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<br /> ..�+.�:a`�9ll.'Z . Mu.wacw..:6r_s....._.,�...ANl9�M���OMIMF.!'�MP�w+►�--+. . �
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<br /> . ._...ar��
<br /> �n h::��._:��a ��JUS�r���� �►�� �r��� ���, �:c��� �---_ .
<br /> � , � (I YcArTrc�nutyladex•{tateC�p�)
<br /> y� TFdI9 IlDJUSTABLB RATB tt10@R i�mado tht• Z�� �ny ot ��RC� �19 9u ' w� ._.
<br /> _^�•.: � .
<br /> �nd te incarporated into end ahall be dcemed to cmend and auppfement the h+iongege,Dead at'fruet,ot Sec�xrlty Aeed ttho"3eaurity Instrantent")of
<br /> ___ ._,—�,�_— tho ume due�iven by the undCrdaned(tho"Bonower")to atcuro Boaower'e Adjustab�e ksto Note(the"Note'7 to HaM�F�pBAAUiQ�iAN�
<br /> " ''=-r � '�'� j;Rt#Nf�(tUe"Lender"1 of eho uime date and caveri tha pro�cn deccdbed In the SecuAt Instrument and tocnted at:
<br /> �! • 518 E. ASN"�ON, GR�ND Y��n�1D, NEBRASI(A 6Y8801 �
<br /> a���.;._,�� 304 S. UINE, GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 68801
<br /> "=:�.��`.,;�ws�� 312 S. SUEZ,, CAIRO, NE6RASKA 6882�5 �-
<br /> --_ `�°,'�����; (PropenyAddreas) `--Y-
<br /> �—
<br /> - � " 7fP�� ma�2¢on�6� ��v�s9w� a0lawia{[ar cEsaa�gcs Rm eny Eana�ss¢aai2 mm� m� manIIAty --
<br /> =;•a``-' "�"' "`� �ayaaantv.7fbls m�tm also Elmlta tEe�moamt eay�ne►r�n eoara cam EOem�a au nuy�ma�dace aad _ -
<br /> ;•',t�". .=''�+'�`�:.0 �TO t6]e mlula57�R!aEd!be n111�dRtum eaU I¢paUR I�pliy. `- ----
<br /> J�.(i I ��' ADDI1'[ONAL CQH�NANTS.In addicion co tfie covenenta and aBraments mnde In the SYCadty instrum2nt.Aottower and Lender __—
<br /> . lurtl�er covenant end aSrTe aa followa: --- --
<br /> �: A. IRi 1PF.RFSf RATE AND MONffRQ.Y PAYMENT CHANGffi ° -__
<br /> �''''� The Note provtdes for en iaidal interest rate of._...5•d °b.SecNon 4 ot the Note provides for changes in the Interest rate and the _ ��
<br /> . :.":- '' a:onthl ents es fo�4ows: -
<br /> YPaYm . �l�'4+�...._.
<br /> `.. �...y '.°;-
<br /> i}r�,!+- , ` 4. INTEREST RATE AND MONTNLY PAYMENT CIfANGES Si�/�t'~` �`�
<br /> { 14 (.
<br /> fi.;t;4�r( • (A➢ Cban�e Dates �� .!9._95__.and oa that ctuy every �(,.�l?,i5'�•��,_
<br /> �• �+��'t`��} �'"�:intuest ratc I wUl pay may change on the first day of _____F��.LI --- �.�t���c!�Y;,°:;?-
<br /> _;;:,��/�....,. •,
<br /> �•��•��}t: . 1,; .montha thereafter.Each date on which my�aurest rate couid chart�e is called a"ChanSe Date." .;.f:�g,;�,�,_
<br /> �i 7ri.,. - - _.----—
<br /> 'v�i'�•"' (�) 1tiElts�lR -°- —
<br /> },.�.F � ��——
<br /> :�7�;s�ri.,3�}.. 8e�nn[ng wiuh tAe tir�t Change 13nie,my interest race wiU be'based on an Index.The"Indea"�S the wakly avernga yixld on lJnited Stseea r�.__—_
<br /> ����'���'�'," ' Treasury secuddcs adjusted to a constan{maturity of 1 year,as rnade available by the Federal Raerve Board.The rn�st rtcent Inden fi e '�';�'Y:-:-- _
<br /> 4,:...:, � �p;��{i�v::±�•_
<br /> ����1��;�;��'��� availttble as of the date43 days before each ChanBe Date i+catlxdth¢"G1�rr<nt dndex." 3rt.�,,.:�f;��.
<br /> E..„
<br /> �'�{�r'r ^' If the tadac 1a na langer av�31ab1a,the Noie 49�o9der wiU chmose a nxw ine�ex which is based upan comptuubtx intormation.The Note �,���:i-`'r�� ,?_-
<br /> _,r-; �:+'i�r��!+•
<br /> ti,:?'�.r . .,.''?; HqlderwUlgivemenotioeot aPUSC�oice. rr� ��< --
<br /> , r:: -.
<br /> '1;.'>';''••.. (G� CalcWadon otCbanges " .
<br /> TWO RND ONE-HALF cxn ,'�';�-°
<br /> � ' 8efore each Change Date,the Noce Holdar will calculate my nnv interat rate by adding D� � _
<br /> polnts( �5 70)to the Current Indea and roundind to the nearat 1/8th of 1%,subject to the limlts staud in Secflon 4(D)below. ==_
<br /> Thia rounded amount wtll be my new interest rate unHl the next Change Date. . �` '
<br /> ' � The Note Hotdu will then determine the amount of the monthly payment that would be suffcient to tepay{n f��'::fie princfpal I em • -
<br /> • .. pcpxted to owe on that Change Date in substanNally equal paymenu by the maturity date at my new Intereat rate.The rault of thia celculadoa ' ' _
<br /> wIU be tRe rtew amount ot my monthly payment. -�
<br /> �••-
<br /> , . � (D) Um1is oe Intereat Rtte�neaa -
<br /> The interest rate I am required ro pay at the tir�t Changc Date will not be greater tfian �•� 90 o�ess than f�`�
<br /> • ' �-� �i.Thereafter,my interest rete wilt nover be increased or dceceased on any single Change Uate by more than ,
<br /> � � ,� _(,2,.�from the rate of Interat I have been paying for the preceding twelve months.The minimum interest rate on thia loan w1U never be � -
<br /> tesa than -�-� °A end the maxfmum interat rate wlll never be greater than 10.0 %. r'
<br /> ' <Ll Eftcetive Date oi CMngea � � .��
<br /> • My new interat rate wiq bxome efkcttve on each Change Dau,I wtil pay the amount of my new monthly payment beginning on che Hrst �:;,';� �r :
<br /> � monthly payment date aRer the Change Date unttt the amount otmy monthly paymenc changa again.
<br /> N
<br /> � ([� NotkeotChaoges , �. i.r:' ..,-
<br /> � The Nou Holder wllt ma{I or deliver to me a notice before eaeh Change Date.The notice will advise me of: ,. •f. �
<br /> ' � , (i) the new interat rate on my toan as of ahe Change Date: �
<br /> � •: , (i!) the amount of my monthly pay�ctent[ollowingthe Change Dace; ' ,:
<br /> (iii) any add(tional matters which chr Notx Holder b required co dieclose;and
<br /> , �..;�'; (iv) thc addras of the auaciation you could contea regarding any questions ahouc th¢ad;assment notia.
<br /> �;i�,-�:;
<br /> .•,g,1� � I
<br /> �'`:�..;j(; , ' B. CHARGES:LIENS
<br /> , ,. Unliorm Covenant 4 of the Securltp Instrument is amended to rcad az follows: i
<br /> :. 4. Cbar�geai Ueas.Borrower sha1D�ay all taxes,assessments.end other cha:ges,fr.es.and impositions attributable to the Property whicg cnaY
<br /> ����.,%``"1 attain a pdodty over this Secudty Unsccument,and Ieasehold pa�Qnes c�:ground renu,if any,in the manner provfded under paragraGh 2 hereof �
<br /> ,•',.�i' or,it not paid in such manner,by l�n:rower making payment,whsn clue,directly to the payee thereof.Horcower shall premptly furnish Lender I
<br /> ali nodoea of amounts due under¢Mi;�aragraph,and in the event Borcower shal�make payment dfrectly,Borrower shall promptly furnish to
<br /> ' �'' " I.enda receipu evidencing such payments. Honower shalt promptly discharge any Iien which haz priority ovet this Security Instrument; i •
<br /> howeva,Horrower sha�l not be required to discharge eny such lien so long as Borrower:(a)shall agrce in writing to the payment of the ! �
<br /> oblfgat[on secured by such lien in the manner acceptable to Lender;(b)shall in good feith contest such lien by,or defend against enforcement of �
<br /> , such Iten fa,legal proceedings which in the opinion of Lender operatt to prevent the enforcement of the lien ot forfeiture of the Property or any i
<br /> part theaof;or(c)shall se�urc from the holder of such lien an agrcement in a form satisfactory to Lender subordtnating such lien to this
<br /> �'-- . Security Instrument. '
<br /> ,. • If Lendtt deterrrnna that all or any part of the Property is subject to a I�ea uhich may attain a priority over this Securiry Instrument,
<br /> , Lenda shaU give Barcerwer a rtotice identifying such lien. Borrower shali cac�sfy su:7 lien or take one or more of[he actions set forth above
<br /> � • wtthin ten days of th�giving ot tF.�n�����e.
<br /> ,� � �. R!�➢'ICE r. �.�. , .
<br /> '`4 Uni[armCovaeant 14of the Sauritylnstrument isarnended toreadas follows ,
<br /> . . '�i llA. MmSse.Facceet for any notice required under applicabte law to be giren in another r.aanner,(ay arty notfce ro CArrower provided for in this . �
<br /> , � Securiry Instrument shall be given 8i�tli�ering it or by mal[i ngrt lz7 first class mail to$orrower at che t�roperty Address or at such other address � : .
<br /> ' �s�rrawer may designaee by n�si:::eo Lend¢r as provided herei r and(b)any notice to Lender shall be given by C�rst clas�mail�o I.ender'>
<br /> � addrus stated herart er co sc�cR other address as Lendrr may da�gt�au by notice zo Bortower as provided herein.Any notice provSded for in ih�s
<br /> � Sxurity lnstru�xnt sha�U be dac,ed eo have been given to 8nttower or Lender when given in the manner designated htrein.
<br /> �
<br /> ,. �
<br />