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<br /> ° : UNIFOAM COVENANYS. Borrov�cr and Landar aovenant and agmo ae follmvs: � _
<br /> ' '���. !. Paym�eot at Prinolpat and Intoro[tt; P�epeyment ind 4ate�hsrgAe. Borrowor eheD ptomAUy paY wMon due the �� -,� ---
<br /> t; ��_
<br /> p�indpat of and tntemat on the dabt�rtdoneed by!ho Nota and any prep�ymant nnd Inie oharoou 4uo under tho Nata. - ��'�=- —�
<br /> �'i�,).l'.y.4P...,��.—.-
<br /> � Z. Funde for Tauee aod Inauranee. SubJeot to applioable lew or to e wrltton wahrnr by Lendor,8anower ehall pay to tander on ���h;�,'�•:"�::�;.,:-_ _
<br /> -, �,�'.��'�,'�,� ,, ,, ths day monthy paymerits aro due unde►the Note,unttl the Naie io pild In N11,a sum('Funda•)tor. p)ye�rry texea and esaeaementa whtah ,,_.�:!--
<br /> msy�ttaln pdor(ty over thls Secudry Inetrument ee s Ilen on tho Pro�eAy:@)yearty Isenehotd paymente or Qround rtnto on tha Properiy, ' V`'` `°'-.;,-.,,..__,
<br /> �� It any; (o)yeett�j hazard or property innurance premluma;(d)yar�r flood �aeurunce premluma,Jt uny;(03 Ycady nortgada Inauronco prcmlum�. _.. -_-�_
<br /> . ��.��� " -,•:�.--
<br /> - � It any;and(Q my suma payibte by Borrower to lendet,In eoaordence wlth tha provlelone ot ptt�graph 8,In Ileu of tfie payment oi martge8e :;�,;�?��;
<br /> .. Insu►�nen promtume. Theae ftems are aalled'Eserow Iteme". Landor may,et nny Uma, coll6at and hotd Fundo In en emount not to exaeed •. :;. ,�',,lY"
<br /> _ ,-•..+, ..,.,^-_
<br /> ' tha m�xlmum�mount a Fander for a federaly nlated moRg�pe loan mey requtre tor BoROwer'e eaaraw sceount undur tho fedee�l Rval ��-...a�����;' �,��
<br /> Hstate 8eltlemeM Procadures Aat of 1874 as amendad hom tlme to pme, 12 U.S.C.�2601 et seq. ('RESPA'),unleaa anothor law that applloa to P " • '.
<br /> „ ,. ;,_ _ ,�.. -� the Funda aets a lasaer amoun� Ii so,Lendor may,at any tlme,aolleoi and hald Funds M en amount not to exceed the Iosoer amount. Londor , , ;
<br /> • . . _ may esUrtuite tbe amount of Funda due on the baels ot cunent dats and reesansbte esdmatea at oxpondfturos ot tuwre E�arow Items a�thervvlse .,t,;,;�. ��:�''�'^
<br /> , ',; fn aaaordanae wtth appAaable lew. '!I� . _
<br /> ,,,s r�;: ,.
<br /> The Funds shell be hefd In en instftuUon whose deposlts are Insured by a tederal agenay,Instrumentalltyr, or entlty(tncluding I.ender N Lender - 'c „
<br /> � ts suah an tnstituUen)or in any Federel Home Loen Bank. Lender sh�l apply tho Funds to pay the Eocrow Itema. Lender mey not�herge
<br /> , •� �� � 8ortower tor holding and apptying the Funds,annually enalyting the eacrow aaaount or vetiying the EBarow Items,unleas Lender puys Bonower , ' `j't'"
<br /> tnterest on the Funds end appllcabte taw pertnits Lender to make such a charge. However,Lender may requlre BoROwer to pay a onealme aharge .,;,.Q :
<br /> � ' tor an Independent real estate tex reporting servlce uaed by Lender In conneeUon wRh thls loen, unlesa appllcabls law provldes othetwlse. Untesa ' � ,_:�_-b
<br /> ' ' �• an agreemer�t Is made or appllaable taw requlres Intermst to be pald, Lender shaU rtot be requlred to pay BoROwer any Interest or eernings on the " `"'��'�
<br /> ,:� ..:_
<br /> ' Funds. 8orrower snd 4ender mey agree In wrltlrtg,however,that Intereat ahafl t��ald on the Funds. Lender shall glve to Borrower,wRhout • .�,..`.
<br /> •,•;.�..--
<br /> eherge,an annua�acaounUng oi the Funds showing credfts end debfts to th�Fun�s ertd the purpose for whicP�¢ach d�bit to the Funds ° -
<br /> wae made. The Funds are pledged tas addldonel seeutity tor atI suRes s�curo�b�t4ea Sa�urity teestrument. ,a; ' a,
<br /> fl the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts pertnitted 40�a he9d by app11w6i�law.Lender shall account to Bortower Yor tha excess Q•..,.;ij�, ` �.-
<br /> - Funda in accordance wfth the requtrements of eppllaab�e Iaw. it the amount o4 the Funds held by Lender at any Ume Is not swY9lclent to pay the ��.<.° •
<br /> ►�'i�`
<br /> : ,;.:i Esexow Items when etuo,Leoder may so noUty Borrower fn writing,and, in suxS+c�se Borrower shall pay to Leeder the amount neeessery to make ., _
<br /> '+': up the deflclency. Svrtower sholl make up the deflclency in no mare than nveme mor�hy payments,at Lenders sole dlacretlan. •;•.�r�r-
<br /> ' � � Upon payment in fu0 of aq sums secured by thls Security In��vmm4,L�nder shatl promptly retund to BoROwer any Funds�a¢Id by Lendw. d "b•"�'
<br /> G`"
<br /> .• under paragreph 21,Lender shall acqulre or setl the Pro�erty.L�ndar,p�ior to the acqulsltton or sale of the Propmty,shell ap�+i�p any Funds held �
<br /> �. ,' by Lender at the Ume ot aequlslUon or sa�e es a cred'R aoainst tne aums secured by thla Secudty�nstrument. �`�f"�c. '
<br /> � ''. 3. Appltcatloaro of Peymente. Unless ap�4ca�ta Iaw provules otnerwise,aN paymenis racaivad Ly lenidar under paragraishs 1 ar.�: '--=- --- :f -
<br /> „ '��' ehall be applled:flrst to any prepayment charg�s due under the Note:second.to amounts payable under paragraph 2;thfrd,to Interest due; :
<br /> �,1`�: tourth,to prindpal due;and last,to any Iate charges due under the Note. ��� ��� �
<br /> .;;�� � 4. Cha�g88; Uef18. 8ortower aha�I pay all texes,asa�ssments,charges,flnes and imposltbna att►ibuta b le to t he Prope r i y w h lc h may �,;:'�;- % '�;
<br /> ., ; �y;.:,-. .
<br /> aUain prlarity over thls 3ecurlly 1nsWment,and Ieasehold payments or ground rents,If any. Bo�ower shatl pay these obllgatlons In the manner /s�,;'
<br /> provlded In paragraph 2,or M not pafd In that manner,BoROwer ahaA pay them on tlme dlrectly to the person owed payment. Borrower sha!I I r'�.�
<br /> ..',•�; .
<br /> promptly tumisb to Lender all noUces of amounts to be paid un¢!ar thls paragraph. Ii BoROwer makes these payments dkectly, Borrower :_S�
<br /> sheY promptly tumlah to Lender recelpta evldencing the paymanis. -���
<br /> BoROwer ehall prompUy dlscharge any Ilen whlch has pdori�;over thls Securlry Instrument unless Bortower. (a)agrees In writing to Ihe pay-
<br /> � r
<br /> ment ot the obllgeUon secured by the Uen in a manner accepta�Cie to Lender, (b) contests In good tafth the Ilen by,or detends againat eniorcement ' %. '�� ;Y.;�
<br /> `''`� ot tha Iten In,tegal proceedings whlch in the Lender's optnton operate to�revent the entorcement of the Ilen; ar(c) secures from the holdar oi the f ~��i,'t}�"���`'�
<br /> ;,t;�� Uen art agreement sadsiactory t�Lender subordlnaUng the lien to thls 8ecurfly InsVument. If lender detertnlnes tfiat any paK o7 the Property is � :l� ,.•�� ,.
<br /> , -<<, subJect to a Nen whlch may attatn pdorlry over thts Security Instrument, Lender may gNe Sortower a noUce Idemiying the Iten. Bortowe�shall E�t,,, %"�����".
<br /> satlsty the Ilen or take one or more of the actlons set torth ab�ve wfihkt 10 days of the gNing of noUce, � �
<br /> ti,� �-.
<br /> � 5. Nazard or Propert� Insurance. Borrower shall�caep the Improvements now �<iat;ng or hereafter erected on Ine Property Insured •
<br /> agalnst Ioss by tlre, hazards Induded wfthfn the term'extended coverage'ana!any other hazards,Including floods or flooding, tor whleh Lender �"�' � ..
<br /> requkes Insurance. Thls Insurance shall be malntalned fn the amounts and 10:Ihe periods thet Lender requlres. The lnsurance cartler provlding i � ;,
<br /> the lnsurence shall be chosen by Borrower subJect to Lender's apprcval which si�all not 6e unreasonably wfthheld. If 8ortower tells to malnialn � • �
<br /> ooverage described above, Lender may,at Lender's optlon, obta7n coverage to praiect lender's rlghts In the Property In accortlance wfth
<br /> paregreph 7. � �
<br /> Afl Insurance polldes and renewals shall be acceptable to tPce l�nder and shall include a standard mortgage clause. Lender shall have the ;��,,,
<br /> dght to hold the pollGea and renewats. It Lender requfres. Dorcmw¢r shall promptty glve to Lender ell receipts of gaid premiums and renamal ji`���
<br /> notices. In the event of loss,Borrower shall gNe prompt notic�to 1P�e insurance cartier and Lender. Lender may make proof of bss if�ot made �. ': ,
<br /> promplly by Bortower. �
<br /> Un�esa Lender and Bottower othenvfse agree In writing, insurartce procc2ds sha(1 be apFlied to restoratlon or repair�t tt�e Property damaged,if �'. '
<br /> the testoraUon ar rctNalr Is economlcally feasible and Lender's security is not tessened. It the restoratlon or repalr is not economicalty feasible �
<br /> or Lendw's security would be lessened,the Insurance proceeds sha�I be applied to the suma secured by thia Security Instn.�ment,whether ar not
<br /> then due,with any excess pald to Bortower. If Bortower abartdons the Property, or does not answer within 30 days a notice trom Lenpzr that the
<br /> " Insurance carrlet has oNered to settle a elalm,then Lender may crollect the insu��ce proceeds. lender may use the proceEds *.o repalr or restore • �
<br /> the Ptoperty or to pay sums secured by this Securtty Instrument,whether or not then due. The 30•day period wllt begtn when the notice is given.
<br /> Unteas Lender and Bortower othenwtse agree In wrlting, any appllcetfrx�of proceeds to principal shall not axtend or postpone the due date
<br /> ot the monthty paymenta reterred to in paragraph 1 and 2 or change the amount o1 the payments. If under paragraph 21 the Property Is
<br />._ acqulr�ed by Lendor.Bo��ower's �ight to any Insuranco polldes and proceeds resulting hom dan�ege to the Property prior to the acqulsidon
<br /> shall paso to lender to the extent ot the suma securecf by thls Securily Instrument Immedietely prior to the acqulsltlon.
<br /> -_' . . .� � w_"'�___" w_____'��_._ u�t���.��..�� ���t��..►�.Jf.... w��I�s O�MOAY� AA�/AWOf�G I Ann Onnlieatinnc
<br /> - O. tI6QY(7Ptt4r� ��oao��aa�v��� maa•w.w....o ..•... ..r.v........ ... ..... . ...p�'y' __"_"_' _ ___.. . .�� _. .
<br /> � Le889hO1d8. Bortower shall occupy,estebtish,and use the PropeAy as BoROwer's prinGpat resldence wRhln stxty days aRer the executlon of
<br /> thls Secutity Instrument and shall contlnue to occupy the Propcsrty as Borrower'a principal resfdence for at least one year after the date ot
<br /> oa;upancy, unless Lender otherwise agrees In writing,whlch coosent shall not be unreasonably withheld. or unless extenuating clrcumstances exist
<br /> ;i whlch are beyond Bortower's controt. Borrower ahall not destroy,damage or Impair the Property,allow the Property to deterlorate, or commic
<br /> waste on the Property. Bortower shatl be in defauR It any torfefture achon or proceeding, whether dvil or criminel. Is begun that in Lender's good
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br /> � , 30281.frm�a�sit aaao z o�� Form 3028 9/90
<br /> .t ,
<br /> : �
<br /> .
<br /> - � �
<br /> _
<br />