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S .:„u �d, '7 '' �'x, r• �• ' y�"?�;" ?I, �i;7s7�Si„7�� <br /> .iia, � ,.it�`e `� �t�+ .�� .;, I��1i��, �j �.r �.h�4 . . .�- ��I'd,.Y};'� �J'• �L. .Y., t� L �r•. _. <br /> t�?' ,�t'j�i � �( ;:�,�. ��[t :�rZ..•x.3-�1 a� .''3 •'nii` �',.,�'i�:S3;. . ��;,' .�. �'i'7:r�Y•'�!�'�,S�?`�., 'r,..��y' �,.:y, - <br /> +3., i� -.v .:.. � o �: 4` •�.: � �� .i.�.�� <br /> .. a,t;����,..�,�,Yy, �!•;ql.: r��te 9t3�p ���t�:hrti����� .. t�_ `it�+Y�t�s��{��i:':, � . .��' =a CNI�� . ,. 3� ,�.'{r',.�ly�.�. 4e;>..1 > i�� ,... <br /> . .� , •f- h... ��1m+`�+`�S,5'} ��{ti 1�: .:.5�,:� ..T7F�ii•1:''� w,'^,..-. <br /> � <br /> • • . . <br /> . .� , . <br /> . ."� . .,rF.�4��>.�4d!{f a ..:.,.�:Sc " � .v l��. .. ,�. .w^. ' ... . . <br /> . .._ �„ .,_ . .��W ii/I� lIIJM'�M1,�1 ,,�,y, 1x�AMIwM*�sti�s-,�.a..»+bw�tfixtlia� ..M��:- . . . ............-"'- .---�, . . --- -� -- <br /> • a{6 .yw-..� �aYtl� ��'�� .�'er'ix.�rµ�..lra.�.r�rri.nrxe j -" - <br /> ., ..•i'_ -M��� A*RI�"'�' ik.+ww:.... .... ..... .. , ., — <br /> -° SiH4;ar._ �� --- - ---_ <br /> � ' i .', , or�.. .. 4 , 'r�{ ' _ __--�--� --- <br /> :"tMA - l�._ . . . . . - --- -- -- ... - <br /> ' � • . . 7_.__.__ .._.-�._. <br /> � .�er�Lrsw_.... . -. . _.. ..........�n::•'°'^°�'�^^� <br /> .... . .... _ .. -.-:__.Si�`:_nr"Ji"f�`".:�..c..'!.S.rG_..._............""_lri...w..._y�Me�rr <br /> i�-.���i.1• 1S .. �' � • — <br /> ---�.'.,,.' ' • V�,�O �0��� ��rF»yr°_-:.:c:--_-- <br /> ' ��� UNIFORM eOVENANTB.'8otraw�r ond Lendir cavenu►t ind�gre�ae toltowr. •." ,�;'�"""`'s� _W <br /> .,... <br /> �'T .; -,:---•�...--� <br /> _ ----___ ____ 1. Paym�nt o4 P�incipd and Int�r��t; P��pfymmt and i.�ta CN�i'SYO� 8arrower ehell prompUy peY wNen due tNe I�' - �—rr��p�:- <br /> U„.e;�oC�<<_�•_,.vS.? <br /> pdncipel ot ond Intoreat on tho debt euJdenaed by tho Note end eny prepeym�ent�nd tele oharpea duo undar tho Noto. fi: . �� r�-�=�_' <br /> �, .tri�'';r�.: <br /> 2. Funds tor Tixo�md Imur�n�e. BubJact to applicabto lew or to u wririon walvar by Landar,Bortowor ai�eli pay to Lander on _ ��...- <br /> the dey monthly paymente aro due under the Note,until tho Note te ptid In full,a eum ('Funda•)tor. (a)youly tnxoa snd aeeeaementa whiab ,.;��r��=>°"—`�^�:"- <br /> P� @)Y fi� g �![�'^``y",-; <br /> n�ay eqatn pdodiy ovcr thk 3ecurJty InaVumant ns a Iten on the Pro eu laoaohold paymanta or round rente on tho Propariy, . ._ , <br /> N eny,(o) yea►ty hazard or properly Insurance pretniums;(�yesrly Aood Ineu�ance promiumo,H any; (e)yeady moRgege Inaurance prem�ume, ::;,'.;. -t� <br /> � ,�•,::� <br /> . _ . _.� _� Ei a�y;and(�nny sums p�tabfe by 8onowor to Lender,in accardnnce with the provlaiona ot paragr�ph 8,U Qeu ot the payment of mortgage 4L � <br /> � (ns�evenco p�m'.ums. These ftems are caliad"Escrow ftema•. Lander may,at any Ume. coAect and hoid Funda hs an amount not to exceed �' <br /> • r%:����• tPeo cnaximum ru�eaunt a lender tor a fed�mf,y ve:'�a4ed mortgage Ioan may�uqutra tor 8or�owar's eocrow uccaun4 undor the 4odorai Rea� <br /> '."�?'-`., E�4e S�tttamaaY Prosodu�s Act o4 1874 as ame�do�irom tlme to tfine.12 U.3.C.�2�a01 01 svq.('RESPA'),unleas civ�o4her t�w tha4 ap�Lea to ° <br /> •!�.�s';:,i,r;s;.:;r`;.,� . <br /> " � r"���'�/�.•;:r,; tNe �unds sets a lesser+amaun4. i!so,Len�er may,at any t(mm,eeSlett and hotd Funds in an amoun4 no4 to excaad tQ�e tesser amourh. lander - <br /> ::��; ' .,Y.;.�;�:� <br /> .I�t�;,,:±.yr; may eatlPte�to the amoum o4 Funds d�e an the basis o4 c�eaen9 �ata and re�sonobte estimat¢s o4 exQendttures o4 t�nture Escrow ttoms or o1he�Mse � <br />.- ...y �.t..� . •:. . <br /> ����':�ts,�, m accardance�r,�th upplicabla 4�w. .•..�,r,:,: S <br /> ,.�'�t1e�', The Funda shatl be held In an InstHution whose deposfts are Insured by a lederai agency,Instrumenl�lPc�,or entiry(incNding Lender iT I.ender •,;:f#.r;_f,, _ <br /> is s�ch an InsdWtion)or in any Federai Home Loan 8enk Lender sholl apply the Funds to pay the Eserow Stems, Lender may not charoe �;;_;y;{`�s: ;: <br /> :. :� •�\Sti t�•� <br /> � gorrower tor hoiding and appying the Funds,annually enalyzing the escrow eccount o�verltying the Escraw Hems, unless Lender pays 8ortower :,:>:��,"•,4���i <br /> � n`.. <br /> g �,�;�:::;;.,,:� �� +.. <br /> tnterest on the Funds antl appQcable law permfts Lender to ma�ce suah a charge. However, Lender mey require Bortower to pay a one�Ume ahar e .; -•�'�.��,�,f�;��:,���y;,,,;F, <br /> � �+ for an independent reai estate tax repoNng service used by Lender in connectbn with this loan,unieae a�3+��cable taw provide� otherwise. Unteas '' ;.'�;•s�s;;;�,�;;_-_ <br /> ' �j;���,�,1��w <br /> „ " an agreement is mede or appUcable law requires interest to be peld,Lender shail nof be required to pay Barower w�y Mterest or eamings on the . 4�y�l�,•,..�:,� <br /> , Funds. Borrower and Lender may agree in writlng,however,Ihat inierest aha11 be pald on the Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower,with9ut � • ,,�9.,, <br /> . .r,,., <br /> 1• charge,an annuai accounting of the Funds showing credks and debita to the Funds and the purpose tor whlah eaoh debit to ihe Funds + , <br /> `': wes made. The Funda ere pledged as addidonal security tor alt sums secured by thla 9ecuriry insUument. t . °�Sf� <br /> : ��, „� ��+�Ki`���- <br /> �:�r'.' -�+iu�+,.��, if the Funda heid by Lender ex�.eed the amounts permitted to be held by aAplicable las,. �ender shell eceount to Oorrower tor the excess f .�, ,4i,`�:j�t.,�� �f ,, ,._V-. <br /> � .t_J���'�"�^�`• Funds In accordence with the requfrementa ot apppeable law. If the amount ot the funds held by Le�der �rt any�me!s not suiNdent io pay the "��; ��,,:�,:�,.<;;.,�,r,s.�'c:,. <br /> •;;:,:s.; .:..;�c - <br /> ' :i:�;fti:�:"..,t.:rr ,_; <br /> ;.�t�:•;,�.;..r: Eacraw Items when due. Lender may so notlty Fortower In writing,end, In auct�case Borrower ahall pay io Lender the amount necessery to make ,:,.rlTl(;,.;=:,';�ri`I:+�k4.��A�. - <br /> :",�� •;,';,�i,;., :,;�}. up the defleiency. 8orrower sfiall meke up ihe defldeney in no more than tweNe monthN payments,at Lender's sole discredon. .�_����)�A;fr�,:;:�+,+}t'i,y�j�;;��y r:. <br /> �'i, � `��� '�;� �� Upon payment in 1uq of all aums seeured by this 3ecur+ty Instrument,Lender shaA prompUy retund to �ortower any Funds hetd by Lender. If o <br /> �1 )+ �!I !j�y �� � � /Y.. <br /> ' 'r �"�' undw paragraQh 21, Lender ahau aequire or sell the Properiy,lender,p�lor to ihe acquisftion or sale of t'he PrapeRy.sT�aU A�pty enY funds heid �'r�5�;;,tis`�;yr� � ;� <br /> �4° '+^; .. `•,1�; . ti o a �xf hia Recurity Insirumant. t"r .' f�� .L.`'�, ;. �', <br /> l� �' � by lender at t�e lime oi acquixsiiiun 6i fidic d"o 8 �.fEt�.�i 8'yc7j�i7S. l..E 3!!tt`� EC.'. �+Y f �..�..:._:�� � s 1 .mc <br /> , :.;' 3.Appllcu47�n of Pa�7enents. Unleas applieable!aw provldes othenviae,aG payments received by Lenrler under paragraphs 1 and 2 �y���:`�`1=; � •� y� <br /> .�.i:. r1�t.!��..�.:�� -} l) �f�v��' ,:r lii5fl jl;i �� ._. <br /> �'`��`"�'`S�'-r,;'•f.l;i; shaQl be applled:flret,to any prepayment charges due under the Note; seeond,to amounts payable under paragraph 2:tt�:r�d,to Interest due; , <br />, _.,i•. . . . ,4, �'.'r. ''1 <br /> . fourth,to prfncipal due;end last,to any late ohargea due und�r the Note. whlch may ' � <br /> 4. Che�g88; Uens. Borrower shall pay atl taxes, asseeaments,chargea,flnes and Imposltlons attr(butable to the Property , : � <br /> atlaln p�lortty over thls Securfry Instrument,and Ieaseho�d payments or ground rents.H any. Borrower shall pay tt�ese obllgadons In the menner �i• l <br /> ' provlded fn paragraph 2, or It not pafd(n that manner.Bortow�r shall pay them on tlme dlrectly to the person owed payment• Borrower ahell r • ,:;,'�•��;;'✓�'� <br /> ` iP <br /> prompUy tumish to Lender au noUces ot amounts to be pald under thls paragraph. H Bortower makes these payments dlrectt�, Borrower � � -� <br /> sAall prompUy fumish to Lender recelpts evldendng the payments. � ,�. <br /> 8orrower shall prompty dlacharge any�Ien whlch has prbrity over thls Sear(ty�nstrument uniess 8orrower. (a) agrees In w►itln9 to the pay , 4 <br /> ment of the obAgation aeeured by the lien In a manner acceptable to Lender, (b)contests In good faith the Nen by, or defenda agalnst entorcemertt ' <br /> �f the Ifen In,legat proceedings whlch In ihe Lende�'s opinlon operate to prevent the enforcement of the Ilen;or(c) secures trom the holder of the I '�� <br /> Ilen en agreerrtent saUstactory to Lender subordlnaGng the Ilen to thls Secur(ty Inakument. If Lender determines thet any part of the ProperiY is , . „���'�; ' <br /> subject to a Ilsn whlch may atteln prlorlty over thla Securlty Instrument, Lender may gNe Botrower a noUce Identltying the Nen. Borrower shall .;, , <br /> satfay the Ilen or take one or more ot the actlons sel torth above wtthin 10 days oi the gNing ot noUce. <br /> 5. Hazard or Prop�rty Insurance. Bortower shall keep the Improvements now exlsGng or hereafter erected on the Property Insured <br /> agalnst loss by flte, hezards Included wlthfn the tertn 'extended coverage'and any other hazards,irtGuding f;oods or flooding,for whlch Lender <br /> requ7es insurance. Thls Insurance shall be melntalned In the amounts and for the pe�fods that Lertder recpulres. The Insurance carrfer provlding <br /> rJie Insurance shatl be chosen by Borcower subject to lender's approval which shell not be unreasanab^,r withheld. If Borrower fetls to melntaln <br /> covaage desaibed above,Lender Lender s optlon,obtaln coverage to protect lender's rights in ceca Property in aeCOrdance wfth . <br /> P�9�Ph 7. I � <br /> � AN Insurance polides and renewals ahall be acceptable to the l¢nd�r artd sfta:I ine!aCe a standaral m�K�age dause. Lender ahall have the ' , <br /> rlght to hold the polides and renewals. It Lender requires.8ortow�r shal prorrtQtty giv�to Lender a't rec�ripts of pefd premlums and renewat ( <br /> ,� � notices. In the event ot Ioss. 8orrower shell glve prompt notiee to the insurance carri�r ar.rl lender Lender may make proot of loss B not made <br /> promptly by Borrower. <br /> � Unless Lender and Bortower otherwls¢agrea in writing,insurance proce2rls sha�I�e apa�.Ed to rc+storatlon or repalr of the PropeRy damaged,if i <br /> � the restoreUon or repefr is economlcatly teasi�:�and Lertdeis security;s aot[esserted_ f!the restoration or repafr is not economlcally teus�e � <br /> � or Lender's secutity would be lessen¢�msurance praceeds shall be applied to thc�sums secured by thls Security InsWment,whethet or not <br /> then due,wfth any excess pa=d to 0ortower. If Borrower atrar9ons the Propetty.or ats�s not answer wfthin 30 days s notice from lender that the � " <br /> ineurance carrfer has ottered to setUe a dafm,then Lender nr�y collect the Insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repalr or restore <br /> the Propeily or to pay sums secured by thls Security Instrument,whether or not then due. The 30�day perbd wfll begln when lhe notfce Is gNen. <br /> Unless lender and Bartower othervvfse agree in wriUng,any applkation of proceecls to princlpal shell not extend or postpone the due date <br /> � ot the monthly payments reterred to In paragraph t and 2 or ehange the amount of the payments. If under paragraph 21 the ProPerty Is <br /> � acqulred by lendcx. Borrower's�Ight to any Insurance policles and proceeds resulGng from damage to the Prope�ty prior to the acquisftion <br /> I _�....._e....�..,.�.,..rtio o,nu,f.,t enn sums secured bv this SeeuriN Instrument Immedlately pdor to the acqulsftlon. <br /> � � � ..�....r--- •- --._� ._ ...- ---- - - -- <br /> B. Occupancy. Preservation. Idlaintenanc�ao�d Protectton of the Property; Borrower's Loan Appticanon; <br /> Leaseb9�D�1�. 8orrower shall occupy.esc�'s`'sh.and use the Property as 8orrower s prindpel residence within sfxty daYs aRer the execution ot <br /> � thfs Se�am4y fr�strument and shatt contirtue¢o Qacupy the Rope�ty as Barrower's principal resldence for at least one year after the date of <br /> � �, � oecupartcy.cmless lender othenvlse agreas:�urFiting.viRich consent sNat1 not ba unreasonably wAhheld, or unless extenuating clrcumstances exist <br /> " � wREeA ere 1�2ycnd Borrower's co�trol. BaroNa shatl rtot destroy. damage or impa'.r the nroperty.altow the Properiy to deteriorate, or commit <br /> • ��;,:i`�:� waste an 4Bre I�epeny. Bortower sAall be c:c d�fauft if any forteiture acA4n or procesal'ng,whether civil or atminel, is begun that in Lender's good <br /> t' <br /> � � ' • �.9�1 pa3c 2 a+5 Form 3028 9/90 <br /> I � I <br /> I .� <br />