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<br /> �i� � �,`+ „ �s�„t�e�xttts t!�!ot!rer t��3 i�u4�dtnn wIthout timitalbn;f4�9 and tm• -----
<br /> -�W���y�;� S.?�7[�!�AI3qt�� . iUSSuP 5�`iuSt i u'=1 S'XG:. '• v- , �+, - —
<br /> �__;�;�-d:,�;� pissttlorts at�ributobl�to tir Prop�rt�.ond!*asehoW pcynk�te or p►ound�ents,if an�,tHl�oro ttw v�ne bNCOreM d�llnqwnt.TrastcM Yhnll ptomp-
<br /> .:�;r;a�y��`�','� tty f�xnisfi to Beneficiary e11 nottus ot anaunt:due sin6�r thta paro�raph.und in tM�wnt Tvustor sfiatl moece poym�nt di�ectly,Yrustar ehall
<br /> °-�-�=�^� promptly furnish to 9��(eiary roatpts widtneinp sueh poym�nts.TNSto��ofi poy o!I taxos aid oss�ssmiMs wkkh moY M levjtd a�po�
<br /> -'�"'�"'�"°'�'�, 8enefkEary's intorest l�ein or upon this Oeed oF Tr�st witho�t�pard to an�law that moy b�eeaet�d imposinp payrtNnt of tF�whoM ar arl -------
<br /> .,. ..
<br /> a��,�,y;` , ',., ° pott ttNr4of upon tfie Berieficiary. �
<br /> "�",�i `- b.l�Mu�!�!r.s�h�tvetiM d ieMfDsJ�ry'�fre�elry•Trustor thatl ma9a oN ipayments of ir�t��st n�d printipal and poym�MS bf t�►1►
<br /> , � �.- �'. other charqos,tees ard e�pensas wrdroried to be pald ro any existinp lienhald��s or prtor bcnsflctcr�es under any p►tor de�d of inut or mnr- _----- ..----
<br /> i' ;,�'.,.��; tqaps bstae the date they aro dapnquent oe+3 promptly pay and distharpe uny end a11 otl�er liens,cloims or chorpes afif�moll i�P�dirs the --
<br /> ° °,, s�turity granted herein.lf Troster faits to ma3ca any such poyn�M or tails to perform any of the covencnts and apreema�ls�artatned tn this �„_.,,W+�
<br /> • � . Oeed of Trust,or in any prlor mortgoge or dead of trust,of if arry actton or proceadlr►a is commenc e d v fii c h materi0lty effects Benbflciary's in• �;�,,��;-,_��
<br /> � " terest in the Properry,inciuding,bvt not limited to,emiaent domain praxadings,or prec�sedinga irrvolvin�e clocendeM,or if Trustor fails ta prtY ��T���4_-.----_
<br /> se
<br /> Trustor's Qebts genemlly as they bacome duo,than 8eneficlury,at 8eneflciary's option and without nofice to or demnnd upon Trustor and �,n;..��___
<br /> � �githout releaatrtg Trostor irom er►q obiEgation hereunder,moy mako such appeor'antos.diaburse auth sums,and take such action as is neco:sary F��:�_
<br /> ta protect Beneflciary's interesc ircluding,but not limited to,diabursomeM of�eosonable attamey's feos,paymer�t,purchase,eonteat or com- ,�'�''�:`���._
<br /> gcomise of any encumbranco,cPrargo or lie�,ar+d entry upon the Property to rteake re irs. ��9he e�es►4 4CrM Tvustap sRQ;I tail to procuTe in- �:�``��=�"'-`-`- ___
<br /> � C^ct�as cr(�e+��o�'cs�aeios.t3�tsefisimg ��'��r=_
<br /> surartce or to pay taxes,assess�ttents,or aag ot1�er charges or to moke any paymeMs to exis9i�pri¢rr lie�► � -- --
<br /> �p proture such insarance artd meho sucA Ruymont.Any amour►ts disbarsed lty Beaefictary rvuvs�QQ Q�s P�rcg;vu&�a g�l Dasoma es4�:tianat �;��_—
<br /> frtd�Dtedness of T�ustor secured by this Oeed of Trust.SucA oattounts shatl ii��ya�ta u�an craaiao�ran 13�v�24�isEu�y 4Q�ca�5ter rcqussting poY- �;,..;�-�_ -- ---�
<br /> nci I under the ' ' '`"r�---
<br /> er�e�es tPe�reoti,ond shall b�in4Qrest from the dot0 04 Qis@urse+nc�+a�4 a4 4Re ra4o poy¢@to�eucn ftime 4o tum3 rtn Cu4s4on4�ftg p�1 Pa .;���.,�
<br /> I�ote u�etess payment of interest ot such retp areu�d ke cos�4rar�4o a�licnDto tusr,in a�cfsC�avoc�4 such vsrtcuse4s sPeall Qa¢r interes4 at the hfghest ",:�.�--,. -
<br /> rate permissibl�urtder opplicuble law.NotP►ing cantnirted'en thos Par¢gr44h 6 shaU�eQuire�ereeficiarq 4o i�sur arh►expe�se or take any attion r, ,,,_y:�--
<br /> P�sreui�der. j�.��`---
<br /> 7.11uigmaeM of Re�m.@aneficiory shalt havo tPe�rigP�t,�ower and euthority durimg s{�continuartce of this�eed of Trust to tollect the �{t :�:,_
<br /> rrnnts,issues and profits of the Property artd of¢ny p2rsaT�a��roperty laated thereon with or withart takirtg possessi�n of the property affetted `_�__
<br /> hereby,end Trustor hereby absolutely and artseRditionelly asyigns all such rents,issues and profits to Berr�4ixiory.Beneficiary.however,hereby �- t,,,�
<br /> �� consents to the Trustor's collection and retention of such�ents,issues end profits es they accroe and�sa�u payoble so tong os Trustor is not, ��:�:�!1rr_,;
<br /> at such time,in defau�t with respect to payment of any indebtedness secured hereby,or in the perforrrtence of any agroement hereunder.Upon ' ..�C'.�%�-_�-
<br /> ,i. ,;._
<br /> any wth default,Beneficiery may et any time,either in person,by ag�nt,or by receiver to ba appointed by a tourt,without notice and without ', ;..�•5��.,�:=
<br /> regard to the adequocy of any s,curity for the mdebtedness hereby secured,ini en9�v�s.�nd taka Dos%c:%'so�ot tl�e�r�.'rt�"'�""Y S� '-� -_�
<br /> r��'';'!�• thereof,ond in;ts own name sue for or otherwise collect such rents,issues artd profits,i�t9udir.g those�est due and unpuid,and apply the seme, `t,,..` � �,��
<br /> �:�-�.��:�:,�.'.r..;�:>,�::.
<br /> li� `.;v' less tost s and ex p enses of operation and callection, including reasonable nttorrteys feQS,apare any i:rtda'D't�dness setured hereby,ond l�e suth ,,�,,..{,�,;,,.•r.l,
<br /> ��,ti.�,
<br /> ,1;<:: order as Beneficiary may determine; (b){+erform such acts of repair or proter�ion as may�e neces�ary or pTOper to cons erv e t h e v o l u�a f t h e �,:1,'t;j;_:::'
<br /> ; ,•.S:ti-�:
<br /> � Property;(c)lease the same or any part thereof for such rental,term,crtd upan such condtions as its jvdg�ent moy dictate or terminete or ad- . : ,._
<br /> ' jus4 the terms and conditions of uny existing lease or leases.Unless Trustor nnd Beneficiary agreFi otherwise in writing,amb apptitation of rerns, �1 t ," • ;���-
<br /> `�''�'�� � issues or rofits ro an indebtedness secured hereb sholl not extend or postpone the due dote of the installment payments es provided in wid ���t�,�;;; „'�;�'•��_
<br /> i,• ,,;,o'c�;, P Y y � �_°---
<br /> �..:;��;�, promissory note or change the amount of such instollments. 7he entering upon and taking possessian of the Property, the tollection of such �.� .,;����!�,j,:s?r
<br /> �...•' '�;i1�t�:,r:rf�=�
<br /> • � ., rents, issues and profits. ond the application thereof as aforesoid, shall not woive or cure any default or notice of defeu�t hereunder,or in- �,5,,.,:_.
<br /> validote uny act done pursuont to such notice.Trustor also ossigns to Beneficiory,as further security for the performance of the obligotions ���'"�`�§��---
<br /> ����:�
<br /> r.,.,, secured hereby,oll prepuid rents and all monies which may hnve been ar may hereaher be deposited with said Trustor ay any lessee of the Pro-
<br /> `t�'� ' ' perty,to secure the payment of any rent or damages,and upon default in the performance of any of the provisions hereof,Trustor agrees to •�''-==
<br /> ��� ��� ��:� detiver such rents and deposits to Beneficiary.Delivery of written notice of Beneficiary's exercise of the rights gronted herein,to any tenant a- s��ti�a"..
<br /> . � cupying suid premises shall be sufficient to require said tenont to pay said rent to the Beneficiory until fuRher notite. '• �"'�'��
<br /> � 8.Condemnatton.If title to any part of the Property sholl be token in condemnation proceedirtgs,by right of eminent domain or similar action, �G
<br /> ����� or sholl be sold under threot of condemnotion,all awards,damuges and proceeds are hereby assigned and sholl be paid to 8eneficiary who shall .
<br /> opply such owards.domuges and proceeds to the sum secured by this Oeed of Trust,with the excess,if any,paid.to Trustor.If Trostor receives %+?�
<br /> � , � any notice or other informotion regarding such actions or proceedings, Trustor sholl give p�ompt writien notice thernof to benefitiory. �i•' ',
<br /> � ' - Beneficiary sholl be entitled,os�ts option,to commence,appeor in und prosecute in its ovm nome uny suth oction or proceedings artd sholl be en• �
<br /> I������' � titled to make ony compromise or settleme�t in connection with any such action or proceedings. � � . , .
<br /> , 9. Remedles Not E:du:iee. Beaeficiary shall be entitled to enforce payment and performance of any indebtedness or obligotions secured t „
<br /> hereby and to exercise oll rights and powers under this Oaed of Trust or under any other agreement executed in connection herewith or any luws �,r
<br /> now or herea'.ter in force,notwithstanding some or all of the such indebtedness ond obligutions secured hereby may now or hereufter be other-
<br /> wise secure� �:`�ether by mortgoge,deed of trust,pledge,Iien,assignmant or otherwise.Neither the acceptance of this Deed of Trust nor its , . ..
<br /> enforcemen^v,nether by court action or pursuant to the power of sote er other powers herein contuined,sholl prejudica or in any manner affect
<br /> .� B�neficiory's�ight to reatize upon or enforce ony other securi�y now o�he+eofter held by Beneficiary,it being agreed that Beneficiary shall be
<br /> entitled to enfc�ce this Deea of Trust and any ather secLri•� now e�he�ea{ter held bv ee�eficiary in such order ond manner us it may in its ab- �
<br /> '' solute discre'�on de+�erm,�e �v�remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Benefic�a���s mtended to be exclusive of any other remedy herein
<br /> ' or by low preu�9e�or�:e��'+'f�ed,but each sho11 be cumulotive and sholl ce in ndd;tian te everu other remec!�:given hereunder or now or�.areofter . .
<br /> -, • • existing ot low or in equ�*v or by statute. fvery power or remedy pro�r:ad hereunde��nis Jeed of Trus�� ro Beneficiory or to vJhict�i^moy be � +� .
<br /> otherwise e�titled, may Ce enercised.concurrently or independentty,from time to t�me and as often as r�ay be deemed expedient Bertaficiary ,
<br /> �� � ond it may pursue incons�src�°remedies.Nothing herem s'�al•ae construed as proh�bir,ng c,�rcfiaary from seeking a de¢ic=enty judgment against .
<br /> `' the Trust¢r ro the extent such action is permitted by Iaw.
<br /> 10. 4mnnc7or of Propertr;Assumption. If all or any part of the prc;.�r�v vr ony interest therein is so!�,transferred or conveyed b�'�•usc�►
<br /> _,:_ ....�... ..i....a�.,,eo rn thie Raarl of Ttust d�� tne tr2a•
<br /> � ' � �t w�irt0ut g2rtenttory s prior wrirten conseni,eacium��y iai°��i��v:::.:�..a ,,:;�;�:��:,....,.,.~�=---•-� - - - - - -
<br /> � tion of a purthose money security interest for househald ar;�ionces. (c)o tronsfer by devise,destent or bq operotien of[Qw uRon the�2oth of a
<br /> ' joint tenant or (d) the grant of ony leosehold inter2ss of three yeers ar less rtot eantainittg an option to parcPras�. Beneficiary moy, o►
<br /> Beneficiary's option,detlare all the sums secured by this Oeed of Trust to be immediately dae and payable,or cause the Trustee to file o rtotice
<br /> of defoult.Beneficiary shofl huve waived such opt�on to accelerote if,prior to the sate, tr¢r�s�er ar ccnveyonce.Beneficiory ond the person to
<br /> whom the property is to be sold or transfeRed reuch ogreement in writing thot the cre�it o#such person is satisfactory to Beneficiary und thot
<br /> ` the interest poyable on the sums setured by this Deed of Trust shell beat such rote as Bc-+teficiary sholl request.
<br /> � I '
<br /> � -
<br />