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— '—•a.����=,r---� .„t�:._. '�:- <br /> �� - �•_ � v-,� �h, . ; � _ <br /> � .•nk:'.:� <br /> � -� �._.._ - -- <br /> -- _. ._ _ .. <br /> -- i-v.=:---:',a�rr� ��� --' —- <br /> ' �="'"-y"'~'-�---�� paytnentx ntny uu longcrt�u reyulred,nt thc i►ptlnn af I.cndee.if mnttBti�e insursnca covemge(fn the n�Xt���c period �_____�_. <br /> ___— -- --- �hnt l..ender requirca) pmvidsci by un fnsurer upproved by l.ender agnin becomes availablt nnd is obtulned. 8orrower ehall pny <br /> — t4io premiumA rcqutre�to rnaintaln mortgago Insurance in effect.or tu pmvide a loss reserva,until the requirement for mortgega <br /> — Insurunce endx in accwrdwtco with nny wrtt�en ngrcement between Iiorrawer and I.ender or upplicnble law. <br /> 9. In9paKioa.Lendcr or Its agtnt may make reasanable entdes upon and inspections of the Property.Lender shall give <br /> Barmwer notice at the tlme of or prior ta an inspection specifying n�onable causa for the lnspection. <br /> - °-- - --- _ 10. Condemnatian. The proceeds af any oward or claim for datnages, dirc:ct or consequcntial. in cannection wlth any � <br /> condemnation or other taking of any part of the Property,ar far conveyance in lieu of condemnation,are hcreby assigned artd <br /> _ � shall be pald to Lender. <br /> [n the event of a total tekjng of the Property,the proceeda shaq be applled to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, <br /> whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. In the svent of a partial taking of the Property b whtch the fair _ <br /> .; �H,s market value of the Property immediatcly before the taking is equal to or�reatar than the amount of the sums secured by this = <br /> ` ' ;��r'„zct,F � Security Instrument immediately before the taktns,unless Hc�rrower and i.,ender othecwise agrce in wridng.the sums secured by -_ - __ <br /> �;�6r"�:'•'�• this Secur�ty Instrument shdl be reduced by the amount of the proce.eds multiplied by the following fractlon: (a) the total <br /> � ���`��"�� '-•�'� {, umount of the surns secured immedietely 6efore the taking. divided by(b) the fair market value of the Praperty immedfately �--__- - <br /> "'�' '��'" " ; before the taking. Any balence shall be paid to Borrower. In the event of a partlel takln�of the Property in which the fair <br /> p • �,'„.�• . ' . � <br /> :. , . ' '� market value of the Property immedlately before the taicing is less than the amount of the sums secured immedistely befare the _ <br /> ' ;'.��::.:'` .�' . :� ::, taking,unless Borrower and I.ender otherwlse agree in writing or unless applicable law otherwise provfdes.the proceeds shell � <br /> � � . .„ ,.,,�_�`�_ be epplied to the sums serured by thfs Securlty Instrument whether ar not the sums are chen due. `-- <br /> � c= If the Property is abandoned by Borrower.or if,after nottce by I.ender to Borrower that the condemnor affers to make an — : <br /> :_ �,.,_ <br /> •' award or setde u claim for damages, Borrower falls to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the natice is glven, �''" <br /> . ;°�.�:�- <br /> � I.ender is author�zed to collect and apply the proceeds,at its option,either to restoradon or repair of the Property or to the sums �••r,---;• <br /> secure�by thfs Security instrurnent,whether ar not then due. • •����� <br /> 1 . ,. , "t�~asnr <br /> Unless Lender and Eoreower otherwise agree in writing. any application of procc�ds to principal shall not extend or , <br /> � , ,. postpone the due date af the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs i und 2 or change the umount of such payments. �.��'�y�= <br /> • . 11. Borrower Not Released;Forbearance By I.ender Not a Watver.Extension of thc time for payment or modification ;, "�' <br /> of amorttzation of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by I..cnder to any successor in interest of Bonawer shall ,�:•.- <br /> not operate to releace the liability of the orisinal Bonower or Borrower's successors in interest. I.ender shall not be required to ' : <br /> � � - commence proceedin�s a�uinst any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise rnodify amortiu�tion ���. • '�� <br /> of the sums sec:ure� by this Security Instrument by �eason of uny demand made by the original Borrower ar Borrower's �#�� <br /> , successors in interest. Any forbearance by I.ender in exercising any right ar remedy shatl not be a waiver of or prcclude ihe , ;- <br /> exercise of any right or•remedy. _ <br /> 12. Successors and Asstgns Bound;Joint and Several Liabiiity; Casigners. Thc covenants and agrcements of this � ' ;����� <br /> " j Securiry Instrument shnll bind and benefit the successors und assigns of Lender and Bormwer. subject to the provisionti of � <br /> . paragraph 17. Borrower's covenant� and ugreements �hall be joint und several. Any Borrower who ca-signs this Security <br /> Instrument but does nat execute the Note: (u1 is�o-signing this Security Instrument onty to martg�ge, grant and convcy that , <br /> . . • Borrower's ihterest in th�Prc�perty undcr the tcrn�z of thix Security Ynstrument;fb>i, not pcnonally obligated to pay the sums <br /> � secutcd by this Security Iastrunxnt:und fc)ugrecti that Lcnder und uny athrr Borrower may ugree to extend.modify,forbear or ` <br /> � • muke uny uccomrm�dations with re�ard to the tenm��f thi,Sccurity hi+tniment��r the Nuu withi�ut that&�rrower'+consent. <br /> 13. I.�wn Chat��. If the loun.ecured by thi+5ecurity Imt�umrnt i. +ubjcrt tu u law whirh sets muximum laan charges. �- <br /> , ' And that luw i�finally intcrprciccl ui thut thc intcre�t ur inhcr luur�chargeti rullcctcJ iu tu bc coltectcJ in conncction with ihc <br /> loan exceed the pemiittcd limity, then: tu►uny .uch luun chargr.h•rti fie rcduceJ by the amount necestiury to rcduce ttte charge " <br /> to ehe p�:rmittecl limit:und Ib1 an>• .um+atreudy cullectcd frum &�rruwrr which exceedcJ Fx:nnitted limitx wiU be refunJed to �� <br /> „ Borrowcr. Lcndcr m:�y ch�xi,c tu makc thi. rcfund hy nxiuring thc prinripul ��w•ed unJcr thc Natc or by muking a dircct <br /> - payment tn &�rrowet. if a retund redurc� prinripal. thc rcduclicin K�itl tx trcatrd ati a partia! pmpsyment a•ithout �ny <br /> ° prepayment cliar�c undcr thc Nntc. ,� .� <br /> ' 14. Nottc�.Any nuticc tn Burrower pr�wid�tii fur in thi�Srrurity In�trumrnt ahatl hc givcn by Jclivcring it or by mailing <br /> �' it by firct class mail unless u�plirablc luw rcyuires u�c of unuthcr mcth�xi. Thc notice+hall hc directed to the Property Addm�+ <br /> ��r uny cnher uddrcss Bnrrowcr de�ignate� by notire to L.cndrr. Any n�►tire to I.endcr tihall bc given by fint daca mail to <br /> L.cndcr', addre�s titated hcrcin ar any othcr addresy Lendcr Jc+ignatc.hp notire to Bc,rcawrr. Any notire providc�f for in thiti <br /> Security In�trument�h•rll bc dcxmecl tu havn c�rn givcn t��&�rruwcr or[.rnder u•hcn gi�rn a.providrd in thix par.�graph. ' <br /> ' 15. Governing La��•; S�rert�bilit��. Thi� Srrurity�mcnt �hall hr g��vcm��i by f�tiirral law and thc law of the <br /> jurisdiction in which the Pmperty i.t�xatrci. In the event that any pmri.iun or clau.r��f tl�i�S�YUriry Inxtrument or the Note <br /> • conftict,with appticablc lau�. wrh ronflirt�liall nat affcrt��thrr pruvi�ion�of thi, Sccurin• [natrumcnt��r the Notc u•hinc�an bc <br /> {� given effert ���ithiwt thc«mili�ting pruvisiim. T��thi.cnd thc pru�•itiion.uf thi.S�tiurit�• ln.trumcnt and the Nate are derlarcd <br /> - to bc scvcrablc. <br /> 16.Borrow•er's Cop�.f3�ircuW�er�hall tk given anc cunti►rm�d r��p����f thc N<�te and uf thi.Scrurity[n.trument. , <br /> Form 3028 9190 <br /> �.,��..a.��e <br /> i� <br /> " I <br /> t ' <br /> � I . <br /> � ' ', . <br /> t�. <br /> f <br /> � <br /> � . <br /> � <br /> � � , <br /> R . - _ .. _._-___ . " . __ <br />