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<br /> ....__...............�....._.__._....._..._..._......'.__.";'_' ..._...... _. ..._..._.�.-...-__.�---__ _� .
<br /> 9�� �.���►�►ti . --
<br /> ��� � .
<br /> ..;�� � 1'(�DRTHQR WiTH b1�tlio in�provementa now Rr F�creafter erccted nn the p�perty.tind all easemen�x,�purtenartce�.ard
<br /> - - „ �__� !i�lus� ��aW �s lxs�ltr s ��t ef t!r �sso�st,. 4!! r;g!ncsntenis ans! e9�ltians shvl! El�S� hC fOVN't`;I•MY t11i0 SlCUtItSI �—_—
<br /> .,,,,,;,.,,�� ltrsttumtnt.Ap of tho foregoing i�a rcferred ta in thia Sccurity Instrument as the"Property." �
<br /> -,'-„�.� ,„:� Bt3RRfll'V13R CU��lYANTS�u�t �rraw�r is tuwfuQy,�lrr.l of the�smte hereby conveyed wtd has lhQ right to gra�tt r,nd , �.___
<br /> j��;.��;;;k� canvty the Property und that the Propedy is unertcumberod. exceps for encvmbrancea af record. �orrower wAm►nts and�vlll
<br /> ' �.r r,�.,�. � �` "� defsnd gencrally tha 1iUo io Uto Praperiy agAinst ull claims and demnnds,Fubject to any Qntumbrunces af record.
<br /> ----�fi�}
<br /> ..-::�:� � 'fHiS SECURITY iN37'[tUMENT combines uniform covennnta for nutional use and non-uniform cavenants with Ilmitcd
<br /> `s� �• �- vArietinns by jur#sdiction to rn�tsHtute n uniform security instn�ment coverin�real pmperty.
<br /> _ ;_ .Y... • �- _o
<br /> °� �� �� '� UNIFC?RM COV�NAN'CS.Borrower nnd Lender covennnt and ag[c�us fallawe:
<br /> iri�.ti`� ::it��ti
<br /> . - 1. Pay�n¢nt ot PrEncipal and /nte�st; Prepuyment und [.ate Churges. Borrower shull promgtly pay when dae the
<br /> --. - _ - prhnlpat uf�iid iruerest o�the debt avideaced by thc Nate und eny prepayment artd tate charges due andcr thc Note. •---
<br /> -� • • 2. Funds tor Tnxeg attd Insurnneo. Subject to npplicuble law or to u written waiver by d.ender. Borru�ver shull pay to
<br /> • '. Lender on the day manthly payments nre due under the Note.until the Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for:(u)yeurly tates ---
<br /> ° �u und nssessments which may attain prioriry over this Secudty Inatrument as a lien on the Property;(b)yeady le�sehold puyments ---�---
<br /> `- or round rents on the Pro rt .if un ;(c)yenri hnzard or ro insurartce remiums;(d)year! ftood insuranca remiums. �::_.._.__
<br /> B R� Y Y Y P Ae�Y P Y P
<br /> � ..� if any:(e)yearfy mort�a�e insurance Rremiums.if any;und(�uny sums puyabla by Borrower to Lender. in accordaaoo vrIth �'``��-
<br /> ` the provisians af puragranh S.6�n iEeu af the payment of mortga�e i��surance premiums. These items e�+e called "Escrow IItems.° �'?'~�
<br /> � , L,ender mny. at any tisrre.coleect artd�to[d Fuv�dz fi�a en amvunt rrtot fo exce�ed tl�e muximum amount a le�er for a fett�etalRgr "'a-
<br /> relnted morl e lonn ma ". `"
<br /> gag y rtequire f�r ���vEr's¢5reow acooun¢uudee the feateral Real Eswte Settlem2nt Pa�oaadcmres Act o� �.::r=.
<br /> , 1974 as umended fmm tLtte to ci�. t2 U.S.C. Scctlon 2601 ¢t seq. ("IR�SIPA').unlers another lew that 2,qnpjies ta�Rt2e l�ua�s = -
<br /> � •• sets a tesser amount. if so. B..eeKiee may,at any ttmc.coticrt pad i�atd �usr�s en aa umount not to excea!th;.lessec aetcuunt. �;���'_
<br /> Lender may estimntc the amAUrtt of 1Fmnds due on the basis of curnznt data aad reasonabie estimates of expenditures of future ��'�"-'=
<br /> Escrow(tems or uthervris�in accoa+aartce with applicable law. °"��`
<br /> The Funds shali be fteld in an institution whase deposits are insured by a federal agency, instrumentaliry. or entity
<br /> (including I.ender. if Le�oder is s�ech an institution)or in any Federal H�me Loan Bank. Lender shatt apply the Funds to pay the �,
<br /> Escrow Items. Lender may not cPearg¢�orrower for holding�.�d applyic�g the Funds,unnually analyzing the escrow�oco�nt,or }�
<br /> , =� verifying the Escrow Items.unfess '.ettcier pays 8orrower interest�n�lze Punds and nppliqblc law permits Ixadcr to r�oa�Ce such �"�
<br /> , , a cha e.Howcver. Lender ma uir�e Borrower to a a one-tirne char e for an inde ndent real estnte tax r¢n secvIoe ����
<br /> � Y�l P Y 8 P� � � �---..
<br /> . uscd by Lender in rnnnoctian wfth this Ionn. unless applicable law provides atherwise. Unless an Aga+ec+m�erot es �eade or =_=`
<br /> . appltcable law requtres intemst to be paid, I.cnder sCoall not be oeo�wired to pay Borrower any interest or ear�aoogc vn 4fi�Fttnds. ��
<br /> Borrower artd Lender may agree in w�ting.howevea,that ine¢rest�hall be paid on the Funds. Lender shall give to �rrower. _
<br /> --.'—_-�_ _ �uftl�yuro rh.�.r°o�`� A1! 8ilfltllll 3fi'Q!lA��Ag 4f iFlC FLSutc_ chnwinoo�vq��l��c 2l1��A�It� t�the F��t�dc$����r pu� arh pgr?� �`i
<br /> , - - - sc f�r wh-- - - - - -- -
<br /> �� � debot to ehe Funds was r�eade.The Funds are plecige�ac additional security for all sums secured by this Security Instrument. ��•�--�-
<br /> � � If the Funds held by[.ender exce�d the amounas permitted to be held by applirnble law.L.ender shall acmunt to Horrower --_
<br /> , :-�,:y � ., for the excess Funds in accordance with the requirements of Applicuble luw. If the amount of tl�e Futtds held by G..ewdec at any
<br /> time is Rot sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,i,ender may so notify Bormwer in writing,und,in such cas�S�ra�wer �;;.
<br /> " ';:"�' shnll pay to Lende�the amnunt rtecessary to make up the deficie»ry. Borrower sl�all make up the deticiency in no move than --��`
<br /> !�'!?�-:-:_-
<br /> �'- '`'' � twelve monthly pnyments,at[.ender's sole discretion. ,+;::;.
<br /> �7.�_—
<br /> . Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any -�:,__
<br /> Funds held by Lender. IC,u�der paragraph 21, Lender shall ucquire or sell tlie Property,I.ender. prior to the acquisition or sale T`
<br /> ' of the Pro rt shall n I an Fuads held b Lerxie�at the tinee of nc uisition or wle As a crcciit a uinst the sums secured b "��"
<br /> , i::.. Pe Y• PP Y Y Y q 6 Y ._.
<br /> • '' •!� this Secu�ity Instrucnent.
<br /> ��'. ',:
<br /> , ���•�� 3.App�9acatfon of Payments.Unless upplicnble law proviuex othernise,all payments received by I.ender under para�raphs
<br /> � 1 nnd 2 shall be applicd: first, to any prepuyment charges due under the Notc; sccond, to amount�payable under paragraph 2; ��
<br /> thini,to interest due;fourth,to principal due:and last,to any late charges due under Ihe Note.
<br /> ��(i�r.,i 4. Charg�s; Q.ieans. B��rrowe�shaU pny aU taxcs,assescrrcer.te,chargex, tincs and impasitionx att�ibutable to the Property
<br /> • ;r',!•,; which may attain p�ioricy avcr the� Srrurity Ittstrument, ancl lc�srhold paymcnts ar gmund r�nt�, if uny. Borrowcr shall pay � �i�
<br /> .,; .,�r,,;; ;
<br /> thesc obligations in the na�nner provided in paragraph 2,or if nut pnid in that manncr,Bnrroarr shall pay thcm on tinte dircctly
<br /> . to the pert�n rnvCCl pay��ent. Binmwer shaU pmmptly furnixh to I.endcr all noticcs of amuunts to he paid undcr thix paragraph.
<br /> If Bcnmwer makes thcse payments directly, Eiorro��er siiall protnpUy furnisl�to I_ender receipts evidencing the pnyntents.
<br /> Borrower sha!!proinptly discharge any lien�vlzich ttas priorily orer this Seruriiy In.�rument unless BoROwer:(a)agrees in :
<br /> writinF tn the payment of tl�e obligation sccurcci by the lien in a manncr nrrcptable tu Lc�xlcf� ,'�t cantest�in gcxxi faith thc lien I
<br /> , ' by, ar defcnds against cnfi�rcement uf the licn in, legnl pr<�cccdings ���liirh in thc i.cnder'< „pinic�n aperate to �ee�:er:: the !
<br /> •. enfi�rccment of the lien;��r(c) sccurc� from tl�e lrnl.J�r of the lien an agrccn�rnt .atisL•i�ton 4��1_ender s;dhc�rdir.ating the Cien to j '
<br /> thi� Security Instrumenr.. 1(Lender detemiines tli;x :�n} part of the Propert�• i. tiu!?iect ti�a lien ►�h+ch ��s:y n^:ain priority over �
<br /> this Security Inxtrumene. i.cr,dcr may giec Borro�ver a notirc iile�i,iFying thc li��:. Hnrr:�«cr �!,;i11 .atisfj lhe 6ien or take onc c�r '' •�
<br /> �.yt r.��'��., more of the actions sct fa�r.h atxive a�!lnin 1 U Jays of tlic giving+�c ic,��irc. •;. !� '.�1
<br /> ��I f i I'�•,'+� Form 3028 9190 ::��..
<br /> 'i�`.,�:,•.� •
<br /> '. PaB•7 0l 6
<br /> . '':;'''r�r r .,�'r,'
<br /> :'ti..' , ;,;
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