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[ <br /> � • � '�iiWa�wvaw.riy... .-�- - <br /> . .�.� y- . .w.�..�tpiW�':�A�aw^r�..� _ <br /> �! , <br /> 6�•`. .`� � +.... �..,;a.�1'�tiXl�S;�, w,...... .-� ... , _ <br /> � . <br /> , . . �. <br /> . � � .. . .��� c�,:��s•c x.�...-.. .. _ ��.' <). �_ :a__:_-_ . _ <br /> , „• �_ <br /> �.__.'�.tirw� -.�.�,��=-�s_s.-.`_.. " ."'._..__^'____"'_ <br /> "-J-'°''°'`'��� . • TOQETNFR WrTt4 �!I tiu►�aiprovqmehta oavr at herla8er erected on the property, �nd ap�aemanU. a�[rtenancee,�+nd <br /> �'_-.�=�:'•"`-'-°-"� • ' Six'�ti8a ntivt or har�ilY G�14 0}th0 pt r �."!!t:p!e�i��tiV�tsd ed�t�lee she4!efso k,u+�rsvefed by ihtA Escudly tnairumetlt t�., . `- - <br /> �'.�'��,;y..:� A!l of tho feregoMS lv reterPGd to In thfs 8ecur�ty Ip,.bt'ment ua Ihs'Pmperty." �r <br /> -- BOREtOWKii GQVENAN�S that Bnfrawa ta kfvrfulhJ eetaad af the eatrte beroby aonveyed end hqe tit� rlght to qr�nt ard �F�► <br /> --' "=^��=;,�� convay the Prepeity snd that tho Praperry�o unencumisered, exca�Y for encumbrenc�of recrrd. Ferrov�a vrfurenW ar�d v�x � - -- -- --�-- <br /> 1s�+��;;'t;�� dotend ge�erdly tha tJUo to tAo F1�oparql agalnst ell clalm�end d�nande,subJec2 to any eneumbrancc►s of reaord. � <br /> "`"`"�"��' " THlS SECUAIIY INS1TiUM�NT combinas unttorm covananto tor natlonal use snd nan�uni1orm covonants vllth IlmficQ . <br /> _�;_;,�;a:��,:, varlatlons by juriudlatlan to constltuto a urtltorm aecurlty lastrument covedng reet property. � - <br /> U[dtFORM C01f�NANTS. Borrov�er end Lertder cnvenent and egree ns tonows: ___ <br /> : 1.��ymo�,a �������p� �� a����;�pe�ayaeent and L�to Cbar�se.Borrovrer shat pmmP1►Y P�y vrhen s.._r��:-- -- _ <br /> ' due the pr(ndpc+l af and tna¢rest on tha debt evidenoed by the Note and any ptepaymant und IsW ehargc�u duo under the Note. __.�.-- <br /> - 2. Fund�fo�Taxo� and Ir�sE�ranc�.�b1e�to app!lceble la�v or to a w►91ten v+elver 6y Ler�der.8arrov�er shall pay N =______� <br /> � to lendsr on Me day monthy paymsnts ere due under tho Note,until the Noto fs pnld In(ull,c►sum ('Funds')tor. (a)Yeady - _-____ <br /> � taxes ertd assossments whfch may atqain pdarriy oYEt thls 8ecueiry tnstn�moM as a Ilon on the PropeAy; (b1 llee�h���Senold °°_°_ <br /> ,� payments o►ground rents on the Property,lt any; ic) yeArry hoznrd or properiy tnsuranoe premlums: (c�yearN ftoad inaurartoe • �:.�-_. <br /> _;;;,�;�?i;,,'. premtums,tf any;(e)yearty mortgngo lnsuranco premlums,t9 ony, ond (f�any sums payabte by 8orrov�er to lendar in acdardaqce , �:- <br /> .. . wfth the provtsfons ot paragruph e, In 11eu of the PAY+�t of martgago Insurance premlums. Th�ssa Kvma are cAlled 'Esar•ow �'`�=�'�•°- <br /> .��eT�� <br /> fte�ns.' lender may,at any Um°, collect and hold Funda tn an amount npt to excoed tho ma�dmum amourrt a tandor lor a �_-------- � <br /> � tederaBy retated mortgugv toan may requlre tor Bor►ower's eAaow account under the tederal Real Estato SeGtamant Proceduies -�N <br /> q Act of 1974 as amended isom ttma to ttmo,12 U.3.C.�2001 et soq. ("RE3PA'), un�eas ertother taw that eppllaa to tho Funds —____..:_ <br /> seta a losser amoun� It so, Lende►may,at erry tlme, colloet and hold Funda In an amount eot to oxuted tho teac;or emount. _ <br /> 4ender msy estbTate tha amount ot Punds duo on thg baels ot current data ond rensonabte esU'mates o}e�q►andlWrea of tuWro �_-- _ - _ <br /> Esaow Itema or othernlse N aceordanee wlth appltcablo taw. <br /> Tha Funds ahatl be hetd In an Instltutton whoae depoaJts are tnaured by a tederal agency,Inetrumentntlty,or entlty(Indud!ng <br /> ' . l.endfa, I1 Lender Is nu�h an IrteUWio�)or in eay Fedarnl Home Loan Bnnk Lender shaU apply the Funds to pay the Eecrow __ <br /> � � Items. Lender mey not ohsrgo 8ortower lor holding end epptyMg lhe Funds,annualy nnaiyzing the escrow acoount, or v�Syinp � =-° <br /> the Eaerow Items, unteas Lende► paya Borrower Interest on the Fuade and appqaab�e �aw pennite Lender to make suoh a '°'-�°�"�- <br /> ~ oharp0. Nowever, lendar may roqulro 8ortower to pay a ane�Umo oharge tor an Mdeportdunt reai eatate fex reportlnp aervlce ---� <br /> uaed by Lander In oonneeUon wlth thls loen, unless uppticnbla lav� provldou othnnduo. Unleso an agreoment Is mndo or �::'.`�;_�M <br /> eppL'oable Itw requlros Interest to be pald. Lender ahaH not be requtred to poy 8ortower any Intorest or eaminga on thv Fanda _ -- <br /> Bortowe� and Lcnder muy agroe In wdUng, howwer, that Intereat shdl bo pnld on tha Fundo. Le�+dar shell gtve to Borrowa, r:. <br /> wlthout ahargo, nn annuat aaoounUng of ihe Funds, showMg aedRS end debks to tho Funda and tho puryose tor whfch each ;,.;��`._.. <br /> dobft to the Funds was made. The Funds are pled ed as addltlonol securlt�t for aIt suma seared by tho Sewrtty Instrumnnt :r;;;- <br /> tf the Funds hsld by Londer exeeed tAe amounts pem►Itted to be held by appllcallo taw, lendar ahall aecount to 8ortowa � w��k ;'.. <br /> tor the excesa Funds In aacorclanee wtth the►equlroments of appllcable�aw. If tho amount of tho Funda h¢Id by Lender at eny ,TR,�'' <br /> • tlme Is not sutfldent to pay the Escrow Items when due, Lender may so noNty BoROwc�In wdtlng,and,in sucb case Borrower "�,. y:;: <br /> shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deftelency. Bortower shall make up the defldenay In no more then ;�:.� '��b%t- <br /> _-_-� <br /> twebe monthly payments, at LendePs sole dlscretlon. � •;:���'� <br /> Upon peyment�n tuii of ali sums secured by inis Scw�iiy i�,s��neni. Lender shall �rompth�rsfuns!t�B�rraw?r pny.t�t+ .� . <br /> • - .. - <br /> hetd by Lender. B.under pare.gra�h 21,Lenaer shall acqutre or sell the PropeAy, Lender, pdor to the acqutaltlon or sale of the s <br /> PropeRy, shaJ apply eny Funds h�Id py Lender at the Ume of acqulsltlon or sale as a credk agalnst the sums secured by thla ,2�- ., _,.` <br /> � Secu.rly Ins4umcnt ` <br /> , ., �, /,�r�f.f�fma mf Ls�ts.tsS`�. t;n!ess appllcable Iaw provldes otheiwlse, atl payments received by Lende► under <br /> s';. <br /> � '.� paragraphs t and 2 shall be epp.�ed: Q�sL�o any prepayment charges due under the Noto; second,to amounts payable under <br /> „ paragraph 2:tlilr�.to int�t rincipel due; and�ast,to any tate charges due under the Note. , .. <br /> 4. ChergO9; i.i0ms. Bomor�sr e'',�'G AaY aN texe8. assessments, chergea, flnea and Imposltlons attributable to the , .Y <br /> ' , Property whloh may attatn pdarity o•res�3•:s��urity Instrument, and leasehdd payments or ground rents, H any. Borrower sheY . <br /> '�'�:• pay these obtigaUons In the manner �-c.,�sd In paragraph 2, or M not pafd In that manner, Bortower shall pay tham on Ume � '.�-':�'� <br /> ::;��.�.,, . ' •':�>`: <br /> , ��. . dlrecdy to the person owed pay�rr��t 9a-nwer shatl prompty tumish to Lender atl notices of amounts to be paid ueder tNa . �;.„�.. <br /> �' �' paragraph. ff Borrower makes these ���^^�+ts dkeaUy, 8orrower shall promptly tumish to Lender recelpts evtdencing the ',;�;t�,;_ <br /> �t, payments. '''� _ <br /> . 8orrower shall prompUy d(scherge any si��vhlch hes prlority over this Security Instrument unless Bortower. (a) agrees h <br /> w�ng to the payment of the obNga;Soi� �v^ared by the Ilen In a manner acceptable to Lender, (b) contests in good letth the ;;=_ <br /> "i1•4i Iten by. or detends agehst untnr�n�rr. ci the Nen In, legal proceedings whlch in the Lender's oplNon operate to prevent the � .,_ <br /> �;':;L•.•�`�` mrr!xcement ot the Ilen;or(c) 3LTGJ�?3'�'JM fhe holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordlnatlng the Ilen to ' <br /> ;�'���y;, •.• Niis Securily InsUument.If Lend���r���r+:ines 1ha1 any pert oi the Property Is subJect to a Ilen whlch may attaln pdority over tNs " ' <br /> ;,��„�. • Securiry�nsN�rne�t. Lender ma�•,•�e Borrowar a notice IdenUtying the Nen. Borrower shall satfafy the Ilen or take one or more of <br /> � �f,�',,;1 y�� " the aciions s�e"orth above�+.:G•n :9 days ot the giving of�otice. <br /> ,r�•:�;,', g. 14�9rt� �r pvm�S�PCy Insurance. Bortower shall keep the improvements now exlsting or hereafter erected on the <br /> i�������.:;r� property +nsured against loss by flre, hazards Included wfthln the term "e�iended coverage" and any other hezards. Including � <br /> ;�•���';:�� ftoods or Booding,for which Lender requlres insurance. This Insurance shall be matntalned in the amounts and tor the periods <br /> �� '�'«t��'r+��� that Lender requlres. The insurance cartier providing the Insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subJect to Lender's approva� � <br /> whlch shall not be unreasonably wfthheld. If Borrower taNs to malntaln coverage descrfbed above. Lender may, at Lenders � <br /> �-i'', ' opGon, obteln coverage to protect lender's rights tn the Propeity In accordence w+th peragraph 7. <br /> al Insurance policles and renewals shall be acceptable to Lender and shall Include a standard mottgage clause. lender <br /> shalt have the dght to hold the poNcles and renewals. Ii Lender requlres, Bortower shall promptly gNe to Lender all recelpts oi I <br /> peid premlums and renewal noUces. In the event of loss, Borrower shell glve prompt notfce to the Insurance cartler and Lender. ! <br /> � ".� Lender may make proof ot loss H not made promptty by 8orrower. � <br /> � ! Unless Lender and Borrower othenvlse agree in wdting.Insurance proceeds shall be applled to restoratlon or repalr of the <br /> :..,�i,:,�;_ Property damaged, (f the restoration or repalr is economically feasible and Lender's security Is not lessened. If the restoretlon or <br /> :",�.�;.;?�: I repair is not economlceNy feasible or Lender's secudty would be Insurance proceeds shall be applled to the sums <br /> secured by thfs Securlry Instrumenl, whether or �ot then due. with any excess pald to Boaower. N Bortower abandons the <br /> Property, or does not answer within 30 days e �otice kom Lender that the insurance carrler has oHered to serile a clalm, then <br /> Lender may coNect the insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or resrore the Property or to pay sums <br /> secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due. The 30•day period w�ll bvgin when the no0ce fs given. <br /> Unless Lender and Bonower otherwise agree in writing, any appltcatfon of proceeds to princlpal shetl not extend or <br /> � postpone the due dete of the monthly payments reterted to In paragraphs t and 2 or change the amount of the payments.If <br /> under paragrepn 21 the Property is acqulred by Lender, Bortower's rlght to any Insura�ce poNcies and proceeds resufting hom <br /> _ .. <br /> damage to the Properry prior to the acqulsltfon shell pass to Lender to the extent oi the sums by this Security Instrument <br /> - Immeaiatery pna to tne acqu�snion. <br /> 6. Occupancy, P�eservation, Mainternance and Protection of the Property; 8orrower's Loan <br /> AppIlC8t1011; LOa8eholdS. Borcower shall occupy,estebFsh. and use the Property as Borrower's pHnclpal resldence withln <br /> slxty days after the executlon of this Securlty �nstrument and shall contlnue to uccupy the Property as Borrower's pdnclpa� <br /> resldence for at least one year after the date ot occupancy,unless Lender otherwlse agrees In w�ting,which consent sheU not <br /> be unreasonably wfthheld,or unless eMenuating circumstances exist whlch are beyond Borrower's control. Bortower shall not <br /> ,.;r; ;,.: destroy. damage or impalr the Property, allow the Property to deterlorate. or commlt waste on the Property. BoROwer shell he in <br /> ;�, .;`;:•t;•<'�� ' delauR If any torfeiture actlon or proceeding, whether clvll or cHminal,is begun that In Lender's good faith Judgment could resWt <br /> , fn fortefture ot the Property or otherwlse matedally Impalr the Nen created by thls Security Instrument or Lender'a securlty Interest. <br /> F7716.1MG(72N3) Vaar 2 of 5 Y���(�' . <br /> 94un� ` <br /> ; � <br />