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<br /> _ ` .y , �.� �`•::�---r._.__..__..�._..
<br /> _. ._ ����p�F�� ��-===�,=i.�.r�_��,�.�r�:
<br /> �� `�'_'�'��'�`R•�� TOGBTEiBR WITH al{thm Impmvements no�v or hercnftcr crected on tho praperty.nnd all nse n e, Renances. , _
<br /> . nnd flxtures rtuw or hereatter a purt of the property. Ali tepincement9 ttrtd actd►tluna Kitali al�o�eovcrd by ttY1s SeGUdty �x, .� � _.--
<br /> • • Inatrumen� A11 of tha fomIIoing is refemed to in thls Secudty Insuument as the"!'rapxtty." ��.;�,�;,�,�,n � ��;�---
<br /> �> ,�
<br /> " �° BOREtOWBR COVBNAN'f5 thut�omnwer is tawfully scised of thc estato hereby cunvoycd and hu.g the d�ht ta amnt ; �. aL��,��`t�?r:��__
<br /> " "'" nnd convey tha Property nnd that the Property is unencumbered,eacept for encumbmnces af record. 8orrower�varnmta nnd — ' _ �
<br /> . . �viU defead�enerc+Uy the dtle to the Pmperty oguinst oll clnims cictd demAnds,subJect ta nny encumbmnceR of record. ' '- i` �;, �.;.:—
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMBNT combines uniform rovenant� for nadanal use and non-unifarm covannnts with .;�,;.,
<br /> . - . , limited vatiations by jurisdtcdon to constitute a unifotm security Insuument covering real pmperty. `�'`''���'''��''-''-,•-
<br /> -.rr; _...,:.-;•.-qc._.
<br /> UNIFOAM COVBNANTS. Borrower nnd Lender cavenant und ugtee us foltows: , ' :' � :;:
<br /> l. Paymeat oi Prtndpnl nnd Interest;Prepnyment und l.nte Charg�.w. Borrower shali promptly pay ahen duo the ' t' �' �' � N
<br /> -r• •;.`.1°�� �
<br /> princl al of and interest on the debt evldenced by die Note and any prepnyment und lale charges duo under the Note.
<br /> • • � �nds far'It�es und Ie�suramce. Subject to upplicable law or to a wrinen wniver by Lender.Horrowet shull pAy to
<br /> I.ender on the day manthly payments are due under the Note,unql ehc Note is paid in full,a sum("�Lnds")for.(a)yeutly . _
<br /> taxes and assessments which may uttain prio�ity over this Security In.suument as u lien on the Property;(b)yearly texsehold
<br /> payments or ground nenu on cPre 1P�o�erty. if any; (c) yearly haza�d or Fropezty insurance premiums; (d) yearly tlood =
<br /> • . insurance premiums, if amy:(¢1 YQ�Y �Q�aBe insecr�utce p�mituns. aG afly:a�.r�d 6�any sums puyuble by Borrower to •
<br /> '" Lender.in accordance wir,�tlhe provisiQau of para�rraa�R►8.in lieu ok'tRe pJaymenR of mortgage tnsurance premiums, Ther+e �
<br /> ,,, �, items nr�e calted"lEscrow Items.' l.end�a may.at any rime.coltect ae�d Rold frlettds An an amount not to exceed the maximum ;,; ,.. •
<br /> amount a!¢nder farr a federally reluted irtoee�age loan�eay require 4'or 1Borrower'S escrow account under the feder�l �4eal ;. ,
<br /> ]Estate SettReerrza�t�roceduars Art of 197�d as amended from time to dcne,12 Q1.S.e.§2�01 er seq.("RFSPA"),unless artother �
<br /> la�r+tkat applies to tP�e H"wieds seu a lessea�aaeount. If so.Lender may,at any ti��e,co�tect nnd hold Funds in un cuetv+uu�cut eo •• :
<br /> ' �nceed the 1¢sser amoun¢. Lender may esamate the amount of Furtds due on ehe basis of current data ue�d! rreasoeeabte ;} ` �{;_
<br /> esdmates of exg�nditures of futa�e�scrow It�ms or otherwise in accoPdance with applicable taw.
<br /> ,;;i The F1�nds sh�ll be held in an inseituteon whose deposits ane insured by a federal ugency,insttumentAlity, or entity � . •-���
<br /> '��•! (including Lender.if Lender is such an instiIIaedon)or in any Federnl Home i.oan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay + . ,
<br /> :�'�;4� the Escrow Items. I.ender nn�y not chu►ge Botrower for holding and applying the Funds,annually analyzing the escrow i ,�.
<br /> ^; � ' .,.
<br /> ��'"�<<.�, •�; account,or verifying the IEscrnw Items, unless Lender puys Borcower interest on tE�e Funds and applicable law pernuGs .;�};,,._
<br /> �•`���•;�' L.ender to make such a charge. However,Lendar may n:quire Borrower to pAy a one-time charge for an indep��tdent real I �.ti�
<br /> '�'''"�'� !��� -. estate tax t+e p ortin�service used b y Lender in connecaon with this loan,unless applirable law provides othenvise. Unless a� ,. , � ��"`;y�
<br /> .� ,;.;.��li��•; agreement is made or applicsble law requires interest to be puid,Len�Eer shall not be required to pay Borrower any nnterest or ` '��
<br /> . � . ' earnings on the Funds. Borrower and L.ender may agree in writing,hrn+•ever,that inte�est shall be paid on the Funds. Lender ;� '-
<br /> �'�'4, shall geve to Borrower,without charge,an annual accounting of the Funds,showing credits and debiu to the Funds and the ��`�� a
<br /> �`�'';—--_-- piupase far uhich cach dcbit to the Funs�s evas ma�le. "!'hP F�md.are�iedeed as additional securiry for all sums secured by _ ___�;;,�_
<br /> "•"•� this Security Instrument. . . ''
<br /> If the Funds hefd by Lender exceed the amounls permitted to he held by applicable law, Lender shall account ta ; j
<br /> Borrower for the excess Funds in accordance with the requirements a�i anplicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by ��;; �
<br /> Lender at any Ume is not sufficient to y.�a ¢C�e Escrow Items when da�.Q.ender nia so notif Borrower in wriung,and,in • , �j�'�;r•i '
<br /> Y Y ��r;,::
<br /> i,i. such case Borrower shail �sy to Lender the amount necessary to mnll•e up ihe dcficiency. Bomower shall make up the ;.... , ��• �•'j•i ,��, �
<br /> �. ,t �. ._'. �).'r._'; ;�'%���'t��
<br /> deficiency in no more tham tµe�ve monthty paymente,at L�nder's sole discretiun. c ,-•,•,;;;.,,,'•,�,��"(;' '
<br /> •,.; Upon payment in full af ail sums secured by thi�S�:urity Instrument,Lender�T.2a11 promptly refund to Borrower any f�;•:+.:�•�-'�+;->1.�t;••�,c.�
<br /> , � Funds held by Lender. If,under paragraph 21.Lender shall acquire or seil thr Prop��ecy.Lender,prior to the acquisition or �•�•fr:,•'' +����c`��?..'
<br /> • sale of the Property,shall apply any Funds held by Lender ut the ti�� of acquisition or sale ac a credit against the sums �1 �.. . ,. ,7�.,. �
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument. �r `�'" ��
<br /> ; 3. Application of Peyments. Unless applicable faw provicic� otherwise, all payments received by Lender under • •,
<br /> `�;�: paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:Crst,to any pmpayn:ent charge.due under the Note:second,to umounts payable under ,�;,•,, � ,1••
<br /> „ patagraph 2;third,to interest due:fourth,to principal due;and lact,to any Inte chtuges due under the Note. ' •: � ,:;3��
<br /> , ,5.,,
<br /> - 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments, chazges, fines and impositions attributuble to the ���..,t � '_/
<br /> . i'roperty which may attain priority over this Security Instrument,an.'.l�a�ehold paymentx ar ground rents,if any. Borrowe� •� � ,;;.��'. .
<br /> •� °�` shall a the�e obli ation�in the manner rovided in ara ra h 2,or if aot aid in that manner,Borrower shall pay them or. � . '��;•�k
<br /> P Y B P P � P P ��•:.;1,
<br /> ;,'�.�..�,.. "�J<:; time direcUy�to the person owed payment. Borrower sha11 promptly t'umish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under �;•;1-:;1.. �.�„'�.��;�� -
<br /> `� �• `.:.':� this paragraph. if Bormw•cr makes these payments di�ectly,Borrower shaA prornp::� furnish ro Lender re��eipt�e.idencing >�. : '..�,;;: ��
<br /> s;•.. .,�• � -�
<br /> ,i•, .; t7se payments. � , :'r� . .,
<br /> � $orrower shall promptly discharge any lien whirh ha.,priority over this Secur�t� Instrument unfess Borrower: �a)agrees �,.� ,,.,
<br /> in writing t�*r�t�F+ayment of the obligation secured b}•ihe Iten in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)coniests in good faith the ;5+• ? .
<br /> lien by,or ilei�nds against enfomemen[of the lien in, iegal proreed�n.�+which in che Lender i opiniun uperate to pre�ent thr r; .
<br /> enfurcement of the lien or(c)secures from the haldrr of the lien an a�reement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien �,,,� _
<br /> ' to this Security Inswment. If Lender detcrmines thu;:,n} part of the Pmperty is subject to a licn which may attain priorit}• ��
<br /> over this Security Inswment,Lender may give Borrower a natice identifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take ;�•:.•,`
<br /> one or more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> 5. HAaard or Property Insurarocs. Borrower shull keep th�ir°provements now existing or hercafter erected on the
<br /> Property insured against loss by fire,hatar:is included within the tern:'e�ctended coverage"nnd any other haxards,including � �
<br /> floods or flooding, for w�hich Lender requires insurunce. This insuraace shall Fe maintaineJ m the amounts and for the `�:��.�
<br /> � . .
<br /> . , Form 302R 9/90 �,ru:tr 2 nJ6 paRe.c� �:•
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