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'�i� 1��xrNi�dkt4r.�j��� . �4+�"eZ1F3'T'SC"T---�,_ =..,. <br /> - C - <br /> _ . <br /> _r. � <br /> . <br /> r _ <br /> �w.7,.�4 .:✓�:EY-. .. • � . -i_. <br /> i��^ �y� •.ra•���.r . . <br /> •�7 .•. WitD� .rr'ewSr.iY�'. .... <br /> ' f/. ` I � :n-.a::�r�4r:r7'n�.:z....,:.v.:,... ,• ,. 1> •.�......., <br /> lr' I - n r eu �,r+r,es.:._.e_.. . _.._. -..- -- � - <br /> • <br /> . � �� •. . . ' __' <br /> . . lbttriC.z:..:iw. � ' . . _. <br /> ..:i��i ,; _.»..'_.._...,_,_.,,......._a...__"_.__.'.___ <br /> ._._:.�� � .__.. � � �9�R, ���� -- <br /> s�y1�,� •• 'sgbs�sntistix equivalent mortgage inaurut�co wverage iR not availevle,I�armwer shall puy f�11�er cacb manth a sum equal to <br /> - �:_�.-� - onc-xwcif����P the y�iy m�� ittcurnnCe presnittm b�ng natd hy Borrowet when aha insutnrtct�coveruge Inpsa!t1r c.ea.,zd ta ----- <br /> ;- <br /> bo in efF�t.Lender will neccpt,use m�d rewin tttese pnymente us tt loss r�serve in lieu of mUrtppge iasumnca. Loss t�serve <br /> .-.�;���� <br /> -==��+� poyn�nts rnay an longcr ba recluiraii,nt tha opHan af•Lender.if martgage i�suranca oovemge(in tho nmourt¢nnd far tlta period <br /> ��..r"Y....� that I,ender requires)Provided by aa iasurer approved by i�e,cdei i,g�,�ss b�m�uvuituble nnd f�csM.sier,�. Earrsw.;�sl�all p� --.�-.. - � .— <br /> '`�'�'�''" � the pmmiums requ�r�d to mntintaln tnortgaga insurancc in�ffect.or to provide a loss reseive.until the mquirement for mnttgage <br /> r i:•r'r��.- : � � _,�... <br /> 7.::��.r..�,w�,;.;� � iruaurance ends in accordancc w�11►a�►Y w'rittert agreement betwcen Borrowes and Lender or nppficabie law. _ _ _____ <br /> �,� <br /> ,T.�.,=��.�;:,�---- g.Inspectton.Lendor�r its agent may mulco rea►sonable satries upon and inspectiona of the Property. I.ender shall g ve �_ <br /> . . .� ...4.; Hormtiver notIce ut the time of ar prior to un inspection spacifyintt reasonable cause for tho inspectior+. <br /> <�'�'�•':���'°`'°" 10.Coademnatton.The procceeds of urry uward or cl�im for clamagcs.dircxt or consequentIni. in connection with eny �_- - - - <br /> r;;,.�t���'a�y' ' <br /> 3•.� .._ �,_ condemnation or othsr takl�g Qt any part oP the Property.or for conveyance In 1[eu of candemnatIon, are hereby assl�,med and <br /> shall be pald to L.�►der. c- --=- <br /> _ . „ _� " [n the event of a total caking of the P�operty.the proceocls ehall brs applied to the sums secared by thls SECUdty Xnstniment, � _ <br /> whether or not then due, with anY excess paid to Borrower. In the eveat of a partiai talcing of the Property in which the fair __ <br /> market value of the ProgPrty lmmediate�y before the talcing i�equal to or greater than the amount of the suma secured by this ��.�:._ <br /> . , Sesurtty Insuument Im�ediately before the takin$,unless Borrower and Lender athenvtse agree in writiag,the sums,se�ured by -----=---- <br /> th;s Securlry Instrument shatt be reduced by the amount of the pracc�ds multiplied by the folloivla� fraction: (a)the total —�- _ _-----�--. <br /> " ' amonnt of the sums secured lmraedlatelY before the taking,div�ded by(b)the fwr merkei value of the Property immedisteiy ��:�� <br /> ,, • before the takin�. Any balance shall be patd w Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of We Property in whieh the fair �'r��.:�W___ <br /> ' market value of the Pcogerty ia�dlatelY before the taking Es less tbace ct�e amounx crf the sums secured immedtstely before the �,,���- <br /> � takin�.unless Borrower ae�L�eader otherwise agree in writin�or unless aF�ticabEe Raw atlierwise provides�Ihe plaCeeds shal6 -�,�:ut�:-_ <br /> ��, .� F:..,r..� <br /> � . be applted to the sums secuec�d by c4.6s Secvrlry Jnsuument�vhether ar c�at elte suc�os are tRcr�due. •,�:aa�'.:;,:;;_-�. <br /> •� . If the Progerty is aJ�ae�don.ed 4y Borrower.or if,after aatioe 4y 4.endee t��orr�v�er t�iat the condemnor offers eo malce arn �;�%,:.�_;_ <br /> ��:�::•,�;., <br /> awa�d or settle a clak�n foe d.a�a�es. Bomower fails w respond to Ler�der. vriChin 30 days after the date the notice is girren. ,rY�^�;_�� <br /> Lender is suthorized co cvEtoc¢aud�oply the iu option,eit�er ea r.estoration or nepair af the Progarty or eo�see� ����f'�_____ <br /> secured by this Sc�xuricy Anste�nenr,.whether or not then due. ` 'L�� � <br /> .,�,�z;._� <br /> n,•.,•::-. <br /> U�� (,e��� �rrvvrc�otherwise agree In wdting,any applicadon a�f procced.c to pdncipal shall nes e�cttertd or , ,�f;;.;�•s'` <br /> postpone the dae date of t[tE m�Qr�tQdy payments refemed to in para�raphs 1 an d 2 or c ht►nge t he amoun t o f suc h payr�z�n.cs. �`�.�vfg,'�� <br /> 11.Bornmasa�I�mi Released;Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver.�xtensiun oi t�e time for payment or mAdifr�don �..�, <br /> �� of aneortization of¢L�e sums secured by this Security Instrumettt granted by L.ender to any successor in interest of Bornow.s s!saJ.G �""'.'�R.` <br /> not oFerate to reTeasx the liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest. I.ender shall not be req,uin�co .:-�;,,:� <br /> ��srr� <br /> commence precee�ings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment ar otherwlse modify emoridrdtion -,:,,,�s� <br /> of the sams sscured by this Secunty Instrument by reason of any demand made by the odginal Borrower or Boreower's ,.,,�:_;= <br /> ' succe.ssors in izuerest. Any forbearance by l.ender in exenising any right or remedy shall rtot be a waiver of or preclude the ;,.��';�: <br /> exereisc of any ci�.5t or rcmecty. �`L'�`""� <br /> la. �is�;rs and Assigns Bound; Joint end Several Liabllity; Co-stgners.The covenants and agneements of this �_-�;._=.-- <br /> ' Securitv Ins�ar shatl bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrowet. subject to the prnvisions of �=� <br /> paraSranh 17. 8orrower's covenants and agreemen[s shail be jpint und �veinl. A,�y Borr�wcr wtta t�-sig� this S�rit; �.=� <br /> Instcument but does no�execute the Note: (a) is casi$ning this Security Instru�ient only to mo[tgage.grant and convey that `�`'1,' <br /> ij::;';,•;. Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrument;(b)is not personally abligated to pay the sums ",w,��, ; <br /> '.y`�•"�' secured by this Securiry Instrumenr,and(c)agrees that L,ender and any othar Borrower may agree to extend,modify.forbear or :;f"'r`���;:_,� <br /> ° make any accommodations with regard ro the terms of this Securiry fnstrument or the Note w�thout that Borrower's consent. �,r�����: <br /> 13.Loan Charges.If th�loan secured by this Securiry Instcument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan charges. ;::x;�- <br /> and that law is finally interpretad so that the interest or other luun charges coitected or to be collected in cronnection with the ",•j�.,,..: <br /> • loan exceed the permttted limits,then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount neressary to reduce the charge .. F�h,:, <br /> to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums already collected from Borcower which exceeded permittod limits will be refunded to .;��`��:.�_ �,� <br /> . Borrower. I.ender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a dir�act �-''�:�7''G�i:�.r,- <br /> , " paymant to Borrower. If a refund reduce� principal, the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment without any , , _ <br /> prepayment charge under the Note. , � <br /> � 1�.I+lotices.Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shaU be given by delivering it or by mailing _ <br /> �t;t:`:• it by first class mail unless applicublc law requires usc of another methcxi. Tha notice shall be directed to the Property Address ,s���sr:l,• <br /> ��;;�,:r�} or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender ,hall be given by first class mail to "-,;!:•'.f ,�-. <br /> ei;.,;.i..� <br /> � I.ender's address stated herein ur any other address Lendcr designates by natice to Borcower. Any notice provided for in this ', •�,;�,A`.��. <br /> Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to&�rrower or Lender when given as provided in this paragraph. . - <br /> 15.Governing Severability. Thi. Serurity Instn�ment shall be governed by federdi law and the law of the -, „ �� <br /> jurisdiction in which the Propeny is lcxated. in the event that any pmvitii���or cl:�utie of this Security Instrument or the Note ; ,� � <br /> conflicts with applieable law, such conflict shall not affect other pro�•�siom of thi�Security Inr,trument or the Note which can be �'�':;!;�!'i.�,;; , . <br /> given effect without the conflicting pro�•ision. To thi�end the pruvisic�ns uC thi+S��urity Instrument and the Note are declared . <br /> eo be severable. • • <br /> 16.Borrower's Cop�'.Borcuwer shall be gi�•en um c�mti�rme.�l cop}��f the hute and oi this Security In�trument. <br /> �I 17.TransPer og the Propert��or a Benefirial Inter�t in Sorrciv�er. li all or un�•part uf the Propeny ar an�• intere�t in it � <br /> ; 'j is sold or transferred lor if a beneficial intere+t in Borco�scr i>�old��r�r<::.isrrl anJ&�rrow�er iti not 3 natural pe�m)without <br /> ��+� L,ender's prior written coment, L.ender ma�•. ut it� option, r�t{uir� irr:mediatc paynxnt in full of atl +ums se�:urcJ by this <br /> • '�-`::�" Security Instrument. Hoaever,thi>option�hall not be ererci.rJ hy L�nd.r if rxercne i.pruhibit�d b�• fecleral law ati of the date <br /> �.'� " of'this Security Imtroment. � <br /> If L.ender exerci�e.thi�option. L.encirr>hall gi�e&xru«cr nuu�e.�� :�::eler;►tion.The notire�hall pru��ide a period uf n��t <br /> Iess than 30 days frt�m the date thr n��tire i�drli�•rrrJ ur maile� �+rel-��c �.�:�irh Burruwrr nwtit p:�y sll >um� �ccumd by thi�, � <br /> Security Instrument. If Bc�rrc�wrr fail�tu puy thr��?r t��thr rxp�t�:���n ot thi+�ri�xi, Ixnder m:�y im•uke any remeeiir> <br /> permitted by�thi�Securit�•In+trument ai�huut furtltcr n��tia��-:::rnand�m Burro��cr. <br /> ; GS. Borro���er's Ri�ht to Reinstate. If $urraucr °•::��, crRain �unditiun.. &�rro�ticr �hall ha��c th� n_i�. ta ha�� <br /> + eaforcemenl of this Se�:unty Imtrument di>�antinurd at aR�. sime priur tu thr rarl«r��I'. �a� 5 d��. �or such uth�r perial a� <br /> �plLCa:+I; lav� m�c tipecify f�tt reimtatenunt► hefore �ale ��t'the Proprm punuanc n� :my ��v��:r of,ale runtained in thi. <br /> :;;�, Serur�n 7:^c:�::�en.:or(b)entq of a juJgm�nt�nt��rrm�s thi,Sc�:urit�• In>trumcnt. Tho��rond�tic�rt..:::rhat&�rcuaer.tat pay� <br /> �,'.', ,, (,�rn�:r�: a�:rs L�hich then w•auld ber du� urrd�r thi� S��urity In�trument ;►nd the ���tz:s.if no ac��l�r.�tian had cxcurrctii:(b) <br /> ��.n;. rr.y default of�ny other a��enano or a_reement�. �,.� �a��.:ill rrprme.incun-«f �n rnt:�rcing thi. S�tiunr� tn.trumcnt. , • <br /> . 1.;�, '� iiT.•�.::tng. but not limited ta. r�a�uit;ibl�3iA�CR�)•' 1�'C`. u�.:I :�1 I:tI�C�w�h S�U��n a� l�nJer tna� reawnahl� rcyuin: n,a.,ure ,, <br /> cl�t rhe lien of thi+Sc�urit> In.trument. LrnJ�r',ri�ht� in ri��Prup�n� an�B��rr����.�r'� uhligati��n tu pa� the •um���cur�tl b� <br /> _! .L� <br /> � this SeCUrit} In,tntment �hall continuC un�h:tng�yI �p��n retmtar�mrn� n� ��rnn�c�. iiu+ actuni. iu.i�u�itc��. .,��„ ���.. <br /> oH[igations x�t:ur�tl hereM �hall remain fulh �fCr�u��s.if no a�itl�r.�nun��c�urrcd. Hu��e�rr. thi. right tu nin.tatr.h.ill <br /> � not apply in thc ra.0��f arcelrratiun undcr paragraph I?. <br /> 19. Sale of�ote: Chan�e of I.oun Ser�irer. Th� '�oic .•r a p�n�al �ntcr��i �n thc 1��tr �tngecher ��ith thi. Sr�urii. <br /> � � imtrumenU may br.��IJ one ur mc�n timc.«ithuut prn�r rn�u.:r t.�&�rn+��er. A vstc ma� re+ult in a�hangr in thr�ntit� �I.nuu n <br /> ati the'Loan Sen•irer")that rull�tit>munthl? pa}mrm.du�uiider thr ti��tr and thi+ScYUnt� in.trument. Therc:�I.n ma} hc�mr <br /> •�• ' or more chang��+of thc Loan Sen�irer unrclat�ti!r��a�:�le of thr Y�,t�. If th�m i.a�hange�+t thr l.aan Srn��rr, Brrru���r��ill he <br /> gi�•en w•ritten notice of the rhange in•rcrordanr���ith par:�graph 1-i;�tHne and applir�Mr la��. Thr nauce��ill.tatr the namc an.i <br /> ' ' addrctis of the nea• I-oan Senitcr anJ thc addre,.ta ��hirh pa�ttnnt� �huuW bc made. The nutire�►�II sh��runta�n am ��thrr <br /> information reyuirctii b)"aPPlic•rblr law. <br /> � 20. Haiardotts Substan�es. &�rtoHrr ,hall n�n cau+c ar Fxrmit thc prc.�n�e. u�r. dnFx�wl. .turagc. ur rcica,r uf am <br /> Hatattinu� Sah�tarn�c. un ur in thc Pn�pert�. &�rnn�er .hall t�ut do. n��r all���� an�unr ch� t�� d��. amthm� attctiung thr <br /> Propert� dia� i+ in ciolanun uf an} Em�ronmcntal La��. Thr prc�titiiing t���,.entrnre,•hall rn�t appl� tu the prr.rnrr. u.r. ��r <br /> � tiu�ragc an thr Pmpert�•nf tin�ll yuantitir�uf N:varJou�Suh,tanr�ti that .ur �:cnrrall� r��:���nv��t a� t+c appr��pnatc t�� n��rmal <br /> re.identiat utie.and tu maintrnan�e��t'the ^roprm. <br /> = I , •i Form 30?8 9 30 i <br />