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<br /> Y , . :~ ,.� , the procads to rcpair ot rcstoro the Propaty ot W psy wms acurcd Ey thb Seo�rtty I�wmm6��or not thrn Qno.7ta 30�daY P��� �-."j"."--
<br /> r,�� h - _ :� wftlba�inwhenlhe aotioo is{ivrn. �1'___,'1�:::iY:��-•�-•�-.
<br /> � ` ., .,: ... - •- -
<br />, •� • '�
<br /> .�� ,� ° � Unless l.enden and Borrowwa Whenviso�gree tn wrtdn&NY aD013c�tlon or procu0s W prtnctp�l ahdl not exknd or postpone the '''{'�`,;":_'�_�,,,;�,.--:
<br /> , , .. .. ' ,p 19 tha PropeRf'�s iw9uircd
<br /> � �� Euo dato otthe prymcnt rofenad to in parogniphs 1 uid 1 or chu�Yo tho tmount ottM ayrt�ent IY under puaffitDh ,f�:`;=i;ti�____
<br /> �. „ , by Lrnden�Bortowen dght w my Inswana Iidcs md prooaQs rowlttnj 8+om damtBe to tho Propaly pdor w H�o�cqubidon�hatl ptss tn .;�;.,,,,,����
<br /> Po r - yr*�r�n�.�
<br /> . LeaCert W the extrnt otltto aurtu ctcuad by thb Securiry Instrumrnt imtoedittely prlor W ihe aqubftlort. '��:r°-��:�_;��.,-_-
<br /> h '.r;,•�i'.,:. ._
<br /> `� S. Praetv�tfon and Mafnunsna of PropMy L.easehuid�.Bomowas�ill nm datroy.dam�ge or subs�endtlly change da Property. - n���;.�''���.
<br /> , , allow tho Property w dcterioraa or wmmk waste.If thb Seauity lnswmrnt is on a leaseholQ Borroweia shdl wmyiy whh tho provisions ot ' .
<br /> . te .
<br /> ., .. the leue,md it Boirowete xa�uiro fa tl0e w the Propetty.the leasehold u t d fea t l de a l u i l no t merge i u d e s s t.m d rn��e e to the m e►B���°
<br /> writiAg. ., . .. , .. :_
<br /> � ., 6. Protection of Lrndera'Rlghts in the Property:Mortgago Inswance. IP Bomowera fail W pMmm Ne covenents end agaments
<br /> , ` , • containcd in this Security InsWmen6 or there is a tegal procading tliat may algntflcantly a9'ect I.aidera'rights in the Propetq(such es a ' .;-'•`�: ., _
<br /> pmaedfng in banluupuy,probau,for wndemnation or to enforce tewa or tegWadons)�d+rn Lenders may do end psy Por whatevu Is neaasary �
<br /> . . w protea the value of the Property end Lrndera'dght�!n tho Propetty.Lenders'aaions may inctude paying any sums secured bY e Iien whtch
<br /> � has pftoriry ova this Sa�uriry Inswment,appearin8 in eou�t,PaYtng rcasonable ettomeys'ke9 end rntering on the Propaty t4 meke rcpai�s.
<br /> Although Lendas moy uke udon undu this paragraph 6,Lenders do not have w do so. �,.;, - '
<br /> .,..,,..lL�"...r
<br /> Any erteounu disbursed by Lenders under this paragraph 6 shdl buome addidone!debt of Hortowers uc�ued by this Security ' ��.��,�s�;�'
<br /> Insuummt Unless Bertowen end l.acdera egrce to ott�terms of payment,thae emo++nm ahdl6�ar inueest trom Uu date of dtsbursement at ..,.. . -�
<br /> the Nota�ate and shall be payabte.with inkrcst,upan nodce&om Lenders W Bortowtrs rcquesdn8 P��� ',` '•.,��`.
<br /> .. tf Lendees rcqutrcd mongege insurana as a wndidon ot making the ban secitt+ed by thb Secudty Instrumrnt,Horroy�errs shdl pay .• ,� � " .�,��
<br /> `� � the premiums required to mafntain the insuranex in eftect undi auch dmes as the rcquGement for the fnsurence te►minaus in eceordanu whh , , , . :
<br /> Borrowrn'and Lenden'wtitten egr�ement ot appitca6le law. . , ,;�c
<br /> 7. Inspection. Lrndera or their agents mey moke rcawnabte rntria upon end inspecdons of the Prope�ty,Lrnden shall give �"1�
<br /> Horcowen notla at the Ume of or prlor to an inspection specffying rcasonebie cause for the inspection. �
<br /> .t.��' ��
<br /> ... ��._
<br /> 8. Condcmnation. 'The proaeds oi any awud or cialm for dam�ges,dlrcct or consequendd,fn wnnectfon with eny condemnetlon � ,�""
<br /> or o�her takfng of any part of thc Property,ur for wrneyana in Ileu otcondemnetlon,ere hercby auigned and shali be pald w Lenders. �
<br /> In Ne evrnt of o Wtul tokMg of the Property,the proceeds�hWt be ayplied w the eums aecurcd by this Secunry Inswmen�wherher �--_-- �� . -
<br /> �, or not then due,with my ezces�paid w Bortowero.In the event ot e panial taking of the Property,unteas Forroweis and Lenden otherwise :��
<br /> 4 agreo in wriring,the wms acurcd by this Security Insirw�xnt shdl be teduced by thc mnount o!the proceede muldptieC by 0e folbwing
<br /> � frncdon:(a) the wtai unount of the sums securcd immedieuty before the taking,dividcd by(b)the fafr market vaiue of the Property Zr'
<br /> immedlateiy bcforc the taking.Any ba�anu shell be paid to Borrowen. �° '
<br /> � If the property is abando�rcd hy&+rtowero,or if,after nodce by I.enders to Bortowers that the condemnor offen to make en eward � .
<br /> �rc
<br /> ar scale a c1aSm for damaga,Bortowe�s faii w rcspond w Lenders wlthin 30 days after the date the noda is givm,I.ertders are euthoriud to •`• �..��:
<br /> coltect md epply the proceeds,at their opUon.elther w reswrc or rcpatr Ne Property or w pay tde sums secured by thi�Securiry tnstnunen4 ` .y�.
<br /> whether or not then Eue. f�. .�
<br /> , Unlas Lenders ond Hortowers othenrise agrce in writing,Bny application of proceeds to pdncipa�shell not etttend er postpone the �
<br /> due dau of thc yearly paymrnts cekrrcd a in peragrephs 1 and 2 or change the emount of such payments. � � i
<br /> �./�
<br /> 9. Bortowe►s Not Rdeaud;Forbearena by Lendets Not a Waiver. Eztcnsion of the time for paymcnt of modlficedon or .�;.:��
<br /> nmorti�atbn a[the sums securcd by this Sccuriry Instrument granud by Lenden to any succcswr in intetest of Horrowen shall not oQerete w � ;%� . •
<br /> I reieau the Iiabiliry of the original Bortowers or Bortowers'successots in Intercst Lenders shall not be rcquircd W commena proaedings
<br /> agatnst eny auu�awr In interest or rctluc to exknd Ume for pnyment or otherwise modify mm�nbatfon ot the sums secured by this Securlty �
<br /> tnswme�n by rcason af any demand made by the orlgtnai Bortowers or Bortowcrs'suecessors in inurcst My fotbearance by Lendets in i
<br /> exercisfng nny dght or rcmedy shoil not be a walvcr of or prcciude the exercise of eny right or rcmedy.
<br /> t0. Sucauors and Assfgns Bound; lofnt and Severel Ltablliry;Co-slgners. The covenents and agtamrnts of ihis Seeudty ,
<br /> Insuumcnt shall bind end beneflt the succcsson and auigns of I.endcrs wd Bortowers,subJect te the provisions of paragreph 11.Bortowets'
<br /> covenanu end ngreemenu shall be Joint and severai.
<br /> I 1. Legislatfon Afl'eafng L.enders'Righu.tf enacunent or expiretion of applicable Iaws has the effca of rcndering any provision o!
<br /> the Note or thls Security Inswment unenforceable according to iu terms,Lenden,ut thelr optfon,may requirc immediau paymeat in fUll of aIi
<br /> , sums securcd by this Security lnsuument and may invokc any remedfes permined by paragroph 19.If Lenders exercise this option.Lenders
<br /> shali toke the sups specffled in the second peragraph of paragroph I7. ,
<br /> 12. Notica. Any notia to Borrowers prorided for fn U�fs Secu�ity i�swment shnii be given by de�iverfng it or by mailing it by
<br /> tirst clazs moii uniess appiicable law requfres uu of another m¢thod.'!'he notiu sheli be dirccted to the Property address or any other address
<br /> � Borrowerc daignau by notia to Lenders.Any notice to l.enders shdl be gi�en by itat ciass maii W Lenders'addrcss stated hercN or any uther
<br /> addrcss Lenders designates by notla to Borroaers.Anq notice provlded!or in this Security Inswment shall be deemed w have b�en given to
<br /> �, Borrowers or Lendees when gfven ac provided In this paragraph.
<br /> I 3.(3ovcming Law;Severabltfty.TAis Security Inswment sholl be govemcd by federai law and thc law of the Smte of Nebraska In
<br /> • the event that eny provisfon or cinuse of this Security Instrument or the T�ote contlic�s with appifcobie lew,such conftict shNt not atTect other
<br /> provisions of thfs Securiry lnswment or the Note which can be giren etTect w ithout the conflicting pr..�sion.To this end the prorisions of this
<br /> • Security fnswment and thc Notc arc declareG to bc scvcrable.
<br /> I 4-Bottoaccs'Copy.Borroxers shall be gfvcn onc confurmed cop?of thc Nnte and of thls Sccurit�•Inswmcnt.
<br /> I S. Transkr of the Property or a Beaeflcinl tntercst In Botro��ers.If al�or any part of the Propercy or eny interest in it is wld or
<br /> �' vnnsfcmd(or If a beneficfat Intercst in Bortowers is soid or nansfertcd and Borc�wer is not n nnturnl penon)wfthout LendeR prior w�itten
<br /> wnsen�L.enders mey,at their optlon,rcquirc immediate pa}ment In fuit of nll sums securcd by this Security Insuument.HoNe�er,d�fs optlon
<br /> � shNl not be exercised by Lenders if exercise Is prohibited by kderal Inw as of the dnu of this Securiq Inswment.
<br /> � lf Lenders exercVu this option,I.enders shail girc 9�rtowers nutia of ncceieratlon.ihe noticc shali provide n period oF not las
<br /> � then 30 days from the date the notice is deiivercd or mailed wfthin��hich Bortou�en must pay oll sums secuced by this Securiry i�swment.I(
<br /> � Borro�vers fail w pay thesc sums prlor to the expimtfon of this period.Lcndc�s may Mvoke eny remedfes pertnitted by this Security Inswmcnt
<br /> without NrtFK:notice or demond on Bortowtrs.
<br /> I
<br /> �
<br /> .y
<br /> 1
<br /> . ,
<br /> � �
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