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<br /> :_�*i����_����.�� applir,nb�e lnw may specify for rcinstutement) before�nle of thc Property pur�uant to uny powcr in this
<br /> _ . Sec�ty Insuumct►h,oa(b)cntry of u judgmcnt cnfoning th�s Security Insuument. Those coaditions a:+e thnt Borrower. (a)
<br /> _ pays I.ender ull sum4 which then woWd bc duo under this 3ecurlty Instruntent and the Note as if ao ac;celeradon had
<br /> occumed;(b)cnres any defnult of arly otber covenunta or agcceraents;(c)pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security
<br /> — Insuument,inctuding. Iwt nut limited to, rcasonabla attomeys'fees;�tttd(d)uilces sach ucUon as Lendcr qaay�usouably
<br /> nquim to assum that the lien of this Securtty I�saumea�Lender's rIghts in the Property and Bomawer�obligadon so pay tUe
<br /> - sums secured by this Secwity Inauument ehull condnue unchangod. Upon reinstaternent by Bomuwer. thls Security
<br /> -=— —� lnstnunent und the ab!igatione�ecured hereby shali r+emain fuily effxtive as if�ro ncceterapon had accurred. Howerer.�bja �
<br /> ; dght to t+cinstate shall nat apply in tha oase of acceleradon under paragraph 17.
<br /> ��' ; 19. Sak of Note;Chstnge of I.own Servlcer. The Note or a partlal interest in the Note(together w�th this Sec�uity
<br /> �� ; Iasuument)may be sold one or more times without pdor aotice to Hoirower. A sale may result in a change in We eadty
<br /> (imown as thc"Loan Servicer")that collects manthly paymenes due under the Note aad this Securit�lnswmen� There also
<br /> may be one or mare changes of the Loan Serv�cer unnlated to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer,
<br /> Borrower w1U be givea wrttten notice of the change In accordance wlth parayrcaph 14 above nnd appllcable luw. The aotice
<br /> wiU atnte We name and address of the aew Loan Servicer artd We address to wdich payments shouid be made. The notice wlll --
<br /> .' �1so contain aay other informadon required by applicaWe Iaa. —
<br /> —� �;�,�.?:�e--�� Z0. HazaMous SubstAacea Borrower shall not cause or permit the p�sence,use,disposai, �torage,or release of any
<br /> j 3s�: rr; :� " Hazaodovs Substances on or{n the Pioperiy. Eonower shall not do.nor allow enyone else to do,anything effecdng th6
<br /> ',��� , : �,,� Ptoperty that is in vtoiadon of eny Bnvlmnmenuil Law. Tha precedin�two sentences shall not appjy to the presence.use,or
<br /> �,.f����.�.�' storage on the Ptopecty of smaU qnaatides of Hazandous Substances that are generaUy recogaized to be appropr�ate to normal _
<br /> �r.� r e s i d e a d a l u s e s a n d t o m a i n t e n a n c�o f t h e P r o p e r ry.
<br /> h-;rw :. -' t;n•
<br /> - •-}6;= Bomower ahall promptly�ive T.ender written nodce of any inve.cN�atton,claim,demand,lawRUit or other acuon by any �_
<br /> '}��' overnmeatal or lato a enc or rIvate
<br /> •• • � g n�u ry g y p party involving the PropeKy and any Heznrdous Substence or Eaviconmental
<br /> ', '�`• Lav� of wh(c6 Borrower has actual knowledge. If Bo:rower leams, or is notitied by any govemmental or regulatory
<br /> � authority,that any remavel or other pemediatIon of aay Hezardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary. Borrower
<br /> , ' , . shall prompUy take all necessary remedial actions ire aaordance with EnvIronmental Law. ��
<br /> As used in this paragraph 20."Harardous Substances"eue those substances defined es roxic or hazardous substances by -'
<br /> h Environmental Law and the following subswnces: gasoline.kerosene.other flammable or toxic petroleum praducts.toulc
<br /> " . pest�cIdes and herblcldes,volat�le solvents,matedals contnining asbestos or formaldehyde,and radloacdve materisls. As
<br /> usc�id In this paragreph 20,"Environmentel Law"means federal laws and laws of the j�uIsdicdon wher�e the Property is located �
<br /> „ • that relate to health,snfety or cnvironmental protection. ��
<br /> NON-UMFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covennnt and agree as follows: =
<br /> 21. Acoeleration;RemedIes. Leader shall gtre nodce to Borrower priar to ecceleratton follmvtng Borrower's �`•'
<br /> •- ,:�� breach of any rnvenant or agreement in this Secudty Instrument(but not pr[or to acceleratlon under paragraph 17
<br /> - u�appficabte Is�r pras�ides 8tbersrise). Thc�riicc s6ali sp2cffy: ta3 i!��icfauli,(b3 ihe aciian r�qu#r�ta tusc il�e � �"
<br /> : _ . — �
<br /> defeult;(c)a date,nbt less tdan 30 deys tcom the date the nottce is gtven to Borrower,by which the defaWt must be —�-`"—=°
<br /> ° .. � cwx�t;aud ta}t6at fiiilure to cure the default on or befure ttee dute specified in ihe aatice may res�tt in scceIeeadon af -"`
<br /> the sums secured by tlils Secnrtty Instrument end salc of thx Prnperty. The nodce shaU further inform Borrower of �i't
<br /> . We rfght to retnstate eRer ecceleration end the rtght to bring a rnurt aMion to assert the nan-extstence oi a default or '
<br /> any other defease of Borrower to acceleradon and sate. It the delaWt Is not cnred on or 6efore the date specifled in •
<br /> the notice,I.ender at!ts optlon may require immedtate payment!n fuU of eU sums secured by thLv Securtty Ia�trumeat
<br /> •• without furiher demand and may invokc thc pa�rer ot s3le nnd any oWer remedies permltted by appllqb[e la�x
<br /> Lepder s6all be entitled to rnllect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies pmWded fa this paregrapb 21,
<br /> tacluding,but not Iimited to�reasonable attorneys'fees and costs o!tiUe evidenrn.
<br /> V the power of sale is invoked,71�ustee shalt record a notice of default in each county in which eny part of the
<br /> � Property is located and sha11 mail rnptes of such nodce in the manner presc�ibed by applicable!aw to Borro�ver and to
<br /> the other persons prescribed by appltceble law Mer the dme required by applicab[e law.'lYustee shall give public
<br /> nodce ot sale w the persons and in the mnnner prescribed by upplicuble law 7tustee,without demund on Borrower,
<br /> ° , shaU sell the Property at pubUc auctton to the htghest 6idder at the tlme artd place and under We terms desigaated in
<br /> the notice of sale in one or more parcels and in uny order Tiustee determtnes. '[lrustee may postporie sale of aU or any
<br /> • parcei of We Property by publIc announcement at the tIme and pluce of any previousty scheduled sale. i.ender or il�
<br /> designee may purchase the Property at uny sale.
<br /> Upon receipt ot payment of the price bid.7lrustee shall deliver to the purchaser'IYustee's deed rnnveying the ,
<br /> Property. The reciWs!n the'ilrustee's deed shall be prima tacie evtdence of the truth of the statemenis made theretn.
<br /> 'Iirustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the following order: Ua)to all costs and expenses of exercising the power
<br /> }.. �
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<br /> �
<br /> �
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