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<br /> TIX}ETHER WdTH all tha improvements now or hac�eufter crected on th��perty� and al!casement�.appurtenances. �r�
<br /> and tixtures now or hemafter a part of the property. All replucemeats artd addidons shall alxo be covered by this Security '
<br /> Insuument. Ail af the forcgofng is referred ro in this Securiry Insaunnent as the"Property." —
<br /> `- BORROWER COVBNANCS thnt BoROwer is lawfuliy aeised of the estate her+eby conveyed and has the rdg6t to grant
<br /> � �.�a'� •.. ...�". -: c�nd convoy the Property and thnt the Property Is unencumbered.except for encumbrs�nces of record. Borrawer warrants and =�:-___
<br /> ' `^. Yr.}��'1;ff� ; will defend generally the tltla to the Property against all alaims and demands.subJect to any encumbrancea of cecord. `
<br /> ;��w
<br /> THIS SF.�URITY IN3TRUMENT combines uniform covenanta for natlmal use and non-uniform covenanta wtth -- -
<br /> ' � ;.. . ' �a •� itmited varladona by jurisdicdoa eoconsdtute a uniform security inahvment covering reAl pmperty. �_k+`�
<br /> � � ., UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant end agree as follows: c�'"
<br /> ' � 1. Payment of Prindpal and Iaterest;Pr�payment and Late Chargea. Borrower ahali prompUy pay w�en due the �``"�::��-=-
<br /> , � �� principal of and interest oa tho debt evtdenced by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due under the Note, ��._.�;=����° .
<br /> � j. . 2. Fnads for'Ilaxes and Iasurance.Subject to appIlcable law or to a wrltten waiver by Lender.Socrower ehall pay to ';�:��p::�''--°°—
<br /> ' Lender oa the dtty monthly payments are due under the Note,undl the Note Is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for.(a)yearly ,� ��;:`_�:---
<br /> •� � ` taxes and assessments which may attain prlodry over this Secudty Instrument as a lien on the Property;(b)yearly leasehold '�-`•;��=��
<br /> payment� or grc�uad rents on the Proparty. if any; (c) Yearly hazard or propecty insurance premiums: (d) yearly flood :. �•`—'i�:=�;:
<br /> �, � � .�,..:..:.....:.:..
<br /> ° insurance premiums. if aay;(e) yearly mortgage lnsurance premiums,if any; and (�any sums payable by Borrower to r,,, .,;�,� .�j':;�,:'
<br /> // � . Lender,in accordance with the pmvisions of paragraph 8,In Ueu of the payment of mortgage insurance premiums. These T_.�,���:. „ s�.�.,.
<br /> � items are ca(led"Escmw Items." Lender may,at any time,coUect and hold PUnds in an amount not to exceed the ma;�irnum ','_s�i:_�•,
<br /> amount a lender for a federelly related mortgage loan may►ec�uire for Borrower's escrow account under the federal Real � -__-
<br /> - —�"„-�`' �s�� rstate�ettlement e�rocedures Act oi iy i4 as amended from un,c iu G,uc,I 2 L'S.C.�2f,02 et se.�.("r.�r,�"),un1Ns an�ihcr ----_ _'-'";�.�,_�:,�_
<br /> ��=:F� �2-
<br /> law that applles to the Funds sets a lesser amount If so,I.ender may,at any dme,collect and hold Funds in an arnount na to .,::�r,�__
<br /> exceed the lesser amount. i.ender may estimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of current data and masonable • --_
<br /> �• � � esdmates of expendItures of future Hscrow Items or otherwise in accordance with applicable law. ` ;�;����,;:�:*�
<br /> The F1mds shall be held in an insdtution whose deposits ar� insured by a federal agency, Instrumentelity,os endty , `�;-4:�� __
<br /> (including L.ender.if Lender is such an insdtudon)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the�unds to pay ��� . •
<br /> �� , , the Escrow Items. Lender may not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Punds,annually anafyzin� the escrow . ;,'•�.�r .��
<br /> account,or verifyins the Escrow Items, unless Lender puys Borrower interest on [tie Funds and applicaMe law permits ,��•__�,a�
<br /> • ' Lender to make cuch a charge. Howevcr,Lender may myuire Borrower to pay a onc•time chtugc far un independeet mal � .
<br /> estate uuc reporting servlce u�ed by Lender in connection with lhis loan,unless applicuble law provides otherwixe. Unless un ��
<br /> agreement is made or upplicuble luw rcqufm� intcrest to bc pnld,Lender shail not bc required to puy Borrowerany interest ar �� -
<br /> , eumin�s on the Funds. Barrower nnd Lendcr muy ugrec in writing,hawever,thut interest shall be(�uiJ on the FLnds. Lender •' }��
<br /> � __ ,--.._ .. .._ ..t...ti ..i.���,.pn..r...,n. witAn�n r6nron nn nnnunl �uvro�ntino�f thn F�mrlc chnwina rmditc nnd Anbilu tn thn F���ui. nnil tbn .��..i+t��
<br />— ,.,�—_._. _ ....«.. �, . �. __. _ . . . - _ _ -
<br /> _. . p..� ...«.,... ..__. . .... _. .... �... _.._- .—.-��e .
<br /> �� • purpose for which earh debic to thc Funds wess mude. The Fundx are pledged u,additianal+ecurity far ull tiums�ecured by , :� 'j
<br /> � this Sccudty Instrument. ,;�'.� .
<br /> � „ If the Funds held by Lender exceed the umounts permitted ta be heid by upplicable luw. Lender hhull acraunt to ° � 7
<br /> Borcower for the excess Funds in accordunce with the requirements af upplicublc luw. [f the amount of the Funds held by ° ' •
<br /> i.ender ut any time is not sufficient to puy the Escrow Itemti when duc,Lender mny so notify Borrower in wrtting, and,in s` �
<br /> such case Borrower shull pay to I.ender ihe amount nece,sury to muke up the deficiency. 8orrower shull make up the �,,� s
<br /> deficlency in no more than twelve monthly puyments,nt I.ender's xole di�cretion.
<br /> � Upon puyment in full of aU sums secured by this Security lnswment.Lender shaU promptiy mfund to Bortower any � , '�c�
<br /> Funds held b Lender. If, under nra rn h 21.Lender shull ac uire or�ell the Pro rt , Lender, riar to the ac uisition or ' �'
<br /> Y P � P 9 Pc Y P 9 � '
<br /> ' sale of the Property, shall apply Any Funds hcld by L.ender ut the time of ucquisition or �ale as a credit against the sums :�'
<br /> `' securcd by this Security In�uumcnt. ;; ✓ �
<br /> t,�. I 3. Applicadon of Paymenfs. U�Icss upplicable law providcti othcrwisc, ull payments reccived by Lender under
<br /> ' I paragraphs I and 2 shaq be applied: first.tn any prepuyment churges due under the 1Vae; second,to amountc payabte under
<br /> ' paragraph 2;third,to interestdue;fourth,toprimipal due;und lust,to any lutechargcs due under the Note. • ,:��
<br /> ,�. I 4. Charges; Liens. Borcower sh�ll puy all tuxes, us�cssmenh, chsuges,tines and impositions attributablc to the _ °, y�'
<br /> Praperty which muy attain priority over this Security Instnimcnt,und learehold payments or ground ccnts,if any. aorcower ��'' "'
<br /> shall pay these obfigations �n the manner provided in purugraph 2,or if not paid in that munner,Borlc►wer sholl pay thern on �
<br /> • time dimctly to the penon owed puyment. Bortower shull promptly furnish w Lender a�l notices of amounts to be puid under
<br /> this paragraph. if Borrower make�the,e p�yments direrdy, Borrower shail prnmptly furnitih to Lender receipts evidencing
<br /> the payments.
<br /> Borrower shall promptly ditichurge any lien whirh ha�prioriry over this Security In�trumrnt unlc,s Borrower:la)ugrees
<br /> in writing to the payment of the obligation securcd by thr lien ii�u manner ucceptable to Lender;(b)contests in good fuith ihe �
<br /> lien by,or defends agninst enforcement of Ihc licn in.Icgal proceedinE.whirh in thr Lendcr;upinion operate to prevent the
<br /> � enforcement of the lien;or (c)secure,f'rom the holder��f the lien an ugreement ,atitifuctory to Lender suhordinuting the lien
<br /> tu thi�Se�:urity Intitranent. If Lender detem�inec that any part oi'thc I'ropcny iti�ubjcct tu a{icn which may attain priority ;
<br /> ` over this Security Instrumcn6 Lender may givc Borrawcr a noticc identifying thc lirn. Borrower�hall sutisfy thc licn or takc '
<br /> ' one or more of the uctionx set fonh above within IQ duy,of thr giving of notice. �
<br /> � 5. Hazard or Property Insurancc. Borruwcr xhall keep thc impruvemrnt� now cxi,ting or hereaftcr erec�ed on thc �
<br /> '� Propeny insured agsinst Inss by fire,har.urds included within thr►erm°extcndrd co�•crage"and any other hazarcis,includinE
<br /> flood� or flooding,for which Lendcr reyuire+insurance. Thiti in�urancc .hull 6r nmintuined in the umc►unt. und for the
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