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<br /> �' 1 4�+n::i(fE':F.n- •• . .
<br /> � •, , --
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<br /> vrw �'t•'? f�'r�l� -_
<br /> . . 'I.�Y���v���.�. �'�`'�:,��..... --..-- ..`....
<br /> , �"•d. �sr:a cone�cmnution or other tuking oF any pan uf the{�-uperty,or for convcyuncc in licu uf condemnatio�i,urc he�rby u�signcd c+nd
<br /> shall be Pafd to Lender. ���:-__-��
<br /> �:�`���''• ,, In the cvent oP u total taking uf the Propeny, the pr�xeeds shaN bc npplieci to the sums sccured by this Securlty �
<br /> •�{t'' ' lnYtrumenb whether or rtoi tQten due, with any exce.rs paid tu Born►wcr. In ihc cvent ot a paetiul taking of thc Praperty in �::'.,`._Y:��-—
<br /> _ t., , . .?�`'� wAirh the fair market vnlue of the Pmperty immediately befare the tAlcing is eyual to or�;mater than the amount of the sums — _ _
<br /> • •� , ,���• secured by this Scrurity lnstrument immediutely before the taking,untes+Borrower und Lcnd�r othcrwitie agree in writing, �' ° -- _
<br /> . ,,%y`,�,>•,;;,•.�t the tiums secured by this Security Instrument shull be mduced by the :unount of the prcxeedy multipiied by the foltowin� �1,4 ,�Yr '
<br /> . ' • fraction: (u)the total amount of the sum�secured immediutely befom thc t:+king,divided by (b)the fair market vulue of the �-`�'':„���-
<br /> ,���
<br /> Propeny immediately before the taking. Any balancc shall be p;ud to Borrower. In the event of a pactiul taking uf the " -^��. �
<br /> �`� ° ' Ao n [n which the fair market value of the Pro rt immediatel t+eforc the tukin is le��than ehe umomn af the sums • " '�''�.'• '� -
<br /> t, . � , pe y Pe Y Y € '�:�.�,=raa�.�#',.�f`_'
<br /> ,; .. . secu r e d imm e diate ly b e fom t he t u kin$, un less Borro w er u n d L e n d e r o t h e r w i,c a g r r e in writin g or unle�.� a p plicable law ��` �- -
<br /> aherwi�e provides,the proceed�shail be upplied to thr sums secured by this Security ln+trumrnt whMhcr or nut thc xums are .�.
<br /> . then due. " ` ' :�..,_
<br /> ., lf dte Praperly is aba�idoned by Borrower,or if,after notirc by Lender to Sorcower that the wndemnor oifen to makr
<br /> ' " un c�ward or settle a claim far damages,Bon�wcr fail�to rcspohd to Lender within 3U duy+uftcr ihe datc the notice is�iven. �
<br /> � �. Lender i�authorized to rollect and upply the proceed.,ut its aption,cither to rextoration or rrpair of the Propeny or to the �
<br /> �� sums secured by this Security In�trument,whether or not then du�. ,, •�+�••' •�
<br /> • Unless l.ender and Burcower othcrwise agree in writin�.any appficatiim of pttxevds u�principai .h:dl not extend vr
<br /> �� � ' postpone the due date af the monthly paymentr rrfcrrcd tu in parugraph+ 1 und 2 or chan�;c thc amaunt of xuch p•rymcnt.. ° ,.,. .
<br /> " •� 11. ilorrower Not Released: Furbearance By Lender Nut a Waiver. �xtcn�ion of �hc time fur Naynunt ur , � • ,.
<br /> '" muiification of amoni•ration�if the swnti xecure�!by thi+Sccuritv lnstruuirnt kr�uitcd bv L�nQer to u��Y•occc�a�r in interczt .—___,��.. . . _
<br /> .. ,
<br /> � " of L3wruwcr tihall not u{+erutr tu nl�a,c Ihc liability ul'thr ittiginal Hurt��wcr ur B�xru�cri� �urre.�ur+ in intrrr�l. l.end�r �-,._T —�� •°�
<br /> �. � �hall m�t tx rcyuircd to crnnmcnec pnKCrding. again.t uny ,urrc..ur in interc,t �,r RI'u.r tu rxtcnd timr ti�r paymrul ur � , '"ozr'�'!�f ..
<br /> olh�nri�r nnxlify umuriiiation of the.unt.��currd hy thiti tirrurity In.tnm�rnl hy rru+�,n uf any demand madc hy the u��iginal '$�
<br /> � N��rn�wr�ur Borruwrr:tiurre,.un in inten�t. Any tin•t+rarunre hy l.ender in c�rrri�in�.my rigM or rcmedy .hall nut 1►r a �•
<br /> i
<br /> ��niver e�f ur Pncludr thc rzcni.<<,i uny righl ur remr�ly. �` <, " �
<br /> . 12. 1uc�Y�.cur+und A�tiigm fiow�d:J�,int imd tic�e�ul l.iuDiUty:l'o•�i�;net'+. 1'he r�w�t�ant.and ligrreou nl.ui'thi. , „ „
<br /> � ticrurily In.trununt tihall hind und F+ettcfil the u►rcr.,un and:1����`Il��t�I.CI1lIl'P[II1lI HUITO�YI`I'.,ubjrcl tu th�pruvi.ium ut .. , � ��
<br /> � r.�gr.q�h t7. Nurro�vrr.cuvrnant. and ugrecnrrnt. .hall tk.juint and ,rveral. A���• �3urto�vrr��hu cu-,ign� thi. tiecurity . � ''�,
<br /> ^ � n�t rument but dur.nu�execute the Nute: Ia 1 i�ru-,ig»in�thi.tircurity Oi,tn�nunt„nl� tu murt�agc.grunt and convey that ` -�' .:.
<br /> . B��n�u�ver:iutentit in the 1'ru�xrty und�r the tem»uf thi.tircurity in,tru�ncnt: Ih►t.nut�xn�mally ubli�;atrd tu pay the�unn .:. ���
<br /> , �c�umd by this Sccurity lmtrununt::►nJ Ir)u�rer.that 4end�r and any uthcr Burn►wcr nt:ry agttc tu c�tcnd.�n.xiify,furt+ear k
<br /> ' or rnakc any •rcrommvdatiun, with tegard t��thr tcnn.ut'thi. Scrurity Imu•unicm rr thr Nutc withut�l that Hurruwcr+ �.�I
<br /> �..._....... ... ..._._. _ f. .._ _.:.� .
<br /> -- — --
<br /> . . - rnn��nt. ".:�+_.�
<br /> � .. 13. l.oa�Chargt�. It thc luan xrurrJ by thi. S�wurity lii.trun�c�u i. .ubjcct tu a luw which ,�t, maximum k�an �,'
<br /> „ charFes.snd that laiv is finully inter�►retect�i•that the inhn,t ur othcr luan charge.rullrct��l ur tu tk cultccteJ in conn�wtiun � -- J I;.
<br /> with the loan ex��ced the{xrmitteJ limit.,thrn: (a)any.urh lum�char�r.h:►II tn rr�tuced by thc amuunt nrr�..ary tu rrdure � „ • !
<br /> the charge ro the pemiiurJ limit and Ib)any.um.a1r�:tJ�•cullrcted frum Borc�i�cer which�xcrrded}xnniued limit.will t+e " �; �
<br /> refurnied to Bom►wer. Lender tnay ch�wsr tu mahe thi.mfund by nducing the principal owrd under the Notr ur by making a < ? '
<br /> Jirect payment tu Borruwer. If a refund ndure+prniripal.thr rcctuctiun�vill be trn.ncd a,a partial pmpayment�vithuut any ;� ;
<br /> pmpaymen[rharge undrr the Nute. k���,
<br /> : l�i. Nuttces. Any notire ro Burra��er pruvid�d fur in thi.Serurity tn+trumrnt.hall tx given by delivrrin�; it or by ,. �'
<br /> mai ling it by fint rla.,mail unlr..applirablc la�v nyuirc.u.c uY anuthrr mah�xi.The nutice,hall tk dirrcted tu thr Pro�xrty �
<br /> Addrcs., or any other addn..f3urtuwrr de.ignatc.by nuti�e tu Lender. An� nuticr tu Lendrr,hall tk �:iven by tirtit rla:,� ,
<br /> mai 1 ro l.cndcr�addres,.tatrd herein ur au)•othrr addrr+.Lrndrr dr.ignat�.by nuti�e to Borruwer. Any n�nier pruvidcd fur ' . �
<br /> . <�_�-_-� in this Security Imtrument shall br drrmed tu ha�•r txen given tu Barruti�rr ur 4rnd�r when �;iven a. pruvidcd in thi. �
<br /> � puagraph. . , `:���'
<br /> I5. UuverninK Laa•: tie�•er.�bilitr. 7'hi. Serurity In�trum.nt .h:dl tk �u�r�7i�d b� fedrral taa and thc laa uf thr „ .
<br /> juritidKtion in whirh thr Proprrty i.l�kaud. In the r��rnt th:U am pru�•i.iun��r clau.c ut'thi�Si�urity In.trument ur lhr Notr '.. .
<br /> _ . cMttlict.with arplir,�hlr I,�w,.uch r�,ntlirt�hall ni+t at'Crrt athrr pm�i�i�m•�,1'thi.Srrurit� In.tnmicnt ur thr Notc ahinc�an ! .
<br /> be�ivr�rffect withuut thr rontlictin� pruvi,iun. Ti, thi, ru:i the pruv�.iun. ul�hi.S�rurit� bi,trununt and thc Nutr are I
<br /> �laRtii to t+e xvcrablr. .
<br /> 16. liurrower's l'up�•. Bum�N�r.hall lx gi�rn un�runti�nnra rup�uC thr'V�,t�;md ut'thi.ticcarit� In�trumrnt.
<br /> l7. 11rs►nsPe�uf thr Prupert��ur a fieneQciul Intcre�t in Burro��er. It all ur um p:ut ul thC 1'ru�rty ur any interr.t in �
<br /> it ix wIJ ur tran.feRrd I��r if�a txneticial intcrctit in Burruaer i,.�,Id ur u•an.tcimd an�f H��rr����rr i.nut a natural�xnun►
<br /> withuut Lendrr:priur�vrittrn rument. 4rndrr nr.�v,at it.��ptiun.requirc inmiedicur pa�ment in Full uf all.um+.ecurcd by �
<br /> Ihi� Scrurity Imtn►ment. Hu��rver.thi.upti.m,hall nut t+e�•�er�•i.rd M LcnJrr if r�rrci.c i.pruhihited h�fed�ra!laH a,ut'
<br /> Ih� dat�uf thi+Security In+trumrnt.
<br /> If Lrnderexerci.r.thi.upti�m, l.ender �h:dl giv� Burruarr nutirr ul acc�l�rauun. lhe nuUie�hall pruvtd�a�ruxi ut
<br /> nut le+.+ihan;Oday.t'rum thrdatrthe ttutirr i.deli��rrdur�uail�d��ithin��hi�h Hurru��rr mu•t pa� all,um,u�urrd b� thi.
<br /> Sccurity ln.trumrnt. If Burru��er t:�il, tu pa� thr.r .um. priur tu thr r�{nratiun uf th�,prn�Hi. Lendrr ma� mvul�r am
<br /> remeJie�prnuitt�Kl by thi.ti�tiurit�•In.trument��ithuut Furthrr nut�rr ur.ienr.in�l un Hurn���cr.
<br /> l8. Borru�rer'x Ri�ht to lteinstate. U liurru��er mc�t. reer.un runditiun.. Bnrruwrr ,h.�ll h:��: tl�r ri�:ht tu ha��•
<br /> enfe�rccmrnt uf thi,Sccurity In.tnmient drruntinurd at am tfmr prfur tu the�cul�c r ot: �cu S.I.��.�ur wrh��ther{xn�xt a•.
<br /> tiirn:li Luud� �F�nnie�Ixr heddie�tac l�I}ukH 1��1 Kl�Ih�I t mi,��ni("�a�n.int. V YO ,p��,. !.d n��,r.rv
<br /> � ;s
<br /> i �
<br /> � .
<br /> � •
<br /> t +
<br /> �, �. ` ,
<br /> + , � __' _.—_--___ -_- '
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