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<br /> ==-=--`=� TQCi};I�pER WITH nit the lmpraventcnts�ov�r on c�reaficr er,,ctcd��n tfi9 prap�:rty,nnd Ali eaQ:cmcnts.apputtcnutcc9. — "'
<br /> ----��-�- — and fi�tursn no�v or hereafter u part of the property. AI!replaccmeats urtd nQdiHons sl�aQ nl..o bc covercd by t��)s Securiry
<br /> -�'�""'°�'� inctn�ment. AII of tl►e fomgoing�s cefeme�to in this Secudty Insu�ment a.a Ute"}'rt��t4y."
<br /> � .�:.�
<br /> - BORROWER COV8NAN7'S thnt Boirower is luwfully reised oY�1►C estate hereMy c�nveyed and hns the right to grattt
<br /> ��'��^-t�`':�,.r and convey the Prapeny nnd thut the Prop�ny is unencum6ereQ exoept far encuniba�asea of recard i�anawer wa�runts nn9
<br /> -�y:�:y��>ti;�: wiU defend generalty the dde to the Hoperty aguit�as ull cluIia�s and denisndy,b�sbjcs:i tu;u�y encuru6r�••nz..s af resaad. � -
<br /> --=_`�r,�;;..� c
<br /> -`-:,;'-,,,. :;� THI� ..�(lP•ITY IidSTRUMSi�l'f com4+ia� n�+ifomi covenents fnr n�t�ono! uso nnd non•uniform cnvenants wid� �-_--
<br /> ;:-�;,,.•�,�,;�,,: . :, limited variaatons by jurlsdictlon to constitute u unifomt er,�uriry insuument covering real pmparty _
<br /> �"i•=;:?'•���' ' UNIFOItM CUVENAN7'S. Borrower and i.ender ca�e�ta�ni and agt�ee as folloas:
<br /> �.� l. Bn�yiment oi Friud�al end Inte�PneAnyment a�La►te Ch�ug�.w. 9omuw�r shsill prompily pay when due tit�
<br /> priaclpal of and iatet�st on the debt av[dertced by tha Nate und nny pnepayacent nnd latc chur�es d�ea under the Noie. �
<br /> Z. I�uu�de for'lk�xc�wtd Ia.�ve�eaoG Subject to upplicable iaw ot t�u ariuen waiver by Lender.Bor��ver shnU p�y to
<br /> L.ender oa the day cnonthly payments are due under the Note.until tt�e Note is pnid in full,e sum("Rinds")f�:(n)ye�t,�r _
<br /> taxes and assessments wWch may stttein priority over this Security Icuavment ns t�lien on the Praperty:(b)yeati,�t�.N.�¢�naf.d -_
<br /> payacents or ground rents on the Properey. if uny: (c) yeaily h� or pm�etty i�aumnce premiums: tc91 T��asiS+ fiaad =
<br /> insutance premiums. if any:(e)Ye�riY mortgage insurance pnm[iums� if any:and(�unY sums Qayrtbt,�Dy II'�ommur¢r co
<br /> Lenaer�jn accotdance with the provisi�os off pae�8.ia Geu of the payment of mortgt�te in�r�o¢}�miu.m.x. '9Rr�se _
<br /> �.,_',r;;• items are called"Esc�ow Items." Le�fer enad.at a�ny er'me,collect and hold Rinds in an amouQee aos tm¢neeod d'e��run
<br /> '•�a��;;�,�:�• amount a tender fot a fedeaally�+elato�mm��¢p8e l�aea nmay m9uire for Borrower�s escrow s000v�xrt er�r trkoe L��deral R�a1 _-
<br />, •, �;��',}�`���.;, �state SetUemeat Pcao�d�:s l�ct oE 14�74 as ammems�eci giror,n tune to time. 12 U.S.C.¢26t11 et seq.("L'3�@Y�.`r.uaC�ess ana3hes �---_
<br /> ,:��:�.' ,., s�t;.�,;` � �._...
<br /> :��%. . ':�,�;;r;, flaw that appl'aes w thz]Fu�ds s�u a less�r z�rnunt Bf s�.Ilxader may.at any dme,callect�d h�ld Q�lrad's in ar►�nunnt Aoi w �.,=,.:.°
<br /> < �...`�,:• exceed t�ee lesser am��t. LenB¢r Rnay es¢imaee thz aa�uuat of Flmds due on the basis ofi ceumertrt d�ta aa� Raconahle =—
<br /> • °;,,::q:r,-_.:
<br /> � ��'�� ` estimates of eapzndiwnes of future�'ssc�w It�ems oa QYQnErvvis�in a�rc�dance with applieable iavr. p:„��_--
<br /> ;�;i
<br /> T6e �urcds shalQ be held in an iansteauCOn�rCeos�e de�asiss ae� iaswed by a federal agee�cy.ins¢eunce�ee�.l'n¢y.er ea4i4y
<br /> � �� (intluding Lendar,if I.emdP�r is such su►institudony or am auy F�eaG kiome L�an�antc. L.ender shap�gplq t�e 1Fa�ads to Brag �
<br /> �;.j, ti�e Fsrrow laems. Lertc2i�:c c�ay not charge Botrowes fcor holding a�ad applyimr�¢C�e Funds.annually anaQqzin�;ehx estmuw k --
<br /> . a000unt, ox esrifying QUr�i::scrow Items, uWess Q.xnt�er pays �rrower intenst on t�e Fhuids and a�pl�ca�te Daw permnits ___
<br /> f��' Lender t���rnei?�2 such a cl�azge. Ha�vever,L.ender m�s;,c�vire H�o�sower to pay a one-dme chnrge for an independent m�l _v_
<br /> ' �?};(�,-.:, estate taat�:�ccurting service used by Le�atier 1n¢onnectcon ntith thic ii�an,unlcss applicable law pmvides othcTwise. Unless a�e �'.:-
<br /> 'i```'�-� m�snc is�mrade or licable law rc �,i�r�s intemst to be d.Lender shall not be ui�+ed to Borrower aa intems3 oz _
<br /> :.t�..�; agree �PP' �l t� �4 P�9� y
<br /> " ' '��`' '� earnings on tD�e Punds. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing,however,that interest shail be gaid on the E�ads. Ixnder
<br /> :!.L_.,�,—^..���+'`�.,-. shall give to�orrower,d��c.^.�hout charge.an aunual accounting of the Funds,showing�redits and debits to ttee Funds and the =
<br /> ;;-.4,f<, yr4��1,, :;, P�rpose for which eac5n d�:C�a to the Funds was made. 'Ihe f'vnds are pledged as additionai securicy for sil sums secuiai by .
<br /> ;�,r.,:�;j;:f}...;,• this Securita 9ciswment. __ _._._
<br /> �,i�;:. •� '�a't:n',.� —
<br />-`-' ' • •.K.,i. If the Fuuds held by Lender exceed the amounts F+ermitted to be held by appGcable Eam•, Lender shall nccount to _
<br /> `�''`�• Borrower for the excess Funds in accordance with the cequirements of applicable law. If the�xrunt of the E�nds held by ..
<br /> ::,,:.
<br /> ::;;;'j:, Lender at any eime is noe s�ufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due. Lender ma so noti Borrower in�vritia .and,in :�.�--
<br /> Y �Y g I;,�,�
<br />.�;J° such case Borrower shat[ �pay to I.ender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Bomower shal! �ake up the �.;4,.�
<br /> J ::��«,
<br /> deficiency in no mone than twelve monthly payments,at Lender's sole discredon. '•,;;_.,
<br /> �� Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrumen�Lxnder shall prompdy cefiu�d to�omower any y;.,�.
<br /> Funds held by L.ender. If,under paragraph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell the Property.I.ender,prior to the acquisition or ' ,
<br /> � sale of the Property.shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisiGon or sale as a credit ao;nct the sums
<br /> secured by this Securiry Instrument. Y;:rr
<br /> 3. Applicatton of Fayments. Unless applicable law Qrovides otherwise. all paymenu received 6�3+ Q..ender under ;'•.,.��
<br /> ' paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to any pmpayment charges due under the tJote;second,to amounrts p�-ayable under �:t�+ ,
<br /> paragraph 2;third,to interest due;foucth,ta principal due;and last,to any late charges due under the Note. ��
<br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Bornower shall pny all taxes, assessments, charges, fines and irmgrc►s3dons aaributable to the
<br /> Property which may attain priority over this Security Insuument,und leasehold payments or gnris:�t rents,if any. Borrower
<br /> shall pay these obligations n�the manner provided in�r�uagraph 2,or if not paid in that manner.�c+:rower shall pay them on s,�,. :
<br /> ;i time direcdy to the persc�n w-�ed payment. Borrower s::.::11 promptly fumish to I.ender all notices of amounu to tre paid under :':�
<br /> this paragraph. If BorroKer makes these paymerr.c���:�r�:ily,Borrower shall prompdy furnish m�.�:nder receipts evidencing %:k�>
<br /> the payments. �
<br /> Borro�ti•er shsl!promptly di�chnr�t��� lien whic�h has priority�ver this Securiry Instrurrcem�.:;�lrss Borrower.(a)agrees �
<br /> in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lendec:.re�contests in good faith the
<br /> lien by,or defends against enforcement of the liern in. 1•agal prcxeedings which in the I.ender's opinion operate to pcievent the
<br /> * enforcement of the lien:or(c)secuces from the hoGrt:�:of the lien an agreement satisfactory to l.ender subordinating the lien
<br /> '' to this Security lnstrument. If Lender determines tha:any part of the Property is subject to a Eien which may attain priority k;{ "
<br /> over this Security Instrument,Lender may give Borro��+er a notice identifying the lien. Borrou.�-:hall satisfy the lien or take
<br /> ' one or more of the actions set forth above within 10 day�of the g�z::�:of notice.
<br /> 5. Haisrd or Property Insuranee. Bomower tihall keep eY::�mprovement,nc�w ex�scan�or hereafter erected on thz ,
<br /> Propeny insured against loss by fim.hazard�include�x:.hin the trrm"extended c�•�cragr"aad uny other hazards,includir�g .�.•,
<br /> floods or flooding. For e�:a::h Lender reyuircti im��r.e:a�e 'fhiti in�urance tiha[I I�;ru;a�r:amed in the amounts and for the �n��,
<br /> �'i�:
<br /> ��o:,T,:+oia 9�0 ��K��,f��.,u�., �.
<br /> , f.�}; .
<br /> . t,,
<br /> 9
<br />