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<br /> TQOETH$R Wd'�7i r.tl ti�e improvemsnta no�rr ar f�nafter encttd on tlte pro�x►ty,snd a!t easemento.appnrtcn��ce�+, `' �
<br /> =—--_� acr�fintu�+es ttotv ot tee�+fter a panrt of the p*_+a�.��ly. A!!te�loc�xat�a As�3 ed�ii�inno shRil ulaa M cnvered by this SC�utity '•�
<br /> _--. Inswmen� All of tha fon�oittg is�fenmd to In thle Securiry Instrument es the"Property." . '
<br /> gpgROWBIt COVBNA@i'Y'S WAt Horrower is lawfuUy seised of tt►e estato her+ecy conveyed and has the rlght tp�aat
<br /> aud wnvey We Pt+cptety ead that the Property is unencumbenA,eacept far encumbrances of record. Borrower wamnts and
<br /> - ------- _� wili defead gcnerally�he dUe to the F�opertY e8ai�st ell elaims aad dewands�sutijccq to��y c�acu�»GYarte�;s of caeard. ,
<br /> THIS SECiJRITY INSTRLJMBNT combines unifoan covenanta for national use and aon•unifa�m� coveaants with
<br /> __ -� limite�d variadons by Jnrisdtction to constlwte a unifonn security inst�umeat coverin$reai property.
<br /> UI�TIFORM COVBNANTS. Homower and I.eudz�r covenant and ngcee as follows: "--
<br /> :- �ry�� l. Payment of Prinefpal�uu!I�e;��v�¢�t a�zd i.a�te Charges. Boirower adaU promptly pay when due the
<br /> --��-- -�� principal of and Inte�st on the aebt mvid�r.cadi Ay s�o Nato eznc�fmy prepayinent and late chargea due under the Note.
<br /> -.._»
<br /> _�_�M°=� 2. fitII�ds 8�S�[+�...�]IR�*nn�rn�. y,vble�t�Co��;tl'tcaCrTe 1��tt�st to a v�ddLen wuieet by l.ettdeT,BQrcower sh pay w ---
<br /> -�_,,.=�.:;:���� I.ender on the day uivAStilg��¢tis er.e ciur.a ru�z�r tJ�c I�toto.�nti.1 rhe Note'rs�a,fci ua�ull,m sram(°F�nds")for.(a)Year1Y —
<br /> '�.rM�.�it'•i.�. -
<br /> ,,...,;r F'� ,•, taxes and��.r��rrbf.s�r,ttagr a�grsioukqr oor¢r tt^�is Sacwzs.ty Instcument�s a P.nen�n rti�Rteoperty:(b)Yeiuly leasshold
<br /> �:�`'�t`•:. paqru�ncs oz g�varIId rents aA t�e F'ko�xty, if any: (c) Yearly haznn3 oi pmperty i�rswa�sa ��+smiums; (d) Yeatly ftood
<br /> n..Y;.a.K•..r.::.•i:' .
<br /> _:ra�;���'�r:�:k�t f:'" ic.secc��e+p�miums� if any:(e) yeariy mortgage insurance premiums,tf aay: and(� an�s s�s PaYnble by BomovrQp r,�
<br /> 5 r,.,..,-y _
<br /> ��:���::>vf':"4;�:,�:,;�,
<br /> ;, �:,� r. . Leader,in acoordence with the pmvlslons of paragraph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortgr���iasurauoe pxet�acw�as. .
<br /> ?��.�;�„°', items sre called"Escrow Items." I.ender may.at any time,coAect aad hold Funds in ea amount not w e�co�d f�2 maa�ciarcer�n
<br />-;;�•�nc.,`.;�`": •' amount a lender for a fcderally �lated mortgage laan may require for Bamower's escrnw aoco�utt unc�rr t,Zn�fe�:r�aD Il�eal
<br /> �, :: ��{, :•- Estete Settlement.Pcooedunes Act of i974 as ame�ide�I[nra tlme to tlme.i2 U.S.C.$2bt11 et seq.("itESPA";�a�cttess ama�r ; '-
<br /> -_°,.��.���:a;ti;F;� law thet applies to We Punds sets a lesser amount. If so.L,ender may.at any dme,collect and hold Funds in sn amount nv,2¢o y :>-
<br /> ��-� i��;;n�, exceed the lesser amoun� I.endor may esHmate the amount of Punds due on ttee basis of cittrent data and reason�'lu1e �_�
<br /> esdmates of eapenditures o4'futur��scnow Items or otherwise in accocdance with appllcable law. ..�_--
<br /> �' `� =�'�"' The �nds shel! be held in an insdtution whose deposIts are insure�l by n federal agency.instrumentallty.or endty `�°-`:.
<br /> i;,_,..-:,�.,.:,. .,�
<br /> .;, �' (includIag Lender.if I.euder is such an institutlon)or 9a any Federal Hotne Loan Bank. I.ender shaU apply the 11mds w pay '' ��?-
<br /> " ttie Escrow Items. Lender may not charge Boaower for holding and applying th�Punds. annnally analyzlug tlie escrow p:_
<br /> '�� �% • ° ��° ,� account,or verifyIng the Escrow Items, unless L.end�r pays Brnmwer interest on the F�nds aad applicable law pem�fts
<br /> ' "�'S'�'�'� Leader to make such a charge. However.I.ender may require Borrower u�pay a oae-time charge for an independent�ai
<br /> . " �:•.,;.F, ,
<br /> . �:�,�;��;,t�:; estate tax zeportin�ssrvIce�sed by Lender in connecdon with this loan,unless applI.�ble law provides otherwise. Unless an
<br /> ,.�r �.•. agreement is made or appllcable law requi�s iate�st ta be paid,Lender shaU not be nqulred to pay Bomnwer any interest or
<br /> . . � ..:' eamings on the Funds. Borrower and L.ender may agroe in K+ritiag,however.that interest shall be paid oa the Fuads. Lender -_—
<br /> � ",�,.,". shell give M Borrower.wtthout c6arge.an annual accouating of the Funds,showing cnedits and debita w the Fwids and the =
<br /> �i� �{J,'+�°��.:' pittpose for which each debit w ttise Punds was made. The Punds are pledged as add�nonai secoriry for sii sums secund by =_
<br /> . • .;;;',�•.'•,::.;..�;�, thisSecurity Instrument ---
<br /> ���;���; -�•.�t'' If thu Funds held by Leader exceed the amounts pern►itted to be held by appHcable law, Lender shall aocount to
<br /> Bomower for the eacess Funds in accordance with the ceyuic+ements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds keld by _
<br /> �`�� I.ender at any dme ts not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due.I.ender may so aorify Bomower in wrldng,and,in
<br /> ' , such case Bonower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deflciency. Borrower shali make up the �,;�
<br /> � ' deficIency in no mone than twelve monthly payments,at I.ender's sole discreaon. --_
<br /> • Upon payment In full of all sums secumd by this Secudty Instrumea�Lender shall prompdy refund W Borrower acey �`•
<br /> Funds held by Lender. If,under paragcaph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell the Proputy,Lender,prior to the acquisiaon or �;_`•
<br /> salc of the Property, shall apply any�unds hcld by Lender at the time of acyuisition or salc as a credit against the stuns F.�--
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument. �-��
<br /> 3. AppUcation of I^ayments. Unless applicable luw providss othenvise, ail payments received by I.ender uader
<br /> patagraphs 1 aad 2 shall be applied:first,to any prepayment chargec due under the Note;second,to amounts payable imder ,
<br /> • paragraph 2;third.to interest due:fourth,ta principal due:and last,to any late chargesduc under the Note.
<br /> i . 4. �Poatges; LIens. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments,charges, �nes and imposiHons attributable w Q�e
<br /> �� Property which may attain priority over this Secoriry Insuument,and leasehold paymxnts or ground rents,if any. Borrower .,
<br /> � shall pay these obligations in the manner provided in pazagraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Horrower shall pay them on ,;� �
<br /> : . .• ' time directly to the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly furnish to i.enderall nouces of amounts to be paid under '�� '
<br /> . •� this puragraph. If Bornower maIces these payments directly,Bonower shall promptfy fumisQ�to I.ender receipu evidencimg
<br /> � ��'�� ' the payments. �
<br /> Borrower shall promptly dis�Foarge any lien which has prioriry over this Security[nswment unless Bornower.(a)agrees
<br /> . in writing to the pa}•a►v�nt of the aufigation securQ��+y the lien in a manner acc�p�z�'.�to Lender,(b)contests in good faith the �
<br /> tien Uy,or defends against enfozcenaeni of the lien in,lega!proceedings which in t�te Ixrt�:.r's opinion operate to prevent the �
<br /> enforcement of the lien;or(c)scc�ras!'rom the holder of the lien an agreement satisfzrcor� n-:�.ender subordinating the lien
<br /> � , to ttri;Security InsttumenG If 4.�a.�:r determines that any part of the Propetty is s�b;oc�tc a f.::en which may attain priority
<br /> over tT.is 5ecurity Instrument,Lem�l:a tnay give Borrower a notice idenafying the lien. �mro�::e�si�all satisfy the lien or take �
<br /> one or more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> , 5. Ha�ard or Property Insurazece. Borrower shall keep[he improe.�.nv:ne.� now existing or hea�tt�r:erected on the
<br /> � Property insured against loss by fve.hazards inc�uded withia the term"extend,.�,�:rnverage"and any other Aazards,including
<br /> ' .•;�.•,;,, Eloods o�:flooding, for which Lcc�r requires insurance. This insurance sita[1 be maintained in the amounts and for the
<br /> ;.�; ��
<br /> ; '��{�:r:''
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