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�- • �r 4 <br /> �r. �i <br /> . .••= i �.v -. <br /> :--- <br /> Y� . . . �f" �. .`;. . ., r'�`__--- <br /> , � <br /> _� - ...,.- ._ ' "__'^_ <br /> . ___"_-____"____..__ <br /> _"� .. . . .. ' . <br /> _ �-_.�� �._,`�� __- <br /> r <br /> _ '— �� <br /> ._ .._ <br /> . �'=- ���Gt��� <br /> TOOBTHER WITH ell thc impTOVCmcnts now�sr het+eafter crccted on the prapurty,asid all casemeats. appurtenances, <br /> and tlntures now or hereatter a part nf t1re property. AI[replacementx arxJ addit�ons shul!also be covered by this SccuritX <br /> — InsWn�ent. All of the foregoing ls refemed to jn this SecurIty Instrument av the"Propecty." <br /> BI�RROWER CpVSIVANI'S Wet Botrower Is lawfu�ly scised of tha estate hec�eby conve�red and has the tight to grant <br /> und convey ttie Bcoperty und that tAe Property la untncumberai.except for encumbrancee of iecord. Borrower wurran�g and <br /> �-- . , wdl dcfcnd generalty the ddc m the�'c�opeity against nit claima cmd de�nand�subjcct to any ci�cumbrwue:.of r,:cord. <br /> THIS SF.�URITX IN5TitUMBNT combines unfform cnvennnta for national use und non-un�form covenants wlth <br /> � limtted v�riadans by jurisdiction to con.atitute u uniform security inatrumenc covedng real property. <br /> UNffORM COVSNAN't'�. Borruwer ond 4ender covenant uttd agme as follows: <br /> _' l. �yyment ot PrinclpW wsd lnterest;Prep�yro�eut wnd Late Ch�rges. Borrower shall pmmptly pay whctt duc the <br /> prlrtclpul of ond interest on the debt evidenced by the�Iate and uny prepuyment and late charges due under the Note. <br /> -_. 1 law or to a written wu�ver b L.ender,Borrower shall a to �_ <br /> _ 2. [ r aad . Sub ect to llcab c Y P Y <br /> .. Flvxl.s o Tmxea I�ura�e <br /> aPP <br /> � N N <br /> ,,��, Lender on�he duy�nonthly paymenu are due uader the Note,undl the Note is paid in full.a sum( FUnds)for.(a)yearly <br /> •,- taxes artd ossessatcats which raay attaia priodty over this Securtty Instrument as a lien on the Aroperry;(A)yearly leasehold _ <br />''�; payments or gmund rents on the Proaerty. if any; (c) yeatly haznrd or property insurance pmmiums;(d) yearly flood <br /> ; insurance preraiums, if any; (e)yearly mortgage Insnrance premlums. if any: and (fl eny sums paynble by Borrower to <br />`� I.ender.ia accordance w(th the provislons of paragcaph S, ip lieu af the payment of mortgage insurance premiums. Thesc <br /> _ [tems are cellr,d"Escmw Iteros." l.ender any time,coUect artd hold�unds in an amount not to exceed the mex3mum <br />- q � amount a lender for a federally retated mortgage loan may re�uire for Borrower's escrow account under the federal Ret+l <br /> „y�,:�y;.�� Fstate Settlement�'mcedures Act of 1974 as amended from time to tin►e.12 U.S.C.§2b0i et seq.("2L'SPA").unicss aztathcr - � <br /> «� ��,��•,� law that applies to the Phnds sets a lesser amount. lf so,Lender any 8me,collect and hold Funds in an amouat not tu <br /> ?t;�-=��=•.''�'� exceed the lesscr a�nount. L,ender may estimate the arnonnt of Furtds due on the basls of current data und reasonable <br /> `�• � � estimates of expenditures of future Bscrow Items or otherwise in accordance with applicable law. �:°- <br /> A�'��D�^'���-� •�'� ��•_ The Au►ds shall be held in an insHtudon whose deposlts are insured by a federal u$ency, instruraentality. or end4Y G-, <br /> � �`��r � � � (including L.ender is such an insdtution)or in any Federal Home L.oan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay —____- <br /> .�.;k, . . " the Escrow items. Lender may not chazge Borrower for holding and applying the Fuads.annually analyzing the escrow � -�- <br /> -">; '� account, or verifying the Escrow Items. ualess L.ender pays Borrower interest on the ELnds and appliceble law permlts ��; <br /> �"�� ��� ° ' � l.eader to make such a charge. However,Lendcr may require Borrower to pay a orte-ttme charge for an independent neal <br /> . . estate tax reporting service used by Lender in connecuon witl�this loan.unless applicable law provides othen�+ise. Unless an �:_:_`'_ <br /> �. agreement is made or applicable law requires interest to be pnid.Lender strall nut be required to pay Borrower any interest or t�,�- <br /> `` "� '' earnings ou the Funds. Bonower and Lender may agree in wnting,however.that interest shuq be paid on the Funds. Lender .«,'., <br /> . <br /> � ' shall Aive to Borrower,without char�e,an annual uccountin g of the Eunds.showin g credits and debit�ta the Funds and the . �y� <br /> ,_,. .. _ _.. <br /> � purpose for which each debIt to the Funds was made. 'Phe ELnds aze pledged us additional security for e!I sums secured by •��� <br /> ° . .. Ws Security Instrument. '.. <br /> If the Funds held by l.ender exceed the amount� permicted [o be heid by aaplicable law, Lertder shall acconnt to �.,::,;�� <br /> •• Borrower for the excess�unds in accordance with the requirements of appliceble law. [f the amount of the Funds held by ��.r''� <br /> Lender at any time is not sufficfent to pay the Escrow Items whcn dae,Lender may so notify Borrower in writing, <br /> such case Borrower sh;sl( pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency, Borrower shall make up the <br /> deticiency in no more than twelve monthly payments,at Lender's sole discretion. ; <br /> Upon payment in fult uf:ilt sums�curr�i by this Security in�trument,Lender shalt pru►uptiy refund to Bocrowcr any � . <br /> . F'undg held by Lertder. If,under p:�rugraph 21.Lender Shall ocquire or sell the Property.Lender,prior to the acquisition or <br /> sale of the Property, shall apply any Funds held by Lendec at the time of ucquisiaon or saie us a credit a��inst the sums <br /> _ � secured by tl�is Security Instrument. " <br /> 3. Application oY Poyments. Unless applicuble law pruvideti utherwise, sll pay�nents received by Lertder under <br /> � •� paragraphs 1 and 2 shull be upplied: fint,to:u�y prepaymcnt churges Jue undcr thc IVote:second,to aunounts payuble under <br /> � paragcaph 2; interest due; principal due:and last,t4 any iate ch:srges due ureder the Notc. <br /> 4. Cdargess; Llens. Borrowcr,h:ilt pay all taxc,, assc�.�mrnts, ch:uges, fines and impositions attributable to thc <br /> . . Property which may attain priority over this Security [nsuvment,and leatiehold payments or ground ten�ti,if arey. Borrower <br /> � .- •� shatl pay these obligations in the m:inncr pn�vided irt paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,l3orrowcr shall pay them on <br /> • time direcdy to ilte person owed payment. Borrower sh:ill pramptly furnish tu Lrnder�11 nucice,of:�mounts to be paid under <br /> - this paragrsph. Lf Borrower malces these payment.directly,Bo�rower tihall prumptly furnish to Lender mceiptti evidencing <br /> the paymcnts. <br /> � Borrower shall pnm�ptly disch:uge any lien which h•rs priority over this Security In.wrnent unleu Burruwer:(a)ag�res <br /> , , ' " in wriang w the pnyment of the obli�atiun secumd by thc licn in•r m:umer accrptablr to Lender;(b)contes�,in�ooei fuith the <br /> „ . lien by,or defends a�ainst enforcement of the lien in,lrgal proce��iing�which i��the Lender;upinion oper�tr;to prevent the <br /> enforcement of the lien;or(r)secures from the holder of the licn an agnement wti,factory to Lender xubordinatirtg the lien <br /> ° to this Security inswment. If Lendcr detrrminr�that uny p�rt vf the Pru�rty iti.ubject to a lien which m�y attain priority <br /> � ' over this Securiry Instrument,LenJer may give Burrowrr a notice identifying thr lien. Borr4wcr.hall,�titty thc lien or take <br /> one or mom of the actions set forth abovc within 10 day+of the�iving uf notice. <br /> S. Nazard or Property Ia4�trance. Butrower.hall kccp the impro��rmcnc,nuw rxisdng or hen:sftcr crected on ihe <br /> � Propeny insured ag;tinst la.s by fire,h;uards indudcd within du tcnn"cxtenJcd covera�c":ind any vthcr haiatds,inrluding <br /> flood.s or flooding,for which l.ender reyuire.insur:u�ce. Th�ti imuranre tihall be maincained in the�umrort4+ and for thc i <br /> _ �` ' I <br /> Fnrm 302tl 9l90 t pukc 2 u/n��ps� j <br /> ., : � <br /> ' � <br /> t <br /> t <br /> 4 ,� <br /> . �', .. , . � <br /> i• , <br /> fi <br /> �: , , <br /> + <br />