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'?,�Gl' {��......;M:li�d✓• :'� r.. .u};• s'F:� n � .t }��- <br /> �)���/,!'�r�,.,�'« "'i'(i ":�.. .7 . .Ri:.H��;'f (Sk.s 6:t ,r(,J:`::.t..�1 1 i ��a:.:''�'. . {1,.. , ,�,?' �i�C'Ir��, l�•.�.ffC4:, • <br /> . O ..•S; i - 7$ �.. ,. ,.. �.4.� _ t:.i;r„ 'r ��.��°�fJ�S�!i �`r}y��l-���/ ��.ti^ _ �t t`� . �a .;�i N f t(i, r!'�r�t� <br /> � . .> ' ' �? j��-bi{71e+ .. . '�.. s .�T�� 1 aj `f1 r y _ .. . •? �r,s 1 r li <br /> .. � _.�v :•nef:_�.:. . . . . KI,' _. .__.._ , . , �-' <br /> ' . - -.�4r'` ,p}�+w.. . • � . . �-.- <br /> . , . . + <br /> �r . . . ' 1 . <br /> • .. .... . . � - f -,. <br /> y - <br /> Lbt.w-.+y111f1�M� � �_ ............... _..._..____ . _ . _--:, <br /> w , <br /> - ......_.._, ._____......__.. � . . v,m.-_•, <br /> ...__.._. _.. .....:..,,,._..,..�.....,..........y.._:�..__..........-. .... <br /> ts.....__ . <br /> ... �-, ��.,:. <br /> . .. , �'U��IKf : ,. ' .J�5.,..... <br /> . Bor�awa deaiQnetes by�oUae to 4ender. My notice to Lend�v shall be gNen by tirst ctaos mal!to�nQe�e addresa atetsd herein or any . ,, � _ <br /> ., , .. . . <br /> -°----�---- -- -- oth�r addroaa Lcnder doalgnatoe by notlee to Borrower. Any noUce provided tor In thts 3ecudry Instrument ehvil be deemed to have becn • �,. ' — <br /> - -.__.- —�—°--°-- <br /> � ,, gNon to Bonower or Lender when ghren ea provlded In thie pamgreph. � � ' ^� <br /> 18. AOYOming Lsw; Sever�btlity. This 3ecurity Instrument sfiail be govamed by fedsral law end the Inw ot the JudsdloUon in 't� <br /> whioA tha Property Is located. �n the event that eny provlsion or ciauae of lhls 8ecudty Instrument or the Note confllots wRh epplioable • �`� <br /> " �aw,such confilct ahNt not aHoct othar pravielorta oi ihie 8ecuriry Inatrument or the Note wMoh eun be given effeat wfthout the contlicting <br /> ' proNston. To thia ond the provlsions oi th�s 3eauiity InsWment and the Nota ure deciered to be aeverabte. { . `- <br /> ' 18. 90T1'Ow��'8 COpy. Borrower shatl be gNen one coniormed copy ot the Note and of this Security Instrument. � . <br /> � 17. Traneter of ths Property or e Beneflalat Interest in Borrower. If e�t o�any part of the Property or any inte►est � � <br /> in ft Is eold or transierred (or if a beneRciai intereat in BoROwer is sold or transferred and Bortower Is not e natural pereon)wfthout Lend• <br /> er's prior w►iKen consent, Lender may,at fts opQon, require immedtate payment in tuli of all suma secureci by this 8ecurlty Instrument. <br /> liowover,thls opAon ahetl�ot be exerctsed by lender H exercise is prohiblted by tederai law as ot the date of this 8ecudty Instrument. <br /> It Lender exerclses this opUon, Lender shali give Borrower notice of acce�eration. The notice shall provlde a pedod ot not tess than 30 <br /> daya irom the date the notice is delivered or malled withtn wh[ch Borrower must pay ail sums secured by thla Seeurfry Instrument. II . <br /> BoROwer teils to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period,lender may invoke any remedias pemYtted by this SeeurHy Instru• � <br /> ment wrihout tutther�oUce or demand on Borrower. � <br /> 18. 8�rr�wer's Right to Reinetat�. If Borrowe�meets certaln condidone,Bortower shall have the right to heve en4orcement <br /> of this Security Instrtament discontlnued at any Ume pdor to the earller ot: (a)5 days(or sueh other pedod ae appllcabie law may specity _:;:"•... <br /> �..,� .�:.�,y.:;+. � <br /> tor refnatatement)before sata of the Propedy pursuant to any power of saie contain�d 1n thia Security InsVument:or(b)entry ot a Judgment ,,, ti.._,:; . <br /> �torcing this Security�nstnamenl. Those condiUons are that 9orrower. (a)paya le�der flll sums which 4hen wouid be ctue under this :� �'�. `� _ <br /> Securily Instru�re�nt and the Note as H no acceteration had oceurted; (bl tures any de9autt of any other covenants or agreemenis; (c) pays aU �j`; i;; �' ,�.I�;ya:;r ,,� `�{,y.._ <br /> �'�,�,' ,� ettpanses incurr:ed In eniorcinH this Seeurity tA�trument, Ineluding, bul not 1im�ted to, reasonable attomeys'9ees; and (d)takes such action � ;; ,� 'r t(+��"�; ;r= <br /> � " ' �'!•„�" as Leeder may reasonably require to assure thet ihe Ilen of ihis Security Inatrument,lender's dghts in the Property and Banower's obflga- �„�f �• , , '..; <br /> � • � i�. <br /> •F,,�, Uan lo pay the sums seeu�ed by lhis S�curity Instrume�t shali continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by BoROwer,this 3ecuriry )r;"4�,5,`�' t<<��ti��,���,� � k�. <br /> � �'. '�, . �.���' Inalrument and the obiiga8ona secured�ereby shait remain fuly ettective as it no acceieratlon had occurred. However,this NgM to reinstate •Ir,j',�..��' ����t•¢?t�{'j�g�f� <br /> � � � "��'� ahall noi apply in the caee ot acceleration under paragraph 17. � ' �;,'•.,:�J`;�;i��fj��'d��y�`� <br /> �i�' .. .'�S,j' ;}.��;• S�uptir�.;�s.• <br /> 1�. Sate at Not�: CO�ange of Loan S�rvixer. Th�Note cr a pattlal iMerest in the No4e �:oqemer wn��h+s eea,rity :::';it�f.���:�•>,�A�- <br /> , • '. • . ':�:j.t�•�, ,'' , , . ,.,,��:,. <br /> ' �� ��� Inatruaar.n�i may he soid one or more Umea wtthout prior notice to 8ortower. A saie may resutt in a change in the entity(knovm as the r _.�=�.��� <br /> } I --�- , <br /> � •Lanrt Servleer")thst coliects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security I�str�ment. There also may R�e ane mr more chenges of <br /> c:te Lu,�i o^ar�icar unreiatad to a saia ot 2ha flote. !t thers is s chenge e}the!!+��3arvicer: Borrower wiil be qNen wrictes�notice at the ahange s __'J;}�, _ <br /> in accordance with paragrapfi 14 above and appllcable law. The naUce wiil state the name and address of the new Loan Serv(car and the j T r. <br /> addreas to whlah payments ahouid be made. The noGce wUl also contain any other inlormetion required by appliceble Iaw. � � ; <br /> 20. Hazardous Substanees. BoROwer shali not ceuse or permft lhe presence, use.dlapaaal, starago, or reieese of any Hazardous ! <br /> subatances on or in the Proparry. Bonower ahell not do,nor allow anyone else to do,anything eNeeting the Properry that Is In vlolation ot � <br /> any Enviror�mental Law. The preceding two aentencoa ahall not apply to the presence,use. or atorago on the PropeAy of small quantftles of ��� <br /> He=ardous aubstances thet ere generelly reeognized to be appropriate to normal resldentln� uses and to melntenance ot the Property. �/ }�4 <br /> 8orrower shaN ptomptiy give Lender wrltten notice ot any Investigetlon,cialm,demand,tawault or other adlon by eny govemmentat ar �}� <br /> reguiatory agenay or private party InvoNing the Property and any Hazardous Substence or Envlronmontel law of which Bortower has aetual _ <br /> knowiedge. It Bortower Ieama,or ts notltied by any govemmentai or regulatary authority.thet nny removal or other remediation of any Hazerdnus <br /> �: <br /> Substance aNeating the PropE+ty fa necessary. Bortower shaii promptly take aIi necessary remedial acUons In accordance with Envfronmental Law. <br /> As used in this paragraph 20. "Hezardous Substances'are those substances defined as to�do or hazerdous substances by Environmenta� ' '��='� <br /> ' Lsw and!he foilowing substances: gasoline. kerosene, other flammabte or toxia petrdeum products.toxia pesticides and herbicides,volatile „ <br /> soNenta, materiais aontalning asbestos or foRna�dehyde,and radioactive materiats. As used In this peragraph 20. 'Environmentel Law" <br /> means fedecat taws and laws of the jurisdictlon where the PropeAy Is tocated that relete to heafth, safety or environmental protectfon. <br /> , NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Barrower and Lender fuAher covenant and agree as toMows: - <br /> : 21. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior to accele�ation following , <br /> • Borrower's breach of any covenant or agreement in thts Secu�ity Instrument (but not prior to acceleratlo� , <br /> � . under paragraph 1 T unless appHcable iaw provides othervvise). The notice shalt specify: {a) 4he detautt; (b) <br /> � the action required to cure the defaui4; (c) a date, not iess than 30 days from the date the notice is given to <br /> 8orrower, by which the defauit must be cured; and {d) that faiture to cure the default on or before the date <br /> apecified in tt�e notice may resuit in acceleratlon of the sums secured by this Security instrument and sale <br /> � of the Property. The notice shall further inform Borrower of the right to reinstate after acceleration and <br /> I the right to bring a court action to assert the noe-existence of a default or any other defense of Borrower <br /> 1 to acceleratton and sale. If the defautt is not cu�ed on or before tho date specified in tfie notice, l.ende� <br /> at its option may require immediate paymen4 in fult of a�t sums secured by this Securi4y Instrument without <br /> f further deenau�d and may invo4ce tho powe� of sate and any other recnedies p�emitted by applieable <br /> laaw. Lend�r shatt be entitl�ai to cottect ail expenses incurred in puveuing th� rem�dies provided in this <br /> pavagpaph 21, inciuding, bu4 no4 limi4ed to, reasona(olre at4ornoys'fe�s and costs off ti41� evidence. <br /> If the power ot sala is invoked, T�usteo shalt reeord a notiee off defautt ire each county Io which any part <br /> of the Property is toeat�d and shail mail copi�s of such notice in the manner prescritse� by applicabte law <br /> to Borrower and to the other persons prescri9�ed by appiicabte law. Atter the time requi�ed by appticable <br /> law.Trustee shall give public notice of sai�to tha pe�sons and in the manne� prescribed by applicabte law. <br /> � Trustee,wfthout demand on 8orrower, shall selt the Property at pubiic auction to the highest bidder at the <br /> . i fimc and ntaca and under the terms desiana4ed in the notice of s�le in one or more parcels and in any order <br /> � Truatee dotermines.Trustee may postponm salQ of ali o� any pareel of the Property by pubtie announcemen4 <br /> � at tho tim�awd piace of any previousiy schedulod salo. Lendor or i4s designee may purchase the Property <br /> " at any saln. <br /> � Upo� receipt of peymero4 of the price bid,Trust�e shall detfv�r to the purchaser Trustee's deed <br /> � � convey3r�g the Property. The recitais in the'f'rustee's deed shali be prima facie evidence of the truth <br /> . of th� statements made thereln. Trustee shail apply the proceeds of the saie tn the following order. - <br /> ' � (ay to all costs and expenses of exercising the power of sale, and 4he sale, inctudiag the payment of the <br /> ; '�� ��� Trus4ee's fees actually incurred, not to exceed 3.0009'a of the principal amount of the note at the time <br /> � � �• of the deciaration of defauit, arod reasonabie attcrneys' fees as permitted �y Uaw; (b) to ali sums secured <br /> ` 1I by this Security instrument; and (c) any excess to the person or persons legaily enti4led to i!. <br /> • 9 30263.trm(5/9t) pagc a nt 5 Fottn 3028 9/90 <br /> 1 <br /> 1 i _._...�. - -- r � <br />