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<br /> G.ASa1GN1NENT OF L�ASIsS.Up�m l.cade�'s r�gucst,Harco�vcr hhall ussipn to Lcnder ca1! lcases of tha
<br /> Propeny nnd ull secueity depusitA made in rnnnQCtton witM Icuses of the Pra�Ay. Upan the Assignment,Lender
<br /> � - - � Hiiui!f�avc thc right to maQify.extcad or tcrntinatc the existin�lenyer t�nd tt��xPr.i�te ne�v le�se9,i�i l,c7tder's snlc
<br /> ---
<br /> discretion. As used 1n thia pnrngmph O,the word"icase"shali mean'•sublcase"if the Security Insttument is on
<br /> ...-� u lea.�ehold. -
<br /> Bomower absalutely and unronditionnlly ussignA artd transfers to Lender ul! the t�entR nnd revenues t"Rents")af
<br /> ------ the I+ropeny, regurdtess of to whom the Rents of'the Property ere paynbte. 8ormwer authorizes l.ender or
<br /> -- - ---- I.ettdcr's ugents to coltect the Renu,und ugrees thnt each tennnl of the Property shall pay the Rents to Lender or _
<br /> -- Lead.er's a�ents.Ho�vever,Bflrroever shall receive the Renta until(i)Lender hna given Borro�ver notice uf defuult
<br /> , ����� �ursuant ta pneagraph 21 of the Svcur.�ty Lnscrument und(ii)Lender has given natica to the tenant(s)thut the Rente
<br /> -,�:,_;�,:,� are Ro 6e paid eo L.endeA or l.ea�ee's�gent. Tilis assignment of Rents wnstltutes an Absolute uss3,�n�uent and not
<br /> .• .h-.s��.
<br /> -�;��g�,.,� a113SS1$YIIIL2R1�OP Q�ItL4iGAI SOCUIf1[ji QIIIfl.
<br /> ��_�"`°"°—_ If R.ee�dee gives notice of breach to l�ormower:(i)all Rents r�eceived by Borrower shsll be Tzel�Dy 6ar[o�ver
<br /> -__-�`"'�--�� as tnutee for the hertefit of I.eader o�ety,to LLiee applted to the sums secured by the S�cueity Instrument;(ii)Lender
<br /> `=t.-�:;��c;x,s:b-��
<br /> ��--T• � .
<br /> ___..,�„��x�,�.,,;p�, shali be entitied ta coitect and receive ati uf tite l�ents uf the Property;(iii)�orrower aBmes that each tenant o :
<br /> �;l..�t;,"�.�
<br /> ,;,�,.�.- , ,.��, 1Properry s�eatl�ay atl Qtents due artd unpaid to Il.e�ider or Lender's ugents upon Le�tder's written demartd to the ��'
<br /> -•,.:a;�;^'n�''"'t«,: eenant:(iv)unl¢ss applic�ble law prnvides otherwise.all Rents rnilected by i.ettder oe Ler.der's agents ahAll bc
<br /> "'`,.��..;
<br /> --�;y�;;••e•;: app8fie��C�st to the wsts of takin�rnntrol of und managing tk�e Property�nd coqecting the Rents. includtng.but
<br /> `-.�-��r�'�%» � Ros lemited to, attorneys' fees, r�xeiver's fees, premiums om receiver s bonds, repair und maintenance costs,
<br /> ":;'r.��;.;:.,.•-�. .a. insurance premiums, taxes, tissessments and other charges on the Property, and then to the sums securod by tQee
<br /> ��'Yi"��'`` ''� `"' Security Instn�mer►t;(v)[.ender, E.ender's a�enta or any judicially appointe+d receiver shall be liable to accaunt for
<br /> - �• , �` only those Rents actually received: and (vi1 Lender sfiull be entitled to have a receiver cppointed to taQcc
<br /> � possession of and manage the Property and collect the Rents and profits derived from tfie�Property without any
<br /> - ° showing as to the inadequacy of tCee Propeny as security.
<br /> 'o . If the Rents of the Propeny am not sufficient to covet the msts of taking rnntrol of and managing the
<br /> . , Frap:.rty and af c:�::c.:.::�g i::e Rcnss ar.y funds expendec!b}�l.ensles fsss sssch N�_r+s.�shal! b!K•�me iruiehte�ncc�
<br /> ' ..� of Borrower to 1.ender secured by the Security Instrument pursuant to Uniform Covenant 7. --
<br /> •• � . &,rrower represents and w�r.c�nts that Borrower hAS not executed any prior assigrtmm�t of the Ren�s and has __
<br /> o •• not cina�vill not perform any act ei�a: would prevent I.ender f�om exercising its rights uader 2Uoes pa��agraph. --
<br /> � Q���:.
<br /> ,r�w�l�:!;;'.
<br /> L.ender, or Lender's ugents ��r u judiciapy appointed receiver, shall not be mqui�t:.a ¢o enter upon, take J,.,
<br /> „ •. . control of or maintairt the Pruperty before ar ttfter�iving notice of default to Borrawer. �towever, Lee�der, ot ;�__
<br /> � l.ender's agents or x iu:licially appointed receiver.muy do,o at any time when a dcfault occurs. Arny��ptnption �';";?
<br /> of Renu shall not cure or wurve a:^•> defuuit or invalidate any nther right or remedy of Lender.This assegnment of °"'-
<br /> Rents of the Property shali termis�ni��vhen all the.ums secureci by the Security In�trument are paid in full. "_�'
<br /> - 1.CROSS-DEFAC.'LT Il°�t�1'�SION. Barrower'ti defau{t or breach under uny note or agreement in which
<br /> .%..�';.�, ,� �• I.ender has en interest :hall �c a 7�reach�nder the Seruriry Instrumcnt and lxnder may invoke any of the remedies
<br /> ::rir:��`:.', .' ' permitted by the Securit� Intitrumznt.
<br /> , BY SIGNING $ELOW, �3��rmwtr acceptr xnd agreeti u� the tcrtns anJ prctivisiom contained in thi� t-�!
<br /> � . �::,. F.�mily Ridcr.
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