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<br /> !?.Transfes of the Property o�a Beneilrlal Inierist In Aorrower.Jf all or ar�yy pact a£the Prntxrty or any interest in it �
<br /> is Bold ar trensfeae�(or if a tienellcial lnterest in Iiarrower is r+old or transferred a�tid_Borrower!s not a nutural person)w{thout —
<br /> J ' Lerlder's prior w�itten consent. Lender mop. at its apdon, rcquire immodinto payment in fUlt of all sums sec�tred by this
<br /> Securlty Instcvm�nt.Nowever,this optioc�shatl net be exerci�d by I.ender if exercise ls prohibitcll by federal law aa aF the dnte
<br /> ` ' •- of this Secudty Iuutrument.
<br /> • If l,.ender exercises this option,I.ender shAll glvo Bonowet notice of acceleratton. The nodce shall provlde s periud of not
<br /> Iess than 30 days from the date the nottce ie delivemd or mafled wlthin which Borrower must pay �ll sums securr,d by this
<br /> Secudry YnstrumRnt.If Horrawer fells to pay these sums prior to the eapiratian of thta period.i,ender may invoke e��y nmedi�
<br /> _ _ _ �_-_� permitted by thia Secudty Instcument without further notice or demund on Borrower. � __
<br /> I8. Borrower's Ri�ht to Rei�staLe. If Sorrower meeta sertain condidons, Bormwer sh�ll have the right to hsve
<br /> entorcement of this S�cudry InstNment discandnued at any tlme prior to the earlisr of: (a) S days(or such other period as
<br /> applicAble Inw may specify for reinstatement) btfore sals of the Property pursuant to any power o f R a le con t a in e d In t h is -
<br /> --��� Secueity Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enforciug this Security Instrument.Those condiUons aze that Hatrower:(a}pays G----
<br /> — Lender all sums whtch then would be due under this Secudty InsMtment and the Note as if no acceleradon had occutred;(b)
<br /> '—°� cures any default of any other covenants or agreements: (c)pays all expenses incurred in enforcins this Securiry Insuument.
<br /> ____,�____- including.but nat limited to.reasonable attaraeys' fees; and(d)takes such actian as Leader may reasonably requi�W assure
<br /> — .._::.��-a;� that tha lien of this Securlty Instrument. Lender's rights in the Property end Horrower's obligation to pay the sumF sccured by °- -
<br /> ----=-= this Securiry Inaaument shall continue unchansed. Upon reinstatement by Borrower. this Secudty Instrument and the
<br /> �4��%;���� obligatians secured hereby shalt nmain ft�lly effective as if no axaleration had occurred.However,this right to reiAState shall
<br /> -=;�.;U,���W�� aot apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17.
<br /> ,::�.�''�;::,'�;r.;r.;�. H9. Sale oP 1�Tn�¢; ��Q cr�Loan Servtcer. The N�ce or a Rartial lnterest in the Note (togethea vrich tEti,s Securlty
<br /> �`°`��`��.;,��`` YnstQUment)may b�svfr!oae or noaore times without prtor noeice to�rromrec.P►sale may msult in a c�r.a�e�e an cQFe en¢6ey(kaown
<br /> ;::�4"•-;`,•,,��',,_, as tpc¢"Loan Servieer")that ool�ecu monthly payments due ue�der¢he Nase an�d eizis S�cvarity Instrument.'l�eere also meay be one
<br /> �` - - or more changes of the Loan Seraicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If tQ�ere is a cR,ang�of 4he I.oan Servioer,�crroovrer w111 be
<br /> • ~�'�' �iveen�vritten nottce of the chang�in aocordance with paragraph 14 above and appiicabl�la�v.The norice wB�l state th�nanie and ��-
<br /> address of the new L,oan Servioer aad the addnss to wtnich¢ayments should be made. '91he notice wiU also coni�oo �ny other __
<br /> , �' 'Ft information required by applicabfle law. ��=�-
<br /> ; y 20. Hezardous Substtmet�.Borrower shall not cause or pernut t�e presence, use, disposal, s¢mra�,or mlexse of any — """
<br /> , s
<br /> ' •���i��;. Hezardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shatl not do, noa allow anyane else to do, anything affect�ng the
<br /> ';���:. �'�� Properry that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The�:eceding two sentences shaU not apply to the presence,use.or --_
<br /> '�:�;.:<.,:, storage on the Property of sm111 quantities of Hazardous Swbst:mces that are generally recognized to be appropriate to notmal
<br /> „ ;;.;�i°1�':, „ ; residential uses and to maintenance of the Property. ___-
<br /> • , . . � �• Borrower shall promptly give I.ender written nMice of any investigation, claim, demand, lawsuit or other actimn by any _ __
<br /> _ �� governmental or regulatory agency or private party invotving the Propert���e*.�any Hazardous Substance or Environmental Law —
<br /> ' � of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower leams, or is notiti�::Y�y any governmental or regulatory authority, that _
<br /> �-�:�ft.;. :�•• � any removal or oeher remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary,Borrower shatl pmmptDy take !'�;-r
<br />- -- "�'`�y�. all necessarv remedial actions in:�cr�rdance with Environmental Law. �::,:�,_
<br /> ;,r'��4;,. As used in this paiagraph 2Q, 'Hazardous Substances" ane those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by '"" °
<br /> ° Envimnmental Law and the follon•ing substances: gasoline, kemsene, other ftammable or toxic petroleum praducts, tozic �r�'"�
<br /> pesticides and herbicidrs,volatile solvents.materials containing asbestos or forraaldehyde,and radioactive materiats. r�s used in �--_
<br /> .:" this paragraph 20, "Environmental Law" mcuns federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the 4'�operty is tacated that ��:::�.�
<br /> .•:r,:.
<br /> � " reina�to health,safety or envirornmemal protection. �;�•rf-;
<br /> � '''s ti'" N�kV-UNIFORM COVENAh'TS. Borrower and L.ender t'urther covenant and agree a>iollows: "'%,;.
<br /> � :.f;,1,:,. ,..
<br /> '�.:�����,•�� g P 8 'ti:'.:::.
<br /> , ,y,;`y 21. Aceeleration;Remedies.l.ender shall ive notice ta Borrower rior to acceleration followin Borrower's breach
<br /> �' ' � of any covenant or agrecment in this Security Instrament (6ut not prior to acceleration under paragraph 19 unless �:�::':`
<br /> � � appliceble law provides otherwise).The nottce shail specify: (a)the default;(b)the action required to cure the detuult;
<br /> (c)a date,not less than 30 days from the dute the notice is given to Borrower. by whtch the default must be cured;and
<br /> •�_. ,': (d) t�at failum to cure the default on or before the date specified in the nottc�may result in acceleration of the sums '
<br /> ���� secuQed by this Security In�trument and sale of the Property. The notice shall further in[orm Borrower of the right to
<br /> . .: ,�.,;,; ,
<br /> . :_:,,�. reinstnir aner acceleration and t9ee right to bring a court action to as.sert the non�existence of a defautt or any other
<br /> . : defense of Borrower to acceleratton and sale. If the default is not cared on or before the date specified in the notice,
<br /> L.ender, at its option. may require immediate payment in full of all �tems secured by this Security Instrument without
<br /> - further demand and may in�•oke the power of sule and any uther ren�cr�ocs permitted by applicable law. L,ender shall be
<br /> •� t;,:; , entiIICed to rnllect all expenses incurred in pursuin�the remedfes provided in this parakraph 21,incauding,but not limtted
<br /> „�.�:f':.':;; to,rr�conable attorneys'fees und costs of titte evidence. �•
<br /> ' � .i. - �Y ihe po�rer of sale is invoked. Trustee shall recna•d u notice of default in each c�u�h in which any {�rt of the
<br /> .:•.,�.,..:,,�
<br /> '••:},� Property is locateci smd shaii mail copi�of such notice in the manner prrscribed b� up�lica�te lativ to Borrower and to ,
<br /> °,- � the other persans�nrescrihed by applicable I�a►�.After the time reyuired by applicable la��•,Triastee�l�all gtve public notice
<br /> .• ' of sate to the pencnns and i�the manner pre�crFbrd by appitcable taa•.Trustee, aithout demansl on Borrow•er. shall selE •
<br /> .{�;;•,;��.,; - the Yropen��at public suction 4o the hi�hest bidder at the time and place and under the terms�lesisnuted tn the notice of �..�f�����.,f�;:
<br /> i:`••r ' sale in one or more rcels a�na0 in am• arder Trustce desermines.Trustee may �t ►ne sale of ail or any rcel af the ;�S s�'��.:.:�'
<br /> ..�t:.i � p°• W 1� .,�'�;_'r';`:
<br /> , • Pro�nerty by publie announcemnent at the time�nd piace of any previou+l�• xcheduizcl �le. l,encler or its desi�nee may i,
<br /> purchase the Pro�srty at anv sale. •.!'r'%s�'('�' "
<br /> . y�.
<br /> •.�,,ti,;}�i'.
<br /> •,t�_..
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