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<br /> _ ?��„ � �1""��iwi�i'7 v�nE°t�T'ia fiii�iFQ1 , �C��,,� +�. �
<br /> � T4lS 4�1C?MN�A�T oF R�N't�RIDER ta m�d�+�nd execute9 thle 21 nt dny Q} M�rC11� 18_99�an��a ''
<br /> ,_.._..�..-1- ------=J +r.w.-.�r....�f
<br /> --- ince�rpor�tad Into and shall d�s doamed!o amend end auppte�ent tho itiortg�Qe ar�e��t oi i rusi,t�a�bi`a�f�'rt��9 t�a�4t� ` °-°-- -
<br /> -- "Seau�ity Inatrur�ent"� di tNo same dato p(van Ey the undera��ned, horolno4ter reterred to ae the "Bar�ower", to a�cure
<br /> � Borrower'e Irtd�btedneaa,herelneiter referrad ta ae the"�lot�",to HAtAE F�DERAL SAVINQS AND LOAN ASSOCiAt10N OF
<br /> �s;,�_._.�-'_.^f,.� QRl,ND ISLAND,heretn�fter refecrod to ae the"lender".Af the eeme dete and covedng thA property deeorlbed In the Sscurity
<br /> - - - - - :.�
<br /> Inotrum�nt nrtd I��atc�at:
<br /> -:=�ars�� 1012 Ple�asantview Drive Gr� Isl.antl Nebraska 68803
<br /> ,,,�i;�:�s: (Property Address) �
<br /> ---=.:�r''�`�;�� :�,,� WITNESSETH: -
<br /> _ ;'.��: - •:� .�: WHEREA3, Borrower r�nd Lender hove ngreed that any rents r►nd profits attNbutuble to 4ho propeAy aho�eld canstitute
<br /> - . _, � ' , a��cttAianal securtt�r to the��nder tor tha pt�ymant o4 th3 R�ote; __
<br /> - � ' . �l�Ylf.TEiEG�1�F�RE,69 ta aQrc�9 4Ra8 Q�t@ St�cotett�Oe�s4ra[�rtQn4 aLtatl @o mnRe�dc:�4�cu�QOy m�d do:m.ed 8o irtctude:Chs toltuwing
<br /> , �POaEoEvct3:
<br /> - 1. AesOpnev� e 4�,�aRs r�+�n�R�Rn aa�,e,tc�l ICe�P���OC�Rr�ph4o Bonower hereb�fl�lu4oiff c�e�d uncond64C¢re�[ly aesigna all
<br /> son4s, issuea t�nd pro4ite m4 BQx�a pro(paety to Bene4telaey. Lender shaQ have CP�o righ3, �Cauror nnd ategC�QO�QY d�rinp the
<br /> eontinuanae o4 th�Seeurity ins4�umen4 to colleet tP�e rm�ts,issues��d profits o4 tPee proQavBy�and ot any�0esoresl pvoprae6y
<br /> • !` Iooa4ed ther�e�a�ith or without taktng possossion ot the prop��+aNected hereby.lomdoP.�ouvevor,h�,rmtoy conam�4a fo ���
<br /> �:;::
<br /> ,,�::: Borrower's e��lect2on and�eteMton of sucQ►r�nts,issues and protits as they accrue and b�c�vud��ayabte,s�long as Bonoc,^1oe Is"�
<br /> . ;,,. :r.��;g -
<br /> ..: •• ,,•,:�� E�not,at auch 4i�ne,in defautt w(th reapect to payrrteret of any indebtednesa sexur�d hereby,a in the podormance of&a��r --
<br /> '"•��i,'' ';i �r�oment hereunder.
<br /> .�'i�:��+f'' .'.:;� � �''"...
<br /> �. Aanolntment of Reag�i.,,�v,Ii any event of de4aa�l�t in respeot to the SecuNty inetrument shatl hav�aeouned and be
<br /> ' ,��'��;� continuirtg,Lender,as a m&8te�of right and without notice to 9orrower ar anyone claimirng under Bar���rar,and without �=:
<br /> „ ' ,,���:, repard to the vaiue of the trust estate or tho interest of the Borrower therein,shat�have the righ4 to apply to any court having _._
<br /> �•�,1' �`
<br /> jurisdictfon to appolnt a receiver of the pr�perty.
<br /> • .. 3, gipht to Poasea$f_on.um�ase ot clefauit in the paymen.of the said princip,��T�mte or interest,or any paR thereof,as it ��?�
<br /> : ;;; sPiall mature,or in the csa�¢�9!I�Bture to keep o�petform any of the covenants or�r�P�,aments contained in t6se$eaurity instru• �
<br /> :` '.�?�r"r,;�s,,•_„`'��,1;� ment,then the Lender, its saa�essors or assigns, shall be artd is hereby auti���rized and empowered 4a� t•��ke immedlate __
<br /> , - - ~�°���-, pot�sessivn�i tite 8aid�3i8stsi�s tl��s:sir.dastslbe3 8ssd i4�Q!lsci the se�ta therefrom,and to a�pm���r the proc�a lhereof to4he �.
<br /> " " � ' r� PaYment of the Note. .
<br /> . .;�,• , p. Aontication of Rents lasues and Protitsj AII rents cotiected by Lender or tfie o�ecelver shall be appUed t'irat to payment
<br /> •�" 09 i7�e costa of managemen4�41he property and collection of�ents,inciuding,baA nt�t Iimited to,receiver's 4�as,premlums on
<br /> � receivePs bonds and reaso�a�ble attorney's fees,and then to the aums secured by the Security instrument.l.ender and tha
<br /> receiver shali be tiable to account onty for those renta actualiy recetved. -
<br /> 5. Const�uatfon of Provfafo�s.Each of the provislons contained in this Assfgnment of Rents Rider and the Security Instru• _
<br /> ment sha�l, untesa otherwis�specifically required,be construed in accordance with Nebraska law,and in the event any �A
<br /> provision herein or therein�mr�Y�lned shait be determined by a court of compete�+a)vrisdiction to be unenforceabie.the eame �.:
<br /> • shatl be construed as thou��h au�h unenforceabte provision were not a part he��of or thereof. �.,..
<br /> 8. Effect of Rider,Exc�g�z as spectfl�atiy modified by or inconststent with this Assignment of Rents Rider or by any other _
<br /> , appNcable rider,ail of the tenr+s and �rovisions contained in the Secu:ity instrument shall contfnue In fuli force and effeot. �,�'
<br /> •4_-'
<br /> II l—
<br /> , 17J WITNESS WHEREOF,B�TROwer has executed this sign ent ot Ren eT�j�e d e first tated a�ove. r� �-
<br /> ;`:`. r
<br /> 1�-::
<br /> ,�i:;
<br /> ' ' L, I,3�prro�ver ,K,�,
<br /> „ �� �2(.f.(.X..C.(.CP rT y/ �<.
<br /> . Paulette K. Lakf�l�a.t�,fl� �`.
<br /> STATE OF Nl�sRASKA)
<br /> (ss:
<br /> �nr�f,�, COUNTY OF PiALL )
<br /> '� � �` 94 before me,the undersi �ed.a Notary Pubilc duiy commisstoned and
<br /> ,t. ��this 21 st day�c ��� , 19 9•
<br /> :��; ;,Y Robert L. Labedz and Paulette K Iabec�z (Husband and--
<br /> ;_�,Z,ti,.. � . ��atitied for said county,personallY came
<br /> � y., `�.��`,;•.� Wife)
<br /> , yF ,to be the identical persort39)��nase name(s)islare subscribed
<br /> j�i�...':
<br /> i;�t�'�: • to the foregoirtg 6nstrume�t,a�d helshelthey acknowtedge the executlon thereof to be his:t�c„`choir voluntary act and d .
<br /> ��,Sti•,�;�, • ,
<br /> '•e?�• , G�and Island Nebra�Fc�...__ '
<br /> '.±,.� Wltness my hand artd R,oYariai Seat at �
<br /> �I.
<br /> -- ---•- ---- ---. ---------� - fn said county.the date a�qresaid. ,
<br /> 6E1�At mt�r-Suu o��.. L:.. ��1 L7 Gf .'��,�. �
<br /> � ��, ���,�gHp�lOt ry Pub4c � y,
<br /> My 00t0m.E:A 9ed Yd,1g45�
<br /> .. My Cammission expires: --- '
<br />. . NF�0.10179Y1
<br /> :
<br /> � �
<br /> 1
<br /> . � _._.�. . -
<br />