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<br /> _ ____ ___ TMi9 ASBIQtdM�NT Q�{�C3NT8 plDEFl te mad�wrtd exaouted tbte ����day bf ��YL __--,1g 94 ,Rnd Is
<br /> —_-_� i�carpvr�ied iniv anai�i�ati t�+ui�vmed io u�i�tlii7 n�d ov�p}�rtlsnt tti8 MO►tgwg8 C'P Q°°c14t Tru�t,Mraltt4fier retCrred�o as th0
<br /> �. .. -
<br /> __ __� .u8ecurity Inatrumant"�ot the s�me dpts 9lven by ths under�tpna�, herelnaiter reterred to eo the°8ar►ower",tA e�eure
<br /> }�� �'��x -= gor�cwer's Indsbtedne�a�herein�fte�re�terred to as tho��Note",ta HOM�FED�FtAL SAdINti3 AND l.OAN A�60�fATiON dF
<br /> �.�,�_���� aRAND 18LAND,h�reln�fter�etarrod to ae the"LsndeP'.04 the eRmo d�te end coverinfl the propaAy deaarlbed In the Secu�ily _
<br /> --------- - � �Inatruman!nnd toaatcd nt:
<br /> �
<br /> --� ,���.cu� 4310 S9UDLE HORSE OOIJRTi GRAND ISLAND NEBRASKA 68803 �
<br /> v���`a��a:�tr� �Ptog�stq Addto�)
<br /> __.�.�..�� �..-_
<br /> ;T���f.�.�� WIYNE88ETl1: _--
<br /> : fi,;, w„kr
<br /> � ;_%:�-�-���-���- WWEREAB,8ortower and Lender have agread that any reMs and protlts att►Ibutabte to the property ehoutd constitute _
<br /> ;�,f_;,a.w��:;�;�,-� additlonal eoaurliy to the Lender tar tho prsyment o!the Note; �_ - -
<br /> , .,:',_,_:
<br /> ��� NOW�TMEREFORE,tt Is agreod that!he Seou�ity Instrument sheil be amended horeby and deomed to Inciude the follovrirtg �-.,=- _
<br /> . �roe�stono:
<br /> � Borrower hereby mDsoluB�i�aed eae�eee�dl8ioani�y soolpno ao1 ��,��"-._.
<br /> v�n4�. i�suss �ae�pco4i4o 04 the property to Benefieiary. Lender shait have tho �Ig�Y� g�o�r�r and au4Q�e�i4y� duvlft� QRo �;-
<br /> eenRln�aaree0 04 at��raeualfly 9e��tetser���n4 ta+co��eet the rents,isauea and profits oQ tRo�teo�erty an�04 any�aesonal�e�g¢��tgi ._��?`t.+_��
<br /> . . . .R�;�.�:.:�.-- ---
<br /> �a��4o�41he�afl wi4�or�ri4Raat 8ahtue�g��ssession of the property aHeated hoena0y.lendee.Qcowever.h�reby coc��on4e Co ,,.;,.�;��w__
<br /> BoremwoPS co06o�ttou�artd eoR�nelan og�ucUe PonBs,t�s�e�s and prollts as they sccruo and become payable.so long as�a�vower �;:�:,�l�i__�
<br /> 8s no4,at suc�ticrto.in�m9�wi4 ruiYh ras�ct to pay�Q�4 of any Indebtedness sesured hereby,or in the p�e�armance of any '���.:��F.
<br /> ' � 't, Agrssmero4 hoPO�¢ndoP. -% v
<br /> ., •��;. ►;�.
<br /> 0 2, pr��oMQmnant ot Reoa�var. it a�q�ront o4 d04au14 in�os�oct t;o the Seeurity Instrument ahail have occurred aeed�e t�
<br /> �ontinuing,Lender,as a matter of�igh4 and witRC�t rtotice to(dcvrrawer or anyone ctaiming under Bottower.and+ro11Q►aut
<br /> •• vopard to the value of the trust estate or the interos¢04 8be Borrower thereln,shall have tha�tght tq appty to any court having - '� .�
<br /> � � �urlsdiction to appoint a�ecetver ot the property �' � �� �.-
<br /> �� 3. �nht to Pos�ession.In case of defauit in ti�e�ayment of the said principat Note or i�terest,or any�art thereof.as it . .
<br /> � � ' shatl mature.or in the case ot feilure to kaep or perform any of the covenants or agreements contained in the Security instru• ��,,
<br /> • ment,then the Lender, its successors os assigns, ohati be and is hereby authcrized and�mnpowered to take immediate r:.�.r�:_
<br /> r �-: possesston of the said premises ii'iere6.'��c::�.��d tC Co!l�ct!he r8nte thpeA4rem;and to ap�ly the prde�eds the�eOf to the
<br /> , '�' payment of the Note. . • •�`
<br /> � .��.� 4. Aooti�tion of Ra�Ps O��ues and proftts.Ali ren��coUected by Lender or the receiver sheli be eppii�ci first to payment • .i•:.:;:`-
<br /> ,�;,!,,, 04 ihe costs�4 management of the prope�4y and coilmction of rents,inctuding,but not timited to,recelvePs 4¢�s,premiums on , "`i;`
<br /> ��3';�::',�. ►ecetvePs @mtt�e9s and reasonable attorneyv's fees,and then to the sums secured by the Security instrument.L�rtdQr a�mal the - •�,�,;:.
<br /> .•"•���:;;�! Qaceiver shail be Ilable to account oniy tov those rents actualiy received. „ .
<br /> .,4
<br /> 5. C,�onatruction of Provisions.Each of the provistons contained in this Aasignment of Rents Rider and the Security inatru-
<br /> ment sha�i, unless otherwise specifiaaliy requlred, be construed in accordance with Nebraska taw, and in the event any
<br /> provfsfon herein or therein co�tained shat 1 be determfned by a court of competent jurisdlation to be unenforceable,the same •
<br /> .. shall be construed as though such unenforceabie provision were not a part hereof or thereof. 't'
<br /> 8. Etfect of Rider.Except as speciflcaity modiffed by or inconsistent with this Assignment ot Rents Rfder or by any other �
<br /> � appHcable rider,aIi of the terms and provisions contained in the Securtty Instrurtsent shali continue in fuli force and efiect. , .
<br /> � IN WITNESS WHEREOF,8orrower has executed this A ign t of Rents Ider on the date first noted above. � -
<br /> , � �
<br /> . ;;- :.. ._
<br /> •�"�i. Borrowe
<br /> ,:�j.� � N �}r:,�., �.
<br /> ,��+';,F , �: �2 `� C��-� t;;,�.;;
<br /> .;�� �— Bo��We� �'
<br /> -- . �'";�e;;.•• FRISTEN S. hfARTIN i
<br /> t..:••�;); .
<br /> �`, . '����;:`,;;� � STATE OF NEBRASKA)
<br /> •7�r'cr�:: . . (sa: ��,`. .
<br /> tS.,.:.,i,
<br />, ;..,.i � • ' COUNTY OF HALL )
<br /> •'•.,' • •r}�,�t.: .
<br /> - <:,���•'�:, On thfs_ ��day of APRIL. ,19�4_.before me,the undersigned,a Notary Pubtic duly commissioned end ,
<br /> „ ,i.;;._ •:s
<br /> �,:,:•. •;�, qualifled tor satd county,personally carr�e RiCK A NLaRTTN AND KRTSTF.N S. M.�.�'°IN i
<br /> � (HIJSBAND AND WIFE) ,to be the Identica�persan�st wnlse namels)ts/are subscribed �
<br /> to the foregoing Instrum�nt,and he/8hef�tley ac�crtew«elge the executlon ther�of to be hislt�arr,r��h volur.r,ary act and deed.
<br /> ' � Witness rrrgr reand artd tv�t:�r�a�S�ai ae _ ����1'11 ISLAND NEBRASKA -------•-,--_. ' •
<br /> ,,`,„
<br /> ': ',� in S d county,the(fa aforesa�d .
<br /> ,u':i:'
<br /> �f '.t'� . . f�..1(,t ���� � � !
<br /> ��'�•�. . . �j� Public '
<br /> �i��..
<br /> _- �- . .-- - My Commission expires: ��W���-p��- w' �
<br /> ', .
<br /> . eR aoao�s�
<br /> .
<br /> . � �
<br />