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<br /> ---__��� not to �xceed ths maxtmum Rmamt a t�nder for a f�dway nMt,�d mottp��toen m�Y riqut�for BoRaw�V'�asarow �ooair�Y ia�drr Ih�
<br /> =y-�°-_.=..�.;s ' tzd�nt Rad Eatals Bellinnent f�rer,sdurea Aet of 1974��amen�td from ttme to drn�,12 U.B.t�.2E01 W�s1�q.('RE3PA'}, untws w��7 i:a° —
<br /> - -- — --= thtt �p,pite�to thr FundU set� a leaser �mount. ff w. l.�ndw trwy,�Y �ny tlm�, aoNoot md hold Fund� �n sn amount nat tc�Ka�d th� �+�
<br /> �".�'�� lasaer urtount Lender tnay aMtmdt� the umount ot iunda dus on the baoia oi currv��t du��rs�r�s�� csttr�tUJ o'�rsQ!lares of ;��_.—.-
<br /> �'""' �tuWre Esceaw Items or ath�wise In Qaaoreunc�with appYcabl�iaw. �
<br /> � �"`�-�_.�;� The Fund�ahoil bs heid In�n InstnuUon whoae d�po�ite ue lnnurod by a tedaral apanay,instrumon4�lity, or entlry pndudinp Lender,II
<br /> - ---_-:m m^�,:. I.ender la euch�n MeUtutlor�)or M�ny F�nl Home Lan Bank. Lender ehRA sppy th�Fund�to pay th�Esaow(tems. L�Mr m�y eot
<br /> '� � ` �''' eNare�Botrat�:.r tor hotd!np cnA e�plyinfl the Furtds, ennueity eneryatn�tho oaerow aacoant,or veriryfng the Eacmw Itans, u�ieas I.onda �_
<br /> 'a'��k���'� p�ya 8oaower tr�areat an the Funda and�ppYabte !�w permtts Lender to�nke suoh a oharpe. Hower�r,Lender m�y�aqutre Ba�rower t
<br /> ..�Rr.-e,..,.�. .
<br /> � � � � � pay e onaUme ohuge tor an Independent roal eatete tax repoAing aeMce uaed by Lender in connsatton wrih thle loan,untesn appHc�ble ia R�
<br /> ;;.:�f provides otherwlee. Uniesa an agreoment ta mnde ar appticable law roqutrea interest to ba pald, 6ender ahali not be roqulrod to pa�{�.i _
<br /> ° Borrower any intareat or eamings on the Fundo.8oaower and Lender may agtee in writing,howev�that tattaest ahaif be p�id on ttre Fundn. � -
<br /> Lender eheii fllve to 8oreower,wfthout chargp.an anfluoJ acaaunting o4 4ho Fu�ds, shaw;ng�dtts ared de�'_"�Eo the F�ade und the pur�aae
<br /> ' • fa raMch eaeh debit to thm Fuads wns mad�a. iRm�u�da r,���:e4�3c3d�o ad�'�cm�l resur'd�/tar 44�urns�e�[r�^JI b,�4P,�$eCtertqf tnaG�ts�r�,
<br /> ,' ; t�t�ho Fu�eda hu�d �y f�xd�axeead R�eo emaurn�P�:'�if,o�tp�t�a Rs{d I� �g'�ebto Garr. L<�d�r sRa�71 ac�uni co Bc�rar�e�r to��,4�� .—
<br /> ex�so Fe�nds tr►�ccGCrdaaco r�c[F,�tRo re�u5�e�rs:rrSo 04 appAoa3�te►ew. If S�to m:outt4 04 Yha�rur��t��s9 by Q.�cq�r nA�iA:na!9 aa4 auP[t�Y�t
<br /> , to g�ay th�o�acermr ttcxr�s�r+�a'a duo t��:d��nay so notfffy Bonower in wdUrcg,and,tn suafi ease BorroiVet ahall.�r9y 7a tes�z7�i(�4�i��".ast .
<br /> .�`;.�:,.,., , �, c�ac�essailP to mahe up the drRei�ay. 8orrower shall make ap the defldenayl In no more than twetve monthiy payman�s.pfl S+�trdlar'a �a'� _ ,
<br /> t�s °��cr t; discaeNon. • .
<br /> t Upon payment in tull ot ell sums secured by this 8eourtty InaVumeM, Lender shaA promptty refund to Borra�wo� any funds he7�8 Qsy 6
<br /> � + :i,, � ' � --
<br /> �••���•;�-�: i.ender. N,under paragraph 21,tendor sholl acquire or aeN the Propetty,lender, Pdor to the eequteiUon or eale of the Properiy.sheti aipgy _
<br /> :;�i�,1;y;,r', •;: ., --
<br /> -��•.:1•�.�` any Funds hetd by Lender at the tlme of acquiaftlon or eate as a oredit againet the suma secured by thts 9ewrity InsuumenL _
<br /> 3.Application of Paymer�ts- Unless epplicnbte Inw provides otherwi�e.all paymenta recefved by Lender under pnragraphe 1 and _
<br /> 2 shail be appUed: flrst,to any prepal+ment eherges due under tho Nota;second,to amounta payable uader paragraph 2; thtrd to IMereat �N„
<br /> due;fourth,to pdndpai due;and Iast,to eny Iate charges due under the Note. ---
<br /> , • " 4.ChBrgas, Uene. Bo►rower ehal� PeY 8�� tnzes�gssessments, oh�uges, flnes end Unpoaittona adrtbutnbte to the Properry which �•�
<br /> ' may attain pdority over this Seauiity InsUument,and teasehotd paymeMs or ground rente,B nny. BoROwer ehap pay these obilpttiom In th�
<br /> manner provtded in parapmph 2, or B �ot peld In that menner, 8ortower ehnll p�y tham on Ume dlreoUy to ths person awod p�ym�nL ``
<br /> , '� Bortower ehalt promptry turt��eA to Lenda ail noUeee of emounts to be pald unda� thie pangroph. It 8onower maket th�at p�ymmU �.
<br /> °� � • dkaatly,Bortowe►ehall prompUy tumiah to Lender recelpte evidendnp the paymenta.
<br /> 8orrownr ahali promptty dlaohnrQe any Iten whioh hse prtortty over thls Seaurtty insUument unteae 8orrower.(a)eprees In wdtinp to fh�
<br /> , �� ��r� g���y�t hy the uen In a menner acceptebie to Lender: (b) eonteste in good taNh the Uee by, a defenda ap�inft
<br /> " enforoement of the Ilen in,tegai proceedings whioh in the Lender's opinion operete to preverit the eMoreement ot the Iien; or(A)sacura�A'om _
<br /> the hoider ot the Ilen an dgreement satlslaatory to Lertder subordlnaUng ths tien to this Securlty Instrument H Lender determinua thtt any
<br /> part of the Propmty is aubJeat to a Iten whiah may attaln pdorlty ove►this 3ecudty instrument,Lender may ghre Borrower e notbe Idaitltyk�@
<br /> the 11en. Borrower shatl sadsty the Iien or teke one or more oi the aatlona set torth above wlthin 10 deys ot the giving oi notice.
<br /> 8. Hazard or Property+Insuranae. Borrower shal� keep the improvements now exisUng or hereafter ereated on the Propecry
<br /> (nsured agafnst loas by flre, ha�rds inciuded wfthin the term 'extended cove►age' and any other hazerds,tnduding floods or flooding,tor
<br /> whfoh Lender requires inauranae. This ineurance shall be maintained In the amounts end for the pe�iods that Lender requites. The ineurence
<br /> oartfer providing the insuranae shall be chosen by Borrower subjeat to LendePs approval whiah sheil not be unreasonabty withheld. fl ��
<br /> BoROwer feils to matntain coverage deacribed above, Lender may, at Lender's opUon, obtafn coverage to proteot Lender's rtghts tn the ��.
<br /> , • � Property in accordence wfth parag►aph 7. =--.
<br /> Atl tneurance polidea and renewals shali be acceptabie to lender and sha8 inc�ude a standard mortgage elause. Lender ehaU have�the ' • ��_
<br /> '. �; dght to hold the policies and renewais• If Lender requlres, Borrower ahall promptty gNe to 6ender atl receipte of paid premiuma and►atfewet • K�.:��.
<br /> noUees. In the event ot Ioss, Borrower shall give prompt noUce to the inaurance cartler and Lender. Lender may meke prooi ot Ioas fl not
<br /> made promptly by BoROwer. —"
<br /> Untess Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in wrtting. Inaurence proceeds shall be applied to restoratbn or repak of the Ptopc�tQy
<br />:;
<br /> demaged, H the restoraUon or repalr is econom�atly feesl6ie and lender's security is not �esaened. It the restoration or repafr is not
<br /> � economicaly feasibie or Lender's secur�ty would be tessened,the tnsurance procqeds shall be appiled to the sums eeaured by this 8e��rfty �_.
<br /> • Instrument.whether or not then due, with any excess pald to 8orrower. i} Borrower abandons the Property, or does �ot anawer wfthin 30
<br /> days a noUce trom Lender that the inaurenco cartler has oftered to settle a claim,then Lender may collect the hsutance procaeds. Lender -
<br /> may uae the proceeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay suma secured by this Securiry Instrument, whether or not then due. The �T
<br /> �=�
<br /> 30-day pedod wili begin when the notice is gNen. �
<br /> Unless Lender and Borcower otherwlae agree in wdting, any appllcaUon ot proceeds to pdncipal shall not extend or poatpone the dua !`�r.
<br /> date ot the monthy payments retened to h paragrapha 1 and 2 or change the amount of the peyments. It under paragraph 25 the Properiy
<br /> is acquired by Lender, Borrower's rlght to any insurance policies and proceeda resuking hom damage to the Properly prior to the acquisfdon
<br /> eheil pass to Lender to the extent at the aums secured by this Security instrument Immediately prior to the acqulaftion.
<br /> 6. Oaaupancy, Preservation, Malntenance and Protection of the Properly; Borrower's Loan
<br /> Appitcation; LA880hOlds.Borrower shaA occupy, estabNsh, and use the Property ae Borrower's principal residence within sixty days
<br /> after the execuUon ot this Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrowers pdncipat residence tor at ieast one
<br /> year after the date oi occupancy, uniese Lender othenvise agrees In writing, whlch consent shaY not be unreasonably withheld, or uniesa
<br /> extenuating circumstancea exist whlch are beyond BoROwer's control. BoROwer ahell not deatroy. damage or Impair the Property, ailow the �� '
<br /> P�operty to dete�forate,or commfl weste on the Property. Borrower shaN be in defauit H eny forfelture actlon or proceeding, whether cNll or ;
<br /> � ctiminal, is begun that In Lenders good latth Judgment could resuit In torfefture of the PropeAy or otherwise materfalty impair the Ilen created �
<br /> by this Securky Instrument or lender's securicy interest. Bortower may cure such a detauk and reinstate,as provided in paragraph 18, by �
<br /> ��...u.,.. .., he aiamiao� �uMh a ndinn ehar in t andar'a nnnd takh daterminetion. nrerludes torfeiture ot the
<br /> i:nuon�y ii�d a.:.ivi� 'vT p..........�-.v •—
<br /> ' —' —._...."-- ..._.. _ ._-��o -'---• �- -- - •
<br /> . Bortower's interest (n the Property or other materlai Impalrme�t ot the Ilen created by this Security Inatrument o� Lendera securfty Interest.
<br /> Borrower shall atso be In detauft it Botrawer,during the�oan applicatlon process, gave materiaily felse or Inaccurate infotmation or statements
<br /> to Lender (or tailed to provide Lender wtth any materia► iniormalion) in connection wfth the loan evidenced by the Note,fncluding, but not
<br /> Iimfted to. representations conceming Bortower's occup<�ncy of the Property as a principal residence. If this Securtty Instrument Is on a
<br /> leasehotd. Borcower shali comply wHh all the pravis�ons of the lease. If 8orrower acquires fee title to the Properly, the Ieasehoid and the
<br /> fae title shali not merge unless the Lender agrees to ihe merger In writing.
<br /> ��}l, ;,.;:�,', �
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