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--IC.. <br />' _ ____�_�1:.w•-7_.-.-. `.n:.�.�n: , - . <br /> . �_ ' ., .c:6721W:�1'T�'.�i '6Cfi�+�•� . " . , ._...___. _ , <br /> � - � _.. ._._ -- ' -. . --^ -- --- <br /> - �,�.:° ' - -- <br /> - -_ -- - '-' ' ��4., 1f3�578 = <br /> �� <br /> - ,�.�;,,:.,,,,�. . 1�0(i8�tt W1TH all ttte lmprovunenLR now or hereaties aocted on ttte propatiy�and sU easemcate�q�p�utenu�c�s.nA <br /> , � �, <br /> '?'�'�:,, �aue,s now or haafter a put oi the prnpaty.AU teplscemoats utd addldons ehall�iso be covetod by dda SaGUiry(asttun�� <br /> ��:�"���� :�, . All of d�e[orcgofng ls nf�rod tc in thia Secu:ity Inswmeat a�1he"Prapar/•" <br /> '"`'�'�`` BORROWffit COVBNANTS tbat Bolrowa is lawfWly setsed of the estate haeby convayod and hav tba rlght w gnu►t ad <br /> - °���' comvey the Propacy aad ttmt t1�e P�ecty is uneacumbaad,a�ept for encumbiences of�corQ Soimwa w►�crnnts and aNllll <br /> "..ti. _ . <br /> defa►d gaiaatty the dt1e w�e Prope�-tY agafnst ell claims and deraanda��tt►bf ect to aay es�curabsancss ef ratbrd. � <br /> �� .'��:� - ^ �� ~ TFIIS SECURITY INS'iltLJIu�NT comhines�ifom�covenants for a�tion�l use �ad non-uniform covananta with WAit� <br /> ;�a..�.. „ � . <br />_ �e . ., vt�riatlons by jurisdicdoA to consdWta a uniform sac�uiry Inswmait covering real prope�ey <br /> '4' � UI�TtPORM COV�IANT3.Borcowa and Landa�venant aad t�►Ca a�followa <br /> �� �� .:' 1.P�yment ot Princlpal�ad Interesti Prepa�ment and I.ttte Chxr�ee. Borrowcr sdall �tt+emptly pay whea� d¢a the <br /> ' prtac3pal of aad inta�t on the debt evideuad by the Note and any prepayment aud tete charges due uada tha Note. <br /> .n . �.Fundu Por TAxes And Iosuranoe. SubJe�t W applic�ble law or to a writua watvea by I.endea�Borrower shall pay w � <br /> . .. Lendu�tha day montWY PaYments are due under d►e Note.untU the Nae is paid la fu11�a sum("Funda")for.(a) yearly�xes <br /> aad a�aeAts wbicd tnay attaia piiorlty over tbis Socutlry Insmuaeat as a liea on the Pmpaty:ib)Yeatiy leasehold payau�ts — <br /> � or ground tpmta on dte Property.if aay;(c)Y�Y���P�Y inswrence premiutna;(d)Y�Y���P�� _ � <br /> � �Y:(s)Y�Y�888e ina�uance premiums.lf an�,and(t1 aay sums payable by Boimwes to eccordance with the ��... <br /> . provlsions of paregraph �. ia lleu of the paymeat of mortgage insivar►ce pmmiwns.1liese items are c�lled "9scruw Itema." £ <br /> ..,.:. <br /> � ' ` Lendee ma .at any time�coUect end hoW Funds in ea amount not to excood the maaimwn amount a leader for a foderaliy related � .. <br /> _ . : ... .... ......��_ Y ' ' '_ '� � • . ._. �! MI �r.'�.�. <br /> -- .. . _. _. .. :` mottgage loan may require for Boirower's esaow account unaer are teaere�eceai�siaw aeaFe�acui nwwucw�.a�. !��,m . <br /> ,. � ameaded frona dme to tlme.l2 U.S.C.Secdon 2601 a seq. ("RESPA").�mless another law tdat applies W the Fwids sets a lessra <br /> ' amount If so, Lendea any dme.collact and hnld Funds in en amount not to exceod the lesser amount I.euder may <br /> es�mate tite amouat af Funds due on the basis of cu�reat data and reasonable e,sdmates of expendiwres of fupue Hscrow Itema or „ <br /> . otbawlse in accordanca wtth appUcable law. „ <br /> 'Ihe Funds shall be held ia an Iussdwtlon whose deposits are ins�ued by a federat agency,instcumcatality.or entlty(including <br /> I,ender.ff Lender is sach an insdtudon) or in eny�al Home Loan Benk.Lender si�aU apply the Funds to pay the Ssaow . „ ., <br /> � Items.Ir.ader may not charge Boirnwer far holding and aPP1Y�8 the Funds.anauaUy analyztug the escrow eccount,ar verlfying <br /> the Bscrow Items,unless Lender pays Borrow�interest on the Funda end applkable law pennits L�ender tn meke such a chatge. , <br /> .. Howevet�Lender may roq�ire Borrower w pay a on�time charge for an lndepender►t ceal estate tas reporting s�vico used by <br /> Lendea!n connecdon wlth tbis loan,unless applicable law provides otherwisa•Unless an agreement is made or appllc�able law <br /> ' __-- _ -- - -- requit�es interest to i�e paid,Lender ahait noi bu rrc:yyuu�io pay t3arcc,wet a�riy inu�:t c�s s;ac:ws�a vi�i!w Fut�.Lw'rus�u o�r3 ---� <br /> Leader may agree in artdng,however.thet interest shaU be paid an the Funds.Lender shall give to Borrower.wiihout charge,a� M,�_ <br /> annuai aceounting of the F�nds,showing aedits and debits to che Funds and the purposa tor which each debit to the Funcls was ��. <br /> mede.�he Funds are pledgcd ag addidonal securlty for all sums secured by this Se�urity Instrument .a:� <br /> If the Funds held by Lendea oxcced the amounts pe.�nitded tu be held by appllcable law.Lendea shall accaunt to Bon+nwa for =� <br /> the excess Funds in ecxordance with the rec(uircments of applicable law.If the amoun�of the Funds held by Lender at any tluaa is <br /> not sufficient to pay the Bscxow Items when due,Leader may so notify Barower in wrlting,and,ln such cage Sorrower sdall pay � _ <br /> to I.ender the amount neccssary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shaU make np the deticiency !n no more than twelve � <br /> �.+ <br /> montlily Lender's sole dlscre,tion. <br /> • Upon payment in fuU of all sums secured by this Securlty Instrumcnt,Lender shell pmmptly refund to Borrower any Fuads <br /> held by Lender.If.nnder paragraph 21, Lertder shall acquire or seU the Propecty.Lender,prior to the acqufsitlan or sale of the <br /> Property,shall apply any Fands held by Lender at the Wne of acqnisidon or sale as a credit against the sums secured by this <br /> Security Insuument <br /> 3.Applicatton of Paymente. Unless applicable Iaw provtdes otherwise,all payments received by Lender under paregrephs <br /> I a�►d 2 st�aSl be applied: any prepaymcnt chargcs due under she Note:second,to emounts payable under paragraph 2; <br /> third,W interest due;fourth,w princlpal due:and last,to any Inte charges due under the Note. <br /> 4.Charges;Liene. Sorrower shall pay all taxes,assessments.charges.C�nes and imposidons amibutable to the Property <br /> which may anain pdority over this Securiry xnstrumcnt,and lcaschold payments or ground rents,if any.Boaower she11 pay these <br /> obligadons in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Bocruwer shall pay them on ti�ne direcdy to the <br /> person owed paymen� Borrower shall prompUy fumish w L.endcr all notices of amounts to be paid under this paragcaph. If <br /> Borrower mekes these payments dire�cdy.Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender rcxeipts evidencing the payments. <br /> • , Soirower shall prompdy discharge any IIcn which has priodty over U�is Security Instrument unless Sorrowa: (a)agrees in <br /> I wridng to the payment of the obligadon secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to i.ender.(b)contests in good faith the Uen <br /> by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the <br /> enforcement of the lien;or(c) secures from the holder of Ihe lien an agreement satisfactory to[.ender subordinating tho lien to , <br /> this Security InsaumenG If Lender determines that any part of thc Property is subjcxt to a lien which may suain priority over this � <br /> Security Instrument,Lender may give Borrower a noticc identifying the Iicn.Borrowcr shall satisfy the tten or take one os more <br /> of the acaons set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. . <br /> For SO 8�190 , <br /> �•8R(NE) tosos) CFC(9192) Page 2 ot 8 imt�i <br /> � <br /> G- <br /> , � <br /> � 1 <br /> ; � <br /> ; . <br /> - , <br /> I <br /> � S <br /> , . • 2 3 8 8 1 • • 0 O 9 1 8 B 1 8 O 0 0 O 0 O J 8 2 A O ' <br /> � I — - - ' <br />