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<br /> -:_ .--._.-.._---�
<br /> - (01 fN1NMAtlit�y I,ettdt�Fltti!►�i'ie'srsr.Any forbd�rr��ob i�y Lsrd�r in oxereking eny right or romedy lier� _ �Ar ._„�. ----
<br /> __��.,..,_a olh�twlN�!lord�sl by:hpfUOaI�IA IAw�dhall not bo�waiv�r af or praclude ti�e exorolse ot eny auoh dpht or�emady.7h� --
<br /> -=`�'�-��'� ptanur*m�t a!Imur�ride ae U�a pt�ymant oit�x�e or othar liene or eharpes by Londo�ahail noi be e walverof Lender'e rtpht ta =_
<br /> oc��N!M mNlutlty,6i Ifto Inde$ledneas Naured by thli DNd of T►u��
<br /> =���'� -�.�,�� (d) 6wtaeNOei u�t��llesiB�te ERau�sd�datt�t snd Mnrrat Ld�blliq{CAptton�.Tha eovenanta and a�reementa he�eln Co�• _._..__- _
<br /> - � --- l�ti��0�h�U Gtnd,�nd tbn rlghie heraurtder�heN fnure Efl�Gte reapgoUuo euoneasors und ac�l�ea o?L�ndar nrtti YPU�tor.E�Q �
<br /> — eowrt�nb�fid�QfM1�1eflt9 61 TfU916�IIN�iI bt lolnt end sevar�l,1'ha oaptlom end hea�alrtpa af the para�raphs of thta Oeed of
<br /> �_-��d Touel�r�Ior conv�nt�r�ao enly aod ero not to be ueo�to Interpr�t a d.atisn�the provlalone hereot
<br /> _-- f�) �u,�uwi i�a q6ii�ba�YBo�;i'tl���cr��y t�$uss�t,�at�copy af,su�y n:c"cv af dafault harc.wndcr and a copy ot any notke . ___
<br /> _��.��^� ol W�b htn�ndsr bs tnnllafl to enoN paR�ta shis Daed v9 Yrw,34 at�a�d�dre�9 aot forth aDove tn the mannor presodbed by
<br /> _ ;�;: �•�.- ,. �pptlCabl�f�w.6xC�pt Tbt Qfiy(itilOt 80t18a rmqUifOd ti8d0P ap8s�C8,Qt�tB�Y�46i�Rfven In another menner,any noUao provided
<br /> °=���� lor inlhls Q�d al7rutt�Nall t�e pivan by r�atlinp suoh notlee by xse�;,,¢�f�,nm��iessed to tne other paetlea atthe address edt
<br /> �"°`�-�� iaf��aba�a,Any naitaa provldBd for In thie Dasd of T�uet ahntl�r�:;�Q��.�malilnp in the mAnnar deatgnated haretn.tt
<br /> --—�x.�� Trwtor Ip mu»tt�en ont p�rson,�otiae eent to the eddPese aot t�ptt►�0onc�e�rs,'.1 b�notice to ail euch parsone.
<br /> �„?���i...r (A In�oMon.l.�nd�r may meke or eau�s to b�mamo reaa�a��".��s►�etaa cr�s,wn�ad Inapeatlona of ttw Propsrry,provided �
<br /> - -,,<.: .%� thit Lenda�hdt Qlw'Y�uetor notleo pribr to Any s�cch lcno�9tos�s�etty,Ea�r�psonoble oeuse theretor retated to Lendor'e �LL
<br /> ;.`r-:�:�":� ,:�..3 Inap111n lh�Prop�tly.
<br /> �j:,:.; . ,,-•,; (p) Il��y��anas.Up4n pa�yment ot eU eumfl sae�ae�bb��i��a��crf�rust,Lender shall�equeat Tivatea to�eaonvay the
<br /> �.` � n��` d�, p►op�rty�Rd shott wmnde�iNle Ueed of Truot and all ee�l�mwf�a�a�iR�t�n���ta�inesa seaured by this Ueed ot TUuet to Truetea.
<br /> ����}���•�� �;�±`:�x Trutt��6tai1 nconwy tho PropeAy without warr�n4�A�edl►roit'ho�4 cP�ir��Ro the pareon or persons Isgaliy entitiad thereto. —
<br /> . " t�ucia�at�a11 pay oll aa¢ia of roAardatlan,It any. -- -
<br /> :�:'
<br /> � (h) rN�OPId��opstyl�A�ou�ty A��n�.Ao m��f�9o�o eox�ael9�o Qor the payment of the Note,TNStor hereby gran4s �?"•__
<br /> .:y-,..
<br /> • Lsnder undar th�N�btaeko Unitorm Comnemreiet Code e soc�ea�4�►Im4mr�at in all flxtures,equipment,and other pereonai property :,::::
<br /> ueod In eonnsotlon wlth tho ronl oateto or to�provemonts tooetaad tnaromm,a�d not otherwise deolared or deemed to be a part ot FV��`�"- -�_--
<br /> al:;r�"=:-__.
<br /> ths�eal eftab�eaured horaby.This Inetrument ehali i�e aonstrued n�s 8ecurNy Agreement under said Code,and the Lender ;.,.,- -
<br /> . ehait Aava�0 th�Nghte and romodios ot e seoured peAy under aeld Code In additlon to the�ighte and remediea ereated under :,:,-;��__-
<br /> • � and occord�d th�tendor pu�eunnt to this Oeed of Trusx provlded that Lender's riphta and remedies underthte paragraph aheli �,':;;='o�--
<br /> • �� bs cumulotive wlth,and In no wey e IlmicaUon on,Lender's rlphte and romedlea under any other seaurity apreement eignod by •___
<br /> , ' Borrow�r oe Yntatot. W::r�.:�"
<br /> (I) LMm ans lneumbr�naN.Trudtor hereby war►ants end represents that there is no detautt under the provisions of any _
<br /> mott�ng�,deed of tru�t,l�e�e or purohese contraot deaorfbing all or any part of the Properly,or other contract,instrument or ���=_-_-
<br /> ;;�,. •. �,__-..�
<br /> ��,. . _ aproemsnt aonttltutirtp s ilen or encumbranae agaf�et alt or eny part ot tho Properry(aolleatively,"Liens'q,exiating as ot the �� _
<br /> �, dets of thf�DNd of Tru�t�and that any a�d all exiati�g Liene remain unmodifled except as dlso�osed to lender in Truetor's �; w•°�
<br /> ' � " r��tssn�:�:lxare Q!!lsns�n�!wpn�m�,�anr.pa arovldod tor herefn.Truator shall timely pertorm all af Trostor's obllgaUone, ���`--'--'�
<br /> �,` �. covenentt,ro�tesentetiont snd warrantloa under eny and all erisiti�g mnd tuture Uens,shali prompUy forward to Lender aoplea � --
<br /> �s ��' :'•!s �` o!alt notices oi dst�ult tent In aonneotlon wlth any and all exlatio�or Qwture Uena,and shali not without Lender's p�ior written ,, -..
<br /> � r;,;�;`.��.'���;-��;'-;. consent In any mRnn�r modity the provlelone of or attov�any tuture adva�eces under any exisdng or future Uena '`�,r..'�;� _
<br /> '.:�..,;,s,.:::��-5,;�!..... •`i'''
<br /> r .. .�.,,,,,
<br /> _ ::;,,,,,. . • �► Appllcatipn o!Paym�nt�.UNeaa otherwise requfred by lew,s�er�s paid t�9,mnder hereunder,inotuding without IlmttaHon ;`;}s'.;�,, ;:
<br /> paymeMe ot pNnalpal and interett,fnaurance proceeds,condem�ation proc�m�s and rents and proflts,ehali be appiied by �z������:•. �,
<br /> Lender to the nmounb due nnd owing(rom Trustor and�rrower in suoh o�der as lender in tts sote disoreNOn deems deairabta : ,� �.;�;-
<br /> ����, (k) BwN�biiily If any prov1810n Of thib Oeed ot Trust conflicts with appticeb�e Iaw or Is declared invaild or otherNrise �'':`' ' • -
<br /> unentor�eabte,such contltat or invatidity shall not aHect ths other prcvisans of this Deed oi Trust or the Note which can be ?�. :��
<br /> given effeot without tNe eonttiottnp provleion,and to this end the provisiona otihis�aed of Trust and the Note are deciered to be :,,�,�,
<br /> ' " severable. ��.;•' ..
<br /> `'��;;'�. p► Tirm�.The terme'?ruetor"and"Borrower"sholl include both singular and plural,and when the Trustor and 8orrower :�,:�',.. ~ ; ,,
<br /> �`��'f; , ' are the eame person(e),those terms as used tn thls Deed ot Trust ahalt be Interchangeable. ':����.
<br /> rh _ . �� 3
<br /> �. � } �:.:: (m)Gor�minp I.�w.Thfa Deed Of Truet ehali be governed by lha Iaws of tfi�e Stfate of Nabraska ���
<br /> ' � `''��' Trustor has exeeuted thla Deed ot Truet ae ot the date wrltten above. `}
<br /> i�},t,. '
<br /> � l�' ��i::.
<br /> ' . ` � I3ARY J ARTA Trustor Husband �''�'��� �
<br /> n n�.� �.c�a�� ,
<br /> BRENaA S 1fARTA Trustor Wife
<br /> ..-�_:;
<br /> ,}�,11
<br /> � '���.
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