed to ia+pareg►eph t hereof o►ohenge the emoun�oC sucM insta4ments. � .. ;
<br /> � , •
<br /> � 8. it the Lertdor issuea a mottiel releaee of this Trust Qoad.the proceede reoe�ved there4or shoSf bo c►odited to the laet motuomy mstetlmenta�f
<br /> � theindob4odness secarmd hereEy. '�
<br /> 9 If tho Loador either w!unteriiy or involuntarily becomes a party to any sui4 or lagel procoeding�elebng to tho P+opertY.Note oT ihis Tnast Dood. ' ;;f, ,� '''�_
<br /> �a��'�;.:� then tho 8orrowar w1I reimburse the 4e�eder for aIt costs end,to thn extant permittod by low.�essonable ettornays'tees mcurcecR by the ��
<br /> ''` Lnndar raleting to such swt or�egel proeeedinga atxi seid sums ahall�.onatltute edditiona!indobtod�ess soeured by this Tntst f?e�!��•-�hear I� w
<br /> �ntereat at the rate payable u�dor tha Note,until paid_
<br /> ' to. As edditiona�security,tho Borrower daes hereby assibn,tre�sfe�eni eat over to thv Lender,in cese ot defeutt in the peeformence of any �' , _
<br /> ���'': of the tertna o►oond�Uone ot thie Trust Oeed,tha Nota or the terms of any indebted�ess secured hereby,all of tha rente,revenues end any �
<br /> �ncume of eny type whateoever to�o derived trom the Property,ioduding Iend contract peyments, The Lender,in paraun,by upent or by ; ,��' '�
<br /> ,n � :;:,
<br /> � reeeiver,without togard to the eolvav►cy or inaolvanoy of the Borrowet or the value of the Propetty.ehall be entltled to take possesaion of, ,':,',r�;. -
<br /> repnir,rent and manage the P►operty am�ta aolloot the reMS,revaoues and ineome therefrom and it mey pay out of seid inoome all oxpenaes , :°�1-t,�: `��"
<br /> ":,Y�ill' . �: -_
<br /> � of repair end costs incurred in rentms and managing tho Proparty e�d cotlacdng ronts and for payment of insurence premlums with eny ����.
<br /> remaining batance to bo applied to thm Inst maturinp paymants of the debt secured h�reby. Upon prasenUng e oopy of this Ttust Deed end • ,.,,,�11w��
<br /> demend to any tessea,tonant or cuntract purahasar of tha Ptoper:y, auch porson shalt pey eIl �ente,peymanta and protits accrued or . , :'�' 4
<br /> _,.,
<br /> ..�
<br /> ,,.�
<br /> =,' .' _ e �t� .� _ , �t��'.r: ,
<br /> - fharasttar secruin t0 th8 L8Mlst uP.f.�1..hwr petirw ttom the lende.. �._:..__ ._-....._.— -_
<br /> ��� .'}�;���Yt l� ', �.
<br /> ' • • t t. If ell or any pett of the Proper[y or en� �ntereat tfie�ein is deeded, aolely by tand contraot or otMrw�se aonvayed,elienatad oc:•;�rthor t� ; .
<br /> � nncumbered either votunterily or Invoturaanly v�rithout the lendbr's p�ioo written conseM,excludirtq�Ie1 e transfer by operatio�of�aw upon '• T s�:�3�� �
<br /> '��`�� the death of a oint tenant or tb)the tent of any loasahold interest not contairune en rption to puvcfiase wfth e tease term of two yoars m �,;, ,"�����;�." •�`
<br /> 1 ' 6 �.Y ,.�
<br /> lese,or to1 the creetion ot the purohesemoney seccril�imarest in houeehold apptionces �hom 1he Lendar mey,as�t<ayt�on,deQlare all sums ;�;�,�, ,
<br /> ` seoured by thia Truet Deed to be immedietely due artd payeble. �, . . �'��
<br /> 12. Upon the Borrower'e breach ot any cove�ant or ag�eement of the Borrower in thfe Truat Oaed,�nr.ludmg tho aovanenta to pey when dua e�y �'r� ' �F°�;
<br /> sums secured by this Truat Oaed,the l�nder,et its optlon,may daclere elt of the suma aecured by this Truat Oeed to be�mmudietely due , ��r �
<br /> end payable w�thout further demand and mey invoke the power ot ea�e end/or eny otfinr remedlas permitted by appliceble low including the � f�'
<br /> , nght to foteclose thie Ttust Deed m the manner provided by law for tFe foraclosura of mongagae on real estate. The Lende►ahell be enlided ii„ �
<br /> to collect elI reasonebla aosts end axpenses incurted in pursumg such remedies�ncluding,but not limited to,and to the extent permftted by
<br /> Iaw,reasonnble attoraeys'fees. ' P
<br /> If the power ot sele is invoked,the trustee ehaU record e�ot�ce of def.�ult in each county�n which the Properry or some part the�eof�s loceted ���
<br /> � end prov�de not�ce thereof�n the menner proscribed by applicable Iew. Atter the lapse of auch time as mey be required by applioabte law, � ��.-'��i� '
<br /> the T�uatne shatl give public notice uf�ale to the persone end in the.ranner prescnbed by eppl�aeble low. The T�ustee,or the ettorney for � •��'�
<br /> the Ttuetee,without demend on the Borrowar,ehall sell the Propeny at public euction to the Mghest biddat et the time end placa and undar � �'�if j' -
<br /> ; the terms designatad in tha ootice of sele m one or mnre parce�s end in such ordm as ihe Trustea may determine. The Trustee mey puatpone ;`�r:;'
<br /> sa�e ot all or eny parcel at the Ptoparty by public ennouncement at the t�me end place of any prewously echeduled sale. The lender or the �f�•� ;�"S'"'�. "'
<br /> Lander's designee may putchnse the Aropany at eny sule. y;";' ,•'�r�i;;•.t,^fr�� ,�,i
<br /> Upon roca�pt of paymeM of the pnce b�d. the Trustea shall delrver to the purcheaer e Trustee's Deed,without werrenty,conveymd the � ;t_�'%,-�r�,:<;:r .
<br /> ' Property suld. The rociteta m the Trustee's Deed shall be pnma tacfa awdence ot the truth ot ihe statementa mado tharem. The Trustee shall � ..;.;,.-+•t
<br /> �,�'�.y;, � � epply the ptoceeds of the eald i�the tuNowiog order. (a)to aIl roasone6le costs and expensea of the eale,mcluding,but�ot Iirrwted to,the '�":`= �-•
<br /> Trustee's feea of not mute then 5500.00 p�us.5%of the emount secu�ed hereby a�d remaining unpaid,and costs of titlo evidence;(b)to I ,.�'?�"S''•
<br /> ,; ,; .
<br /> - all sums secured by this Trust Oeed;and(c)the excess,if eny��/1 1I1I1 PBfR(lfl Of F)BfR(1f1T.Ifl(�flIIY 9�1�I�IBd 1I1BfH1fI
<br /> 1'. Any forbearance by the lender�n exercis�ng nny right or remedy hereunder,or otherwise et}orded by applicab�e taw,shall not be e wa�ver ?' .
<br /> ,'•'�,..
<br /> ol or preclude the exarcise of eny such r�ght or ramedy in the event ot cont�rnnng ar future breeches by tho Borrower. , _
<br /> ��� , 14. All romedies provided m th�s Trust Deod are distinet and eumulatwe to eny ather.�dh!or rert+ady under th�s T�u��c�end or attorded by Iaw � '
<br /> ,'''�� a aqurty,and may bs exercisad concurreMly.�nde,re�uemly or gucceseively. •
<br /> �e
<br /> �'� . t S. Upon peyment ot ai�sums socured by th�s Trust Dend the Lender shdl{repuest the tcus�ee to reconvay the Propn�•y end shnll surrendor this .j. ,
<br /> �'� ��'.'�>� Trusr peed and au nu+.es ev�dnncmg�ndnbtednoss securad by thfs Trust Oead to the T�uytea. The Tr;,stee sha�l rec.,noey the Prope�+�wrthout
<br /> .;.�� _
<br /> , vrerrarT�to the perst�.or persu�s�aai•a eMrtlod thereto. Such�e�,-;un or persons shall pey e�l c.�s's ot recordehun.�f eny. � '
<br /> �.
<br />.�y'/,��. � . � . .
<br /> ..'i " � ' 16. The Landar,at rne�ert::+•s nptron, rt*av trom t�me to time remuve e�e Trustae ehd aCD��nt e s�._�aaso�Truatea tu dr.y Trustet aa�u,n::.; ,
<br /> 1 hereunder hy en ms:r„�nat racurded m tho wunry�r.which th�s Truas Laed�s•aca�doo W�thuut conveyence ot�rte�•onar�y,th�ex�ccevi:. '
<br /> � �` Trustaa shall succQel*a a�l tn�e.power end dut�es c�nterred uNon t^o?'ruqtnr�e•e�^a�d by appl�ceble law. •
<br /> I ,
<br /> y17. Ezcept tor any not�ces,demanQs.ra�ueets or other commumeatrons�•e�nved undar apphceb!e law to bo gfven m another manrter,w�er.ever ,
<br /> � the Lerxler, the Botrower or the Tr,�.sroe grves or serves any noc•�� :��clud�ng, w�thout limitat�an,not�ce of dafault and not�ce of selel,
<br /> •� demands,requasts or other communfcabon w�th�especr�o tn�s trust�eed,each such notice,damand,ropuest ur othur commurncation ah.�ll
<br /> _e ..w ..�
<br /> iro�nwnc�ngenosneiiuooiiaa:i�vo�r�iy�iii�voa���e��.:�:.,.e.c.::,rj.a��...-�otoa::.:,>..:::d.::,Cb�c.::L:!:��«....F==•=5=:•=:- . •••_•••••'-••.-
<br /> requested,eddressed tu tho addross set forth et the beg�nn�ng ot this Trust Deed.A copy of a�y not�ce of defeult,any not�ce of sela,rtlqu�red
<br /> or porm�tted to be fliven hereunder,nhell be mailed to vath person who is e party I+ereto et the addreas set}orth et tht�bng�nn�ng ot This Ttust
<br /> Oeud. Aoy perty may et dny tirne change rts eddrosti for such noticcs by de��venng or mai�mg to tha uthar pert�es theretu,es afurese�d .�
<br /> nohce ot 5uCh chungo. Any�nt�ce hereuedar sha�l be doomed tu have bean g�ven tn tho Borrowar or the lendet,whon ywon�n tne mnnnu.
<br /> dny�ynated herem.
<br /> � 18- Tba Cuvonentti end egroements herem conimned shall bind, e�d �he ndhts hyrou�dor shel� mure to thn �e.pr�Uve �IHlfb, p915oh��
<br /> repre6CMBttvee,succeasors end nss�gns�t the pert�ns. All�.ovonents end ugraoma��ts ot the Burrownr shall ba lm��t.���d snvorot. W h�rnv��
<br /> rofere��ce�s made to the sm�Ju�ur hereundrr,rt shnll�nctude�ho E�wrul nnd the plure�sha�I�nclude inn smgula�.
<br /> � - - -- -�
<br />