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,.�i'r�c�:a;�i:w�:i-�3:;�r�:..=-'r-,— -"-t^a'.!r;�y��r�'�sr:� .�:i'*�d� t:� �;��."H;.-c�r:- �•* r�=---��; ' --.--__ - � -- <br /> J R•; . .� .. ,P��y°,� ^.�:y�Y. :,. ar� uq. c +r,..�.. r..».-,.�.ZKl3' �'i b'.� -� �. ::., , � , c Y >i1�YARARW� � ` - <br /> �.,� !�, .. ..i�. � '�—:`�1 .;;. t � Gi �., • 1: �F "t�','t � �" �i,_ �"t 1S l. � - <br /> r z . 'p. � ,r ,N' `�,.��� �$ �ti f�'f0. (, . �'. .,.',� ; ,�"`t�'� � � r�`•'�• ----. _.._ ,>,r+,,�',.�� ,r �k <br /> i- �ir�p: ��.,'_. � ?iyy.::�`>>�.�i .�l' ty�`.:•.'2c� iu '•'A[�'(r� ( '�t .�1 t- .�'� �7 .sFi1 �` � � — <br /> t.� x .r� 4r •"�r; .? c i � n;� �f'. S �� �•P •. �r �.�'�l d!� t @���1' �CV3� �`�t - <br /> :J�j1 �Xi ..., 1� 1.�f�, .. . .. � ��� ���� <br /> �n�� ' ��-� . �! . -� � � f1� Mi:f �/.��f}y,.��':�j�;''',j. : - ... _ __ <br /> '� . •t.: F <br /> . . ..0 . sIr}r� �'ORw��¢•.. / � .. - .. ... _ ..�yt'i' �M'l+r+p�� .11.��.. . ,.rt....• _.:_:R=.=:'_—�'._�-_----.–�7---`– f y .. <br /> . . �' •.+i�� �1 t6�nrrw_:..� _ . � . . . . '{1�1�i'µ.�M . ' ' - ., iy��`.�;}7�. . <br /> _ ..� fl.r.�s.u.. . - : ' . *L;"'dlffY!'�i=�,,;�...w� .:,� 1�jf��:',�.f� ., _� .—.. <br /> �yt , .5:. <br /> � ' '._ . ' ' .ra.a9iY7V"f�''�,}fi'J•� �Ii�G::��. ..s:�....... "_ <br /> Tt' . . - � �i b!�r: I'�J.*7.' <br /> �ii . ,.. . !�s�',�(f�,rt+���!sc.v r ..� .. � <br /> ,laluKia4s�11.--��-�. ._.._......_.�____...___....�.._._.._...._ .. �.._ .. ._.. �.._....... . .�.., �,.^..._._ . . �.____. - '"�3ry�.�__ _. . . - '_- <br /> Yt�Fa:__-_ � :.:..:.-.:... <br /> ����itS7N__.:.:..._—_.__- <br /> .. ,. ,. . � 9�,� '.o�s�a 6��=--W..�.�:;�.;��a.= <br /> . _ . �...�.-.�,q,�,.;--_-==_._ <br /> � Bortuwer d�alQnatea by notlaa to Lendar. My notiaa to LortE�ehall ba gNen by first ctaaa mnit to lcr►;tcr'e ud6i�se�tst�d h�r�n ar crsy s,�j_,c�� {y_� <br /> ��., . ..���.; oiher eddrdsa Lendur doat�netea by notleo to Borto�v�r. Any notice provldsd for!n thta 800udty Inatrument ehetl bo deemec!to havo been y ;�. �y -_. <br /> . � ' given to Borrar��r or Lender when gNen as provldod tn thfs pamgreph. __�.-_'-`-,,'°-'.-r"_ <br /> �. . 16. GOV��flI10�I.BW� SBYflPAbllifyi. Thia 8scurity lnstn+ment ahall bfl govamed by tedoral taw and tho lew of tha Judadlatlon In , ��'•'�:3'"'",, <br /> . ;� ,��__ <br /> ' , whlo�the Properiy ia toaated. !n the eveM that any provlaion or�lauae ot th�a Becufity Inatrument or the Noto contifate with appllcatla ,.',,�.�:,.-:_~____ <br /> l�w,euoh aontilat shatl not atfeof other provisiona of this 8eaudty inetrumant or tho Noto whioh can bo gNen attcot without tho contliottng ,r',`.�-.Y <br /> provislon. To thts and the provlaons of thls 8aeudty Instrument and the Noto ara declared to be sev�ablo. , '; ., "•:".��`�N�` <br /> ,' ;.';;.��'�''s�� <br /> • 18. �orrawor's Copy. Borrower shail be given one contortned aopy af thu N�to and ot this 8fleurity Instrument. �__ <br /> 17. Tra�afer of the Pro�oety or a l4vnefletat Intares!In Borrawar. If aU or any pert of the Property or any interost � . :��� - <br /> tn ft la said or danaterred(or N e beneflainl intcrest in Bortower�s soid or tranafetrad and Borrowor Is not a natural person}wfthout Lend� ;i-:�-�F^'x,,e;;�; <br /> era pdor wditen consent, Lender mey,at Ita option,require tmmedtate paymom in fuii ot all sums secured by thls 8ecurity inatrument. , --_ <br /> � � However,this opUon shali�ot bo exercfsc�Iair Lander H exercise is prohlbited by federei lew as of the dnte ot this 8acudty Instrument. � ; •_ <br /> B Lender exeteises thia opL`on,lertder sRel9 p,tvve 9orrower notiee of acceiaratton. The notice shaN provlde e pedod of not less then 30 .;`t-4 <br /> ctays from the date the nottc��S de'.lresed er maL'ed within which Borrower must�ay e�:t sums secured by thls 8ecurity instrument. It ° - ,.�•� '';;� ,. <br /> Darra�rer tails to pay thase sums prior to tho mx�fraUon ot thls period, Lender may tnvotco a.�y�emedles permitted by this Seeuriry Instru• ' � �ry"�;- �� <br /> nrt�4 ruithout turthEr nottce cr d�nd on Borrower. s�� a w,.'�";:r�' <br /> 18. Bo��w��°S�d9�C04!O R@in84�480. 1f Borrower meets aedatn core�iaens.Bo�YOwer shall heve the Nght to h�ve enforcement � _'r:'}���;:�'?__ <br /> of this Security InsWmznE diseonUnued at any tirrte ptior to the eadier oh(a)5 aZays(ar sueh oYher period as app:leable!aw mz�y sgoc(t!r <br /> , ;y_,t:�•.,._�.- <br /> m <br /> ,��,;;�..'�::.:. <br /> tor reinstat¢tnar�tj�sRcr�sala et the Properly purs��ant to any power of asle eon4eined'sn this Sacurity Instrunn�nt; or(b)entry ot a jstda„r►eent • :�;�r;�,;; <br /> eniordng this 3eattlry Instrument. Those conditiona ere that 3ortower. (a)Rays lendzr ot1 su:ns whioh then woutd be due undar this '='�`�'==' <br /> a.>..- <br /> .i�l��itur.'� <br /> • 3ecurity Instrument and ihe Not�As H no aeceleretlon had ocairred;(b)eures anY deh►utt e4 any other cover.ants or agreements; (ej Rays atl � ;,•`, <br /> � expenaes incurted in entotcing 3h=�s Security Insuument,tndudinp,but not Yrteited to,reasartptr!a sttameys'fees:and(dj takes auch actlon S <br /> "' f�y.�'.���-- <br /> 1�. r. Y�';�...�-- <br /> as Lcnde�may reasonaby require to asaure that tho Iien of thls Security InsVur,e�nt,Lende�'s�ghts in the Property and Bortower's obliQa• �� � �f,�'�:::•,<r-a_ <br /> ,_„f�v'•'r�}rs;:�-- <br /> • tlon to pay the sums secured bx this 8ecurity Instrument aheil conUnue unchangzd. Upon relnstatement by Borrower,thls Secarity � `' �u�fva'�.�-�c <br /> 'r:t541��{���6;,�"-. <br /> Instrument and the obligations aecured hereby ahall remain tutiy eHective as if nc*acceleraUon had occurted. However,thls�Ight to reinstaYo � ••., ��t;�:�;�:�`===-- <br /> . �,�}``;ti. <br /> shali not appty in the case of acaeteratlon�nder peragraph 17. �• �•° -- <br /> 1 J. Sale Of NOtA; Change of L08n Servlcer. The Note or a partlal interest in the Note(together wlth thia Security , '�-,�- <br /> Inswment)may�e sdd one or more Umes wkhout p�lor nodce to Borrower. A1 seie mey resuft in a change tn the entfty(known as the �:<<�. <br /> •Loan Servlcer")thet collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Sacudry►nstrument. There also may be one or more chang¢s of .,�„�l;;•Ji:�•�, <br /> . ''�1 c'��'''�'� <br /> � ... ttig��g�yy�r,w��mraiatpd to a sale of the Note. It there Is 8 Change ot the�aan ServiCBr.8orrower will be given w►itten noUee ot the cPrmrtge .:,J;�°'.;:; :._- <br /> ._r�,:,.:';�•. <br /> � in acaordance wfth paragraph''fa above and appiicable taw. The nodce wNi atate the name and address of the now Loan Servicer and the �,�r��,, �. " ` <br /> �� addrass to which paymenta ahou�d be made. The noUce wlli also contain any other intortnatton requlred by app�leable law. I •'.: • ; ' " <br /> ' - ' 2 0. H e z a r d o u e S u b B�N t e C H S. B o r r o w e r s h a l i a o t c a u s e o r p ertn R Iha p resence,uso,dls p osal,atorage, or teiease ot any Hezardeus � , '�' � <br /> ,,I.�,.; 'j� I.'':;'��,(. <br /> , . substanees on or in the Properly. Bartower!r.ot do,nor a�low anyon�e e�se to do,anything aHeeting the Property that Is in violallon cE .���,;��;�;r.� � <br /> � any EnvUonmentei Law. The preceding two a,en_ences shall not eppiy to th�presence,use,or storege on the Property ot sm�li quanUtE�ef ��:� '�rlk,?.,`%;�,.� � <br /> -��'��, <br /> •`••>:�' Heze�dous aubatances that ere generaMy recognized to be approprfate to normal residendal uses and to malntenance ot the PropeRy. �' �' ��•I <br /> Borrower shall promptly give Lender written noUce of eny investigation, claim, demand,lawsuft or other action by eny govemmental or _.;j..^�'�,.� <br /> reguiatory agency or private perty Invotving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmentei Law oi whlch Borrower has actua► � �r�.�•,;;'�:) <br /> .::� ,. <br /> , knowledge, It Bortower lesms, w is notHied by any govemmental or regula7�r, �uthority,that any removat or other remediatlon of any Hazardous i �,4 , <br /> ,{�,�.;��:�;, <br /> •• Substence aNecting Ihe Property is necessary, Borrower shall prornptly take at:neceasary remedial actions In acoordance wRh Envlronmenta�Law. �:;,,,;(,;. <br /> ,;.;:(, .�l;�,:�:�!.. <br /> ; �,� As used in this paragraph 20,'Hazardous Substances'are ihose subatances defined as toxla or hazardous substances by Environmental I � „t,..{ .� <br /> �;',: :' Lew and the toliowing su5stances:gasoline,kerosene,other tla^�mable or toxlc peUoleum products,tox�pesticldes and hetbicides,volaUie �'• ```i�� <br /> '' �•,.: <br /> solvents,mate�lais conteining ashesfos or formaidehyde,and radioacth�e materials. As used in thls paragraph 20. 'Environmentat Law' � ; <br /> means tederai iaws and lawa of!he Jurisdicticn where the Properry Is loeated Inat reiate to heakh, sately or envlronmente�protection. j `�"`'ti,•, <br /> . ;! <br /> - NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bortcwer and Lender turlher covenar.t and agree as tollows: � c't~<` <br />`'� �`' 21. Acceleration; Wernedies. Lender sha9t g�ive notice to Bo�royver prtor to acceleration iottawing � <br /> Borrower's breach of ar��,� covenant or agreerra��►t in th{s Security instrument (but not prlor to aeceleration � <br /> :,.�;1. under paragraph 17 u»teas appticeble taw provldes otherw3se). The notice shall specify: (s)tha de4ault; (b) � <br /> . the action required to cure the default; jc) a date. not Y�ss than 30 days from the date the notice is given to <br /> �•5`,''� � 8orrower, d�y which the defauit must be cured; and (d� 8has faiiure to cure the default on or before the date �` ��'' . <br /> ;.�:`� . . <br /> • �??' '�?, ; ' apecffiad in the reoticm may resutt in acceteratton of the suoo�s secured by this Security inatrument end sale <br /> ± � '' , , ; of the Property. Tho o�otico shall further Info�m Borrower of the �9r�fit to reinstete after acceleration and <br /> �',��;��' `,;1.. : : the �IgM to bring a cou�t action to assert the non-extstwncs of a a�afauit or any other defense of Borrower <br /> ' � 4o acceler��a�e and sale. If the default is not cured on or 'before tUn� date specified in the notice, Lender <br /> � � at its opttmn may require lmme�i�t�i�e payment in full of all sums s�ca�ved by thia Security Instrume�t wtthout , <br /> ��� further det7oar�a�a�o� mnaiy invoke 4�oe power of sate and any other P��ruo�diea permitted by appiicabie <br /> Isw. Lendar she10 Oati ��ot�tled to collect ail eu,p�aoass 9n�urred in puuv�ving the remedies provlded in thts i <br /> paragraph ��, 1nc�aealdu�ro�, but not limited to. r�asmwa�U� attorneys' fees and coats of title evidence. <br /> !�tho �ouv�r �sa0e is invok�d,T�ustee sP�aUl ���ord a notice af default in each coun4y !n which any part I <br /> of the Property is located and shell mail copi�os of susl� o��tice in th� manner prescrib�d by applicabie law <br /> to 8orrower and to the othe� persons prescribed by appHcabie �aw. After the time required by applicabte <br /> taw,Trustee shail give pubitc notice of sale to the perso�s and in the manner prescribed by appitcable law. <br /> Trustee. without demand on Borrower. shall sell the Property at publia auction to the highest bidder at the <br /> � time and piace and under the terms designated in the notice of sale i� one or more pa�cels and in any order <br /> T�uatoe determines.T�ustee may poatponp sale of aii or any parce� oi sne rrope�iy+ iry puoiic annvunaerTioi�i . <br /> at the time and place of any previously scheduted sale. Lender or its designee may purchase the Property <br /> at any sale. <br /> Upon receipt of payment of the price bid, Trustee shalt dntiver to the purchaser Truste�'s deed <br /> conveying the Property. The recitals in the Trustee's deed aPo�00 be prima facie evidence of the t�uth <br /> of the statements made thereia Trustea shall appty ttoo �vo�aaa0s of the sate in tha fioitowing orde�: <br /> (a) to att cogts anm� expeeses of exercising the pow��as��ie. �ro�the sele, including the payment of the <br /> �' Trus4ee's fees ac4ana00g� incurred. not to exceed :l.6�1�'e �Rike �voucsipat amount of the note at the time <br /> of the doctaratioro � �imffanalt, and reasonal���, a�Etmrrom�+s' 4a��� �u�rmitted by �aw; (b) to all sums secured <br /> � by this Securi4y tun�ivunr��caQ: aruaD (c) aroq e�smss to th@ Q�or�or+ or perso�s legalty entit�ed to it. <br /> ' cna••s�:'S Form 3028 9/90 <br /> r , <br /> � '. <br /> , ( r <br />