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<br /> "' "•r'r""r' • • A&li101�! EI�T OF REl�t�9 fi16El�„ �`�� =-_ _
<br /> � ;r�.. 4.
<br /> _.: ...,,,=-=.-r-
<br /> - �'"�-��°-"r°''� • TIi1L AE$!QAlMEMT aF 4��NTS RfoER to mado an�!@xecuted lhla a5TH �ay af h1ARC�! ,�g��,and le
<br /> �^�' ' ��. �'y Incorporeted Inro and ehall be deemed to ansanA Anc9 aupplement the Martga�1e or Qaed of Trust,hero{nAttsr referreA to ae the •-------- --
<br /> °��`x "`'� -'���> '�3ecutlty Instrument",of the same date given by the undersipned,heretnafter reterred to as the "8airower".to seaure
<br /> �`^u_..�:�;; ,� � 8orrower'e Indebte�neaa�harelnatter reterred to as tha"Noto".ta HOME FEDERAL�AVINtiB AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF
<br /> •�'��'°""�"'`'� ORANO 18LAND.herelnaiter refens�to as thg"t:ende�"o of ihe eame dato and coverin�the property desaribod In the t3ea:�rity `
<br /> �. �,� � lnatPUatcnt nnd tacatc9 nt �:� -.- -
<br /> 4 �� : 2305 S AUGUST GRAND ISLANO• NE6RASKA 68801
<br /> • ,• ^ �Proper�y Atldress) —_-- -- -–,-
<br /> „ WITNESSETH: —..
<br /> ��.��
<br /> WHEREAS,Bonourer and Lender have agread that any rents and profits attribut�bie to tha property should constitute ��;---�^
<br /> � - ' additlonal security to tt►e Lender for the payrtsen4 af tho Noto; _
<br /> ," . • R4Q�IN,7MEREFORE,it is agcee�9 4ttat th�Security Inatrument shali be amended hereby and deemed to inelude the foitowing �___
<br /> . g�ruerieFans: - -
<br /> , 1. /�+esia�mertoe�t ag onRS a�ed�.s�redar IR�nQal C41lantion Riahte.Borrov.+or hqreby ebsoluteiy and unCOnditfonally as8ign8 aii .<�'=="
<br /> QenSto, ista�¢,s eRd pco4lts o4 tP�o �ro�aety 8o Deneflelary. Lender s�ail P►avo 4ho rtght, powar aRd aa�tharity during the ;��;•.
<br /> .. . can8lrteeartce of tQt9�eot�rity Os�sAau�esnt to eollect the rents,issues ae�d gro4i4�of Qite�roperty s���a�ao�personat property r^�+
<br /> :,,��-
<br /> ' � toc�4e�tAereon with or wRPemu4�Fting posseasion of the property A4Qec4�d hereby. Lorrdor,hamovor,tr�ereDy conesnts to `""` � ,: �:_
<br /> ���v BorrowePs colleetion and re4�n96�a�n of such Pents,isaues and protits as tPeoy�acceuo a��I�ecoma�aYa��o,so tc�g a�s Borrowe� ���� ���=-
<br /> •� is not.at such time, in defauit with respaa4 to payment of any indebtedrtess secured hereby,ov In 4Q►e parformance ot any `'��?�� �,'•"�•,__
<br /> „ "%` agreement hereurtdar. `.' l.,h,. -~
<br /> 2 G►apo6e�trt�on�,mf Receivsr. If 8ny evenY cP defauit in respect to the Security Insttument sP�ati have occurred and be "��• " _y,
<br /> ' � . � ��' com4lrtaaing, I.ender,as a matter of right and without notice to Borrower or anyone claiming ueeder 8orrower,and without
<br /> � „ rmgarc8 4o tho vatue�f the truat estate or the interest of the BoROwer thereirt,shali have the right 8o appty to any court having
<br /> jurl�dtction to a�tF�::rt a receiver of the property. • ��
<br /> 3. �,qht to P�s3�.3sion•In case ot default in the paymant of the s�id principat Note or Inter��t,or ar�y part thereof,as iE • �
<br /> sP►atl mature,or in 9C��case of failure to keep ot periorm any of the coveeaa,rtts or agreements contalned in the Security instrta , y
<br /> � rt�ant, tAen the Lender, its successors or asaigns. shalt be and is her�by suthoria�d and empowered to take immedfate �
<br /> ---_-_ , . �....�.�... �� .. '=
<br /> possssston of t�te said premises cPo�rnin c�eec.rf�ied and to caliasi ihs ssss.s 2....r....^,...,.--...o app}, tAs prxee�l�theuu,}tn thw --
<br /> � payment of the No4o. . _
<br /> � 4. Aoalicati�ar m°�tenta.lssues and Ptof�es..�11 rents coitected by Lende�or the receiver shatl 1?��.vplied firs4 to payment
<br /> � of the coats of ma�ua��ment of the property�c�d�oltection of rents,including,but not limfted to,r�c�+'��•r�r's fees,premiums on
<br /> " recei�er's bonds and reasonabie attorney's aces.and then to the sums secured by the Security Ina�:vment.Lender and the -
<br /> rec�iv�s shali be Ilable to acaount onty for 4��os�rents axt�nally recelved. _
<br /> 5. �natructivn qt Provisions.Each of th��Rmvisions co��.cained in this Assignment of Rents Rider and the Security Instru- ls
<br /> ment shali, unieas o�henerise speciflcaliy r��ui�red, be conatrued in ac�ordance with Nebraska taw,and in the event any . • ,
<br /> provisfon herein er t!i^o��in contalned shail�e da9ermined by a court oE ear�D�tent jurisdiction to be unenforceable,the same °-
<br /> shall be co�st�u�eci�s"tt��u��sm�bn unenforcea�le provisfon were not A���E hereof or thereof. •� _
<br /> �•�'��: 6. Ef}ect ot Rider,�ttcepC�s s„�acificaliy modified by or a�nconsistent with thls A��igz►ment of Rents Rider or�ry any other •
<br /> �'' ' applicable�ider,ail of the Cero�s and provisions contained im the Security instrume�t shali continue in ful�foace and effect. �
<br /> � IN WITNESS 1P3�+G��OF,Borrower has ex�c•a".ed this Assign ent of 6te�+ts r the te 1`�rsc ^�oted above. v�:
<br /> -��i'=-�=- [t` —1✓�/ - - � �..
<br /> RSCHARD P NcW e`
<br /> _ /Cl 1 /l � .��=✓-lw.��'l'r_n . ,
<br /> _�t.� .c� G�
<br /> PHYLLIS 0 'r_��'H�1£f�e` i -
<br /> � .
<br /> ,.,,.,,,
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASQ(A1 � ;�.`����+ ''
<br /> (ss: '���`�
<br /> couNrr oF Ha��� � '
<br /> On this 25TM day of mARCH ,tg 94 ,before me,th���ndarsigned,a Notary PuD1ic duly commissioned and
<br /> qualffied for said county,personaily came RICHAR'_' =`�:�,1dH`� '== =1��n ouvi i tS n NFI�t Hf1i ISF, HLSBAND
<br /> AND W IFE ,t����he identical person(s)whose name(s)islare subscribed
<br /> to the foregoirtg ireSr,QUment,and helshefthey acknowledge the execuA���r,hereof to be hislheritheir voluntary a�t and deed.
<br /> 1 Wft�ess myPr�nd��n4 Notanal Seai aC ----�RA^:p ISL--'�'---���SK�--- ----- --- - ----- –
<br /> '� em said cou t e dat�a4Qresaid. �
<br /> .V �
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<br /> ��� nsota•s Rub'�c
<br /> _ � �bl�it�Qie.!l.1996 �
<br /> � Ibly C�mmtssics�e exptres: ;�E{_ `-� �' ~ `° -
<br /> � MFµ�tD 17�
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