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' -- --'-'.._.._._._:���_."-------- <br /> --,.s.::��_� • � - - — <br /> - — TOCibTH�ti WITN �N tMe N�provsm�nts naw er kaesattar enotsd on tA�p�ty,�rtd tll e�samdnte,�purtenina�,�nd <br /> ---,,.,.,�,:M.,K..-__,�.,�� • A�Rures �sow er hereetier e pnri of the ptePe►1Y.Aq��pi�aements and adatlon�eh�N dyo b�caYered by lhb 6eaiAty Imb�nKn�. <br /> �.�-T.��.s.t-��.� 14N ot the toregoing Is�e/orted to k�thte Swudty Inst�ument ae th�'PropMty.' <br /> =- °v0°°t!'S�ER CQ!lEtdANTB lh.�t BQSto�:C!'b letNu4,�1 s:3xe� M the ee�►te ha�ehy cenr�yod and lua tAe �ight tu ge�cn9�u�d �_ <br /> -��i:e,����A� convey tho Ptope�iy nnd thet the Ptoperty i�ttncneumbered, excrpt tor eneura�bnnces of record. Bortowar ►vdrrant9 an� wiN(� <br /> _--==wsY+ detmd genonty tho tttla to li�s Prop�ty�Qafnat�1 oloSme�nd d�rtw�rtd�,�ubJact to�ny�naumLr�aeea ot�ecor�. <br /> c�:-R=:�it;r'�'�"'"'!r TF118 BECURT�V IN�IIRUM�NT cotnbines un�iatm oovert�tnta im nafiomT use md non�uniiorm covemMe wiih iimit�d°; °-- - <br /> ` s"c�4�r�{�;;;,; ;�,: varl�Uone by judadiotion to oonetttute�unHortn sew�tly hstrument aovttfrtp na1 property. <br /> _r�.�:;�,:•;,;;�;;?�r UNIFOAM COVENANTB. Bar�ower md l�ndlr oov�nu►t ans aQre�as toYowe: r . <br /> � t. Payment of Prineipal snd Enterar�t; P�apaymant ond t.atv CNarpsa.eorrowcr etran prompvy p.y wnan � ��:;,.:- <br /> '�"�' 'r '"�' dua the dndptl of and fiteraat on tAe debt evtdenced Gy the I�tote md any pto�ymani snd 4te ehugea duo trnde►the Wote. -- <br /> `'�''��`��'�;� 2. �unds for T�a�» and insurAnc�.SubJeet to ap�►ibebb I�w or to a written v�raNer by Lender,Borta�ver ehaA�sy � - <br /> ° � ,�. to Lender on the d�y monlhry paymenta are dice under ihe Note,urtUl the Note la pald in tuA,n eum(•Funds•)tor. (�) yarty :'°- <br /> a _ =.:-'i`.:,._:�: t�xes �nd ase�amenta which m�y attatn pdodiy orer this Sa�utily Ir►atrument as a Nan on tho P�PertY (b)Yeary (easehnld � �"`- <br /> ''�.�•�°,-'�' ' paY+nents ar groand renta on the Properiy+. 8 nny; (e)Yeirry hsurd or property hsuranee pmrntums; (�YaarN 11000 tnauranee <br /> '�.�'�� eny; (e)yasty mortgage insurenco promluma,ii any:und (Q arry aums payable by Borrowa to Le�dor in aoaordmce T=-: <br /> ' wlth the provisfona ot paragraph B,In Qeu ot the payment ot moRgage Msuranee premiuma. These Items are oaUed 'Eaerow �� <br /> fterns.' Lender mny, at any time, coRect and hold Funda In an emount not to exea�d the rt�num amaunt a �ondcr tar a �'•' <br /> tederaily related mortgnge toan may requfre/ot Botrower'e esorew account under the tederet Real Estate 3ettimnent Procedures �� <br /> Act of 1974 ea emended irom tlme to tlnie, 12 U.8.C.�2801 et seq. ('RESPA'), unless enoiher�aw that appYas to the Funds �r <br /> aeta a tesser amount It so, Lender may, at nny Ume, coWeat and hotd Funds in en amount aot W exceed the Iesser amour�t. `—_- <br /> lender may estlmate the emount ot Funds due on the basis ot cument data and reasoaa6to esUmates oi m�endihires of future ��s;;;' <br /> Eserow ft�na or othe+vdse in accordanee wtth appAeabie law. <br /> The Funda sha�be hetd!n an institution whoso deposits ere insured by o tederal egeney,tnsbumentaary, nr enUty+�drtg <br /> Lc�ed�v. H l.ender is sueh an instlq�tlon)or t�a�y Ge�¢rr�t Ftcane Lcan Bank Lender shatl appy the Funds to pay the Escrow ` <br /> " a�rts. i�nder may not eharge 8ar�or+rev eee ke8�6reQ and op�r�ag Gee IF�ends.aru►uatyl enatY'`a,.z9 ti�a oscro�,aceos►nt,at vetilying '� <br /> t�o �seeaw ttems, unless Lered� �ay� 8ecras� fadve�t oce Lt�e Funds e.�d c�p»ca@".2' Gaw �es�ntts Lender W make such a <br /> . charg�. Hotirerer. �2ceaf,Qr may re�c�e IBem¢�r¢P 4o pay a eno-t�rrta eP►s�a 4or ar�fue�¢gart�4 ec�li estat�tazt feporting serviee <br /> ,�, ;. used by l�dEr 6n eanreeciEan vi:th tP�b laare, u,mCe3s appllmbie Iaw prov3tDzs olAerwise. 1I�!¢ss en m�t is mads or <br /> .��, aFsg�cabfa Fa►v�w'a�es i��9 to t�a pald. Lem�rr sRaU not ba requIred to pay 8orrow�eny t�tc�es4 av�mfn�s an the FunAs. <br /> . , Baaow�r and Lender may ag�¢ an writlng. howeve►, that Mterest shali be pald on the Funds. Le�dtr sPss�l �hro to Ba�^ea�ar¢r. " <br /> � ' wit0eau3 charge, an annual aecaunY6ng of the Funds,showing a�r�dits and debfts to the Fun�s ortd t0e purRase for arhk�eacP� <br /> • dE?ii� t�the Funds was made. T?�e Funds are ptedged as additional searily tor aV sums s�xacr¢rt 0y the S$attity Instr�mznt �t <br /> -..,, ,r � ��the Funds heid by Lend�exceed lhe amounts petmftted to be held by appqcable Iaw,l.�der sha7 atxount to Borrowet <br /> �,; for the excess�tmds in accordance wrth the requirements af eppUcable Iaw.If the amount of the FuntDs he�1 by lender et any �� <br /> Ume is not sufftdent to pay the Escrow itetns when due, Lender may so notHy 8mmwa tn wr[Ur►g,and. Fn snoch cese Bolrower <br /> shall pay to lender the amount necessery to make up the defldency. Borrower shatl make up the deflaancy in no more then = <br /> �� twehr�monthiy payments, at Lendsr's sote disaeUon. <br />