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<br /> - e-..:Ysg i�`M '��-�.caSm.r�t .�,�,, �� r♦y�r d�. ,� �,�• �^i ,�. �..�g+:[t�r��.."' ,9t�"INs�5 y:�1''"�w7r:'t`'�:��J�f��1iLiF5 v�;7�r,.r��
<br /> r� t YS"c::. 1*�R, �,�'y '�"" ' �;�F a q:itivR' .FC• !1�Sf ar �eo�e�s.xrS
<br /> !r��.j{�P. ` Y�3� °�.v.. '�. -eci.y;-.;.; �Sa;i{���'vr:i�tf '� �c1tq^i:�iym(Fos•'�+iL'm:(r]'y ',t �',�+.r,�'1�+.A�i�rr.-:
<br /> �Y•. �.,.��T I :r. ,��x ri5�'�i��'.'�L,.a:ir^,\ �'f- '.i 7�n�'�'.:.:� Y -}j-YQi�ii�L :i �.){ \�l)r `i...�� l�:t`:�,< �gi�i: � '.:f � ..i���:vr—��.--°-.:s.
<br /> ,{�� �.'i�..i•• ' r r-� r��L,,.; ' ,} •� �' }..,�' i 31�(• y. � '.J'lY'`,j ,� �4�,��`�� 1,'`' ..�,�! pi^d"'r� (j ��•f! �;'� 1
<br /> ,ha"^""!'_'�� ��•- '.��f+F!3°� '7'.' 's;ti ;�£..��r� �C'•,i"�`%;i�.<d�t. =N`� � -���� 1..4 �-}411r�'r.� .V'��4 tJ�t U^..�5 4�rf.l, ' 4 ,`F' .I�t.a�;•.�C T.J ;a. �
<br /> Asrx -?�<< r '• r so� r 5 ,'�i i 'v}; �} ,}i li 4, M1. ��ri;.ai� ��t€�';::�s.;''r.��? i� �l��i•t�r:�.4�i� �j
<br /> i �ak�J f -S 1 r � -� hJ Sk.-N 7 r^1? ' �; tf�j . .i. s'("rl' t�;ltkA�J.t� +��` `"��'g:: a��.7
<br /> � '.ii�`.n�'' �i'l�l����,rsie /5 Y.1!, t t ��� ,,ta�� �,���#IlY3�fj{} (iL5�1��'t,xf 1[ �H� ��t;.��?;B � '�y�i��`
<br /> r. .i.. . .� .. .. �,'G��4,p 1�ti t: , If i�F �}.,r.��'�'- t.�t�f S�; t�1 s.t' t;���:;;4����Y (n -�f,,:..;, i -..
<br /> <t� t.. � .r( . . �� r� ;.t. r tt' , 3.�.� �1�,. t`:r---- ,cm�
<br /> f., :,..•�..:�,�-.�..,a.�It�xt�J!r�}% ^° ..4�•.'��!li�!;•7�' .�ilN�N�:��,,., r.rr,' ';:�k'' ! ,��"i_r,rP ..l�a±,�a. _ _
<br /> �.�:'n;, i � r� ( -
<br /> .. .. ��[.Yne.y��•tii I•+ `y�. -S�'•� 1�t+ . __
<br /> ' �� • ', • 1'f/- . 2t. �1 . _
<br /> - . 1 . . . p' � _..
<br /> h �
<br /> / .-
<br /> 1` '
<br /> � ', � j � . - - . ......._._ _ . . '_'
<br /> � ' :�'!'�+'� �... - - .._�. . .. ..-4.____s�r.._'_____.__-
<br /> -- - ' ' 17. Transter o9 !he P��er�ty Ar ,�epnofFe9a1 It�tareat tn �Iorrowsr. If e!i or any part of th� Prop�aty or
<br /> '� any intere►st in It te sofd or transferrod(or It e 6enetldsf Interast in 8orrower ia sold or tmna4onod xnd 8orrower ls not a nat�c�ai �,
<br /> :: -.. - .:..�. . .
<br /> " persE,n)w�hnut lendar's Qdor wr(ttt+n ct+nsent,I.e+�der may,at its opt►on,roqulro Immed►ate payment In tull of all sums accutad by
<br /> �.�.,rr,�.s� � __:_-----
<br /> � this 8ecurity�natrumen4 Howavor,th�a optton ahaU not bo exercisod by lvnder(t axerciso la ptohibltad by tederaf taw en oi tbo � �_---- —
<br /> ;;r. dato of this Seaurtty InaVumen�
<br /> if Lender excnisoa thia opUon,lersdcr shell g�Nn BortoNer nottce of aeceleraUon. '[ho notlao shn11 provldo�perfod ot not � _ __
<br /> ,.� tess tMn 30 days fmm the date the noitae le d+�NGred or mdled wYthin wh►nh Boaower must pay nG auma aocured by thla -_ -
<br /> ' 3eaueity inetrumen� It 8orrower taUs to pay Yhese sums pdor to the expiretian ot thla p�tod, I.ander mey Invako eny remedtes _
<br /> • . Rsmnitted by thta 8naurity fnauumerd withaut 4uAhc�noltra or dcr�d en 43otrowcr. ��`�� � -
<br /> 18. 9orrowar'e Right to R�lnsl+�t�. H Borrower m,eeta aertdn condiUons, �orrower aha0 heve the rlpht to have � _�__ _
<br /> � �� ° enioreament of thls 8ocurlry Inetiument diacontfnued at tny tlme p�or to tha oadi�r o1: (a) B daye (or euoh otha pertod ae -- ��r __
<br /> � appltoabla la�r may apacsty for minsutement)dctore ede ot the P�opeRy puron�ni to any power ot eate contained in tht�SeEUdty -R
<br /> Inelrament; or(b)entry ot�judgmmnt entorcinp thta 8ecurfty Indirument.Thoee aonditlonn are that Borrower. (�)pnya Lend�r a!i �,�-�'___
<br /> n eums whioh then woutd be due under thla 8ecudry Inst�ument and th4 Noto ae It no neeelstation had oecurred; (b)cure�any - -
<br /> '� detault of�ny oiher covenent or agraemmte; (o) paya ap expenaea ineuned !n entorcing thle 8eaudry Inatrument,indud�g, but ��`�������`�-
<br /> �•r(;;,s.�:_,_
<br /> not Ilmited to,reasonable attomeys'feea;end(d� takes euch ietcon ao Lender msy reasonebly�equlro to aaaure thet tho qen oi w,�,�
<br /> ° thb 3eeudty Inswment, Londer's dghts In 4ho Property and BoROwer'e obUgetlon to pay the sums aeaured by thia 3eaertty '�`�'�-=
<br /> � Inatrument ahsU comtnuo unchanged. Upon relnsat�tement by Borrower, thls 8eadty Instrumsnt und tho obi}gntt�ne socured ti�=��_�—
<br /> �F------
<br /> hereby shail remain fulty eHeaUve as N no accetera8on had oocurred. However,ihis dght to re!nstate shaU not epply ir►the ease �,—
<br /> ot aceetemtbn under paragr�ph t7. r�—�—��-
<br /> �i'a"'�_
<br /> 19. Sale ot N�to; Change oi Loaro 8eevleer.The Note or a a partlat inte►est in tha Note (togethEr with ihts ��-_
<br /> . . 3eeurtty Instrument) may 6e sold ane o►more tim�s wfthout pdor noUce to 8otrower.A sale may resuit In e ehange in the enUty '
<br /> �x.,.:_--
<br /> (known as the°Loan 3ervieer')that colleats monthly payments due under the Note and this Seattity tnstrument There aiso niay ,„,�t;T,"
<br /> be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. It there is a change af the Loan Servicer, �•�,�;�_f^�_�
<br /> � ° Borrower witl be g►ven NMlten noUce of the ehange(n aecurdence wfth paragraph 14 ebove and appQeabte Iaw. The noUee wiD :i r..:;��.
<br /> state the name and address of the naw Loan 3�vic�r and the address to which payments shoutd be made. The noUce wlll atso '�r��:: ---
<br /> , ' � contafn any other InformaUon required by apppcabte Iaw. .+r�"'-�;..,_
<br /> �0. Hazardous Substenees. 8orrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposa�, atorage, or telease of ; ,�.`:,,:>-=_-
<br /> " any Hezardous 3ubatances an or in the Propety. 8ortower ehatl not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything aftecting the 'y�:,"'�
<br /> � ' , Prope�iy that Is in vlolaUon of eny Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shali not appy to the presence, use, or ��;,�,.��,;;.;��
<br /> storage on the Property oi small quanUtles ot Hamrdous Subatances lhat are generaily recognited to be appropriate to notmai ' �` '�`"
<br /> .. �t,,t"r_
<br /> residendal uses and to meintenanee of the Property. . ���4'
<br /> ��_-
<br /> •� , Bortower shali promptiy give Lender wdtten notice of any investlgadon, claim, demand, lawsuit or other acUon by any `__
<br /> .. ,.
<br /> __- ____ . '..:1 govemmentai or repulatory ageney or private party InvoNing the Property and any Hazardous 3ubstance or Environmental Isw of �---- _
<br /> �-��Mik_��.�.�..:-
<br /> which BoROwe� has actual knowledge. If Bortower leams, or is notifted by any govemmentai or regulatory authoriiy. inai nny
<br /> v.;_
<br /> remova� or other remediatlon of any Hazardous Substance aitecUng Properry is necessary, Borrower shail prompUy 4eke aY �,:�„�;_°
<br /> necessary remedial acdons in aecordance wlth Environmental Law. �_ -
<br /> As used in this paragraph 20. 'Hazerdous Substances" ere those substances defined as toxis or haiardous substances by �,��.:
<br /> Envlronmentai Law and the following substences: gasoiine, kerosene, other flammabie or toxlo pebroteum products, to�do Q-�'-="--
<br /> pesUcides and herbiddes,volaUle soNents,materiala contsining asbestos or formaidehyde,and radioacUve matedals. As USed 10 �.�•N.�r_:
<br /> paragraph 20. 'Environmenta� Law' means tedeiat tews end Iews of the jur(sdietion where the Properry is located that ►elate to .��yta�z;sj;-
<br /> • health, satety or environmentai protection. '�g`•"•��
<br /> � :.,t��'".{i�.•;.::�
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANT3. Bortower and Lender further covenant and agree as tollows: ;�
<br /> 21. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shall give no4ice to Borrower prior to acceleration
<br /> foltowing Borrowor's breach of any ccoveaant o� agreem�nt in this Security Instrument (but not , --
<br /> '�1;,.:.
<br /> prio� to accele�ation under parag�aph 1T unleas applicable iaw provides otherwise). The notice �y{`sg;_.'•
<br /> shatt specify: (a) the defautt; (b) the action required to cure the default; (c) a date, not less t�nan •^•�,• �;,�.;;;,':�t�,,=
<br /> 30 days from 4he date the notice ts given to Borrower, tay which the default must be cured; and -, ^t«. =
<br /> ..�-
<br /> (d) that faliuro to cure the defaul4 mn or b0fore the da2e specffied in the notice may resuR tn
<br /> acceleration of the sums secured by 4his Secu�ity Instrument and sate of the Property.The notiae �..:;•,`;_
<br /> • � shall further inform Borrower of the right to reinstate atter accelera4ion and the rigM to bring a ,,�1�:;.�';'!�� .'
<br /> �� court action to asse�t the non-existence of a defauit or any other defe�so of Borrower to �:;:;.•.�!-`
<br /> acceleration and sate. If !he default is not cured on or before the date specified le the e�atice, ' ��
<br /> Lsnder at its option may �equire Immediate payment in fuil of all sums secured by this Security � �
<br /> Instrument without fu�thar demand a�d may involce the power of sale and any other remedies �
<br /> pormitted by applicable law. Lender shall be en�t�tled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing � ,
<br /> ihe remedies provided in this qaragraph 21. including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' � `';��`�
<br /> fees and cos4s of tttle evidence. '
<br /> If the power of sale is invoked, Trustee shat� racord a notice of defautt in each county in ,
<br /> which any part of the Property is located and shall mait copies of such notice in the manner `•
<br /> prescribed by applicable law to Borrower and to the other persons prescribed by applicable law. " '
<br /> After the time required by applicable law. Trust�e shali give public no4ice og sale to the persone �
<br /> and i� the manner prescribed by applicabte taw. Trustee, without demand on Borrower. shall sell ;
<br /> i the Property at public auction to 4he highest bidder at 4i�e time and place anc8 under the terms
<br /> designated in the notice of safe in one or more parcels and in any order 7rustee determines.
<br /> i Trustee may postpone sate of alt or any parce@ of the P�operty by public annou�cement at the
<br /> � time and place of any previously scheduled sale. Le�der or its designee may purchase the
<br /> � Property at any sale.
<br /> _L_�� �l�tt..� �� �4� rw{�� T���e1s
<br /> iipon receipi oi paymeni OT it19 �7f1V'ff iii4� irti5ioo ana�� vvw.o: w u•v j.'v.v....w: .. °°
<br /> deed co�veyi�g the Property. The recitals in the Trustea's deed shait be prim� facie evidence of
<br /> the truth of the statements made therein. T�ustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the
<br /> foitowing order. (a) to all costs and expenses of exercising the power of sale, and the sale.
<br /> inctuding the payment of the Trustea's f�es actuatty incu�red, not to exceed three
<br /> S'o of the principal amount of the
<br /> note at the time of the declaratimn oB defautR. ared reasonabie attorney's fees as permitted by law;
<br /> lb) to all sums secu�ed by this Secu�ity InsBPasno�n4; and (c) any excess to the person or persons
<br /> legally entitled to 1t.
<br /> Pt3t6LMG f�7N31 `�n � -�5 �/'f�Jd / C k -
<br /> { g4n2u �
<br /> 1 _—.�-.._.__. . _'... _.__ _ _ __
<br />