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<br /> t,.��' � s,�1��',: fti�'� �r,f ., mis�C' 9l��, s v i:!i , .�.i��.,,".•;1 � 'y��l Y ;U:�•Yl ".1}I•.•;F � f �.� . .,.}f'�'K.., ti � .K.� r —
<br /> , ' r �} `�.:A�rn'erlo'�iYY7Y�+sa �.r:y'��l�dk!�r+r.u�.A-4:r..�k �r�._rt •�ttili�. �*ri+.'- ,� _.
<br /> ,a,..< ,,C.:o
<br /> ' � - •• 'lvyioe uM'IMI�'�-�t�;����^�ti.�:,. Y ,rr �� I�, ��'�i+�alel'--:� �t, ..: . ..�..,..,..... .�..�. ,.k...�.w.. -. _�__ .� .
<br /> • �� ..`A�+anii^' j� 1 r�µo`wltr,., - .n '�--
<br /> . . ._.. .. .-��}{!6Yr"1k�N V:!a . i. � � -
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<br /> ��. ..! +4��� . � ' �� � , +�:a3t�1� " ^'-
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<br /> . i . � . ., . � ...,_...__, ..,,.r.
<br /> • ___;����.� � �1$. Bot�Owo�'s Alatl!to RYInsld�. It Bortower rneets oataM aondttiona, 8orrower shc11 hnve the dpNt ta h�vs mntor�en►�nt
<br /> ---- ---� 3iacnr,Ei�u�cc7�t zny t�na p�lar tu tlss�.�".� et (�}8�ye{e,r euoh other p�iod a9 applle�bfo L�w maY apeciy tor re(ns4atement)bffiore et�te -
<br /> • �' R of the Propariy pursutnt to any powxs a! aata contsined In thls 8ecuriqr instrumeat; or (b) enby of a judgment entoreing thta 8eeurlry �-��::3-�:.-
<br /> __-_____ . S�y���, rn�����s ere that Borrov�re+:(a?PeY3 l�dar nll suma whlah then would 6e due under this 3ecmity InsWmant and the� �;;,,�___:_
<br /> �Note as N no aaceterntFon hnd oexurred; oures an datauR of ather oovenant or agr�ements; (o) peys all expensea tncurred in
<br /> @) Y �Y ����-j
<br /> enforeing thfa 9ewrQly instrumant, tnciudtng, but not l;mited to, rmeona6te attomeys' teea; end (� takes sueb aerion aa Lender may'� �:-�--�-
<br /> e!
<br /> reasonabry requtre to assuro th�t tha tien o}this Security Instrument,Londer's dghta In the P�operty and Bortewer's obllgaUon to pay tl�e_0 " ,�,;�.°��
<br /> � sdms securESd by thls BQCUrity InsUument shail eaoMtnue unoheu�ped. Upon refnatatema:ntmt by Bortower, thls Seourity inahument and tt�lr ��v.�Y��:.�,.
<br /> obllgations aecured hereby shnU rem�ln iuly eiPeaUve as N no aeeeteradon hsd occurred. However,thls dght ta rdnutato shatl not appry `•::'�;� "'
<br /> the case of ecceleretion under paragraph 17• '� `;-�"
<br /> ,.: .. �- �
<br /> 19. �ale of ida�te; Change of t_oan 8ervlcer. rne Note or a pan�a► 1�tsrest In the Note (to9ether witn mis .. ,
<br /> ;�•.�.. ,.. ..-
<br /> �.".:,, ;. Instrument) may be aotd one or more timas wBhaut prior noUce to Barrowet A sale may rasult in a change In th0 enttty pcnawn as �F�f.;�:�'`:::_
<br /> -_ ��`' r• � •��' ; °i.oun Servteer') that catleats monthy payments due under the Note end thia Securlty Instrument. 1'here also ma bo ona or more ahan a .':::'�`••�".< %:`:
<br /> y t :;:,.��;
<br /> ~�.•.�:':�.�,'�:-.'`���:�� -` of the l.oan 5ecvicer unreiated to e sale of the Note. fl thero ts a ohange af the Loan Saroiaer, Bonower w!!1 be ghrqn wrfKen nottce of the
<br /> �st`,;;�,,,_.,,.;.�,:.. ;
<br /> erv
<br /> ohange in accordance with paragraph 14 above and appllcable law. The ootico wlll stato the name snd addreas of the new Loan Ssrviee�
<br /> end the address to whiah payments ahould be made. The notice will aiso oonteln any other IniortnaUon requtred by applicabte luw. : , `+:.�
<br /> 20. Huza�doua 3ubetaneea. Bamwer ehatl not cause or pertnit the presence, use, dlapasut, storage, or retease of any '� �;`
<br /> Hasnrdous Subatanaes on or in the Ptaperiy. Bortownr ehaA not do.nor allow enyone etse to do,enything atfealing the Propetty that la In '�����'��
<br /> ,,.,��_,
<br /> 4_':. .
<br /> v1olnUon of any Environmental Law. The preeeding two sentenaes shali not appy to the preaenee, use, or storage on the Property ot amail n:__
<br /> quantiUes o} Narardoua Subatanoes that are generaly recognl�ed to be epprop�ate to normat residenUat usea and W malntanance of the ����
<br /> �r�r—
<br /> �p�' —° -
<br /> Bortower ehell prompty pnre Lender wdtten notico ot any inve9Ugapon, ctahn, demand,lawsuft or othcr aotlon by any govanma�tai ar _ _ --
<br /> reput�tory agenay ar private pady InvoNing ihe P►operty and eny Ha7trdous Subetance or Environmenta�law ot whioh Bortower haa ectuti -�-� --
<br /> knowledge. It 8orrower Ieama, or la notifiad by any govemmentel or regutetory authority, thet eny remavat or othar remediaUon of any
<br /> Plezardous 8ubatnnee afteating the PropaRy 1s neeeeoary. 6ortower ahai! prompdy teke aN necessary remedfat aodona in aceordanoe wfth �.��:;;
<br /> �f�.
<br /> Environme�tal Law. �
<br /> Aa used in this paregraph 20. 'Hazardous Substances" are those substances deftned as toxio or harardous substtmnces by �,�'=:-
<br /> Environmental Lsw and the toYowing subotnnces: gasoline, keroaene, other ilammable or to�do petroteum produats, toxia poadotdes and __
<br /> herbicides, volatfie solvents, matorials conta4dng asbestos or fortnaidehyde, and radioactive materiais. Ae used in this paragraph 20, --'=-=-
<br /> 'Environmental Law` means federai Iawa end Iewa oi the jurfadtctlon where the Property Is Iocated that relete to health, eatety or �:�_
<br /> envlronmentai proteaUon. -
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANT3. Borrower and Lender tuRher covenant and agree as toliowa: , --
<br /> 21. �acssScsstton; Rsmsdles. L9!l�B� Rt}AII give notiae to Borrower �evbor to acceleratiore t�OUcew6oe�! __ _
<br /> Borrower's breach Qf any covenant or agreement In this 8ecurity Emst��uenent (but not prtor to acxe0e�lore ���;�
<br /> under paragraph 1T unless applicabla taw provides otherwise�. '0'he notice shall specHy: (a) !he defau� ' . �—
<br /> �'.'• ---
<br /> QbD tQ�� actton required to cure the default; (c) a date. not less than 30 days from the date the taotice ta
<br /> �iov��n 4� Borrower, by whtch the defeult must be cured; and (d) that tailure to cure the defau�3 on or —=_=---
<br /> �"• �re 4Qn� date ap�o�fiHed in the nottce mey result in accel�ratioan of the sums sac�o�e�J by tUeis Securiiy �___
<br /> ' Instru�n�uo3�ndl sale�the Property. The notice shall further inforrn Borrower of the ra�au8 to re7eeet�t�after ----�--
<br /> accelera88��n aond the right to bring a court action to assert the non-exietence of a default or acepl aihee r��;-_.
<br /> defensm � �marower to acceleration and sale. If the defeult Is not cured on or be4ore the deQ� epumcfiHed ��•�`.��•:��'
<br /> in the no4i�e, Lerna�er at ita option may require immediate payment in faail of all sums secure� by tbia • ;�;_;'�,,;.-
<br /> ! Security Inst�wrroe�rn4 aarRhout furthBr demand and may invoke t6�e �ow�r �? sate and any other remedies �;.,-;.�,.,41;__`
<br /> pennitted by ap�o8c�ble Iaw. Lender shall be entitled to co00mcR a1G �x�enaes incurred in pursuing the �::,�'•'C��`��
<br /> , �emodies provade�i im� 4his pa�agraph 21, including, but not Qrro3B�� Rar, ��asonable attorneys' fees and costs �����?y"�•N„�
<br /> • ,• of title evidence. �
<br /> '��' . If tho pow�r m4 eale is i�nvmOced, Trustee shali ��cmra! a nalaco of defavl4 i� each county tn which any
<br /> • •' part of 4Qo� Prm�seu�3q� 9s located and sha10 ertnai� co�aies o4 suc�e no3i�� i�the manner prescribed by applicable �
<br /> laar to �or�rnw�r and to the other person� pr�se�ri�a�B by aQ�qt9cable law. Atter the tlme requfred by
<br /> applicaQai� law, Trustee shait give public notice of sale to the persons and tn the manner prescribed by
<br /> applicable iaw. Trustee, without demand on BorrowgP, shall setl the Property at public auction to the
<br /> hIghea4 btdder at the time and place and under the tevens designated in the notice of sale in one ma� more
<br /> parcets and in any order T�ustee determines. T�ustee may postpone sele of all or any parco0 of the ;�:,�
<br /> Prope►ty by pubitc announcement et the time and place of any prevlously scheduled saie. Lender mr iCs '•��• ���'i;�
<br /> designee may purchase the Property at any sate. '���i;`�:�,';�:;
<br /> 1�`�•<<,:.:;;:..
<br /> Upon receipt of payment of the price bid, Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's ol�eeD t,;,:;°.:},,'
<br /> conveying the Property. The recttals in the Trustee's deed shali be prima facie evidence of the t�u3h CJ '(�'�•:�� ;:�
<br /> the statements made thereln. Truetee shali appty the proceeds of the sale in the fottowing orde�: (a) to aEl }',_.,1.�: :`.
<br /> � costs a�d expenses of exerciaing the power of saie, and the sale, inctuding the payment of the Trustee'� ;.,•. . ��
<br /> feos actuaily incur�od, not to exceed 3 �'o of the pri�cipal amount of the note at the time of the
<br /> declara43mn of defauit, and reesonable attorney's fees as permitted by law; (b) to all sums secured by thts
<br /> Securitt�y Onatrument; and (c� any excess to the pe�son or persons legally entitled to it. •
<br /> 22. Recenveyance. Upon peyment ot all sums secured by thfs Security Instrument, Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey the �
<br /> Property and shall surrender this Security Instrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by thia Security Instrument to Tnistee. Trustee
<br /> shall reconvey the Property without wartanty and wfthout cherge to the person or persons legally entitled to it. Such person or persons shell
<br /> � pay any recordaUon costs.
<br /> 23. Substitute Trustee. Lender, at fts optlon. may hom tlme to time remove Truatee and sppdnt a successor trustee to any
<br /> r_._.__ ____��� �_�.._���.. �..�..�w..«....�.e......�.,.�t.. N.e nn��r.h.�n u�hirh thlc Car�vifv Inatn�mwnt Ic race�dad Wkhout convevance of
<br /> ��uaava aMrw .�a�vu��..�.� ..� ..�..............»............,...... ..._ "_...� ... ........ .. ' _"' .� .. . .
<br /> the Property,successor trustee shell succeed to all the title,power and duties canierted upon Trustee hereln and by applicable Iew.
<br /> 24. Reques4 for Notices. Bortower requests that coples of .he notices ot defauit and sate be sent to Bonower's address which
<br /> Is the Property Addresa.
<br /> 25. Riders to this Security Instrume�t. i} one or more riders ere executed by Borrower and recorded together with this
<br /> • Securily Insuument, the covenants and agreements of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shell amend and su�oiemen� !ne
<br /> � covenants and agreements ot this Secudty Instrument as d the rider!s}were a part of this Security Instrument.
<br /> . � �•sqc 4 c�5 F�rm 3078 9i90
<br /> - F1029.LMG(4,9a)
<br /> i.
<br /> Q �i�s�3�i.ia
<br /> I
<br /> �
<br /> t - -
<br />