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, .� . ., ' .:� <br /> „ _� .. . '�r:-� n ° _ <br /> � . '.,.t:.+�Fr�-.•t�; �+Na[.��.. . <br /> ^ ,�y�,n�s . � _ _ _ -- <br /> ��. <br /> ___.....,�_.,.W ' �.� ._. _._ ..�� _- -�--- <br /> .�..�d� <br /> y�l�a4� �+p�� <br /> .'f1(!=x.: �'�' �° �n °. ��M�� <br /> 9. HwMous Md�tftis.Trustor shail keep the Prcperty in complfanan wtth ali dppllc bte law�,ordinw�aes and rput�tlons <br /> relaUnp to indumlal hypiene or environmental proteatton�aolleatively rotar�ed to h�r»In��"Environm�fl4t Vx�a'�.Tru�t9r�htit - <br /> keep tha PropaAy trse trom ail�ub:Wnce�desmsd to be heuirdous or toxla under any Environmsnbl laws(coll�ctiwly ref�rnd to <br /> hKeln u"Hwrdous Maqrlati'q.Tro�tor hereby warnnu and represenb to L�ndsr thRt thsro aro no Nuardou�Mabrial�on or <br /> ..-•� � under tha Properly.Tru�tor te�reby aprees to 1 ndemnity and hold hetmisss Lender,lts direotoro.otHaen,smpioyNS attd��nb,and <br /> , :��'`'.: ' `..... : ` any ouccesoora to L.ondor'o Intflrest,hom anst egsinet�ny snd a11 ctalme,dnmepes,loasea end tlablllttes arl�lrtg In conn�atlon with - _ _ . <br /> �Itf4"_`.\^, 'T. [ _ .. ._. . _____ . <br /> �, �,S�;r;�,�fi���:, , the�,dlspo�l or tnn�poR ot any Haaa►doue Matsrl�ls on,undsr,from or about the Prop�rty.THE FOREOOtNO <br /> ' ,� .;:•:._ :� . ..:i!� WARRANTIESANDRHPliESENtAT10NS,ANDTRU8TOR808UOAT10N8PUR8UANTTOTHEFOREQ01Nt11NDEMNlTY,�HALL <br /> r�, : " 8URYIVE RLCONVEYANCE OF THIS OHEO OF TRUST. �-•-- <br /> � • •�. 10.Astisnm�nt of R�nb.T�ustor hereby aesigns to Lender the renb,ieeues and proNts ot the Propet9y;provided thAt Tru�tor �--�- <br /> �� '� eha�i,untEt the oaourrence ot an Event W Oefault he�eunder,hRVe tha right to colieat and retaln euoh renb,leauea and profite as they = <br /> z � � beoome due and payabte.Upon the oaaurrenoe of an Event of Oefeuit,Lender may,either in peraon or by apent,with or without _ <br /> �� ' ' bringing any aotion or proceedi�q,or by a reoeiver appofnted by a court and without reperd to the adequaay ot ib seou�ity,enter .�� _ <br /> ,,� f; upon and take possesslon ot the Properry,or any part thereof,in Ita own name or in the name of the Truatee,and do any aats whicfi it •�,�- <br /> - deems necessary or desirable to preserve tha vatue,marketability or rentebUtty ot the PropeAy.or any paR thereof or tntereat thero�n. '`:;"�_`� _ <br /> ; <br /> - � Mcrease the inaome theretrom or proteot the seaurNy hereoi and,with or without takfng poesesefon ot the Property.sue for or �� � <br /> j� . otherwise colieat the rents,issues end proflts thereoi.inoiuding those past due and unpald,and appty the eeme,teaa coata and '���_�=-�.-- <br /> . expenses of operadon and aoileotlon inoiuding ettorneys'fees,upo�any indobtednesa secured hereby,ell in euoh order ae Londer ••�'.�,-,.�, <br /> ,,; may determine.The entering upo�l and takfng poeaeaslon of the Property,the aolleaUon ot suoh�ents,iseuos and protite and the �•: „•,____ <br /> . appliceUon thereof as aforesaid,ehell not aure or waive any defauii or notice oi detauit hereunder or invaltdate any aat done In '__�.�:. <br /> •._,. _ <br /> _ T:L,�.____...__._ .punnn.w te auoh detauit or purauant to suoh noHce of detault and,notwlthatanding the aondnuanae in posseselon of the Propertyor '�.� i•.KL°` <br /> � the aolleaGon,reaeipt and applicatlon of rents,isaues or pronco,atid l fYBtBd 8�10�.vil{�@f 8F1Q�1 fl@ BI�UU6tI t0 A%8f0IL4 o'Y: ripbt ' - - -- � - <br /> � " providedforinanyoftheLoanDoaumentsorbylawupanocaurrenceofanyEventofOefault,inotudingwithoutllmitationtheriphtto • <br /> exercise the power of ae�e.Further,Lender's rights end remedtes under this paragraph shalt be cumuletive with,and in no way a ' ,---- <br /> Iimitat�onon,Lender'srightsandremediesunderanyassfgnmentofleasesandrentarecordedagainsttheProperty.Lender.Truatee ���_"_���. <br /> and the receiver sheli be Ilabte to account onty those rents aatuaity received. „�'= <br />