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<br /> ,.-=,«- S.Taa,Aunsw�ts,w1 tiarNs.Tw3tor shall poy all toxes,assessmaM:and other charq�s,tncludinp,without Ilmitatton,fines and im• ��:�_::;..,�.,:.----
<br /> � r��. , ,�;.-_
<br /> ' ' positions attributable to fhe Property,and kasehold pa�r�ents ar yround rerna,fi an�,before the same bntortte delinquer�.T�ustor ahail promp• u�rrT ,
<br /> ,,� , � - � tly fumish ro 8eneficiory all noticea of amounts due un�er this poropraph,ard in th�event Trostor shall moke paymeM dfrectiy,Tnrstor shall ��1�M a � _.._
<br /> ' promptly furnish to 8eneficiary receipta evidencinp such payments.t�usto►shall pay ail taxes and assessments which may be levied upon �:�,�u �
<br /> �� 8eneflcinry's iMerest herein or upon this Oeed of Trust without regard ro any law thof moy be enacted imposirp porme�of the whole or an� , ��:-;-=_---
<br /> ��—
<br /> n_r_.,,_
<br /> port thereof upon tho Beneflciary. _
<br /> . :�:-
<br /> � 6.������,,et��f�pet�ry'a S�aKth.Trustor shall make ail paymems of iMetest ond principoi and paymeMs of any �� ;��:R•---°=,�.
<br /> °. other chorges,fees and expensea contrated ro be paid to any exfstinp lienhoiden or prla beneflciaries under any prior deed of trust or mor- "=-,,;�;_�_--__—
<br /> , tyoge bafore the dote they cre delinqueM and promptly pay and discharge any ared ali other liens,sloims or charges whkh may jeopardi:e the ',"°�'��:;�_�___
<br /> ,. security granted herefn. If Trustor taits ro make ony such payment a foils to perform any of the coverants ond apreemen4s confained in this �� ;,;�,.V;y�:=,�,,_
<br /> � ' Oeed of Trost,or in ony prior mortgage or deed of trust, of if any action a praeedinp is eammenced which moteri0�ly of(ects Beneficiary's in• cr����
<br /> � terest in the Property,including,but not limited to,eminent domoin proceedinga,or praeedings invotving o detendem, a if Trostor fail�to pay . .:. •.,,:,;L .Fr_.
<br /> . ..•�::�!a�.:_
<br /> �• Trustor's debts generoity as they become due, then 8eneficiory,at Beneflcicry's option and without notice to or dema�d upon Trusror and � ,•�.,�v,•._,,.:
<br /> •.�:..�'_-_
<br /> •• without releasing Trostor from any obiigation hereunder,may make suth oppearances,disburse such sums,and take such ation as is necessary �� .,,��;�.�,
<br /> ' � to protect 8eneficiary's interest including,but not limited to,disbursemeM of reosoncble attorney's fees,poyme�t,purchase,contest or com- • _ _
<br /> ;.,.
<br /> � promise of any encumbrance, charge or tien,and entry upon the Property to make repairs. In the event that T�ustor shall fail to praure in- , .. : :'��';��r
<br /> surunce or to p a y taxes, assessments,or any other charges or to make uny poyments to existing prior lien holders or beneficiories,Beneficiary . •�, ;,
<br /> moy procure such insurance ond make such payment.Any amounts disbursed by Bene f ic iary pursuant to t his Paragrap h 6 s i ro i l b e c o m e a d d i t i o n a i •, `,f s;,"
<br /> indebtedness of Trustor secured by this Deed of Trust.Such amounts sfiall be payable upon notice from 8eneficiary b Trostar requesting pay- -!�rF�
<br /> . ...�.�
<br /> - --.... . _ . ._ •-. T
<br /> "��'� ' �' - `i roent thereof,and stalt beor intcrest from the date or�isbursement ni fiw ruiC Nuratte hzris iit=ss!a limr on�utstand�;��^����under the _____,_ __�..T_==-�-
<br /> � Vote unless E�yment of interest ot sueh rute would be eontrory to applieable law,in whieh event sueh nmounts shall bear interest at the highest :'�:;��--
<br /> rate permissibie under opplicable low. Nothing conteined in this Parograph 6 sholl require Benefieiary to incur any expense or tuke any action , f�'�•�-2�
<br /> A
<br /> � hereunder.
<br /> 7.btlyn�nent of Reets.Beneficiary shall hove the right, power and uuthority during the continuance of this Oeed of T�ust to collect the r
<br /> rents,issues and profits of the Property and of any personal property locoted thereon with or without taking possession of the property affetted ";�_ '':"c
<br /> hereby,and Trustor hereby absolutely and unconditionolly assigns cll such re�ts,issues and profits to Beneficiary. Beneficary,however,hereby f , ,��`
<br /> consents to the Trustar's tollection and retention of such rents,issues and profits os they accrue and become poyable so long as Trustor is not,
<br /> at such time,in default with respect to payment of any indebtedness secured hereby,or in the performance of cny agreement hereunder.Upon F,-'�
<br /> any such default,Beneficiay may nt any time,either in person,by agent,or by reteiver to be appointed by a court,without notice and without ���
<br /> regard to the adequacy of any security for the indebtedness hereby setured,(a)enter upon and take possession of the Property or any port r � 7�_,
<br /> thereaf,artd in it;oxm name.sue for or�therwise collect such rents,issues and profits,including those past due and unpaid,and apPIY the same, ��
<br /> less tostg and expenses of operation and collection, including reasonable ottorneys fees,upon any indebtedness secured hereby,and in suci� - � --
<br /> order as Beneficiory may determine; (b)perform sueh octs of repair or protection os may be necessary or proper to eonserve the value of the � �. �,; r
<br /> Property;lc)leose the same or any part thereof for such rentol,term,and upon suth conditions as its judgment moy dictote or terminate or ad- , f
<br /> just the terms end conditions of any ezisting leose o�leases.Unless Trustor ond Beneficiary agree otherwise in writing,any opplieation of rents, . ,�;
<br /> issues or profits to ony indebtedness secured hereby sholl not eztend or postpone the due dete of the instellment poyments as provided in said
<br /> promissory note or change the amount of such installments. The entering upon ard taking possession of the Property,the collection of such i `,'.�' I
<br /> rents, issues und profits,and the app t�cation t h ereo f os o fore s ai d,s h a l l n o t w a i v e o r c u r e e n y d e f a u l t a r n ot i c e of default hereunder,or in- 1 ,;�r
<br /> validete ony act done pursuont to such notice. Trusta a�so assigns to Beneficiory,as further security for the performaue of ihe obligations } ,. ,
<br /> setured hereby,al{prepaid rents and all monies whith may hove been or may hereaher be deposited with said Trustor by any lessee of the Pro- � r�
<br /> perty, to secure the poyment of any rent or domages,and upon default in the performance of any of the provisians hereof,Trustor agrees to � '�j
<br /> ' deliver such rents and deposits to Beneficiary.Delivery of written notice of Beneficiary's exercise of the rights granted herein,to any tenant oc- ,:%��
<br /> cupying soid premises sholl be sufficient to require said tenont to pey said rent to the Beneficiary until further notice. ` ;`�.�"�� .
<br /> 8.Condemnation.If title to ony part of the Property sholl be taken in condemnetion praeedings,by right of eminent danain or similar ection, . ,
<br /> or shatl be sold under threot of condemnation,oll owards,domages and proceeds are hereby assigned ond shall be paid to 8eneficiary who shetl
<br /> opply such awards,damages and praeeds to the sum secured by this Deed of Trust,with the excess,if ony, paid.to Trustor.If Trustor receives � •
<br /> eny notice or other infamotion regarding such actions or proceedings. Trustor shall give prompt written notice thereof to beneficiary. i
<br /> Beneficiory shall be entitled,at its option,to commence. appear in ond prosecute in its own name any such oction or praeedings and shel�be en- •.
<br /> titled to moke ony compromise or settlement in connec�ion with any such ation or proceedings. �
<br /> i 9. Remediet Not E�elu:ive. 8eneficiary shotl be entitled to enforc.e poyment ond performance of any indebtedness or obligotions secured �
<br /> hereby and to exercise all rights and powers under this Deed of Trust or under any other ogreement executed in conneetion herewith or any�ows
<br /> now or hereafter in force,notwithstonding some or all of the such indebtedness and obligutions secured hereby may now or hereofter be other-
<br /> wise secured,whether by mortgage. deed of trust, pledge, lien,assignment or otherwise.Neither the acceptonce of this Deed of Trust nor its
<br /> enforcement whether by court action or pursuant to the power of sole or other powers herein contuined,sholl prejudiee a i�any manner affect
<br /> Beneficiary"s right to reolite upon or enforce any other security now or hereofter held by Beneficiary, it being agreed tlat Beneficiory shall be
<br /> � entitled to enforce�h�s Deed of Trust und any other security now or hereotter held by Beneficiary in such order and manner as it moy in its ob-
<br /> solute discretion derermine.No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Benefitiary is intended to be extlusive of my othe�remedy herein
<br /> � or by law provided or permitted,but each shall be cumulative and sholl be in odditian to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter
<br /> ' existing at law or in equity o�by statute.Every power a remedy provided hereunder this Deed of Trust to Beneficiarr or to which it moy be
<br /> � otherwise entitled,moy be exercised concurrently a independently irom time to time ond as often os may be deemed expedient Beneficiary
<br /> and it may pursue intonsistant remedies.Nothing herein sholl be construed os prohibiting Beneficiary from seeking o de}itiency judgment against
<br /> the Trustor to the extent such oction is permitted by law.
<br /> 10. Troa�fer of Property;Assumptlon.Ii all or any part of the property or ony interest therein is sold, tronsferred or tonveyed by Trustor
<br /> without Beneficiary's prior written consent,extluding(01 the creation of a lien or encumbronce subordinote to this Deed of Trust,(b)the crea-
<br /> r��,�,nf n eurrhncp monev securitv interest for household apptiances. tc)a fransfer by devise,descent or by operotion of law upon the death of a
<br /> � ` joint tenont or (d1 the gront of any leasehold interest of three years or less not contammg an opt�on ro purcnase, �senei�ciary may, aT
<br /> Beneficiay's option,declare aII the sums secured by th�s Deed of lrust to be immediately due and poyable. or cause theTrustee to file a notice
<br /> ot defoult. Beneficiory shu��have waived such option to accelerote if prior to the sale.tronster or conveyance,8eneficiory and the person to
<br /> whom the property is to be sold or trensfe►red reoch agreement in writing thut the credit of such person is sotisfettory to Benefitiary and that
<br /> '� the inte�est poyable oh the sums secured by th�s Deed of Trust sholl be o�such rore as Boneficiary sholl request.
<br /> ' � �.
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